MTL - I Am Immortal In The Cultivation World-Chapter 364 Heart of the Witch God

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Yang Xuan quite understood the Yaozu's choice, not for betrayal, but for survival.

When the aura of a world is exhausted, the Wu Clan loses the possibility of breaking through the realm, but with their natural terrifying strength, they can easily slaughter wild beasts, and they are still the overlord of all spirits.

The monster clan degenerated into a beast, from the overlord to the food of the witch clan.

With such a result, it is better to surrender to the enemy!

Yang Xuan asked: "After the human race ruled this world, let alone the golden immortal, it is extremely difficult to even break through the human immortal?"


The idol seemed to feel that Yang Xuan had no aversion to the human race and the monster race, and said coldly: "Do you think that the invasion of the Butian Sect is for the purpose of expanding its business?"

"They are thieves and bandits, and they continue to steal the origin of the world through cultivation and ascension!"

Yang Xuan Tiandi asked: "What is the origin?"

"Every plant and tree in this world, every flower and leaf, every breath and gust of wind, are all evolved from the source, especially the aura that supplies cultivation."

The **** statue explained: "The immortal monks refined a large amount of aura, turned their heads and went to the fairy world, and the source of this world is getting less and less. As the source is exhausted, the upper limit of practice will be lower, from the golden fairy to the real fairy. If you fall into a human immortal, it will be difficult for you to transform into a **** in the future!"

Yang Xuan wondered: "Why not just swallow the world?"

The idol shook his head and said: "Each world is extremely stable, far from being refined by a golden immortal. If it weren't for the leakage of the sky, it would be difficult for Hunyuan to steal it!"

Yang Xuan said: "Then the real immortals can always go down to the realm, gather the aura of heaven and earth, and take them to the immortal realm in large numbers, right?"

"Of course, otherwise, how could the origin pass away so quickly!"

The idol said bitterly: "Those true immortals plundered the world and left the world until it was too difficult to carry them. After that, they continued to steal by the method of ascension."

Yang Xuan was stunned, never thought that the legendary true immortal Buddha was actually a group of thieves.

Falling from the altar like this, there is no sense of mystery anymore!

"Dare to ask seniors, why did they steal the source, and it would be more beneficial to manage this world well?"

"I don't know why. The witch clan has been living in this world and has never been in contact with the outside world. I don't know the reason why Butian Sect plundered the origin."

The statue frowned and said, "I once killed a true immortal, and found out when I searched for the immortal soul, it seems to be related to merit and karma!"

Yang Xuan heard the merits and karma, and asked again: "Why did the ancestors of the lich and monsters die because of karma?"

"Karma needs to be suppressed by the supreme treasure, otherwise it will attract heaven's punishment!"

The statue said: "The two ancestors died of the punishment of heaven, their souls were scattered, and they didn't even have the chance to be reincarnated. It is precisely because of the suppression of the Heaven-Bending Sect that they dared to plunder the origin, otherwise they would have been wiped out!"

"I see."

Yang Xuan once heard the theory of suppressing luck, and thought that karma is similar, and said: "Nowadays, human immortals need to accumulate a lot of merit to ascend to the fairy world. Is it related to karma?"

"The two can cancel each other out, but they have nothing to do with ascension."

The **** statue shook his head and said, "The fairyland doesn't collect garbage, and you can't get in with your karma. On the contrary, those with profound merits and virtues show that they are beneficial to the development of the world."

Yang Xuan frowned and said, "The world has self-awareness?"

"The way of heaven is fair, how can there be consciousness!"

The statue said: "Once the Dao of Heaven is conscious, it will inevitably turn into a supreme demon and destroy all living beings in the world. Then there will be no monks to steal the origin."

"The so-called refusal and permission are more like the way the way of heaven operates. It is the way, it is the principle, it is the law, and it is the procedure!"

Yang Xuan was stunned for a long time, as if he had realized something.

