MTL - I Accidentally Picked Up the Villain By Mistake After Wearing the Book-Chapter 69

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"Rong Xiao..."

Ning Yueyue didn't know what to say at all. Seeing that Yu had broken off her own horns, she really did not let her say no to such a innocent and innocent face. Unable to speak. So she instinctively turned her head to look at Rong Xiao for help.

Rong Xiao looked at Jianyu thoughtfully, stared at him with black eyes and asked, "Do you really want to follow Yueyue?"

Jianyu nodded, tilted her head and looked at Ning Yueyue with a smile, looking left and right. Nodding as if satisfied with Ning Yueyue, "Of course! We Jiaolong's words count!"


To Ning Yueyue's surprise, Rong Xiao nodded and agreed.

"No!" Ning Yueyue instinctively refused, she didn't want to bring this guy. Jiaolong is irritable and has not been born in the world for hundreds of years. What if something happens?

Seeing Yu frowning, she yelled at Ning Yueyue: "Grandma! Your words don't count! If you say you win, you will be my grandma!"

"Don't call me grandma!" Ning Yueyue wanted to kneel down and beg him, she was just a mouth addict, never thought of having a grandson.

"I see! After all that, you just want to go back on it!" Seeing Yu was also a little annoyed, staring at Ning Yueyue with her green eyes.

Rong Xiao looked at Jianyu lightly, "The Jiaolong family is good-natured and angry, what should you do if you hurt Yueyue in the future?" After a pause, Rong Xiao said in a deep voice Said: "If you really want to follow Yueyue, then make a contract with her."

Seeing Yu scratching her head and thinking about it, she also felt that she was really irritable, so she nodded: "Okay, that's it."

Ning Yueyue always listened to Rong Xiao, and when she saw Rong Xiao say this, she naturally agreed.

Rong Xiao will not harm her anyway.

Rong Xiao drew a talisman in the center of the two, took a drop of Ning Yueyue's blood, and asked Jianyu to drop the blood on the dragon pill.

At first, I saw that Yu didn't know what contract Rong Xiao was going to make, and thought it was just a contract to protect Ning Yueyue.

It was only after dripping blood on the dragon pill that it was discovered that this was a surrender order for beast taming.

Seeing Yu, she immediately became angry, jumping three feet high, as if her **** was lit by fire, bouncing around in front of Ning Yueyue, "You, you, you actually You signed a taming order for me! Who wants to be your pet?"

"My dignified Flood King, Lord of the Black Waters, is actually your pet? Where do you put my old face?"

"No, no, you can solve this contract for me!"

Rong Xiao said lightly: "The contract is completed, and it will take half a month to cancel it."

In the past half month, isn't Jianyu her spirit beast?

"So you've become my spirit beast?" Different from Jianyu's anger, Ning Yueyue was extremely happy, her eyes were shining, she looked at Jianyu curiously, and said with a smile : "Don't be annoyed, I won't tell others that you are my spirit beast, okay?"

She has never raised a spirit beast. It is said that spirit beasts and their masters have the same mind, and they can also practice advanced beast-controlling techniques together by contracting with spirit beasts. Once the technique is completed, the cultivation base can be raised to a level.

And this beast-controlling technique, the higher the cultivation level of the beast, the more powerful the technique.

How can ordinary little beasts compare to the king of the sea?

Seeing Yu was originally dizzy with anger, but suddenly saw Ning Yueyue's eyes curled up, looking at him with a smile.

Suddenly feeling less angry, he pursed his lips. Somewhat depressed, he asked Ning Yueyue: "I am your spirit beast, are you happy?"

Ning Yueyue nodded, but after thinking about it, she felt that Jianyu must be very angry at the moment, so she said: "Don't worry, after half a month, we will cancel the contract." She reached out and patted Seeing Yu's shoulder, he smiled and said, "You can follow us for half a month. Don't worry, I will treat you very well."

Seeing Yu glared at Rong Xiao, he thought, after half a month, he must untie the beast taming order.

Seeing that Jade was finally not so repulsive, Ning Yueyue happily took Rong Xiao's hand and shook it.

