MTL - I Bound Aizen-Chapter 56

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But as soon as he opened his mouth, blood gushed out of his mouth.


The middle-aged man's feet softened and he knelt down on one knee.

At this time, blood was already flowing faster and faster from the large and small wounds on his body.

Shiba's lower body was completely soaked in blood.

Seeing him like this, Wusuke Kenpachi looked a little bored.

It seemed that even if he didn't do anything, this guy was about to bleed to death.

Under his gaze, Aizen forced a somewhat ugly smile.

"As expected of the...captain of the 11th squad..."

"I lost."

After speaking, his eyes lost their luster, and he fell to the ground with a bang.

Then, the light spots of spirit particles gradually floated up from his body.

Aizen lay on the ground, while manipulating Mirror Flower and Water Moon to create hallucinations, he smiled inwardly.

After today, the light and shadow killer will completely withdraw from the stage.

In fact, after killing the vice captain of the Seventh Division, he realized that he had caused a lot of trouble this time.

A vice-captain was killed, even if the vice-captain was actually a member of the rebel army, for the sake of face, it was impossible for Sei Lingting to let it go with him.

Although he used the ghost way to cover up his appearance when he left, but only Qian Ri is a thief, there is no Qian Ri to guard against a thief.

In order to get it done once and for all and avoid future troubles forever, Aizen made a plan.

First of all, he deliberately exposed his position on Liuhun Street.

When Sei Lingting sent someone over, he would use a mirror to make a face, and let the hunting team see it.

In the end, with this face on my face, after a little resistance, I died on the spot.

In this way, the clues I left before will no longer exist.

Although the overall plan is a bit simple, it is enough to deal with the corrupt and bloated Seireitei.

However, just when he thought about it boredly, Wusuke Kenpachi seemed a little anxious, and quickly used a ghost way.

Looking at the ghost way that Wusuke Jianpachi used, Aizen showed some astonishment.

Is this... a ghost path specially used to prevent spirit particles from escaping and preserve the dead god's corpse?

What's wrong with Wuzhu Jianba, why did he keep his body?

Do you keep the whip corpse?

Can you stop being so mischievous as a human being?

Although he was speechless, if Wuzhu Jianpachi just wanted to flog the corpse, there was nothing he could do.

Calling all the way, he probably already understood Wuzhu Jianba's level.

Although this guy sat on the throne of the captain of the 11th squad, his spiritual pressure strength was not considered to be a real captain.

This place is very close to his laboratory, as long as he activates the mirror and gives him a strong enough illusion, he can be confused for more than ten seconds.

Taking advantage of this time, I went back to the laboratory by myself and got a dead body out.

Then, use the ability of the mirror to make Wusu Kenpachi think that it is his own corpse, and let him vent his anger casually.

Seeing Wuzhu Jianpachi approaching step by step, Aizen activated his Reiatsu and was ready to make a move.

At this moment, he suddenly heard Wuzhu Jianpachi talking to himself:

"You don't know the name, don't blame me."

"I don't want to do this, but you have killed so many rebels, that adult has long been unhappy with you."

"Just take your head back and dedicate it to that lord. When he ascends to the throne in the future, he will definitely give me more power."

"It's dead anyway, so it's okay to borrow it from you for the first time, right?"

As he spoke, he shook the knife in his hand, and was about to stab Aizen's neck.

Aizen: "..."

Tired, really tired.

It's no problem for him to deceive Wu Zhu Jian Ba ​​with his tricks.

However, if Wuzhu Jianpachi wanted to go back with a fake head and dedicate it to others, it would be revealed in an instant.

I have never hypnotized "that adult", so it is impossible to fool him with a fake head.

After sighing, he slowly sat up.

Five Assistant Sword Eight: "?!"

Looking at the "corpse" that suddenly sat up, he almost cried out in fright.

But then, he reacted.

This guy is not dead, he was just pretending to be dead!

Aizen stood up, showing a somewhat helpless expression.

"Unexpectedly, the captain of the eleventh team is also a member of the rebel army."

