MTL - I am the Father of the Villain-Chapter 18 eighteen

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Eighteen chapters:

Seeing him like this, Ji Yuxiao couldn't laugh or cry, "You're just a big kid."

"That's what you said, you are very happy, you like Uncle Lin"

Lin Luoqing said "Wow", "Really? Can't you tell? Are you clearly in love with me?"

Ji Yuxiao: ...

"When did I say I liked him?" Ji Yuxiao asked Ji Leyu.

Hearing this, Ji Leyu said seriously, "So you don't like Uncle Lin?"

He said, "Then you are going to get married again. I asked you before, and you also said 'um'."

Ji Yuxiao: ...

Ji Yuxiao helplessly, the world of adults is always different from that of children. Adults can marry for many reasons that have nothing to do with feelings, but children only think that they are because of love.

Ji Leyu urgently needed to find out the answer, so he asked, "Don't you like it?"

How could Ji Yuxiao say that he didn't like it in front of him, he could only sigh and asked his little nephew, "Do you really want me to confess my love to Uncle Lin right now?"

"That's not impossible." Lin Luoqing didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement.

Ji Yuxiao: ...

Ji Yuxiao looked at him with a very gentle smile.

Lin Luoqing wanted to go online in an instant, "Of course, it would be better if you can spend the time before and after the month and make careful preparations."

You want quite a lot, Ji Yu Xiao thought in his heart.

"Wait," he said.

Ji Leyu listened, thinking that they didn't want to talk about their love affairs in front of Lin Fei and herself. After all, they were still young, so the two adults had to talk about it in private.

Then his uncle still likes Lin Luoqing, so it's fine.

He heaved a sigh of relief, and Ji Yuxiao turned the wheelchair back to the table, and brought over a beautifully packaged small box.

"This is a gift from your uncle." He turned his gaze to Lin Fei who had been silent all this time.

"Here you are, I hope you like it."

Lin Fei didn't expect that he would prepare a gift for himself, and didn't know whether to accept it for a while, so he could only look up at Lin Luoqing.

Lin Luoqing was a little embarrassed for a moment, Ji Yuxiao even prepared a gift for Lin Fei?

But he didn't prepare a gift for Ji Leyu...

But this matter is easy to solve, Lin Luoqing didn't panic, he lowered his head and said to Lin Fei: "Since Uncle Ji gave it to you, you can accept it."

After finishing speaking, he turned to look at Ji Leyu, "I also prepared a gift for you, but it hasn't arrived today, how about I give it to you tomorrow?"

Ji Leyu didn't care about any gifts, she nodded with a smile, and said obediently, "Thank you, Uncle Lin."

Lin Fei saw that Ji Yuxiao's outstretched hand hadn't been withdrawn, and saw that Lin Luoqing asked him to accept it, so he stretched out his hand to take it, and said politely, "Thank you."

"You're welcome." Ji Yuxiao said softly.

He looked at Lin Fei, Lin Fei's face was calm, his expression was light, and even his eyes didn't change.

Unlike ordinary children who would be happy when receiving a gift, his eyes were as indifferent as water from beginning to end, without joy or liking.

Just standing quietly and gracefully.

Ji Yuxiao was a little confused about Lin Fei for a while. He knew that Lin Luoqing had a child before, but he didn't care. He watched Ji Leyu grow up from birth to the present. Dealing with children may be difficult for other men. It was difficult, but it couldn't be easier for him.

However, Lin Fei is obviously not the child he met before, he has his own protective layer, silently protecting himself.

He is a very precocious and intelligent boy.

Ji Yuxiao laughed, and turned his gaze to Lin Luoqing again, "Let's go, I'll take you to my bedroom."

Lin Luoqing:! !

Hold! He really lives in his bedroom!

Although he had thought before coming that maybe he would share a bedroom with Ji Yuxiao, but now that he really wants to go, Lin Luoqing is inexplicably...embarrassed.

He responded in a low voice, "Oh."

