MTL - HP Dear Miss Freak-Chapter 36 Thirty-three, spider and toad

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"Maybe I should get myself a handsome pet too. Sylvia thought so, and looked at Brother Bird who was staring at her."

Merlin knows how good Sylvia is today. The little savior is coming to Hogwarts soon. And our Sylvia was bouncing into platform nine and three-quarters, so excited she wanted to hug almost every old acquaintance she knew.

"Hi! Sylvia! Look what I got?" Lee greeted Sylvia with a big box. Sylvia lifted the lid and saw that it was a huge tarantula, its long hairy legs tentatively raised. Sylvia let out an excited exclamation and took Li's shoulder and walked towards the train together.

"Don't let this guy scare little Ronnie, Fred and George can't urge you. Understand?" The new dreadlocks are nice, but I think they'd look even better if they were braided with colored ropes."

"Oh! Thank you for your suggestion." Li raised his eyebrows and watched Sylvia jumping through the crowd.

"Oh, be careful, sweetie." Sylvia caught a toad that was thrown into her arms, a boy ran up to her, followed by a serious old man people.

"Thank you, kind-hearted girl." The old lady approached and nodded to Sylvia, she smiled and looked very kind. After all, in the face of such a warm-hearted and lovely girl, who could not smile.

"No thanks, ma'am. This is yours?" Sylvia handed the toad into the boy's hand. It looked like he was Neville. "Remember to hold it. There are too many people today, and it would be a big trouble to lose it."

"Thank you... thank you. It's called Leif. You think it's cute too? Don't you?" The boy said timidly and took the toad, showing a shy smile.

"You're welcome!" Sylvia was in a better mood, she almost wanted to spin the suitcase in her hand, "My name is Sylvia Tonks, how about you? ?"

"Neville Longbottom." Neville was so cute when he smiled.

"See you at school!" Sylvia waved happily, "Oh! Mrs Longbottom! Good day! Sorry! I'm more than half a beat late!" Neville's Grandma, the old lady, waved her gracefully.

Just as Sylvia was about to step into the train compartment, a thin figure almost ran into her head-on.

The little golden head shone like a little bald head in the sun. Sylvia laughed rudely when she thought about it.

"Tonks?" Draco frowned, feeling that his whole face was about to knit together, "What are you laughing at? Laughing at your ridiculous hairstyle?"

"I'm funny?" Sylvia shook her head to make her double ponytail more playful, "Don't use so much hairspray at a young age, you will be bald." Sylvia said Take a step back and make a please gesture. But Draco didn't appreciate it, but looked at her with his arms folded, and his mature appearance at a young age made him a little cute.

"What's your business?" Draco raised his chin slightly, "I tell you, my parents are right behind."

"So what?" Sylvia grinned, "I'm just giving my little cousin a piece of advice."

"Who are you..." Draco was at a loss for words, but quickly regained his arrogance, "You poor **** don't deserve to be relatives with Malfoy."

"Do you think that you are very capable when you say something like this?" Sylvia stopped smiling and took a half-step, leaned slightly and approached Draco, "It can only show you Uneducated. Eleven, it's time to grow up, baby dragon."

"What did you call me?" Draco widened his eyes and clenched his fists, looking eager to give Sylvia a curse.

"What you should think about is what you call me." Sylvia said, picking up the suitcase and walking into the carriage first, "You have the ability to continue calling me that when you arrive at school."

"You dare to threaten me!"

"I dare to do more things."

What a badass. Sylvia rolled her eyes. Would it be possible for me to do a Draco transformation project? Sylvia thought, but she quickly shook her head and rejected her idea.

Tired enough to bring the childish Weasley twins, do you want me to bring a young master?

Sylvia opened the door to their common compartment, and neither Fred nor George appeared. Thinking about the plot, the two of them should be running into Harry by now. She put away her luggage, sat down leisurely, and took out the novel she had not finished reading during the summer vacation.

It feels so good to be in control!

"Damn it! I managed to get out. Everyone wants to see my tarantula. Of course, it's cool." Lee entered the carriage and sat down beside Sylvia.

"You said it eats mice?" Sylvia raised her head sharply.

