MTL - I Am Invincible From the End of the World-Chapter 958 Defeat the mutant zombies

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The speed of 3.93 million points, what is this concept?

This means that the speed of Lin Xinghai's explosion at this moment is directly close to 4 times the speed of sound.


As Lin Xinghai moved, water waves like sonic booms appeared directly around him.

And compared to air, sonic booms in water are much more terrifying.

The water flow beside Lin Xinghai seemed to have turned into a terrifying high-pressure water gun, attacking the surroundings indiscriminately.

In this case, the ordinary fish zombies near him, after being hit by circles of terrifying currents, were directly deformed and killed.

And all this is just the aftermath.

What Lin Xinghai really terrified was his body.

After entering the overclocking state at this time, the height of his demon body directly reached 20 meters.

With such a huge figure, coupled with the blessing of 4 times the speed of sound, he is the most terrifying weapon in itself.

Lin Xinghai didn't need to do anything, he just maintained such a high speed and crashed into those first- and second-level mutant zombies.


As the deafening roar sounded, the bodies of the first- and second-level mutant zombies distorted instantly, then squeezed and deformed, and some with weak defense even exploded directly.

Moreover, Lin Xinghai's attack method was not just as simple as a body collision.

After all, with these first- and second-level mutant zombies scattered, even if he is fast enough, it is not realistic to want to kill them all.

Lin Xinghai saw thunder lingering all over his body, and then with his random finger, a lightning bolt nearly one meter thick shot out from his finger, instantly hitting a hunter hundreds of meters away.

However, the power of this lightning did not end. After hitting the opponent, the lightning began to refract, as if it were jumping, and flew towards the next mutant zombie.

This lightning completely passed through the bodies of 7 mutant zombies, and the power of lightning on them was considered exhausted.

And these seven mutant zombies, without exception, all had their heads scorched and killed.

This is the lightning strike in the wind and thunder marksmanship.

After the wind and thunder spear technique reached the perfect state, Lin Xinghai could already do these moves at will.

What's more important is that he has reached the realm of gods and demons, and has a super high perception ability. Under this situation, the use of these moves has reached a level of subtlety.

Just like this day's lightning strike, it was originally a single attack method, but in his hands, it turned into a group damage skill relying on extremely strong control.

He killed 7 mutant zombies in one move, but Lin Xinghai was still not satisfied.

Because when it was just under control, it was still not perfect. One of the thunderbolts "jumped" to the "iron armored corpse", which consumed a lot of thunder and lightning power.

If he chooses all the weaker ones, he feels that he can kill 10 mutant zombies with one move.

When he thought of it, he did it, and he immediately made adjustments, raised his arm and swirled with electric light, pointed it out again, and shot out a terrifying thunder and lightning.

This time, he killed 10, the first and second mutant zombies.

At the same time, he kept changing the direction of his advance, using his body to hit the mutant zombies with relatively strong defenses such as "Death Claw", "Iron Armored Corpse" and "Giant Arm".

Under his targeted attack, even if the mutant zombie group dispersed, they were killed at a more terrifying speed.

In less than 10 seconds, hundreds of mutant zombies fell into Lin Xinghai's hands.

This scene is really terrifying, and the 23 fourth-level mutant zombies that directly descended gave the order to retreat.

Moreover, they resolutely and simply dispersed and escaped.

At the same time, all the fleeing mutant zombies were roaring, ordering those abyss creatures and fish zombies to attack.

Seeing this scene, Lin Xinghai, who originally wanted to pursue, stopped after a little hesitation.

It is possible to kill mutant zombies at any time, but there is no room for failure on the Thunder Grid.

The gods and demons converged, and he began to return.

At this time, the gods and demons who were watching the battle in the distance did not put the heart that was about to jump out of their throats back into their stomachs until this time.

You must know that there are 1,325 mutant zombies, and such a huge group of mutant zombies is enough for more than 100 of them to go all out to resist.

But Lin Xinghai killed them single-handedly. Such a move was enough to make their scalps go numb.

Everyone thought that even if Lin Xinghai could intercept such a large group of mutant zombies, he would be in a hard fight.

However, what happened next was even more unexpected, and they did not see any hardships.

They didn't even feel that Lin Xinghai's aura was fluctuating.

This kind of thing, put on any of them, is unimaginable.

Of course, the more exaggerated thing is still to come. When these mutant zombie groups dispersed, they were all ready to fight with all their strength.

But at this time, Lin Xinghai broke out.

Yes, until that moment, they didn't know that the other party had been joking before.

When Lin Xinghai exerted all his strength to kill, they really understood why the other party was called a quasi-regular realm.

The opponent's combat power is completely beyond their level.

In less than 10 seconds, they killed more than 100 mutant zombies. They didn't dare to think about this kind of thing when they were dreaming.

But this is what happened right before their eyes.

Seeing Lin Xinghai returning, everyone woke up like a dream.

"General Lin, your reputation is well-deserved! Compared with you, I feel that I really don't deserve to be called a **** and devil." Shi Jinlu, a veteran of the gods and devils, immediately greeted him and complimented him directly.

Before seeing Lin Xinghai's shot, he might still be reserved.

But after seeing Lin Xinghai make a move, he instantly understood that this person in front of him will be the pillar of the country in the future, and he is definitely an existence standing at the pinnacle of power.

Now start to curry favor.

Not only him, but other people's rainbow farts came as promised.

"General You are a role model for my generation to resist thousands of mutant zombies alone today!"

"Yeah! What's more important is that the mutant zombies were repelled by the way of crushing. I feel that this battle is recorded in the history books, and the history is not an exaggeration."

"That's right, or we will come to the military's suggestion later, take the video of this battle to participate in this year's military exercise review, and show our country's prestige."

In the communication channel, everyone's compliments suddenly sounded, even though Lin Xinghai always felt that he was thick-skinned, he couldn't hold it back.

He hurriedly coughed and said, "Everyone, the task is important, we hurry up and lay the cables, which is the most important thing."

"Yes, yes, the task is the most important, and we will discuss these matters later." Everyone agreed.

Although everyone was talking, the movements on their hands did not stop, and even because of Lin Xinghai's outstanding performance, they were not to be outdone, and they all shot.

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