MTL - I am a Chef in the Modern Era-Chapter 117 Wedding prelude

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On the second day before the wedding, the guests from Tian and Chao dynasty finally arrived in Los Angeles. The hotel where they stayed was still a hotel of Alan's uncle. In fact, the number of guests was not much, and the total number of people added was only a hundred. Although Shen’s prestige in the city of H is very high, this wedding has not planned to invite people who are not important. If the people who come here are just to pat the horse, it is better not to come.

Most of the things that received guests were Shen Dad. After all, most of them were Shenjia’s friends. As for Shen Fu’s friends, they were all handed over to Chen Fang, and Chen Fang was finally put to use.

Shen Fu and Lin Yiyi had nothing to do, just waiting for the wedding day, holding hands and sworn in the witness of everyone.

Lin Yiyi has always been a little anxious in recent days.

The specific symptoms of eschar have been that early in the morning, I started to wake up very early, but I couldn’t sleep at night. I also lost my mind from time to time, and I didn’t even know anyone else talking in his ear.

As Lin Yiyi is now closer to the person who will be closer, Shen Fu naturally sees everything in his eyes. He knows that Lin Yiyi must be troubled by things, but he does not know what it is.

He originally wanted to wait for Lin Yiyi to tell him, but seeing that he was almost married, Lin Yiyi still didn't mean what he said. Shen Fu thought about it and thought it was his own.

After dinner with the old man who came to Los Angeles in the evening, everyone went home together.

After getting off the bus, Shen Mu’s suggestion in the next hand, holding Tao Tao, took Xiaoxiao to the upstairs and said that it was to look at the toys that the uncle bought for them. The two little guys happily left, Shen Relining Lin Yiyi’s hand went to the room.

Lin Yiyi looked back at Xiaoyu and asked, "Is there anything to tell me?"

Shen Fu pulled him closer to the room, then closed the door and pressed the person on the door. He whispered in his ear. "This sentence should be asked if you are right. Is there anything I want to tell me? ?"

Shen Fu said that while the emotions and colors were sharpened on Lin Yiyi's ear, Lin Yiyi's ears burned in an instant, but he knew what Shen Fu said. He was too obvious in the past two days. Everyone can see it.

He has been pondering for a long time in his heart, and he does not know whether he should say to Shen Fu. After all, this matter is about ghosts, and in heaven and in the DPRK, he knows that they are not convinced of the gods and ghosts.

He began to distract himself and thought about the West. Shen Fu raised his eyebrows and took a heavy sip on his neck.

"Is it so distracting?"

Lin Yi’s subconscious whispered a little and made Shen Fu more instigated.

Lin Yiyi reached out and pushed him a little. "Wait a minute... Don't you want to hear me?"

He can feel the love of Shen Fu, and he knows how much this man is in his heart. He believes that this thing he wants to say will not change his life, so he wants to understand this. When a man loves this man, let Shen Fu know all of himself.

He once thought that these words would be buried in the heart forever and not for anyone to listen to. Now he feels that he has something to say to Shen Fu, even if he listens to it, he will feel incredible.

He gently pushed back and did not push him.

Shen Fu lowered his head, his body was closer, and he squinted his eyes to find Lin's lips, and kissed him softly.

"Now I have changed my mind and I will have time to listen later."

Lin Biao is not easy to think of confession, but he is so suffocated in his mouth.

When the rushing tide faded, Lin Yiyi calmed down with Shen Fu's shoulder, and then he opened his mouth.

Before he spoke, Shen Fu turned over and fell on him, taking the lead. "Can you tell me what you thought about the two days?"

Lin Yiyi laughed. "Well, but before that, I will ask you first, do you believe in ghosts?"

Shen Fu stunned, obviously did not guess Lin Yiyi would ask him this, but still thought about it, said, "In fact, frankly, do not believe, I am not a thorough materialist, but this only I still can't believe in the gods and ghosts that exist in the story."

