MTL - I am the Father of the Villain-Chapter 251 251 "Kiss him quickly, just kiss him!"...

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Two five one:

Ji Yuxiao took out his phone and sent a WeChat message to the self-assistant, asking him to handle the matter.


Boss, you went to record a variety show without saying a word? !

Now you need the company official Weibo to help you prove yourself? !

This is really... If you live for a long time, you can achieve anything.

The assistant sighed, contacted the brand department of the company, and ordered the matter down.

Five minutes later, after lying down for three months, Ji's Group's official Weibo account finally cheated, reposted the program group's Aite Ji Yuxiao's Weibo, and wrote: [Mr. Ji, come on! Repost this post on Weibo, draw 100 lucky winners and give away two movie tickets for "All the Way West", hurry up and watch it with your beloved~]

Netizens who are surfing the Internet: [? ? ? Good guy, what did I see? It's really Ji's Group's official Weibo! 】

[Hahahaha said before that if the official blog is not forwarded, it means that it does not recognize people? Come out and see your official blog dad! 】

[What do you know, people will say that the official blog of the group is also fake [funny]]

[Looked at it, the last Weibo on the official blog was three months ago, and this time it was really retweeted for Mr. 】

[I'm the only one who cares about "West Way West" actually released? 】

[Yes, there are not many films recently, and the big box office is mainly due to "One Road West". 】

[I'm here, I'm here, I'm forwarding the lottery right now, and I want to play "One Road West" again. 】

[The group never forgets to promote Qingqing's movie when forwarding it, Mr. Ji, you really love him! 】

[It doesn't have to be Mr. Ji, maybe it's Lin Luoqing who likes Lin Luoqing subcutaneously? 】

[So subcutaneously pay for 200 movie tickets? 】

[Still bold official number? 】

[Ah, this...then the possibility of Mr. Ji's instruction is one higher. 】

【Oh my God, that's why Mr. Ji not only let his official account cheat his body to clear up this show, but also specially set up a lottery to promote his movie? "Fuck", Mr. Ji, you are Ji Shao and Ben Shao! 】

[Now I know why Ji Shao only wants to get engaged [狗头]]

【Then I will be different, I just want to know if the faces of the sunspots hurt, hahahaha】

Ji Yuxiao looked at it and was satisfied.

He specially created this since he asked his assistant to register on the official Weibo, instead of Yunpin Yuji's personal blog, just to make him and Lin Luoqing look more compatible, so that fans would think that they are better than Lin Luoqing Shizheng and Lin Luoqing Qin Wu Suitable!

After all, a fan and a celebrity may not be suitable, but a president and a celebrity, then it is suitable according to how you look at it.

Ji Yuxiao picked up the phone, said to Wu Xinyuan, "Let me know if there is anything to do", and went to find Lin Luoqing again.

Lin Luoqing and the others were preparing to change venues to search for evidence.

This villa has three floors, of which the second floor is used for living, and the third floor is used for layout.

"What does Wu Xinyuan want from you?" Lin Luoqing whispered as he walked up the stairs with him.

Ji Yuxiao walked beside him and said in a low voice, "I have already solved a small problem."

Lin Luo cleared his head and asked more, with a helpless look, "Can you restrain yourself? Young Master Ji is almost turning you into a love brain."

"How do you know that Young Master Ji is not a love brain?" Ji Yuxiao asked back.

Lin Luoqing:? ? ?

"Is he really in love?"

Ji Yuxiao sighed, "Do you not know whether he loves you or not?"

Lin Luoqing recalled the content of the script. Above, Young Master Ji seemed to be very gentle and considerate to him. He came to accompany him when he was not busy, and gave him small gifts when he was busy. So Young Master Ji is really in love this time?

Lin Luo said with a clear heart, then he should have a reason to kill his father, otherwise the engagement banquet tonight would not be able to go on.

The two of them were the last to reach the third floor. Zhao Yaming and the others came up, hurried over and asked them, "Are you ready? The next part is ready to start recording."

"Okay." Lin Luoqing replied.

Zhao Yaming looked up at Ji Yuxiao, who smiled and said, "I'm fine too."

"Okay." Zhao Yaming made a gesture with the director. The director counted down for one minute and turned on the camera again.