Today, listening to the gods talking about ancient times, and understanding the origin of the immortal way, and knowing the existence of the heavenly way, the way ahead suddenly becomes clear.

For example, the creatures in the world only know how to practice, and only want to ascend to immortality, but they don't know why they ascended, they can only explore in confusion, not knowing why.

"Thank you senior for your guidance, this junior will find a way to make the Wu Clan great after he leaves..."


The idol immediately interrupted and said: "You are the only seedling of the Wu clan now, don't take risks, let alone take revenge, you only need to do one thing when you go out."

Yang Xuan heaved a sigh of relief in his heart, even with his senior brother as his backer, the odds of winning against the Immortal Dao are still slim, after all there is a huge monster behind Butian Sect.

"Senior, please tell me."

"Marry more wives and have more children."

The **** statue sighed: "I actually regret it now. I shouldn't have resisted desperately back then. Instead, I had thrown myself under the command of the Immortal Dao. The Butian Sect will not be wiped out!"

Yang Xuan's face was reddish, he had never been close to a woman so far, and said in a low voice.

"Disciple must work hard!"

"It's not about trying, it's about having to."

The idol snorted and said, "You kid, don't try to be lazy, the witch **** has a spell in his heart, and only when the descendants of the witch clan prosper can they further integrate with you."


The corner of Yang Xuan's mouth twitched, and he suddenly regretted accepting the inheritance, even if he was not a person, he turned into a race seeder!

"There's another thing."

The **** statue looked at the green branch in his hand and said, "Although the monster clan betrayed, they couldn't stop the witch clan from destroying the Tianzhu. This is the remains of the Tianzhu."

"After you take it out, find a place to plant it until it grows into a sky pillar again. Maybe it can completely seal the sky leak and prevent the source from being lost."

"With such merit, you will become the darling of heaven, and maybe you can break through the witch **** in this world!"

Yang Xuan took the branch, which was three or four feet long, and continuously exuded a strong wood spirit: "Senior, how long will it take for this Tianzhu to grow?"

"However, a few million years?"

The idol's tone was a bit hesitant: "It may be tens of millions of years that you can use your talent to ripen it..."

Yang Xuan stuffed the branch into his bosom, and just planted it later, don't even think about making a breakthrough through merit, his grave will be gone in a few million years.

The talents of the Jumang family can indeed ripen spiritual things, but they need to consume physical strength and blood.

In the future, the Wu clan will have tens of millions of people, and it might be useful to use their talents together!

Yang Xuan suddenly thought that he would become the source of blood for tens of millions of people, and he felt a strange sense of exhilaration, as if there were endless descendants.

"Senior, how should I leave the Witch Temple?"

"You practice slowly until the big witch can break the restriction and go out by himself."

The statue said: "I can live for hundreds of years. If you have any doubts, ask earlier. In the future, this witch temple can be used as a place for the witch clan to thrive!"

"Follow the decree of the elders!"

Yang Xuan sat cross-legged on the spot, running the method of Qi and blood cultivation, constantly tempering the body.

The eyes of the **** statue shone with aura, looked at it for a moment and said, "This method of cultivation is quite interesting, where did you learn it from?"

Yang Xuan said: "The younger generation became a disciple of a true fairy by chance, and because he didn't have spiritual roots, he passed on the method of transporting qi and blood."

"True fairy disciple..."

The statue sighed, never wanting to destroy the fairy way of the Wu Clan, and finally sent a successor to the Wu Clan.

"Perhaps this is the cause and effect! You tell this exercise, and I will help you continue to improve it. Maybe it will open up a new path for the Wu clan."

Yang Xuan was surprised: "Senior, you don't reject the immortal way?"

"Why repel?"

The **** statue said: "Back then, I switched to cultivating immortality and became a human immortal of body cultivation. It's just that Hunyuan didn't want to show any shame and didn't pass on the follow-up exercises!"

"Otherwise, by analogy, maybe I can be promoted to the ancient witch and beat the Hunyuan!"

"Senior is wise."