"How can spiders eat mice?" Li had a rare expression that could laugh at her.

"That's right." Sylvia nodded and continued to immerse herself in the novel.

"Guess who we met?"

"You can't guess!" Fred and George slammed open the compartment door. There was a loud bang, I don't know, I thought they were going to dismantle the compartment.

"Harry Potter?" Sylvia turned a page without looking up, and said casually.


"Is this also your intuition?" The two of them sat down opposite Sylvia.

"Merlin's beard! What can surprise the two of you? Probably a little savior." Sylvia shrugged.

"Aren't you going to have a look?"

"He's with little Ronnie," Fred and George said while teasing the tarantula in the box.

"I won't go." Sylvia looked at the students who went back and forth in the aisle to see Harry's beauty and shook her head, "Rational pursuit of stars, rational pursuit of stars."

"You said little Ronnie would want to meet this guy?"

"What kind of date should we arrange for them?" The two brothers are already plotting how to prank their brother.

"You make him embarrassed in front of the Savior, and he will definitely ignore you again." Li said while Sylvia nodded in agreement. She finally knew why Ron was able to go through so many scenes in the car and not be frightened by a spider. Li is still very measured at critical times.

"You can't keep such a big fun in the box all the time, right?"

"Let me think about it, who is the lucky one chosen by the Weasley brothers today?" George showed a sly smile, and Fred cooperated to shuffle the cards.

"How's Banban?" Sylvia slapped her thigh.

"How is Percy?" Fred and George cheered. It was obvious that the two of them had found the perfect fit.

Ron should be thankful that he has an older brother who did not graduate.

The three boys took the box and snickered to the direction of the prefect's carriage. Sylvia thought for a while, then put down the novel in her hand and followed. They came to the door of the prefect's carriage and quietly opened a crack, where Percy's red hair stood out very prominently.

"What are your plans?" Sylvia raised her eyebrows and asked in a low voice, "They all look like some new prefects who have finished their meetings. I just saw the prefects of other grades. The chiefs are in another prefect's car, and the student council president has another explanation for them."

"You still need a plan to trick good student Percy?" Fred looked at Sylvia with an excited smile, "You still don't understand why we like to have fun with him."

"Because he's the biggest fun in himself." George said with a Floating Charm, sending the box to the suitcase at Percy's feet, pressing it on Percy's folded robe. The whole process went on silently.

"It's almost there." Fred looked out the window, the train had already arrived in the far north.

With a Percy exclamation, the exclamations of the other prefects followed. Fred and George burst into laughter, and Lee burst into laughter as he squeezed in the gap and glanced at the small window on the door.

But as soon as the sliding door swung open, Sylvia realized that the situation was not very good. It was estimated that someone wanted to escape, but the four of them were all lying on the door, and as the support point disappeared, they fell into the compartment.

Sylvia was the smallest, and standing closest to the door, she knew she was going to be crushed at the bottom. Merlin bless me not to have a stampede, or I will not be in a good mood today. Maybe Merlin is really good at doubling down on wishes. Sylvia felt someone grab her by the collar and pull her aside.

"Good to meet, Miss Tonks." The familiar and deep voice sounded in Sylvia's ear. She turned sharply and hit the bridge of Hoddle's nose.

"That's how you repay me? It's yours." Hoddle covered his nose and loosened Sylvia's collar in disgust.

"Merlin proved it was an accident!" Sylvia said angrily. They both looked at the three boys who were collapsed into a pile on the ground at the same time.

"I believe it was an accident." Hoddle made a mocking expression, leaning against the wall with his arms folded. The three boys on the ground wanted to get up, but they were all restrained by the other side, and no one would let anyone else.

"Fred! George!" Percy exclaimed, looking angrily at his two childish younger brothers. The big spider was floating in the air, and its long legs were still struggling slowly. A female prefect with beautiful curly hair used a floating spell to subdue it.

"Hi! Percy! Long time no see!"

"Let's see you, how are you doing in the prefect's car?" Fred and George laughed mischievously. It was too pitiful for Li to be pressed under the two of them.

"You are unreasonable!" Percy waved his wand and returned the spider to the box. "I'll write to Mommy!"

