MTL - I am the Father of the Villain-Chapter 341 Spoiler: Unchanging happy times in the future...

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Spoiler: An Unchanging Future

After the recording of the variety show was over, Lin Luoqing and Ji Yuxiao resumed their usual lives.

The same is true for Lin Fei and Ji Leyu. The students in their class are very sorry about this: "Did you stop recording the show?"

"Then those children don't need to study anymore, and we are the only ones who need to be compared and studied by you!"

"God, why is it always me who gets hurt!"

The students were frowning, the number of victims finally increased to the whole country, and now they are the only ones left, what a tragedy! He hugged them who were being rolled around in distress!

Lin Fei: ...

Lin Fei felt that they thought about it every day.

A month later, the last episode of "thefamily" aired, successfully setting a new high in ratings. Lin Fei and Ji Leyu even joined Lin Luoqing and Ji Yuxiao in the trending searches for a day and a night.

Netizens lamented what kind of fairy family this is, the father is in charge, and the cub is cute, and at the same time, they are sad that they will not see the cub in the future.

Feeling sad, she ran to Lin Luoqing and Ji Yuxiao's Weibo again, begging them to post Lin Fei and Ji Leyu's updates in the future.

Lin Luoqing silently agreed in her heart: I will.

Ji Yuxiao directly posted a group photo of Lin Fei and Ji Leyu. For a while, Yun's parents gathered together, and Ji Yuxiao's Weibo gained a lot of fans.

In a blink of an eye, Children's Day is here, and Lin Luoqing and Ji Yuxiao are also planning to take Lin Fei and Ji Leyu out to have fun and celebrate the festival.

"Where do you want to go?" Lin Luoqing asked the two of them, "Just for one day, you can't go too far."

"The zoo." Ji Leyu immediately raised his hand and said, "I want to see the little tiger."

Lin Luoqing nodded and looked at Lin Fei, "Where's Feifei?"

"Also." Lin Fei said calmly.

"Don't you want to go to the museum this time?" Lin Luoqing asked him, "If we want, we can go to the museum in the morning and the zoo in the afternoon."

Unlike other children of this age who are not interested in museums and find them boring, Lin Fei is particularly interested in museums. Lin Luoqing and Ji Yuxiao are quite curious about this, but they are also very supportive.

After all, even if he can't understand anything, just admiring the museum's collections will help cultivate the aesthetics of art.

"Okay." Lin Fei agreed.

He thought he could only go to one place before.

"That little fish has to get up early tomorrow." Lin Luoqing looked at Ji Leyu.

Ji Leyu nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, "Yeah."

In order to prove what she said, at nine o'clock that night, Ji Leyu came to Lin Fei's bedroom with a pillow in her arms.

"Sleep and sleep," he took off his shoes and went to bed, "Go to bed early today and get up early tomorrow."

It was rare for Lin Fei to see him go to bed so early, and he was still not used to it, "Go to bed first, I'll finish reading this."

"I'll wait for you." Ji Leyu said softly.

Lin Fei looked at the tablet that he was going to get when he spoke, and could only tell him, "Don't lie down and play."

"Oh." Ji Leyu sat up reluctantly.

Lin Fei read it for another twenty minutes, closed the book, took away Ji Leyu's tablet, took a shower with him, and went to bed.

Early the next morning, Lin Luoqing came to Lin Fei's house and called them both up.

Mrs. Zhang had already prepared breakfast, and also made some simple food such as sandwiches and rice balls, so that they could eat on the road when they were hungry.

Lin Luoqing packed the Meiji, rice balls, water, and washed fruits into his bag, and handed them to Ji Yuxiao, and they went out together.

The first stop is the museum.

Lin Luoqing and the others went to a private museum this time. The curator of the museum knew Ji Yuxiao and knew that he was coming today, so the museum was temporarily closed for a day to receive their family.

After all, Lin Fei is still young, and what he can understand is actually very limited, especially when it comes to history. He has not learned a lot of historical knowledge, so he can only understand some of it in general.

However, he did not come to the museum to listen to the explanation, but simply to see the collection.

He thought some were very beautiful, so he looked at them carefully for a long time, and he didn't like some very much, so he jumped over them after just a second glance.

At this time, he seemed a little childish.

