MTL - I Became the Cannon Fodder In the Novels of Female Cultivators-Chapter 327 Three words ruin the tenderness of a lifetime

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  Chapter 327 Three words ruin a lifetime of tenderness

   "It's strange... There are so few people here, and there is nothing special about it. There are people inside the Immortal Tree. Why did you keep blocking me from coming in?"

  After visiting Geyuan Town, Qingfu has accumulated a lot of doubts, but she has gained nothing.

  Fang Jinyu naturally shook his head, after all how could he know?

  The immortal tree here is no longer in the records of those books.

  The wing ability of "Ningyu" is not very good in Fang Jinyu's opinion, and even a little hip, but his status in the Guantianxian clan is really not low.

  However, even this birdman doesn't know that there is immortal tree, so that plant in this place has immortal tree, it is very likely that it has never appeared before!

   It wasn't until the arrival of this little girl that Chang Xianmu was "woke up"!

If there is any ancient history in Geyuan Town, it is worth exploring, but Fang Jinyu found out that Geyuan Town was built 1,729 years ago .

  The last time the human race in this world was harvested was exactly one thousand seven hundred and twenty-nine years ago!

That is to say, even if there is any secret in this Geyuan Town, which can involve the immortal tree, those who know the secret of Geyuan Town have disappeared with the last "harvest" of the fairy clan .

  However, when Fang Jinyu kept silent and just shook his head, a certain little girl was naturally not satisfied, so she kept staring at Fang Jinyu.

Looking at those delicate and crystal clear almond eyes, Fang Jinyu thought for a while and said, "Then why don't we go to that ancient well? Although Geyuan Town has been built for more than a thousand years, but Not enough to go back to the time when the immortal tree appeared."

   "Okay!" Qingfu immediately opened her small bag, and took out a dragon yuan from the silky and beautiful silk pouch.

  The small mouth opened slightly, and then swallowed.

  Suddenly, Fang Jinyu felt that subtle sense of blood connection again, which inevitably made the corners of his mouth twitch.

   But he didn't say anything.

After the little girl turned into a petite black dragon and flew up, Fang Jinyu also manifested the body of the space. Looking at it now, the body of the space looks like a dragon, but many of the characteristics of the dragon, the body of the space is no longer have it.

  Although there are still black dragon scales all over the body, like magic knives, there is obviously a terrifying energy circulating on these scales. And in the interweaving of the golden lines, there are one after another extremely clear fairy marks, especially on the top of the head, there are no double horns, only one eye that has not yet opened yet, and only has a outline!

  Fang Jinyu could feel that the third eye was forced to close because it entered this world, or it was interrupted.

  There is only one eye-shaped outline.

  However, he is not damaged, as long as he leaves this fairyland where refining failed, and returns to a place where immortality exists, he can draw inspiration from the world and make his third eye fully formed.

In Geyuan Town before, both Fang Jinyu and Qingfu disappeared, but this time they no longer hide their bodies, so when the two flew up, all the people in the whole Geyuan Town were taken away. Startled.

   "It's a dragon!"

  Suddenly, a large number of residents of Geyuan Town knelt down on the ground excitedly.

  In fact, they don't know what they are excited about. The reason why they do this comes from a certain memory fragment in their memory.

   That is a myth and legend here.

   It is said that three black dragons once saved the human race, but during the rescue process, two black dragons died of exhaustion, and the third black dragon has since disappeared.

  However, when this myth and legend began to appear, these ordinary residents of Geyuan Town have no way of knowing, as if it appeared in their memory out of thin air.

   "The dragon really appeared again, and this time it seems to have two ends..."

   This is a noble from Geyuan Town.

   They looked at the two "black dragons" that had already gone away, and they were also excited, but they were excited about another thing.

  Because the ancestors of these aristocrats all left a secret story-the dragon is the spirit of the heaven and the earth. After killing the dragon and drinking its blood, it can prevent all diseases and prolong life for five hundred years. And if one can swallow the dragon yuan, one can live for thousands of years, or even live forever!

   "Dragon Slayer!"

   "Like our ancestors, slay dragons!"

   Several nobles in Geyuan Town immediately reached a consensus.

  Their ancestors have all participated in the battle to besiege and kill the black dragon for thousands of years. Although the last two dragons were missing, their ancestors lived for hundreds of years because they bathed in or drank dragon blood.


  Fang Jinyu naturally didn't know that someone had already targeted him and a certain little girl, and wanted to "slay the dragon". After all, the range of activities of his spiritual consciousness was strictly limited right now.

  However, even if he knew, he didn't care.