Seeing Yu holding Jiaojiao, he snorted coldly and looked at Rong Xiao. The handsome young man's face was a little pale, but he was still like a distant mountain Daixue, with a cold and dusty temperament. Thinking that this kid turned him into a spirit beast, seeing Yu reluctantly said: "It's cheap for you kid."

He then threw the Jiaojiao to Rong Xiao, "Mash it in half and apply it, and it will be fine tomorrow."

Ning Yueyue: "How about half of it?"

Rong Xiao said: "Jiaojiao is an elixir that can be found in the world of immortal cultivation."

It is natural to keep it.

Seeing that Yu heard the words, she curled her lips carelessly, "You know the goods."

Speaking to Ning Yueyue again, a deep pear vortex bloomed on her fair face, smilingly asking for credit, "Little Xiaoyue, you are not at a loss for taking me, I am full of treasures! "

Ning Yueyue nodded perfunctorily, and then started chatting with Rong Xiao, "How is this Jiaojiao mashed? Will it fall off if you apply it on your back? You apply it yourself? No, I'll help you apply it!"

Seeing that the jade was out of sight, I was not upset, and jumped into the black water with a plop.

Ning Yueyue and Rong Xiao were sitting on the shore of the black waters.

The dark waters have returned to calm, and the sky has gradually darkened.

Ning Yueyue smashed the Jiaojiao seriously and placed it on the washed lotus leaf. After the Jiaojiao horns are crushed, they emit a crystal clear light, like droplets of water in the dark night.

Under her repeated requests, Rong Xiao finally agreed to let her take medicine for him.

At this moment, Ning Yueyue carefully took off Rong Xiao's clothes and frowned at the wound on Rong Xiao's back. On the cold white skin, there was a very deep scar where the Yin Blade was injured, and black blood was leaking from the scar, soaking a large piece of clothes.

Ning Yueyue frowned, leaned her face closer, and blew a few breaths at the wound, "Does it hurt?"

Rong Xiao's back was stiff, his fingers curled slightly. The originally scorching wound was blown by a gentle wind, and the scorching sensation became hotter after a few seconds of cooling.

His eyes darkened, concealing the surging emotions in his heart, his tone was still light: "It doesn't hurt."

"Then I'll give you medicine, please bear with me."

Speaking, Ning Yueyue covered Rong Xiao's wound with the smashed Jiaojiao, but was surprised to see that the Jiaojiao melted into his flesh and blood as soon as it touched the wound. And the deep scar seems to be gradually disappearing.

"This Jiaojiao is really amazing!" Ning Yueyue's eyes curled up, she picked up the Jiaojiao again, and applied it to Rong Xiao's wound very carefully.

Rong Xiao lowered his eyes and sat up straight.

Let Ning Yueyue's fingers run over him.

Her palms were a little cold, and she swept gently on his back, like heavy snow in summer, and hot in winter. Wherever her fingers went, she easily eased the pain caused by the Yin Blade.

But then, he felt a strange feeling wherever her fingers went.

Crunchy, shivering, hot to the touch.

"Finished!" Ning Yueyue's crisp voice came from behind.

It was only a moment after the application, and she watched in astonishment as Rong Xiao's wound healed visibly.

The skin of the wound is shallow, and the bloodstains from before can no longer be seen. While Ning Yueyue sighed, she couldn't help but stretched out her hand to caress the injury that Fu Rongxiao recovered the fastest.

Suddenly she noticed that the person in front of her was stiff, and then she heard Rong Xiao's low voice, "Don't move."

Ning Yueyue paused with her fingers, and after a while, reflected what she was doing, suddenly retracted her fingers, and said in a hurry: "I-I'll help you get dressed!"

A pair of hands with well-defined joints placed on Ning Yueyue's wrist, Ning Yueyue raised her head, saw Rong Xiao's dark eyes looking at her deeply, and said lightly: "I'll come by myself. ."

Ning Yueyue blushed and turned her head hurriedly.

She looked at her hand without blinking.

Secretly annoyed, it's all because of the **** fingers that have nowhere to put. How can you touch it just by looking at it?

Ning Yueyue held her forehead and regretted that her bowels were turning green!

It's too embarrassing, Rong Xiao even told her not to move, would he think she was frivolous?

