MTL - I am the Father of the Villain-Chapter 17 seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen:

"My name is Ji Leyu." Ji Leyu replied crisply, her amber eyes were clear and pure under the sunlight, "Uncle, you can call me Lele or Xiaoyu."

Lin Luoqing:!

Lin Luoqing: ...

Over there, Ji Leyu had stepped aside and said politely, "Come in quickly, uncle, I'll take you to find Dad."

Lin Luoqing: ...

Lin Luoqing could only reply awkwardly but politely, "Okay."

After Ji Leyu finished speaking, he turned his head and saw Lin Fei standing beside him.

He hadn't noticed Lin Fei before, and it could even be said that Lin Luoqing was just a code name for him.

He hoped that Ji Yuxiao would be happy. He felt that Lin Luoqing could make Ji Yuxiao happy, so he deliberately showed a warm and well-behaved look to welcome Lin Luoqing and please him.

He didn't care who Lin Luoqing was, what he looked like, and whether he had children, so naturally, he didn't give his attention to Lin Fei, who was useless to Ji Yuxiao.

But now that he saw it, he subconsciously wanted to please Lin Luoqing, so he also smiled sweetly at Lin Fei, who bore the title of Lin Luoqing's nephew.

"Hello, brother." Ji Leyu said obediently, her voice was soft, with the baby voice unique to children.

Lin Fei had heard so much from Lin Luoqing before, and thought that he would be grumpy, big-hearted, and a full-fledged child. Now seeing that he looks like a doll and obediently calls him brother, he can't help but be a little surprised.

He gave a rare smile, thinking that Lin Luoqing really knew how to talk nonsense.

That's it, is it fierce?

Obviously very cute.

"Hello." Lin Feili said politely.

After all, Ji Leyu's mind was not on him, so he blinked, showing a shy expression of embarrassment, and then went to look at his main target.

"Let's go in, Uncle Lin."

"Okay." Lin Luoqing replied.

Ji Leyu walked forward quickly, led them into the house, and went straight to the elevator at home.

"Take the elevator, the elevator is fast." He said in a brisk tone, shaking his head slightly, like a cat, agile and cute.

It was the first time Lin Fei saw an elevator installed in his home, and he was a little surprised, but his face was always calm, even if he was surprised in his heart, his face was still calm.

Lin Luoqing, on the other hand, instantly understood why there was an elevator here.

Ji Yuxiao couldn't go up and down the stairs, so the most convenient thing was to install an elevator.

When he thought of this, he thought of Ji's old house again. Ji Yuxiao's leg has been injured for a while, and Ji's father didn't even install an elevator for the house. Not only did he not install it, he didn't even move his study to the first floor .

He seemed to care about Ji Yuxiao a lot, so why didn't he think of such a simple matter for him?

Lin Luoqing frowned, only thinking that there was something strange about the father and son.

Just as he was thinking, the elevator came down, and Ji Leyu led them in responsibly, pressed the floor, and closed the door.

"I don't use this elevator very often." He looked at Lin Luoqing and said obediently, "My father knows how to use it, so I'll leave it to him. It's just that uncle, you and your brother took the suitcase, and walking up the stairs is too tiring, so the elevator is more convenient. .”

Lin Luoqing couldn't connect such a caring sweetheart with the man in the book who made the original owner have a carnival with the dogs.

What kind of pig feed are these years? How can you turn a cute and soft sweetheart into a crazy pervert!

It's so scary!

"That's it, Xiaoyu is so good." Lin Luoqing smiled.

The elevator door opened, and several people stepped out one after another.

Ji Leyu glanced at Lin Luoqing, and said in a sweet tone, "Dad must be very happy to see you later."

It should be, Lin Luoqing guessed, anyway Gao is not happy, he has already come, so he better be happy.

"Really?" Lin Luoqing replied to him.

"Well, he has been looking forward to your coming these days. He said he would be happy if you came. He likes you."

Lin Luoqing was amused by his words, Ji Yuxiao likes him?

I like to tease him.

"He also specially prepared a room for Brother Lin Fei." Ji Leyu continued to take credit for Ji Yuxiao, "It's next to my room, and Dad said that we can study and play together."

"Then he has a heart."

"He likes you." Ji Leyu said sweetly.

Lin Luoqing listened to his words, the smile on his face deepened.

Humans always like to listen to good things, even if they know it's false, but Lin Luoqing couldn't help being a little more happy when such a cute child said it in a cute tone.

It was as if Ji Yuxiao was really innocent, and out of liking for him, he invited him to move in.

"Are you a lobbyist invited by your father? Help him speak like this." Lin Luoqing teased him.

Ji Leyu was a little puzzled, tilted his head and asked him, "What is a lobbyist?"

Lin Luoqing paused for a moment, then laughed.

He turned to look at Lin Fei and asked Lin Fei, "Do you know Feifei?"

"Hmm." Lin Fei said softly.

"Then explain to Xiaoyu."

Ji Leyu immediately cooperated with her probe to look at him, her long eyelashes curled up and up and down, blinking and blinking at him.

"A lobbyist is someone who helps others persuade others."

Lin Luoqing smiled and rubbed his head, "Feifei is really smart."

After speaking, he naturally took Lin Fei's hand.

Lin Fei looked up at him with some doubts, Lin Luoqing looked at the puzzlement in his eyes, and thought to himself, well, he really thought too much.

He was also worried that Lin Fei would feel uncomfortable because he had been talking to Ji Leyu just now, but it seemed that his indifferent nephew would not.

On the other hand, Ji Leyu pouted and said dissatisfiedly, "I'm not a lobbyist, I'm telling the truth."

"Okay." Lin Luoqing comforted him, "Xiaoyu, tell the truth."

While talking, Ji Yuxiao's study also arrived.

Ji Leyu symbolically knocked on the door twice, then opened it and walked in, saying happily, "Dad, look who is here 1

As soon as Ji Yuxiao looked up, he saw Lin Luoqing walking in holding Lin Fei with his left hand and the suitcase with his right hand.

Ji Leyu noticed that he had put down the document in his hand, and laughed, thinking that it seems that his uncle really likes Uncle Lin

"Why didn't you call me?" Ji Yuxiao pushed the wheelchair and walked up to Lin Luoqing, "Didn't I tell you to tell me when you arrive soon?"

"I planned to call, but as soon as I rang the doorbell, Xiaoyu came out, and we followed Xiaoyu up."

He smiled, "I heard from Xiaoyu that you miss what I think. Every day you look forward to my coming like a watchman. Do you like me so much?"

Ji Yuxiao: ...

Ji Yuxiao turned to look at Ji Leyu.

Ji Leyu blinked innocently, "Also...that's not wrong"