  Practitioners of the way of mind force have obvious advantages, but also obvious disadvantages. This is a path of practice that takes a slanted edge.

   Therefore, even if there are a bunch of "calling immortals" stage, as long as they are not all like the ancient man in the immortal tree, Fang Jinyu will turn into nothingness when he swallows the dragon's fire.

  Or taking wind power at will, it can form a storm and natural disaster, and those practitioners of the way of mind power will be swept into the sky, and then frozen into pieces.

  That place is dozens of miles away, and under the condition that the immortal way is suppressed, even Qingfu, who is in the perfect way, can only walk. But at this time, it turns into a dragon body, but it can fly, and the speed is very fast.

   In the time it took for a cup of tea, the two of them had already arrived.

  Fang Jinyu landed, and he had already recovered from the interim body, and then he watched a little girl skillfully spit out a dragon yuan, and the sense of blood connection disappeared instantly.

   And a certain little girl was looked at by Fang Jinyu, so she handed over the dragon yuan with her small hand, and then asked: "Mother, it's not dirty, if you don't believe me, ask, it's delicious."

  Fang Jinyu silently pushed away, thanking you for not being sensitive.

   Then he walked to the ancient well, which was so deep that he couldn't see anything, not even the vine that the little girl had mentioned.

   At this time, suddenly a force came from behind, and the others went straight down.

   Immediately afterwards, he heard a sound of breaking through the air, and then a small hand hugged his waist, and the two fell to the ground slowly.

   The two of them don't look at the well, the ancients never deceived me!

  At this time, there was a strange "chirp" sound, which was the "creature" hidden in the darkness at the bottom of the well, rushing towards Fang Jinyu.

  Fang Jinyu didn't even think about it, he flicked his sleeves, and the invisible wind force pushed those "creatures at the bottom of the well" far away.

  However, these creatures at the bottom of the well were not damaged at all.

   Even because of being attacked, he showed an extremely vicious side at this time.

   This surprised Fang Jinyu.

  Because at this moment, the inspiration and vitality in his body are being taken away from the air!

  But at this moment, a small head poked out from behind Fang Jinyu, and said fiercely to those creatures: "Go away, you annoying guys."

And as this soft and powerless voice fell, Fang Jinyu immediately saw that the creatures at the bottom of the well seemed to have seen ghosts, and they were as frightened as they wanted. They were just puddles of gray At this time, the humanoid figures all showed a humanized expression of fear, and each of them ran away as if wishing their parents would have two more legs!

  There was a pool of gray human figure accidentally mounted on a strange rock, and a small part of it was smashed into pieces. The human figure only hurriedly picked up the broken ones, stuffed them casually into his body, and continued to run away.

  Looking at such a scene, Fang Jinyu couldn't help being silent for a while.

  So... what was this little girl doing here before? He actually frightened these extremely terrifying creatures at the bottom of the well into such a state.

   At this time, Fang Jinyu still felt that the inspiration and vitality that he had just taken away had returned, and the number was much larger than before.

   Especially the vitality, at least it filled the vacancy of five thousand years of life for him.

  So Fang Jinyu was silent again.

  Because it's not as simple as being scared.

   "Hmph, these annoying guys are sensible!" But a certain little girl nodded her head in satisfaction, then grabbed Fang Jinyu's hand and dragged him to a place at the bottom of the well.

   That is the source of the nine-color glow at the bottom of the well!

  Here, there is a skeleton sitting cross-legged, and the nine-colored glow is all over the skeleton.

   Looking at this pair of skeletons, Fang Jinyu couldn't help being silent for the third time, because his body gave birth to nine-colored rays of light, which meant that this was once a person in the Dao realm.

  Using his spiritual sense to sense, an extremely strong resentment almost rushed to his face.

   "This He Dao Realm... was really completely obliterated?"

  Fang Jinyu was a little lost.

   After all, seeing is believing, and hearing is believing.

  When he saw the description of this place from those books, he still had a little bit of disbelief.

  Because that is the Harmonious Dao Realm!

  When Qingfu mentioned the nine-colored skeleton at the bottom of the well, Fang Jinyu thought of the skeleton "Cang" he had encountered in the Nine Desolation Pill Realm (the place where Tiandan was re-refined), and he couldn't help but feel a little more suspicious.

   As the saying goes, there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people. The skeleton "Cang" can use the cultivation of the gods to possess nine colors, which originated from a strange pill refined for "Cang" by his friend Nan Li.

  Although Nan Li's alchemy talent can be called unparalleled, it is not the only one!

  Nanli can refine Qidan, but others can't?