Ji Yuxiao noticed that he lowered his head, with an evil taste, "Why, after so many years, you can finally set foot in the male god's bedroom, are you happy?"

Lin Luoqing: ...

Very good, he is no longer embarrassed at all, he just wants to see how thick Ji Yuxiao is!

Lin Luoqing snorted, pulled the suitcase out of the study.

Ji Yuxiao's bedroom is very large, with a bathroom, cloakroom and a balcony, which is almost equal to the size of the original owner's house.

"Put your luggage down first, and I'll talk to you later after dinner."

"Yeah." Lin Luoqing nodded, and put the suitcase next to the bedside table.

"Let's go and see Feifei's room." He put his arms around Lin Fei.

But when he walked behind Ji Yuxiao, he naturally helped Ji Yuxiao push the wheelchair.

Ji Yuxiao was also used to it, and the moment he pushed on the armrest, he withdrew his hand.

Ji Leyu observed silently, a slight light flickered in his eyes.

Lin Fei's room was at the other end of the corridor, not far from Lin Luoqing's, but not too close.

"I don't know what style you like, so I just pretended it. I didn't design the wall painting for you. You can see what you want. I'll send someone over tomorrow." Ji Yuxiao said to Lin Fei in a light tone .

Lin Fei looked at the bedroom in front of him that was several times larger than his previous bedroom, and said calmly, "No, thank you."

Ji Yuxiao guessed that he was embarrassed to tell himself, and said, "Then you can think about it more, and then tell your uncle, let him tell me."

Lin Fei shook his head, he said, "It's already very good."

Ji Yuxiao bought him a new bed, equipped with a full set of tables, chairs, wardrobes and desks, and piled up a lot of plush toys and cars. Lin Fei felt that this was enough, and there was nothing more to add.

Seeing what he said, Ji Yuxiao didn't insist anymore.

Lin Luoqing reminded him, "If you put the suitcase here first, then we'll go downstairs for dinner and pack it up at night."

Lin Fei followed suit and put his suitcase next to the bedside table, and followed him out.

A meal for everyone.

After the meal, Ji Yuxiao left Lin Luoqing and Lin Fei the after-dinner time, and took Ji Leyu to Ji Leyu's room by himself, saying that he was checking his homework.

Lin Luoqing glanced at Ji Leyu's room. It was similar to Lin Fei's room, but with a more personal style. He looked down at his little nephew, "Don't you really want to paint the walls or add something?"

Lin Fei shook his head, "I don't want to."

Lin Luoqing pushed open the door of his room, "So this room is ok?"

Lin Fei nodded and asked, "Otherwise?"

Lin Luoqing: ...

Lin Luoqing felt that he had no desires and no desires. No wonder he would succeed in starting a business and become a rich generation later on. With this state of mind, no desires can be strong, ordinary people really can't compare.

"Okay, then I won't add other things to your house for now, and uncle will buy you what you like in the future."


After Lin Fei answered his question, he thought of his own question, "There are no buses here."

He looked at Lin Luoqing, "How can I go to school in the future?"

Lin Luoqing also thought about this problem. Before he came here, the original owner didn't care much about Lin Fei. Lin Fei set the alarm clock by himself, washed his face, brushed his teeth, and took the bus to go to school. Breakfast was bread from the convenience store and water from the school water dispenser.

Later, he walked over and started to wake Lin Fei up, made Lin Fei breakfast, and took a taxi to take him to school, but Ji Yuxiao's house was hard to get a taxi, so he probably had to borrow Ji Yuxiao's car.

"I'll discuss it with your Uncle Ji to see if Uncle Xiao Li can send us off."

Lin Fei didn't really want to bother others, but he had no other choice, so he could only agree, "Okay."

After he finished asking the questions he had been worried about, he was about to pack his bags and do his homework.

Lin Luoqing packed his belongings with him, and teased him, "Your clothes are well folded, neat and tidy, you little expert at home."

Lin Fei was a little proud, "My mother taught me."

"Then your mother is amazing~" Lin Luoqing laughed.

