MTL - I Am the Corpse King-Chapter 1983 good without bad

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  Chapter 1983 The Good Without the Bad

He couldn't run anymore, and with the last steps he took, as a majestic eighth-level zombie, he couldn't even break through a broken wooden box. He stopped moving, and his body, which was scattered on the ground, slowly squirmed and reorganized. , from a pile of inorganic matter to plastic back to human nature, after the five sense organs came out, Xu Haihui looked at the other party with a hoarse voice, "Jie Jie" and smiled, and then said: "I don't know, it's an evolution that... no one has tried, the end Will it be death or rebirth?"

Yin Huangcheng didn't speak, he looked at the other party, at first he simply thought that there were some mutations in Xu Haihui's body, and mutations may be fatal to humans, but to zombies, there are only benefits and no harm , but looking carefully now, he immediately found something was wrong. In the pile of inorganic matter formed by Xu Haihai's body, every tiny particle was beating and struggling, and the tiny tentacles invisible to the naked eye were shaking. It's as if countless ants are clustered into a ball!

  Even Yin Huangcheng, who was an eighth-level new human being and had seen disgusting scenes countless times, was shocked by this scene until his scalp went numb!

  He didn't observe Xu Haihai's body for too long, and soon all the inorganic substances decomposed from Xu Haihai's body were reassembled, and he didn't look back until then.

   "Tell me, what do you want from me."

   "I'm making a gamble, and I'm putting all my chips on you."

   “I hate gambling, and I don’t like when people associate me with gambling.”

   "Aren't you interested?" Xu Haihui tilted his head with a weird expression.

  The expression on Yin Huangcheng's face did not change, and he said directly: "I'm not sure, but whether you win or lose, what good is it for me?"

   "The bargaining chip I put on you is your benefit."

   "What is your bargaining chip?"

"My everything."

   "Everything about you? What use is it to me?"

   "The material aspect is really useless to you, but, what I saw, what I know..."

   "What is it?"

   "During this period of time, you have almost traveled all over the Yunxia base. You should know what it is the most."


With these words, the surrounding air froze, and Yin Huangcheng became silent for an unknown amount of time. He stopped discussing this issue with the other party, and when he spoke again, he changed the subject and asked, "What do I need to do?" ?”

  Hearing that Xu Haishui pondered for a while, he turned his head and glanced at the distant sky, and when his eyes turned back again, he swept across the black diamond-shaped shrink bag on the opponent's back.

   "Yao Shenjia is in your hands... It seems that the relationship between Khan and Su Sigui is now closer than I expected."

  Yin Huangcheng didn't answer, just nodded.

   "Do you know the source body, the core of the God's Rain Project?"

   "You mean the ninth-level rester?"


"and then?"

   "Get her out, she can't die."

   "Do you want to destroy the God Rain Project?"


   "What's in it for you?"

   "There is no benefit, but there is no harm, but doing nothing will only harm you."

   "You may never think about it from my perspective."

   "No, you're wrong. I've been standing on your side. It's because you haven't figured it out from the beginning to the end."

"Huh?" Yin Huangcheng looked at Xu Haihui's eyes, and his expression turned into inquiry. Xu Haihui didn't answer the riddle, and explained: "I know what you are going to do, but no matter whether you win or lose, everyone will end up in the same place." It will be better!"

"If you win, Su Sigui will not let us go. If you lose, we and Su Sigui will be in a situation where there is no redemption. I understand the sense of responsibility in your heart, and you don't want to watch your race go to the end, but have you ever thought about it? As long as the Khan is always there, the royal court is always there, and the fire of mankind can continue, no matter how the world changes, our lives will not be affected."

   "He is also the corpse king, understand?"

   "I agree with you, but that's all?"

"More than that." Xu Haihui shook his head and continued: "I want my relatives to survive, and I also want to survive, and all this requires the failure of the God Spirit Rain plan. If you are me, you have Have the courage to watch your relatives die in front of your eyes? Among them, you yourself are one of the murderers?" This sentence made Yin Huangcheng's brows twitch violently twice. Perhaps thinking of something, he quickly asked Xu Haihui: " Is she... a new human?"

  Yin Huangcheng didn't say who she was, but no one could tell whether Xu Haihui was lying or not. Xu Haihui didn't answer at all, and his silent appearance made Yin Huangcheng feel a little uneasy.

The Divine Rain Project is aimed at zombies and new humans. Under the divine rain, only ordinary people can survive. If the one he is looking for is already a new human, perhaps, he should really consider whether to accept Xu Seawater asked, but he couldn't make a decision...

According to what Xu Haihui said, if they choose to stand by and ignore the crisis of all mankind, that is indeed the case, and there is no harm at all. In the future, the whole world will be ruled by zombies, and Tang Ye, as the king of corpses, should also have His own place belongs to everyone in the royal court, and his life will not change in any way.

  However, he just couldn't make up his mind, probably because... he couldn't guarantee that he would never leave the royal court for the rest of his life...

  He didn't want to see only the royal court left in the future, but when he left the royal court, what he faced was a wave of corpses wandering around the world full of malice to human beings!

   At the same time, I am also afraid that in the future, people will regard the protection of the corpse king as a form of captivity!

"Have you thought it through yet?" Not long after, Xu Haihui opened his mouth with no expression on his face. Yin Huangcheng looked at him and didn't know what he was thinking, until he felt the heaviness of Yaoshen armor shrinking behind him again, He also understood how to answer, and then responded to the other party.

   That is just shaking your head.

   "Choose to decline?"

"You still don't know enough about human beings. The reason why I made this choice is because I want to have my own source, a root, instead of being a kind of **** kindling, holding the ridiculous dream of reviving human civilization. I can't do it. I don’t have that ability, not only me, but many people have made the same choice as me, I think their thoughts may be similar to mine, and they understand that now is the last chance.”

   "Are you satisfied with this reason?"

  Yin Huangcheng's answer made Xu Haihui a little dazed. He looked at the other person in a daze, and only spoke a few words after a while.

   "I don't understand..."

   "It doesn't matter, just like when I was young, I didn't understand why some people gave up their good life abroad to serve their motherland."

  (end of this chapter)