"Do you have any new tricks?" Fred said nonchalantly.

"In addition to the deduction of points, the confinement penalty, and the sentence to send a letter to my mother?" George even snapped his fingers.

"You guys!" Percy's face was red with anger, he was so embarrassed in front of other prefects when he became a prefect. Sylvia wanted to tell him that it would be even more embarrassing when he became the student council president.

"Why are you here? You really are everywhere." Sylvia suddenly looked back at Hoddle as if thinking of something.

"Why am I here? You're so interesting." Hoddle laughed. "You didn't realize you were the uninvited guest, did you?"

"'re a prefect? ​​It's a pleasure to meet you." Sylvia laughed dryly, then turned around and pulled the boys up one by one.

"Sorry, Percy. Have a nice life." Sylvia gave Percy a flattering smile and shoved the three boys out of the prefect's carriage.

After returning to their cubicle, all four slammed themselves on the seats. Obviously the three boys are more boring.

"What shall we play? Syl, where is your monopoly?" George looked at Sylvia.

"I'm going to bed, you guys continue." Sylvia opened the suitcase, took out the long-prepared Monopoly and threw it to them, yawned and was about to put on her robe and see you in her dream Her favorite Aidan Lynch. Thinking of this, she felt that this year's birthday could ask her father for a ticket to the Quidditch League. It's disappointing that national team games are not always easy to see. But check out the regional leagues in the UK. Last year she went to see the Puddlemere United vs. Caerphilly Flying Crossbow and ran into Oliver.

Suddenly the door of the compartment was pushed open, and a girl with thick brown hair and a pair of front teeth appeared in front of Sylvia. She was instantly refreshed. Isn't this the little angel Hermione?

"Did you see a toad? Neville lost a toad," said Hermione. She did look a little arrogant, but that didn't stop Sylvia from jumping up from the seat in an instant.

"We didn't see it." Fred knocked slowly on the Monopoly currency in his hand, "Next time, please knock first, miss."

"You can go ahead and look for it." George waved his hand and said, throwing down the dice, "Five steps, I want to buy land!"

"I'll help you find it!" Sylvia didn't pay attention to the surprised eyes of Fred and George, and went straight to the girl.

"Really?" Hermione laughed, some prominent front teeth making her look very cute.

"Of course it's true." Sylvia said with a smile, and the two walked towards the rear compartment together.

"Is she so attentive now?" Li frowned, "But that's not her type, is it? Doesn't she only like pretty girls?"

"Who knows? It's not a day or two for her to mess around with flowers, right?" Fred shook his head, "It's my turn!"

Sylvia is in a good mood again. Especially when the girl tells herself her name is Hermione Granger, let alone when she says her name and Hermione says it sounds nice.

"Let's split up, it's more efficient." Hermione suggested. Although it was totally against Sylvia's wishes, she certainly wanted to spend more time with little Hermione! But she still laughed and said what a good idea.

I deserve it.

Sylvia wanted to give herself a big mouth when she looked for a car. What am I drawing? she thought. Suddenly, the carriage in the distance flashed a touch of gold. Sylvia rushed over almost without thinking.

I finally caught a famous scene! Ha ha!

Sylvia saw the cubicle where Draco entered and walked over. Of course, she hadn't forgotten to look for Neville's toad along the way, though she knew that at least Neville would find his dear toad when he crossed the Black Lake ashore.

"You should be polite, or you'll go down the same path as your parents. They don't know what to do. When people mix together, you will be affected."

When Sylvia finally reached the cubicle, Draco's mean words rang out in the cubicle.

"You say it again!" was Ron's angry voice. She yanked the sliding door open, startling everyone with a slam.

"I thought you were playing with dung, little Ronnie. Why is there such a wonderful stench here?" Sylvia leaned against the door frame, said yin and yang strangely, "You feel Reached?"

"What did you say?" Draco stared fiercely at Sylvia, smart enough to hear the sarcasm before Harry and Ron. Sylvia knew that what he said was a complete copy of his father. Thanks to his dad for teaching him well.