Lin Yiyi smiled. It was really like what Shen Fu would say. He narrowed his eyes and looked at the crystal chandelier in the middle of the room. Because only the middle tube was opened, the light of the crystal lamp was very embarrassing. Said, "In fact, I don't believe it. I don't believe in God and I don't believe in ghosts."

"If the ghost is only a soul, there is probably a little credibility. God and I don't believe it at all. The reason why there is God in the world is because people always hope for God, and they are eager to get it. Or when it can't be solved, give yourself comfort and confidence with this non-existing creature. About because I don't have anything I want to get or can't solve, so I don't believe in God."

After Shen Fu finished, he realized that the topic had been very far away. He looked at Lin Yiyi and asked, "Wait, you have been thinking about this for so long, is this?"

Lin Yiyi shook his head. "Of course not. I have something I want to tell you more, although it sounds like a nonsense."

Shen Fu was a glimpse, then fell asleep on the bed, Lin Yiyi put his head on his left chest, listening to his strong heartbeat, inexplicably feels good peace of mind.

Shen Fu reached out and touched Lin Yiyi’s hair. "I know something about it, you want to tell me something."

Lin Yi looked up at him with surprise, "Do you know?"

Shen Fu laughed. "If I guess it is right, it should be related to your own life."

Lin Yiyi’s eyes are bigger and unbelievable.

"how do you know......"

Shen Fu lowered his eyes and his eyelashes projected a gentle shadow. He smiled low. "Well, I know a lot, but it should not be all. I have been waiting for you to tell me, although I have always felt that I don't know." It doesn't matter."

Lin Biao didn't know what expression to use to express his current surprise. He could only look at Shen Fu, and even he almost forgot to say anything.

Shen Fu laughed, "Don't you tell me? Where do you start?"

Lin Yiyi thought for a while, but I really didn't know where to start.

Then he pondered and said, "If you don't believe in ghosts, I really worry that you will think I am telling ghost stories."

Shen Fu: ...

"Nothing, let's talk."

"Actually, I am from another world. In that world, I am also called Lin Yiyi. It is exactly the same as it is now. I am a big Yan, from childhood..."

Shen Fu: ...

Lin Yiyi only said a few words, and he was unable to say it by Shen Fu’s expression.

"What is your expression?"

Shen Fu no expression, half a sigh said, "In fact, I am Qin Guoren, whose real name is Qin Shihuang."

Lin Yiyi:......

He didn't know who Qin Shihuang was, but he also knew that Shen Fu was playing it in a serious way.

Lin Biao was annoyed. "You don't want to listen, don't you all know?"

Shen Fu raised his eyebrows. "I know it is right, but what I know and what you want to talk about is not a thing at all. I didn't expect it... you will make this joke with me.... .."

Lin Yiyi:......

He suddenly repented, because he was not so sure. After hearing this series of stories, Shen Fu would not think... he was sick.

Shen Fu is a materialist who tries to tell him that he is a lonely soul from another world.

Lin Yiyi was so discouraged that he turned his back and turned his back on his determination. "Forget it, still don't tell you."

Shen Fu laughed low and held Lin Yiyi into his arms from behind.

"In fact, I should say sorry to you. After I am planning to be with you, I have quietly checked your life. So what you want to tell me, I know, I don’t mind your life." And this thing, I have already said to my father, or you think that the father will not mention your parents in one sentence."

Lin Yiyiyiyi, this is finally understood, what Shen Fu said and what he wants to say is really not the same thing.

He took a sigh of relief and looked back at Shen Fu’s eyes.

"I said, if I say it, you will feel that I am telling a story, but I am really trying to tell you."

Lin Yiyi's face was too serious, so that Shen Fu was upright. He looked at Lin Yiyi and said, "Well, now you say I will believe."

Lin Biao sighed and finally decided to use a less straightforward way. "You should also find out that my diploma is very low, but I write a good calligraphy. The family is very ordinary, but I am proficient in equestrian. Many should There will be no things in the meeting. I don’t know what I’m going to know. Shen Fu, I don’t believe you have no doubts. When you gave the inscription to the old man, you have already expressed a surprised expression.”