Netizens' screens lit up again, and Lin Luoqing and the others reappeared in the camera, sending a barrage saying: [The venue has changed, do you want to start searching for evidence? 】

[I just went to the bathroom, what's going on now, are Ji Zong and Qingqing in the same group? 】

[It's a group, Ji Zong, Qing Qing, Zhao Yaming, Song Xiuwen, Sun Liang, Zhai Tinglan, Qian Yongan, Peng Feijie. 】

[Wow, looking forward to it. 】

["Insert" a little news, although some people may already know it, but there must be some people who don't know it. The Ji's Group has just come out to express its position. Mr. Ji is indeed the general manager of the Ji's Group. Now the official Weibo is still clearing up What about movie tickets? 】

[Hahahaha, the screen must have been black for ten minutes just now, and Mr. Ji went to do it. 】

[Mr. Ji os: I've certified it, and you still don't believe it? If you want me to let the official Weibo speak out, are you satisfied with what you see? 】

[Hahaha Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied. 】

[So Mr. Ji really came here to accompany Qingqing without talking about tens of millions of business every minute, this is too sweet! 】

[Take it, give it to me, why don't you do it? ! 】

[And Mr. Ji proved that since then, he has not forgotten to hit the box office for Qingqing movies, which is really spoiled. 】

[I'm fine, I'm fine again, Brother Zheng, I'm sorry, but Mr. Ji really worked hard! 】

[Hahaha, poetry again, passion here I come! 】

["Fuck", is there a CP so soon? Passion sounds more enthusiastic than poetry [cover face]. 】

[Passionate duck! 】

Zhao Yaming assigned everyone a room to search for evidence, and Lin Luoqing and Ji Yuxiao went together.

The two of them were assigned to Zhao Yaming's room, and Lin Luoqing walked in and began to rummage through the bookshelves.

Ji Yuxiao was looking for evidence on the other side. He was looking for it, but when he turned around, he saw Lin Luoqing reaching for a small box on the top of the bookshelf with his back turned to him.

Lin Luoqing's height is not low, exactly 180, which is simply the height standard for walking in the entertainment industry, but this box is obviously a bit high, even if he is stretched, it is still not good enough.

Ji Yuxiao smiled, walked over, reached out and helped him get the small box.

"Here." He sent the box to Lin Luoqing.

It's just such a posture, looking at it from a distance, it's like he is surrounding Lin Luoqing.

The barrage became excited in an instant: [This posture, rounded up, is a direct hug. 】

【"Fuck", did you see that smile of Mr. Ji just now? It's too pampered, it's like spoiling her face. 】

[What kind of classic plot of a novel is this? It's so sweet. 】

[Mr. Ji really pays attention to Qingqing all the time. Whenever Qingqing is in trouble, he will go over immediately. 】

[By the way, Mr. Ji, why don't you leave after you cleared the box? 】

【Of course I'm going to post with my wife, after all, I'm going to be engaged to a young couple~~】

[Thanks to the program team, this cp is amazing. 】

Lin Luoqing had no idea that the fans would get caught up again because of this. He was looking at the password on the box, wondering what the password was.

"Try her birthday." Ji Yuxiao said.

Lin Luoqing tried, "No."

"What about the four digits of the phone number?"


Lin Luoqing looked at the four digits on the password, thought for a while, and asked Ji Yuxiao, "Did Peng Sanshao say his birthday just now?"

Ji Yuxiao shook his head, "But I just saw this."

As he spoke, he brought over a photo. In the photo, Mrs. Zhao was hugging Sanshao Peng when she was a student.

"This is a photo in a photo frame in front of her computer, face to face, as a birthday souvenir. The date of shooting under the photo is October 1, 2016."

"National Day." Lin Luoqing said with a smile, he entered the four numbers 1001, and there was a diary inside.

Lin Luoqing flipped through it, and it read: [It has been three years since I married the master, why am I still pregnant? 】

[I want to give birth to a child for the master, so that my position in the family will be stable. 】

[God has mercy on me, I'm finally pregnant, I hope it will be a boy, the master seems to be a bit patriarchal, especially since there are already two girls in the family, please. 】

[That's great, I really gave birth to a boy, I'm so happy. 】

Ji Yu nodded, "So your father likes your brother, and doesn't he care about you and your sister?"

Lin Luoqing smiled, "It's not that I don't care, it's just that my brother likes it so much."

"Then your sister is very suspicious." Ji Yuxiao said.

Lin Luoqing turned her head, "Why?"

"Your father likes your younger brother so much, and it won't do any good for your younger brother to kill him. The same goes for Mrs. Zhao, so naturally your younger sister is suspicious."

Lin Luoqing pointed to herself, "Then why don't you doubt me?"

Ji Yuxiao smiled, "How could I doubt you, I only love you, baby, you have been wronged."

He said, and touched Lin Luoqing's head.

Lin Luoqing:!

Lin Luoqing stepped back and leaned directly on the bookshelf. Ji Yuxiao took advantage of the situation and put his hands on the bookshelves on both sides of his shoulders, "Don't worry baby, I will take good care of you."