"You should be more polite, baby dragon. If you can't learn to be polite, I will teach you personally." Sylvia raised her eyebrows briskly, and she looked at Della like this Ke's face became worse and worse.

"Think about it. Didn't you come to make friends? You don't mean to fight, right?" You slander each other's friends and try to have a good relationship? Can't your smart little brain understand this? Baby dragon?"

"Who said I wanted to have a good relationship!" Draco clenched his fists as if he had been humiliated.

"Are you here to fight? I'll fight you." Sylvia clicked her knuckles. The two bodyguards beside Draco couldn't help swallowing, and looked at each other in horror.

"Humph." Draco sneered, "A **** is a bastard. You want to use Muggle violence?"

"Shut up! Malfoy!" Ron rose to his feet. Sylvia couldn't be more moved, but she gestured for Ron to sit back.

"Do you still want to use a spell with me?" Sylvia grinned, "I suggest you talk to Professor Flitwick about his favorite student after you enroll. Guess what? Guess he'll mention Sylvia Tonks?"

But Sylvia is gone, but she still has to find herself a step down.

Ron finally couldn't help but pounce. Although Draco sneered at the violent dueling of Muggles, he was an eleven-year-old kid who had not yet entered school, and he finally joined the act with a fist. Sylvia threw a petrification spell to control the two boys who were having a good time before Crabbe and Goyle joined the fight.

"I told you to fight me. You boys really don't care." Sylvia looked at Draco's face with blue and purple faces, pretending to be deep Sighing, he tapped his wand on the palm of his hand. Of course, Ron's face didn't look any better.

"Do you think we dare?" Crabbe looked at the petrified Draco and Ron, swallowed, and whispered. Goyle shook his head.

"You should know to leave when you're shriveled, but don't you know how to escape?" Sylvia said, using Quick Resuscitation for both boys, and then unblocking them both petrochemical. As soon as Draco found he could move, he subconsciously touched his face, then got up and hurried out, followed by Crabbe and Goyle.

"Respect is mutual! Baby dragon!" Sylvia put her head out of the compartment, shouted at Draco's back, and then closed the sliding door behind her. .

"That guy just needs to be cleaned up! You should beat him up! Or let me beat him up!" Ron stomped his feet in anger.

"You didn't have the upper hand, little Ronnie." Sylvia smiled and rubbed Ron's head.

"It's you! Thank you." Harry smiled at Sylvia, "You're a wizard? Why didn't you tell me?"

"You didn't tell me either." Sylvia smiled and looked at Harry, "You are Harry Potter."

"You know each other?" Ron scratched the back of his head to look at Harry and then at Sylvia.

"I saw it before." Sylvia tried to make herself look surprised, "I didn't expect that we would meet here."

"She helped me before, and I didn't know she was a wizard at the time. You know each other?" Harry laughed like a little angel. Forget it, in Sylvia's eyes, everyone is a little angel.

"She and Fred and George are very good friends, so we have known each other very early." Ron introduced Harry with a somewhat smug look, "She even Both get along well with Percy."

To be honest, Ron originally thought that Sylvia was so similar to his two brothers that he would definitely make fun of him together. Unexpectedly, the few days with her in the Burrow were almost the most comfortable days for Ron.

"Thanks Ron." Sylvia said and opened the sliding door, just in time to see Neville's Leif in the not far corner, "Go, boys. Hogg See you Watts."

"See you at Hogwarts!"

Sylvia picked up Lefu and jumped up to find Hermione to ask for credit. It looked like little Neville didn't have to wait until he got to the houseboat to find his toad.

The author has something to say:

From here on into the main story. Here, it will be in line with the plot of the original book, and it may also be used where the movie is well adapted (I try to explain it clearly in my words.

In order to maintain the original plot experience, I will only slightly change the language and dialogue in the novel itself, so that everyone can better feel the famous scene hahaha

Searle will take care of the nasty little dragon.

About Fred, there will be no shortage of sugar this year!

About Hoddle, too! (Master Duan Shui is here!

Then let's cheer for the opening of the third grade! ! Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-01-2022:04:23~2021-01-2323:43:47~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Changgu and zty are also 10 bottles of super milk thinking today;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!