MTL - I Am the Corpse King-Chapter 1995 This is what you want to see 2

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  Chapter 1995 This is what you want to see 2

Tang Ye reacted immediately, and immediately tried to strike first, but then, Su Sigui slashed over with a knife, and cut his head precisely. The blade started from the left eye and sank directly into the head among.

  If it was a new human being, he could not die after this knife. But Tang Ye is the king of corpses, so for him, such an injury is the same as a human being's skin scratched.

   This is the most perverted part of the silver-armored zombies. They don’t have the weakness of other zombies. They can’t find evolutionary crystals on their bodies. The only way to kill them is to let them deplete their activity and wither to precipitate evolutionary crystals!

  In theory, silver-armored zombies are actually more difficult to survive than other zombies, because they need to maintain a stable source of activity, but unfortunately, in this world full of their own kind, very few silver-armored zombies will really starve to death!

Tang Ye didn't feel any pain from this knife, but his vision was affected. He subconsciously raised his head to hold the tip of the knife protruding from the back of his head. Su Sigui wanted to pull it out, but because of the strength of Tang Ye's hand She didn't get what she wanted, and what she did next was to resolutely loosen the knife that had been cut into Tang Ye's head, and with the help of Tang Ye's other hand exerted on her body, she forced herself hard in a strange position. Shengsheng plunged himself into the wall of ruins and broke free!

But because Tang Ye's other hand was firmly pinching her neck, it was impossible to break away from him in a short time, but Su Sigui, who kept her rational the whole time, soon had a choice. Holding the ferocious long sword upside down with both hands, clenching his teeth, with a low shout, the sword pointed at Tang Ye's chest, and thrust it hard!


  The long sword made of the corpse king's flesh and blood naturally has the sharpness to break through the corpse king's defense! Although there was a lot of resistance, Su Sigui still relied on his terrifying power to forcefully insert the flesh and blood sword into Tang Ye's chest!

When the body of the sword was halfway into Tang Ye's chest, she stopped exerting any force. She grasped the hilt of the sword tightly with both hands, propped her body up abruptly, and then put one knee on Tang Ye's shoulder. When it was not fully formed, the other leg bent upwards heavily, using his knee as a heavy hammer, and smashed it **** Tang Ye's chin!

   This knee, she used all her strength, just like in the illusion, she used all her breastfeeding strength to forcibly twist the neck of her biological father!

  From the blow of the ninth-level new human being with all his strength, Tang Ye's five senses were distorted at the moment when all the power was released from the chin!


   There was another obvious sound of bones breaking, but it sounded much more serious than when the sword hilt hit the face before.


  It looks like a soda that has been shaken a lot and swelled up. There is a sound of falling from a height of more than 20 floors and hitting the ground to explode. It is not loud, but it has the magic power to make people's hearts beat!

  Under the witness of Su Sigui, Tang Ye's head exploded, and all kinds of brain tissues that were completely inconsistent with human beings scattered all over the place!

  Having lost his head, Tang Ye, who only had his body left, suddenly let go of the hand that controlled Su Sigui.

Without hesitation, she quickly pulled out the long sword inserted into Tang Ye's chest, and rushed out of the ruins at an extremely fast speed, opening the distance between her and the opponent, but in the process, she glanced back, The look in his eyes was indescribably complicated.

   Outside, more than a dozen Desperate Departures shining with dark green light have come to support, and there are more eighth-level new humans!

  The battle here has been spread in the first place. Although Su Sigui is a ninth-level new human, it is impossible for people to let her really fight alone.

  When Su Sigui's figure appeared, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

   "Is the battle over?"

"The mayor is still alive, and it seems that the winner has been decided." Looking at everything below, the belated crowd felt very complicated. After this battle, even if humans win in the end, the majestic Yunxia Base , is no different from the cities of the old era, has it been reduced to no man's land?

   "Boy Xu, order to clean up the battlefield, it's still busy there."

  Listening to the voice in the headset, Xu Tianyu did not give orders immediately, he observed Su Sigui's every move.

  If Li Henian was just an eighth-level new human being, fighting Su Sigui would be like hitting a stone with an egg! It is absolutely impossible to cause such amazing damage, but if it is a ninth-order existence like Su Sigui, although it is not completely impossible to end the battle so quickly, Xu Tianyu is still keenly aware that something is wrong.

  Su Sigui didn't relax completely. Although she successfully shot Tang Ye in the head, she still held the long sword tightly, her nerves were tense, and she stared at the ruins that she knocked away!

  When she stood, her feet were staggered, and Xu Tianyu could see it clearly, so that when a battle happened, she could enter the fighting state in the shortest time!

   Not far away, there were several Desperate Departures shining with dark green light all over their bodies trying to approach the battlefield, but fortunately they were stopped by Xu Tianyu!

   "Stop, come back!"

  The moment they received the message, the footsteps of several No-Road Departures paused, and finally they could only retreat obediently to a safe range.

Su Sigui's vigilance was not wrong. In the ruins, Tang Ye, who had lost his head, did not fall down immediately, but the sudden heavy blow made his mind go blank for a few seconds. Soon, his headless The body started to move, and it actually walked towards the outside of the ruins like a person who had nothing to do, and the scattered head fragments also turned into reptiles and chased towards the body.

   Not long after, his figure came out from the ruins. The headless body looked so weird and unbelievable!

  People who saw this scene seemed to have seen a ghost, and some couldn't believe their eyes.

   "That's... Li Henian?"

   "It he's not human."

Su Sigui also naturally saw Tang Ye that people saw, but compared to the surprise of others, Su Sigui seemed to have known it for a long time, the expression on his face did not change a bit, and he just watched quietly. with.

The reptiles transformed from skull fragments crawled to Tang Ye's feet one by one, and got in through his trouser legs. Tentacles also protruded from the broken neck, entangled and squeezed each other, and then formed the prototype of a human head .

  The writhing flesh and blood gradually revealed the facial features of the human being, and the large number of extra tentacles elongated and thinned, turning into gray-white hair, and then slowly shortened, from white to black!

  The facial features become clear at the same time, and the skin returns to normal skin color.

   Just like that, under the gaze of countless eyes, his shattered head recovered, and he turned back into Li Henian's appearance!

  He is not a new human, but an almost unkillable corpse king!

  (end of this chapter)