Lin Luoqing: "...Thank you, thank you."

That is, can you still investigate the case properly!

You love brain!

Watching the live broadcast, the fans never thought that they could see this scene, and they couldn't help screaming: ['Fuck', this posture, wall-dong! 】

[Ah, ah, can I see this in the script killing variety show? Mr. Ji, you are so good! 】

[I'm as excited as a screaming chicken! 】

[I'm so excited that people from the next building are coming to beat me! 】

[Kiss him quickly, Mr. Ji, don't be cowardly, just kiss him! 】

[Woooooh, he called him baby, so sweet, so sweet. 】

【He also said that he loves him, that he has been wronged, it's so sweet. 】

[If you hit your sister hard, you are the one who is the culprit; if you feel sorry for your sister, the baby is wronged. What is bilateral, this is called double standard! 】

[This one mouthful, one treasure, is it really not for public benefit? Mr. Ji, tell the truth, is this screenwriter you? 】

[Although I think both Lin Luoqing and Ji Yuxiao should be straight men, but in the current situation, it seems that there is indeed something good...]

[Is this a sister? Overlord x star, jealous on a variety show, pampered and flirtatious, this is simply the plot of an idol drama! 】

[I've watched idol dramas recently and they are both sweet. 】

[So Mr. Ji, are you still moving? Let's go to the next action! 】

Ji Yuxiao did move, he stood up straight, put his hand back, and continued to look for other evidence.

Lin Luoqing looked at his figure, feeling a little helpless.

Netizens were disappointed and said: [That's it? That's it! I took off my pants, Mr. Ji, you just take them back? 】

[Mr. Ji, you can't do it. 】

[Men can't say no, but Mr. Ji, you really let me down. 】

[Hahaha sisters, you are all too involved in the show, this is not acting, it can be said that they are already very sweet, if they are really close, then they are really not straight men. 】

【Yeah, how could they kiss? It's not like a real couple. 】

[To be so unabashed, dare to say anything and dare to do anything, he must be a straight man, I don’t understand how someone is so serious. 】

[I feel that this group can't find anything, so I went to the other group and left. 】

【Ah, that is to say, although I also think Mr. Ji is very involved in the drama, but I feel that Mr. Ji seems to be too involved in the drama, so he looks very in love and doesn't seem to be very good at playing this kind of game. 】

[It's okay, if you don't act well, you have to say it, and if you act well, do you want to say it? 】

【Yeah, and even though he gave Qingqing candy, it didn't delay him from checking things. 】

[That's right. 】

While speaking, Ji Yuxiao cracked the password of the computer in front of him, and checked a recording in the computer.

"Don't come to me again." It was Mrs. Zhao's voice.

"Why?" It was a male voice.

"Before we agreed that you would not come to me again, what are you doing now?"

"But I miss you too."

"I do not miss you."

"Are you really that heartless?"

"Wrong, if you do this again, I won't be polite to you, ah, what are you doing, you don't care, you..."

The recording ends here.

Lin Luoqing came over, "Play it again."

Ji Yuxiao turned on the playback and listened to it again.

Lin Luoqing guessed, "Is Mrs. Zhao having an affair with him?"

"It should be, isn't she your little mother? She's so much younger than your father, maybe she had a boyfriend before."

"Wait." Lin Luoqing suddenly thought of something. "She said in her diary that she had been pregnant for three years after she married my father, but she said she was pregnant shortly after we met. Is this too sudden?"

Ji Yuxiao understood, he pointed to the computer in front of him, "You mean, the child is him?"

Lin Luo nodded, "In this case, she also has a motive to kill."

"If my father finds out that the child is not him, he will definitely divorce my little mother and drive San Shao out of the house, so she killed my father directly, so that she can get my father's inheritance."

"Makes sense."

Netizens also echoed: [Wrong, there is indeed a possibility. 】

【Qingqing and President Ji are still thinking clearly. 】

[Wrong, and the two of them cracked the password very quickly. 】

[Hahaha I think Mr. Ji is pretty good at playing, occasionally giving spontaneous sugar with Liao Qingqing, but when it comes to critical moments, it is still very reliable. 】

[That's right, it's also very interesting. 】

[It's really interesting, otherwise, can you rush to the number one live broadcast popularity so quickly? And it has become a hot search, isn't it interesting, have you noticed that the live broadcast room is starting to get stuck now? 】

【Come on...】

The last word "Shuo" was sent out, because the live broadcast room was overcrowded with frantic influx of people, and many netizens just got stuck and quit.

"Hold"! Why are there so many people! let me in! I haven't had enough yet!