MTL - I Bound Aizen-Chapter 37

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Then, she hesitated and said, "However, as for the training's better to look for members of the guard who have already been promoted?"

Mikami shook his head: "If they want to fight with me, I will give them a chance later."

"But right now, I just want to fight you."

Hearing this, Feng Shaoling was slightly taken aback.

With the girl, Yu Mikami walked into the training ground.

Many players who were training originally cast their gazes over.

Seeing Fengshaoling bring an "outsider" into the venue, everyone couldn't help but feel curious.

While everyone was watching, Mikami Yu stood on the side of the training ground and nodded to Beeshao Ling.

The girl bowed seriously.

Among the crowd, a young man with straw-colored messy hair who looked a few years older than Mikami Yuu was quietly watching this scene.

A few days ago, one of the protagonists of the 12th squad incident, Mao's genius, Mikami Yuu...

I have been a little curious for a long time, what kind of person this is.

I was lucky enough to come across this today.

The yellow-haired young man raised the corners of his mouth and looked expectantly.

Seeing that Mikami Yu didn't intend to take the initiative, Feng Shaoling made a decision to take the initiative!

After taking a deep breath, she moved her feet.


The figure disappears!

Chapter 47 Kasuke Urahara's Good Friday

Stepping on Shunpo, Fengshao Ling stepped in front of Yu Mikami.

With a flick of his right hand, the Zanpakuto that was originally inserted in the back of his waist was already held in his hand at some point.

The cold light flickered, piercing Mikami Yuu's abdomen!

Looking at the position of the bee stalk sting, Mikami Yu couldn't help but sweat coldly.

As expected of a secret and mobile background, he shot straight to the heart and lungs.

He gently stretched out his hand.



Bee Shao Ling's pupils shrank.

Under her unbelievable gaze, Yu Mikami grabbed her wrist!

In order to avoid Mikamiyu's lack of strength and lead to accidental injury, she withdrew her strength in this stab.

If Mikami Yu really couldn't avoid it, she would stop in time.

But, even so, the speed of her knife is far faster than that of ordinary criminal soldiers.

If Yu Mikami dodged or blocked with a weapon, she wouldn't be surprised.

Mikami Yuu opened his hand lightly.

"Don't hold back, just do your best."

He smiled and nodded.

Hearing this, Feng Shaoling nodded solemnly and said, "Yes, I understand!"

Her Zanpakuto is in the shape of a short sword, which is very suitable for close combat.

The girl turned her wrist and changed the way of holding the knife to a backhand.

Raising her hands slightly, and after making a fighting posture, she swung her knife forward.

Mikami quietly watched the trajectory of Fengshaoling swinging the knife, occasionally swaying his body, moving his steps, avoiding the blade by a tiny bit.

In the crowd, the yellow-haired youth scratched his hair.

As expected of the legendary Yu Mikami, he played against the bee players completely.

Judging by his position, he seems to be very used to fighting with hidden troops.

It seems that the rumors between my army commander and this person are very true...

The yellow-haired youth touched his chin.

A Mao student who was unknown before entering school. Although his entrance examination scores were good, they were far below the level of a "genius".

Half a year after entering school, he gradually began to emerge, and his grades were among the best in the first grade.

However, there is still nothing amazing.

Until one day, because of sparring with the swordsmanship teacher, he accidentally exposed his strength.

From an ordinary "talent" to a "monster" in an instant.

After becoming Captain Yamamoto's registered disciple, he established contact with the Sifengin family almost without a pause.

Now, he is directly preparing to join the second team.

There was a hint of worry in his eyes.

No matter how you look at it, there are too many mysteries about this man.

Behind it, there is likely to be a mysterious force as support.

In case, it's the rebels...

Just thinking about this possibility, the young man with yellow hair couldn't help but feel a chill down his back.

Forget it, let's stop here, I will not get involved in this guy's matter in the future.

No matter who is behind him, it's not something a small character like himself should worry about.

If one doesn't pay attention and burns himself, it will be too late to regret.

Thinking of this, he raised the corners of his mouth, feeling that life has become easier again.

However, at this moment, a bad premonition suddenly rose in his heart.

Under his ghostly gaze, Yu Mikami, who was fighting with Bessaku Ling, suddenly turned his head and looked at him.