While he was thinking about it, the water in the black waters churned and saw jade coming out of the black waters.

Seeing that the two of them looked a little unnatural, he raised his eyebrows, his eyes fell on Rong Xiao, and he said to Ning Yueyue in a very proud tone: "I will say that my Jiaojiao is a spiritual medicine. Bar."

"See Jade, come here." Ning Yueyue saw the blood on Jade's forehead, and remembered that he had just pulled out the Jiaojiao horn, and there was also a wound on his head. So Zhao Jianyu waved his hand, and took out a porcelain bottle from the square magic box. "It must be very painful for you to pull out the Jiaojiao? Shall I bandage it for you?"

Although the horn of the dragon is precious, the horn is very brittle, it will break on its own in ten years, and grow again. Ten years is just a flick of a finger for a Jiaolong. Moreover, the Jiaolong injured Jiaojiao will quickly heal itself, and there is no need to bandage at all.

But seeing Jade looking at Ning Yueyue's crystal clear water eyes looking at her, her arrogant words came to her lips, and suddenly changed, "It hurts, but I can bear it a little longer, after all We Jiaolong are very strong."

"Be strong!" Ning Yueyue was very enthusiastic, and pulled Jianyu to her face: "You will tell me if you are injured in the future, you know? The wound doesn't hurt as much."

Seeing Yu's casual smile, he was slightly taken aback for a moment. After a while, he noticed Rong Xiao's indifferent look, twitched the corner of his mouth, and replied with a smile, "Okay."

Ning Yueyue quickly wrapped an ugly gauze bag for Jianyu's wound.

"By the way, Jianyu, how did you know that Rong Xiao was injured by the Yin Blade?"

Seeing Yu touched the gauze bag protruding from her head, she seemed to mind, but she obediently put her hand down after touching it for a while. "I feel it myself, the Yin Blade is a monster, and its spirit is unique."

Seeing Yu said lazily: "I also know that his whole body is now completely broken."

Ning Yueyue was a little surprised. To judge a person's spiritual veins in the world of immortality, she had to use her spiritual power to probe her body.

Seeing that Jade is so powerful, do you feel it at a glance?

"Then what else do you know? Do you know how to restore the broken spiritual vein?"


Jianyu spread her hands helplessly, "I don't know."

"It is said that the broken spiritual vein cannot be restored."

"What did you say?" Ning Yueyue's face turned pale for a moment, she raised her eyes and looked at Rong Xiao blankly. I remembered what Rong Xiao said, the broken spiritual pulse can be restored. But now that Yu said that the spiritual pulse was broken and could not be restored, Rong Xiao fell into silence.

This proves that what Jade said is true, Rong Xiao's spiritual vein can't be restored if it is broken.

After Ning Yueyue said this, her eyes were red, and her eyes were full of tears.

Jianyu had never seen this battle before, she looked at Ning Yueyue in a daze, trying to wipe away her tears, but Ning Yueyue covered her face with her hands and turned to He threw himself into Rong Xiao's arms and let out a cry.

Rong Xiao frowned, patted Ning Yueyue's back with pity, and coaxed softly, "Don't cry, there is no spiritual vein, there are other ways."

See Jade:…

Force feed the dog food.

Why don't you two kill me to help?

Ning Yueyue choked up: "Then, what else is there to do, it's all my fault..."

Seeing Yu folded his arms beside him, he said coolly, "Who said there is no way, I just said that the spiritual vein is broken and can't be restored, and I didn't say that he will have no spiritual vein since then."

Ning Yueyue raised her head and looked at Jianyu with tears in her eyes: "What else can I do?"

See Yudao: "Go to Chenxifu and find that strange old man Zhugu."

Dust West Mansion?

Ning Yueyue suddenly remembered the man in black with the cloak.

Ning Yueyue asked: "Who is Zhugu?"

Seeing Yu thinking of that person, she raised her eyebrows, "An old monster who likes to wear a black cloak and is yin and yang."

Ning Yueyue's heart skipped a beat without warning.

Love to wear a black cloak, and a person from the dusty West Palace.

The person who was in Yuxian Pavilion that day, could it be him?