MTL - Hunter’s Face Fruit-Chapter 419 Parted ways

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Lu Xiaoou wanted this thing to enhance the strength of his partners, but this card required some special preparations, so he might as well just sell it as a surprise, and then it would be a surprise.

"What is so mysterious?" Xiaojie was purely curious. He had never seen the card prepared by Lu Xiaoou, but since he said so, it was still worth looking forward to.

"I haven't seen it before, so I don't know what it is, but I'll know it when I get there." Qi Ya shrugged, he didn't know what Lu Xiaoou was talking about.

"Stingy." Bi Siji pursed her mouth, a little unwilling, but she did not dare to argue with Lu Xiaoou. Although she never knew Lu Xiaoou's specific strength, just seeing the tip of the iceberg was enough.

There's no need to have conflicts with Lu Xiaoou over trivial matters. If something really happens, I'll be ashamed to ask Lu Xiaoou for help.

On this point, the way Bisji and President Netero handle things is unexpectedly similar, it is rare to be confused, and it is probably the crystallization of wisdom that has lived for so many years.

"Then when can we see it?" Leorio asked a realistic question.

"Soon, but it's the end of December now, and it's almost the deadline for the registration of the hunter exam. Qi Ya has to register first, and we'll talk about it after he passes the exam." Lu Xiaoou said.

"I almost forgot that the exam is about to come, it is indeed the most important thing." Kurapika said.

"Exactly, does Qi Ya have confidence this year?" Leorio simply teased, he is still very confident in Qi Ya's strength.

Although only Qi Ya did not have a hunter's license among the few people, everyone knew why he didn't get a hunter's license at the beginning. This time, Qi Ya was actually just going through the motions.

"How can you not have confidence, just look at it." Qi Ya raised his eyebrows, and with a smile on his face, he was full of confidence at first glance.

"It turns out that Qi Ya is going to take the hunter exam. In this case, let's break up here." Bi Siji took the opportunity to propose the idea of ​​parting ways.

As soon as the cash was received before, Lu Xiaoou had already divided the money into several parts. According to the original agreement, he gave 2 billion to Juezijuela, and then the remaining 48 billion was directly and roughly divided equally. 8 billion, which is not a small sum.

One must know that the killing of one person by the Yiermi family is like 1 billion, so everyone has made a fortune.

Especially Qi Ya has secretly planned to go to the city and buy a batch of limited candies to stock up, so that when Lu Xiaoou thinks that he needs to keep his property in a unified way, he will not have any candy to eat.

"You're leaving, why don't you go for a walk with us?" Xiaojie said.

Bi Siji still made a lot of efforts, and she was still a little bit reluctant to leave Xiaojie suddenly.

"As long as you have somewhere to go alone, it's better to go with us, it's more exciting." Qi Ya said with a face, and he was also a little bit reluctant for Bi Siji, but he was embarrassed to show it, so he could only tense. with a face.

"Is there something wrong, do you need our help?" Kurapika asked.

"Kiya is going to take the hunter test soon, don't you go and have a look, it should be very interesting." Leo insisted.

"If you have nothing to do, you can come with us." Although Lu Xiaoou felt that Bisiji had made up his mind, he probably would not change his mind, but as the saying goes, 'An old family is like a treasure', after all, Bisiji's age is placed on the There, there is a wealth of experience, which may be useful someday.

Lu Xiaoou has never underestimated anyone, and it is not uncommon for him to see the boat capsized in the gutter, otherwise he would not have killed Gan Shu and the others in the game before.

Of course, Bi Siji didn't know that she was so useful in Lu Xiaoou's heart, otherwise, even if he wanted to make good friends with his potential stock, he would have to discuss with him what it means to be old.

After all, women, no matter how old they are, are forbidden words. If they trample on them, the consequences can only be imagined.

"No need, if I stay with you any longer, I feel like I've become a nanny, and I haven't seen Yun Gu for a long time, so I'm going to visit him along the way." Bisji said.

Yun Gu who was dropped by: ...

Probably because he didn't want to be that incidental at all.

"In this case, take care of yourself, there will be a later date." Lu Xiaoou and the others saw that Bisiji had made up their minds to go, so they could only wave their hands. They would definitely not be able to do things that force people.

"Help us give Yun Gu a good sentence, and Zhixi is Yun Gu's apprentice, I believe you will like it." Lu Xiaoou said.

"Zhixi? How's your talent?" Bi Siji hadn't contacted Yun Gu for a long time, and had no idea that he had already taken in a young apprentice.

"It's not as good as us, but it's still one in a million, and has a stubborn personality. You should like it." Lu Xiaoou actually likes Zhixi, a clean kid.

He is different and similar to Xiao Jie, but Ji Hee is more pure and obedient.

Although Xiaojie's words are obedient, if they conflict with his final destination, he will give priority to fulfilling his own goal.

For example, in the original plot, on the island of greed, Bisiji and Qi Ya originally asked Xiaojie to lure Gan Shu into a trap.

But when facing Gan Shu, Xiaojie felt that if he didn't try Gan Shu's strength and bottom line, he would be very unwilling. , we can see the persistence in his heart.

"Goodbye, remember me and Xiao Lanlan." Bi Siji turned and left very chicly, showing off the blue clear bead [Blue Planet] she was holding in her hand.


After seeing off Bisiji, UU reading Lu Xiaoou and his party took a while to get used to it, and it was a bit unaccustomed not to have Bisiji who was always playing loli beside her.

"Where shall we go first?" Qi Ya asked.

He was able to enter the hunter test before because he stole the opportunity from others, and he came from Kukulu Mountain. Now this place is very far away from there, and the time does not allow it.

"We can go to Mr. Vicious Fox first, let him take Qiya to the hunter exam, and we can visit them by the way." Xiaojie was the first to speak.

He remembered that he had promised to visit the fierce fox's family before, but he had never had the opportunity before, but now he happened to have one, so he could go and see it.

"Here is close to there, you can go from there." Lu Xiaoou looked at the map and said.

Although he couldn't figure out how to go on the map, he could tell the approximate distance. This is a basic skill in life. Lu Xiaoou said that as the top food hunter in the future, he must know this.

(= remember in a second)