  Although, once you come to this fairy world where the refinement failed, even if you are in the Hedao state, you will have no strength at all, and you will be suppressed to the extreme, just like the little girl Qingfu is now. But logically speaking, no matter how weakened a person's strength is, it is impossible to die in a world where there is no other "He Dao Realm"!

  The specialness of the Hedao realm lies in the word Hedao!

  There is Changzhibao that can kill the Dao Realm, that is because this thing itself is used to suppress and kill real immortals, and it is used to kill the Dao Realm, which is completely a dimensionality reduction attack.

   After all, the Dao that fits the Dao realm is, in the final analysis, just the immortal way in the world.

   And this world, since it failed to become the fairy world, it belongs to the human world, and at most it is higher than the top world "Great World" in the sea of ​​​​boundaries.

  It is about the same as the real world, the source of half of the Hedao Realm in that Jiehai.

   So, how can this completely obliterate the Hedao Realm?

   And once they are wiped out, several of them will be wiped out one after another!

  Looking around at this time, Fang Jinyu had already seen the second and third nine-colored skeletons, and while being shocked in his heart, he couldn't help feeling a little tingly.

   This ancient well controlled by the immortals in this world is really terrifying!

   Then, Fang Jinyu couldn't help but glanced at the cute little girl beside him, who was smiling so sweetly.

  The other He Dao realms were knocked down this ancient well, and they all died in the end, leaving only a pair of bones of He Dao not melting, and the certificate of Jiucai Tiandi.

  Not only did she survive, but she also seemed to have destroyed most of the ancient well.

Especially the most critical yellow clay tablet, he had seen it before, and it was too broken to be put back together. Although there was still some permeating evil in it, it was nothing to worry about. can be easily suppressed.

  Thinking of this, Fang Jinyu suddenly frowned and asked, "Qingfu, when you came here, did you appear under this ancient well, or somewhere else?"

"I fell on a stone man with wings at first, and then I was thrown in by this hateful guy before I could react because of my Taoism being suppressed." The little girl said, those black spirits were clear. His eyes suddenly looked extra playful, as if he was happy to hide something.

   But Fang Jinyu, who was only thinking about it, naturally didn't notice this point.

  He nodded when he heard the words.

  Because if you say it this way, the master of the suspected "judgment" Dao He Dao Realm really just wants this little girl to stay here for tens of thousands of years.

  This point is clearly recorded in those books. There was a Hedao Realm who entered this realm by mistake, and then it took thousands of years to leave successfully.

  The reason why there are even these records is probably because the Celestial God Clan does not want their descendants to become frogs at the bottom of the well.

   After all, compared with the way of immortality, the way of heart power lacks too much.

   Immortal Dao, that is the birth of digital fairy kings!

  As for the way of mind power, the current highest level is equivalent to the fifth stage of the state of transforming gods—Huxian!

  However, it does not rule out that the other party wants to borrow a knife to kill people, because the place where it fell is too coincidental. Although Fang Jinyu didn't know what the "stone man with wings" was, it didn't prevent him from connecting the relationships.

   "Jie Jie, Jie Jie!"

  At this moment, the little girl didn't know whether she was thinking of something happy, or she couldn't hold it back anymore, she laughed twice suddenly, and she laughed like a meal that could eat two soul hall elders.

   "What are you laughing at?" Fang Jinyu couldn't help asking.

   "I remembered a happy thing, so I will learn from my mother and express my happiness." The little girl said seriously with a small face.

  Fang Jinyu is inevitably a little curious: "What are you happy about?"

"At that time, I felt that there was something wrong with the winged stone man. When it threw me over, I also gave it a hand, and the immortal aura hidden in its body burst out. It wanted to calm down completely. If you don’t have thousands of years of cultivation, don’t even think about it!”

   "And, if any enemy comes to the door during this period, it will have to peel off its skin if it doesn't die!"

  Qing Fu put her hands on her hips and raised her chin. As for the fact that she was thrown into this ancient well because she was too busy fighting back... As long as she doesn't tell, no one will know.

Fang Jinyu now understood why she was happy, and was not surprised by it. Before recovering her memory and strength, this little girl was still a little "honest", looking like a normal person, but after recovering Finally... even if a dog bites her, she has to catch up and bite her back!

  That's really no ordinary grudge!

  For example, are you blind?

   It has been hundreds of years, but this little girl still remembers it!

   And I don't know if it is Fang Jinyu's illusion, or the premonition of the future from the whim of the immortal cultivator, Fang Jinyu always has a wonderful feeling at this moment-this little girl can remember these three words for a lifetime!

  So, Fang Jinyu began to regret it a little.

  He regretted that his tone of voice was not gentle enough.

  (end of this chapter)