Looking at the yellow-haired youth in the crowd, Mikami Yuu was taken aback for a moment.

Just now, he suddenly felt that among the surrounding crowd, there was a particularly sharp gaze, like a knife, trying to cut into his body.

Following the feeling, he glanced at it, and he couldn't help being happy.

Although he was different from the age and figure, but the iconic straw-colored messy hair made him recognize the other party's identity at a glance.

Kisuke Urahara, the strongest think tank in the soul world!

Before, he had asked Yeyi about Kisuke Urahara, but Yeyi didn't know much about it at the time.

Unexpectedly, in a blink of an eye, I found this guy.

Thinking of Urahara Kisuke's ability, how many inventions he can make for himself, and help him live a happy life of enjoying life hundreds of years in advance, Mikami Yu's smile is even brighter.

Game consoles, Kisuke Urahara must make them for himself!

All kinds of masterpieces, the same, come out for yourself!

By the way, with the help of Urahara Kisuke, in some games, the plots that make me dissatisfied can also be modified... For example, ○ Mo 2, I must change the stupid plot written by a certain psychopath!

In Urahara Kisuke's eyes, after Mikami Yu found himself, he showed a weird smile.

There seemed to be endless desire in that smile.

Then, the smile gradually distorted, and strong malice began to emerge.

Kisuke Urahara almost cried.

Damn, I just took a sneak peek, as for this?

Looking at Yu Mikami's posture, it seems that he is about to kill himself!

Urahara Kisuke swallowed his saliva, and began to consider whether to quit the second division altogether and flee to other divisions...

On Mikami Yu's side, seeing Kisuke Urahara panicked suddenly, he was a little surprised.

What's going on with this guy? Is it social fear? People panic when they see it?

Hmm... The researcher of the dead house is a social fear, but it is in line with the human design.

However, it doesn't matter, after I have established a good relationship with him, I can take him out to see the world more, and sooner or later he will be cured.

Thinking of this, he smiled with satisfaction.

Withdrawing his gaze, he looked at Fengshao Ling again.

After the girl finished another set of combo cuts, Yu Mikami drew out his shallow strike and lightly pressed it on the girl's sword.

It was obviously just a very simple movement, but Feng Shaoling completely lost the room for action.

She tried to move the blade in other directions, but she couldn't escape Mikami Yu's suppression no matter what.

Just when she was thinking about whether to abandon the knife and switch body skills for melee combat, Yu Mikami walked over.

"When you first swung the knife, your footsteps were a little late."

"If you go up, follow this position with your back foot..."

Feng Shaoling's swordsmanship and footwork have been trained for many years, and they are almost perfect.

However, these two techniques of Yu Mikami were synchronized from Aizen.

This guy Aizen is not only a genius of Reiatsu, but also good at cutting white ghosts.

Relying on Aizen's eyesight, Mikami Yu easily discovered all the problems of Fengshao Ling, and gave improvement plans one by one.

Listening to Yu Mikami's analysis, Ling Fengshaoling's beautiful eyes gradually lit up.

In her mind, she rehearsed according to what Mikami Yu said, and found that the fluency of her movements had increased by at least 30%!

The team members who watched the battle around, after trying to deduce it, also showed surprise eyes.

After Mikami Yu finished speaking, Fengshao Ling took a deep breath and bowed a little excitedly.

"Thank you very much! I will never forget the kindness of teaching you today!"

After speaking, she bowed again, stepped back to the side, and began to repeatedly digest what Yu Mikami had taught her.

This lord... is really a good man.

Compared to this lord, that guy who doesn't know his identity and who often abducts Lord Ye is just a bug, scum!

Seeing that Fengshaoling had finished the sparring, many team members showed eager expressions.

Finally, someone came to Yu Mikami and asked for a discussion.

Hearing this, Mikami Yu showed a troublesome expression.

He scratched his head, subconsciously looked away, and looked at the crowd.

Suddenly, he smiled as if thinking of something.

In the crowd, Kisuke Urahara suddenly had a bad feeling.

He moved slightly, preparing to leave.

But before he could move, Mikami Yuu pointed at him.

"If you come to me, you can only learn superficially."

"The one over there is really amazing!"

"If you can learn something from him, it will definitely benefit you for life!"

Feeling countless gazes suddenly cast on him, Kisuke Urahara was paralyzed.