Lin Fei heard this and looked up at him.

Lin Luoqing looks very similar to his mother. He can often see his mother's shadow on his face, but he has never liked her very much.

Of course he knew that his mother liked his only brother very much, but because of this, he didn't like him even more.

——His mother likes him, but he doesn't like his mother that much, he doesn't deserve his mother's likes.

But in the past few days, he has inexplicably changed a lot, not like before, but a bit like... his mother.

Lin Fei lowered his head and blinked, then quickly picked up other things in the suitcase, stood up and put them on the desk.

Lin Luoqing helped him pack up, put away the suitcase, and saw that he had already walked to the desk with his schoolbag, so he didn't bother him any more.

"You do your homework. I'll go and discuss the car with your Uncle Ji."

"Yeah." Lin Fei looked back at him.

Lin Luoqing closed the door and walked towards Ji Yuxiao's bedroom.

Ji Yuxiao has already returned to the bedroom, lowering his head as if he was sending a message to someone, seeing him walk in, put away his phone and asked him, "How is it, is Lin Fei getting used to it?"

Lin Luoqing nodded, "I've packed up my things and started doing my homework."

Ji Yuxiao was relieved now.

"Does his room need anything else?"

"Not for the time being." Lin Luoqing approached him, "I just asked him, and he is quite satisfied, so there is no need to buy anything for now. I will buy him what he wants later."

"Okay." Ji Yuxiao said helplessly.

Lin Luoqing looked at him like this, smiled, and comforted him: "Lin Fei is different from other children. He has no father since he was born, and his mother left later, so he is far more mature than other children of this age. He is very sensible. He is a kid who has his own ideas. Although he doesn't talk much and is slow to get up, he doesn't seem to be very talkative, but he has a good temper and is willing to get along well with others, and he doesn't care too much about it. many."

"So he is really satisfied with the room you prepared for him, and he really doesn't think there is anything else that needs to be added. He is not being polite, but feels so from the bottom of his heart."

Ji Yuxiao already knew Lin Fei before, but now hearing him talk about Lin Fei's situation face to face, he still couldn't help but feel emotional.

"He is quite similar to Xiaoyu." He whispered, "Xiaoyu's parents are gone."

"Normally, if both parents are still there, or one of them is still there, how can it be your turn to be raised by uncles like you and me?"

Lin Luoqing stood up and walked to her suitcase, "Okay, let's not talk about Xiaoyu and Feifei, which wardrobe am I, it's time for me to pack my things."

Ji Yuxiao pushed the wheelchair into the cloakroom, and opened the wardrobe on the right, "This row is all yours."

Lin Luoqing: ...Fuck! Damn capitalism! He doesn't have as many clothes as someone else's wardrobe!

"Is it not enough?" Seeing that he was silent, Ji Yuxiao thought about the star industry for a while, and added, "If it is not enough, the guest room next door can be converted into a cloakroom for you."

Lin Luoqing: ...

Lin Luoqing felt that he really came to help the poor!

You have worked so hard to descend to earth!

It's so hard!

"Enough is enough, more is more."

Lin Luoqing looked at his normal-sized suitcase, and then at the entire row of cabinets in front of him. He was really, really shabby!

The shabby Lin Luoqing quickly put his clothes in the cabinet, let alone a cabinet, a quarter of the cabinet was not full.

"It seems that I need to add some clothes for you." Ji Yuxiao said lazily, leaning on the wheelchair.

Lin Luoqing: ...

Lin Luoqing silently closed the cabinet door.

"There is something I want to discuss with you," he said to Ji Yuxiao while arranging other items in his suitcase, "Can you lend me Xiao Li for a few days? It's not easy to take a taxi here. I want to let Xiao Li drive Feifei to school for a few days, after a while I get my driver's license and buy a car, I will send Feifei to school by myself, but I have to trouble Xiao Li recently."

He actually had a driver's license before wearing the book, but the original owner didn't, so he had to take the test again.