He knew Wusu Jianpachi's identity from the moment he heard the word "rebel".

This word is often heard from the rebels he killed.

"However, that's fine."

"Kill you, don't worry about it."

The moment the voice fell, a heavy spiritual pressure suddenly burst out from Lan Ran's body!

Feeling the power surging out of him, Wusuke Kenpachi's eyes widened, as if he had seen a ghost.

"How is it actually hide your strength?!"

"This power... is already close to the captain level, no, it has already broken through the captain level?!"

Aizen nodded.


"It's different from you who only have mediocre aptitude...Just now, on the way to lead you here, my spiritual pressure has officially broken through to the captain level."

Hearing this, Wusuke suddenly widened his eyes.

Mediocrity, this is the greatest pain in his life.

At this time, being said by the guy in front of him made him feel even more difficult to breathe.

Aizen looked at him quietly.

"Captain Five Assistants, before killing you, I want to ask a question."

"Kamigawa Rennosuke, Takada Yasushi, and you... You have clearly become the highest-ranking existence among the gods of death. What did the rebels promise you? Why did they let you betray?"

He has been curious about this question for a long time, but he has been hiding his clumsiness on weekdays and has never had the chance to come into contact with the captain level.

It's such a rare coincidence now, it would be too wasteful not to ask.

Hearing this, Wusuke Kenpachi sneered: "Stupid guy, what do you know?"

"The rebels you are talking about are just the names that the thirteenth team of the guardian court forcibly put up."

"The real rebels... are the Goutei Thirteen Squads!"

"Do you think that the thirteenth team of the guardian court is really protecting the Seireitei and the spirit king?"

"Extremely ridiculous!"

Aizen frowned slightly: "What do you mean?"

He felt that he seemed to have touched some huge secret.

His strong thirst for knowledge made him throb in the depths of his soul.

Under his gaze, Wuzhu Jianpachi said slowly:

"It doesn't matter if I tell you. Originally, exposing the truth of history is what the rebel army is scheduled to do."

"You should have heard that King Ling was protected by the royal spies, and through the royal spies, he issued orders to the Seiling Court."

Aizen nodded.

He had seen this record in a book.

Wuzhu Jianba sneered: "This is fake."

"The one who really controls this world is not the Spirit King at all..."

"The five nobles, as well as the royal spies, are the real masters of this world!"

"Spirit King is just a puppet played by them!"

Hearing Wuzhu Jianpachi's words, Aizen couldn't help being taken aback.

King Ling is a puppet?

what are you kidding...

Spirit King, that is an existence standing in the sky, possessing infinite divine power!

The five nobles, royal spies, these people are all gods of death after all, how can they have the ability to control the spirit king?

Just when he wanted Wusuke Kenpachi to speak more clearly, the latter suddenly moved.

Having said so many secrets, Wuzhu Jianba is to shake Aizen.

At the moment when Aizen lost his mind, he decisively seized this opportunity.

"Swastika solution!"

"Cracked Slaughterhouse!!"

boom! !

The dazzling beam of spiritual pressure rushed into the sky, lighting up the night!


Two in one, four thousand words

Chapter 68 My pair of trousers cost 20,000 yuan!

"Swastika solution!"

"Cracked Slaughterhouse!!"

As Wuzhu yelled the liberation language loudly, the spiritual pressure beam shot up into the sky!

At the same time, a layer of square enchantment spread out with him as the center.

In an instant, a radius of nearly a kilometer was incorporated into it!

Aizan held Zanpakuto and looked around curiously.

"A domain-type swastika...I've only seen it in books before, but this is the first time I've seen it in real form."

Hearing this, Wuzhu Jianba raised his head slightly.

Just about to say something, Ai Ran continued: "As far as I know, domain-type abilities achieve some kind of interference in the real world through their own spiritual pressure."

"Such power is often powerful, but difficult to control."

"With your strength, can you really grasp it?"

"Or...even if you know you can't grasp it, you are still under the control of anger and use it regardless of the consequences?"