Yang Xuan repeatedly praised, it seems that the ancient immortals of this class have already surpassed righteous demons and ethnic groups in their cognition of exercises, and they can use them for practice as long as they are useful.

The age of the witch **** is unknown.

Yang Xuan didn't know how long he had practiced, but when he was bored, he went hunting strange animals, frying, roasting and frying, the taste was very delicious.

The idol is worthy of the obsession of the witch god, and the deduction of the skills is extremely fast.

After the qi and blood coagulate the orifices, combined with the fairyland of the immortals, the method of transforming the orifices is deduced, which is to transform the orifices into the muscles, muscles, meridians and viscera.

There are no holes, but they are everywhere.

After Yang Xuan cultivated, he felt that he was even less human. There were no meridians and bones in his body, and he was completely humanoid made up of qi and blood.

"But it's not without benefits, such as changes..."

Yang Xuan's energy and blood circulated, and six arms suddenly appeared on his back, and three faces appeared on his head, all of a sudden solved the disadvantage of not having spiritual consciousness.

"Armed in all directions, not afraid of someone sneaking up from behind, and there are heaven and earth!"

As soon as the thought moved, the eyes of the sky appeared on the top of the head, and the soles of the feet also opened their eyes.

Yang Xuan's whole body can change ever-changingly, and the illusion and mana that are not like immortality are completely essential changes. For example, if you become a cow or a horse, you will not be able to see your true colors even if you sweep through it with the consciousness of a true immortal.

"Now with one punch, it's not weaker than Tianjun!"

I don't know how long it has passed.

The **** statue continued to deduce, trying to integrate the Wu clan's combat skills into the cultivation of qi and blood. However, his obsession was about to dissipate, and he couldn't sort out the next level of the practice, he sighed.

"The talent and physique of the witch clan is amazing, and all the training is to return to the original and become the legendary ancestor witch!"

"Because the starting point is too high, the use of qi and blood is not as good as that of the weak human race. I have a hunch that this method may replace the art of returning to the ancestors and become the orthodoxy of the witch race..."

Yang Xuan felt that the voice of the statue was getting weaker, like an old man on the verge of death, and swore.

"Senior, I will definitely deduce the follow-up method, perfect the method of Qi and blood cultivation, and teach my fellow clan!"

I never thought that the idol shook his head slightly, and said as if he was relieved.

"Don't be so stubborn, it won't last long, I heard from you that the senior brother's style of doing things, with no principles as the principle, is the real way of longevity!"

"Witch Clan, destroyed because of ignorance..."

Speaking of this, the statue of the **** became dim, his face turned back to stone, and the obsession with the witch **** completely dissipated.

Yang Xuan kowtowed nine times and began to comprehend the follow-up qi and blood practice on his own.


It is named after the mountain full of peach trees.

Thousands of years ago, a Supreme Treasure was born, causing an undercurrent to surge in Shenzhou.

However, the great sage of the monster race would occupy anyone who came close and beat them to death. As time went by, it turned out to be a forbidden area for the human race.

Occasionally, monks who sneaked up the mountain became Sun Changsheng's joy.

"No one has gone up the mountain these years, it's boring and boring!"

Sun Changsheng was lying on the top of the mountain, picked a peach and ate it casually: "Why hasn't Junior Brother come out yet? Fortunately, my old Sun has a long lifespan, and I can't wait for another person."

For thousands of years, Sun Changsheng never left Taoshan.

If you are hungry, you can summon brother Niu to come to the banquet, or you can blow out a monkey hair and go to the Temple of the City God to bring back some spiritual wine, and you will live a happy life.

Sun Changsheng spat out the peach pit and was about to pick another one when he suddenly looked up.


The void cracked like a spider web, and there was a sound of thump, thud, as if someone was beating a drum in the air, and the cracks continued to grow bigger amidst the sound of the drum!

Sun Changsheng counted with his fingers, jumped up happily, and scratched his ears and cheeks around the crack in the void.