Hearing this, Ji Yuxiao said generously, "You don't need to buy a car for your driver's license test. I have several cars. You like to drive casually. As for sending Feifei to school, I also plan to let Xiao Li I sent him there. Since I let you and Feifei move here, I will naturally solve these unnecessary troubles for you."

"Thank you so much, but the car is fine, I don't have a driver's license yet."

"Then you can call Xiao Li directly when you go out in the future, and let him pick you up."

"What if it conflicts with your schedule?" Lin Luoqing looked back at him.

"No." Ji Yuxiao said concisely, "I don't go out often now."

Lin Luoqing's doubts arose again, why don't you go out often? He doesn't look like the kind of guy who would be downcast with broken legs, so why trap himself in this house?

He really was full of doubts.

However, Lin Luoqing didn't intend to ask more questions, so he just nodded cooperatively and continued to pack his things.

Seeing that he had finished packing, Ji Yuxiao looked at his watch and was about to take a bath.

When Lin Luoqing heard that he was going to take a bath, she stood up quickly and pushed him into the bathroom.

Ji Yuxiao pressed the wheelchair, "What are you doing?"

"Don't you want to take a shower?"

"Yes." Ji Yuxiao was puzzled, "Why, do you want to wash at this time?"

Lin Luoqing: " want to take a mandarin duck bath with me so soon?"

Ji Yuxiao: ...

"I did not say."

"So that's what you think?"

"Who thinks so! I think you have been coveting the male **** for a long time, and you can't wait to bathe with the male **** now."

"I don't have love," Lin Luoqing denied, "I am Plato to you, spiritual love 1

Ji Yuxiao snorted, "Spiritual love that is as quiet as a pillar of the sky, and as moving as a dragon entering an abyss?"

Ji Yuxiao looked up at him, "I understand, I really understand."

You know what a fart! Lin Luoqing cursed in her heart.

Who was Lao Tzu for? Isn't it for you? !


"I just want to simply push you in and help you take a bath." Lin Luoqing teased, "But some people, who haven't received their marriage certificate, can't wait to share a bedroom and a bed with me. You won't Are you secretly in love with me in a place I don't know? Don't we two have a two-way crush in the legend, right?"

Ji Yuxiao: ...

Ji Yuxiao felt that he was really good at putting gold on his face!

He just wanted to sleep peacefully, so he decided to share a bed with him!

Otherwise, when he goes to bed at night, will Lin Luoqing come to his bedroom to perform, or will he go to Lin Luoqing's bedroom?

What if he passed by and fell asleep, and Lin Luoqing woke him up again and asked him to go back to his room to sleep, then he really wouldn't be able to fall asleep!

He just wanted to sleep! Sleep in the noun sense! That's all!

"I'm thinking about the children. Otherwise, if we sleep in separate rooms, Xiaoyu and Feifei will definitely feel strange, wondering if there is something going on between us."

Lin Luoqing smiled softly, "Yes, for the sake of the child, everything is for the sake of the child, I understand, you definitely don't have a crush on me, you definitely don't have a crush on me, I understand too well, don't worry."

Ji Yuxiao: ...

Ji Yuxiao felt that his tone of voice was not reassuring, especially the content of his words, what do you know!

You don't understand anything!

Ji Yuxiao had no choice but to "let go, I'll go in and wash myself."

"Bie." Lin Luoqing persuaded him, "We are going to get married, so it's normal for me to help you."

"I can do it myself."

"I'll help you save time and effort."

"Can't you go about your own business?"

"You are my top priority Lin Luoqing came as soon as he opened his mouth.

Ji Yuxiao: ...

Ji Yuxiao gave up, "Tell me the truth, do you want to inspect the goods?"

Lin Luoqing smiled, "Brother, what you said, am I that kind of person?"

Then you are so right!

"But you've said that, so I have no choice but to be respectful rather than obedient." Lin Luoqing's tone was gentle.

Ji Yuxiao:? ? ? ?

Just like this, you still have the nerve to say that you are not? !

You can't wait, can you? !

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