Lin Luoqing and Ji Yuxiao followed behind him, watching him raise his head and carefully stare at the bronze vessel in front of him.

This is a row of chime bells, big and small, lined up in sequence, up and down, beautiful and majestic.

Lin Fei raised his head and kept looking up, as if he wanted to see the row above.

Seeing this, Ji Yuxiao grabbed his waist with both hands and lifted him up.

Lin Fei was a little surprised, and turned to look at him, but there was no revealing emotion in his eyes.

Ji Yuxiao said with a smile, "Don't you want to read the above? Take your time."

Hearing what he said, Lin Fei slowly looked up.

Ji Yuxiao lifted him up, saw that he was tilting his head and was still appreciating carefully, after thinking about it, he simply let him ride on his shoulders, so that he could relax and make him more comfortable .

Lin Fei had never ridden on someone else's neck like this before, and for a moment he didn't know how to place his hands.

Ji Yuxiao reached out to grab his little hand, squeezed his soft palm, and said softly, "It's okay, father is holding you, you won't fall."

Lin Fei held his hand, felt the warmth of his palm, and gave a soft "hmm".

"If you want to come down later, tell your father in advance."

"Okay." Lin Fei agreed.

He raised his head to look at the chime in front of him for the first time, but just looking at it, he couldn't help but look at Ji Yuxiao again.

He remembered that in school, a classmate's father came to pick him up, picked him up, and let him sit on his shoulders.

Every time he just watched, neither longing nor curious.

But it wasn't until today that he sat on Ji Yuxiao's shoulders that he realized that his father's shoulders were so broad that he could even sit on him.

It was novel and made him happy.

Lin Fei looked around, trying to see the museum at this height and the people nearby.

He sat so high that he could see the top of Lin Luoqing's hair, and he could see many paintings on the walls of the museum that he hadn't seen before.

This is a different kind of experience, which makes him feel a little joy in his heart.

After watching the chime, Lin Fei slowly got down on Ji Yuxiao's neck.

"Is it fun?" Lin Luoqing asked him.

Lin Fei nodded and asked Ji Yuxiao, "Are you tired?"

"With your weight, how can you still be tired?" Ji Yuxiao pinched his face, "I underestimate your father."

Lin Fei felt relieved.

Seeing that Lin Fei came down, Ji Leyu also wanted to play. He looked at Ji Yuxiao eagerly, but Ji Yuxiao picked him up and put him up without understanding his thoughts.

Ji Leyu hugged his neck happily, and it looked like he had played it many times before.

Seeing this, Lin Luoqing asked Lin Fei, "Do you still want to play?"

Lin Fei shook his head and pulled him forward.

—He still remembers that he came to see the collection, not to play games.

Ji Leyu obviously prefers to play games, and after playing with Ji Yuxiao for a while, he reluctantly came down and started admiring the collection again.

Several people walked around each hall of the museum before going to the Commodity Memorial Hall.

Lin Luoqing bought a small bronze chime bell and tripod for Lin Fei, as well as a seal and bookmarks, and bought a bunch of things he liked for Ji Leyu. Then he left the museum with the two children and rushed to the zoo.

This is not Lin Fei's first visit to the zoo. In fact, Lin Luoqing has taken him there several times, but he still likes the small animals in the zoo.

The same is true for Ji Leyu, the two followed Lin Luoqing and Ji Yuxiao to look at the small animals that had just entered the park, and walked all the way back.

Ji Leyu looked at the cute little fox in front of him and wanted to feed it.

Lin Luoqing shook his head, and said softly, "No, you can't feed small animals casually."

"Why?" Ji Leyu didn't understand.

"Because if everyone can feed, some bad people will feed some bad things, and then the animals will be injured or die."

Ji Leyu was surprised, "There are still such people."

"That's right." Lin Luoqing touched his head, "So we can't give him a chance, as long as no one feeds the small animals, they can't feed them either."

Ji Leyu understood, he nodded, and continued to look at the little fox in front of him.

After watching the fox, he saw the little wolf, the little monkey, the giraffe and so on in turn.

After walking all the way to the middle of the park, a few people finally saw the tiger.

The adult tiger is majestic and majestic, its golden fur is shining in the sun, it looks so beautiful, it is walking around its territory at this time, occasionally roaring, emitting a strong coercion , seems to be declaring the status of self-hegemony.