"Junior Brother is coming out?"

I was thinking about whether to help from the outside, but I saw a hole the size of a bowl opened in the void, first a hand was deep in it, and an eye was born out of the palm.

"Oh, where did the monster come from!"

Sun Changsheng backed away abruptly, and snapped, "You monster, why do you have the same aura as your junior brother?"

Seeing Sun Changsheng, the eyeballs in the palm kept blinking happily, but saw a mouth grow out of the palm, opening and closing to speak.

"Senior brother, it's me, this is my magical power of transformation!"

Sun Changsheng looked at the palm of his hand for a moment, and said in amazement, "Such a change is interesting, and it can be hidden from my old grandson. Could it be the secret method of the witch clan?"

"It's not exclusive to the Wu clan, brother, wait a moment."

The voice fell, but the palms continued to extend outward, until a body like a long snake came out, which was three or four feet long, and it formed into a ball and then changed into Yang Xuan's appearance.

Sensing the familiar aura of heaven and earth, Yang Xuan couldn't help saying excitedly.

"It finally came out. The Witch God Temple does not distinguish between day and night, and there is no autumn or winter. It is about to suffocate me!"

Sun Changsheng suddenly said: "So that's the case. No wonder you've been away for so long. If you don't come out for a thousand years, my grandson will break the restriction and go in to save you!"


Yang Xuan said in amazement: "Thousands of years have passed, my parents are only golden elixir, don't they have died at the end of their lives?"

"Your mother is very talented, she has broken through the realm of becoming a god, and now she is cultivating in the heavenly court."

Sun Changsheng said: "Your father's aptitude is ordinary, and it is difficult to make progress after breaking through the Nascent Soul. He was canonized by the Heavenly Court as the City God of Dahengjing, and he gathered the Yuanshen with the technique of conferring the gods with incense and fire!"

Yang Xuan immediately recognized the problem, frowned and said, "Can Heaven have such kindness?"

"Of course not, so your mother went to the Heavenly Court, saying it was a latent cultivation, but it was actually banned!"

Sun Changsheng said: "When your father saw the end of his life, he would rather die than be separated from your mother. My old grandson went to the capital to persuade you. Only after you came out did you agree to be canonized by the heavenly court!"

"Thank you, brother!"

Yang Xuan said: "It's hard to show my brother's heart by bowing down. In the future, if my brother says east, I will never go west. Even if I die, I will not frown!"

Although the Wushen Temple has practiced for thousands of years, it is isolated from the world. Yang Xuan's mentality is the same as before.

Shang is different from high-level monks who are indifferent to family affection. His wish in this life is still to build a small courtyard and live with his parents until the day when his life energy is exhausted.

What you want is like a child!

"Since my old grandson recognizes you as a junior, he is a brother of the same sect. How can you use the word thank you?"

Sun Changsheng scratched his ears and cheeks, and said with a chuckle: "However, my old grandson has a regret. Back then, when he crushed Ling Xiao, in order to join forces with the Emperor of Heaven safely, he couldn't understand his thoughts after all!"

"Now that junior brother's strength is already in the realm of human immortality, UU Reading is even better in close combat. Why don't you and I go to the Heavenly Court?"

"Stick what you want!"

Yang Xuan naturally knew that his lack of understanding was just an excuse, and he went to Ling Xiao to save his mother and reunite his family.

Sun Changsheng blew his breath, turned into a cloud, and carried Yang Xuan to the northeast.

"Haha, join hands with the sect, and make trouble in the Heavenly Palace again!"

at the same time.

Albatron View.

Zhou Yi Muran woke up from his practice, took out the stick and cast the sky-cutting technique, divination for good and bad luck.

The spirit sign fell.

The light is bright and dazzling, implying good luck.

"Could it be that it's wrong to be restless? Let's continue to practice subconsciously. In two or three hundred years, we will reach the consummation of **** transformation. By then, we will be 10,000 years old. Let's celebrate fiercely!"