Shen Fu looked at him, and his look was serious.

"Now I tell you, the reason why I write a good calligraphy is because I have a lot more pens than a ballpoint pen. I will use equestrian because the best of my teacher is equestrian. I know the antique style. Because my previous life was a kind of house, this body looks exactly the same as me, the name is exactly the same, but the soul inside is different."

"I came from another dynasty in another world. I was adopted by the teacher in six months. I lived in the mountains and lived in the mountains until the age of 19, and when I was twenty, I took the imperial examination. I took the high school and took the champion. Then I went to the champion for two years. Shang Shu, in the end, because he was framed by the party and smuggled and accepted bribes, and was given a cup of poisonous wine by the emperor. Then I opened my eyes again and went to this body. Although the name is the same, the soul is different, Shen Fu, Do you say this to you?"

Shen Fu slightly widened his eyes and revealed Lin Bian’s expression of flusteredness. He was not sure if he would believe in Shen Fu. He hoped that he would believe, but this means that he has to admit that he likes a strange person, so think, Lin He wants to sink and just wants to make a joke. He has already said what he wants to say. If he does not believe it, he can really be a joke.

Shen Fu stunned for a little while, then slammed forward and Lin Bianyi slammed into the bed.

Lin Yiyi stunned, then blackened his face, even if Shen Fu still thought he was joking, in this serious time, can not continue to do anything else.

Shen Fu laughed low on his head. "So, have you come to me across such a long time? Lin Yiyi, suddenly I love you more?"

Lin Yiyi’s whole person was stunned. He looked up and looked at Shen Fu’s expression. Shen Fu’s face was carrying light. He couldn’t see clearly. Shen Fu slightly lowered his head and gently printed on his head. A kiss, focus and affection.

"Is love through time? I never thought about it, it is ridiculous, but because this person is you, I can only believe that this is true."

Lin Yiyi:......

"It was true."

"Well, really, I believe, you came here because you want to be with me."

Lin Yi was confused. He didn't know if Shen Fu was so convinced, or did he believe that he was talking nonsense with him.

Then I heard Shen Fu said, "It’s just that I have a little regret. I didn’t meet you at that time and fell in love with you. Then, you won’t die alone in that situation.”

Lin Yiyi couldn't speak, he knew that Shen Fu was really a letter, not joking.

"Actually, I have thought about the questions you asked. I have investigated your life experience, but I still can't figure out the key. If you tell me, I will never think of it forever. I never believe in ghosts and gods. I didn't expect it to be so amazing."

Lin Biao did not speak, he felt that he had nothing to say.

I can only bury myself in the arms of this person and gently grab his waist.

"Shen Fu, I never thought about telling anyone about this, and never thought about it, you would believe it."

Every word is so incredible.

Shen Fu smiled. "If this person is not you, then I will not believe it."

If it wasn't for him and Lin to live together and love him, he would not believe it.

This person comes from such a distant and inaccessible age.

"Can you tell me everything?"

"Well, where do you start?"

"Just from..."

The two didn't sleep all night, until the next morning, Lin Yiyi said all the things, finally could not resist drowsiness, slept in Shen Fuhuai.

Shen Fu hangs his eyes and looks at this person for a long time.

It is incredible, this body lives in a completely different soul, and this soul has passed through such a long time and came to him.

But what does this have to do with it? Anyway, every aspect of Lin Yi’s love, he is the most sincere way of his original.

He is also very happy, Lin Yiyi is willing to tell him all this, because he knows that if he does not love him enough, he will definitely choose to rot in his heart for a lifetime.

With this in mind, Shen Fu began to feel that his hobby for this person began to grow wild again.

Tomorrow is the day when they swear each other before God. He thinks that he will swear in front of God he never believed, and he loves to care for this person forever.