Lin Fei and Ji Leyu were hugged by Lin Luoqing and Ji Yuxiao, watching from a distance, unable to approach.

But for the newborn tiger cubs, they can take a closer look.

Several white tiger cubs were lying on the grass, yawning and basking in the sun. The breeze blew by, blowing the fluff on their bodies, like dandelions, cute and beautiful.

"The little tiger is so cute." Ji Leyu laughed.

Lin Luoqing looked down at Lin Fei who was quietly looking at the little tiger, and patted his head, "Well, the little tiger is really cute."

Lin Feiruo looked back at him attentively, and saw Lin Luoqing smiling, smiling at him gently.

The sun shone on his face, and his already good-looking face became brighter. Lin Feitu felt that his father seemed very good-looking.

Also very cute.

He turned his head and continued to look at the little white tiger.

After watching the little tiger, several people went to see the little leopard next door.

Cheetahs have long black tear lines, which are cute and beautiful, while leopards do not have such long tear lines and flick their tails leisurely.

"Their faces are different." Ji Leyu looked back at Lin Luoqing and said.

Lin Luoqing nodded, "Cheetahs have long black tear lines, but leopards don't, but leopards are stronger than cheetahs, and cheetahs run faster than leopards."

"What's the name of Leopard?" Ji Leyu was curious.

Lin Luoqing chuckled, "What do you think they are called?"

"Wow~" Ji Leyu let out a small cry.

Lin Luoqing and Ji Yuxiao laughed.

Then you will be disappointed, Ji Yuxiao thought.

"Wait, wait and see what they call." He smiled and looked at Ji Leyu, with bad intentions.

Ji Leyu looked curiously at the cheetah not far away, waiting for it to speak.

He waited for a long time before finally hearing the cheetah cry, "Meow~meow~"

Ji Leyu:! !

Ji Leyu looked at the cheetah in disbelief, and couldn't believe it.

"Did you hear that?" Ji Yuxiao teased him.

Ji Leyu: ...

Lin Fei: ...

The two silently expelled it from the relatives of the tiger.

This gap did not finally recover until they saw the lion behind.

Well, if it's more like a relative of the tiger.

Lin Luoqing and Ji Yuxiao couldn't help but secretly laughed when they heard their conversation about "relatives of tigers".

The two adults walked around with the two cubs, and they walked back with the two cubs until it was getting dark.

When approaching the house, Ji Yuxiao saw from a distance that the neighbor next door seemed to be moving.

He stopped the car, pressed the glass, and asked, "Moving?"

"Yeah." The neighbor came over, looked at him, and said to him with a smile, "My wife has taken a fancy to a new villa a while ago, so we plan to move there."

Ji Yuxiao nodded, "Then I wish you a happy housewarming."


The two exchanged a few pleasantries, the neighbor waved at Ji Leyu and Lin Fei, and said politely, "See you, I will come to play with uncle sometime in the future~"

"See you." Ji Leyu said sweetly.

Ji Yuxiao restarted the car, turned around and asked Lin Luoqing and Zi's two babies, "Do you want to change to a new villa? I mean we can change to a bigger and more beautiful villa."

Lin Luoqing didn't think it was necessary, "It's fine here."

Lin Fei and Ji Leyu also nodded.

Lin Fei has gotten used to the environment here, to the villa, to going to and from school every day. Looking at the scenery outside the window, he can estimate how far and how long it will take him to get home at any time.

Ji Leyu was reluctant to leave here.

When his parents were still there, Ji Yuxiao lived here, now, he hopes that he can continue to live here, always live here.

In this way, as if nothing had changed, he just came to his uncle's house to play, and when he got home, his parents were still waiting for him at home.

Seeing that they didn't want to change, Ji Yuxiao didn't insist.

On the contrary, Lin Luoqing looked back and said with emotion, "It seems that we will have a new neighbor soon."

"Don't worry, I don't have frequent contacts." Ji Yuxiao said nothing.

At that time, he didn't know that many years later, two people moved in next door to him, a handsome man and a beautiful woman, knocking on his door with his familiar gentleness and smile.

— That was a miracle that Ji Yuxiao dared not imagine in his dreams, but now, everything is still silent.