MTL - I Can Extract My Identity and Join the Death Game-Chapter 327

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Hezhou, which is the country he is currently in, is probably the main stage where the main quest will unfold.

Daxia, one of the most powerful countries in the world, has a hostile relationship with another country called the New Roman Empire.

According to the information he currently knows, Hezhou seems to be divided into Donghezhou and Xihezhou. Donghezhou is the sphere of influence of the New Roman Empire, and Xihezhou currently seems to belong to the sphere of influence of Daxia.

As for why Hezhou was divided into two parts and placed under the jurisdiction of the two countries, this is not something that Zhao Yesui, who has just arrived, can know.

Combined with the hostile relationship mentioned earlier, Zhao Yesui always felt that this scene should be a team confrontation scene rather than a team cooperation scene.

How does this work together?

The alliance and the tribe, at first glance, are the camp divisions designed for PVP. Since a gun is described, then this gun must be fired, otherwise what is it designed for?

"It won't end up being the Mission Impossible Impossible spy like last time..."

Zhao Yejia couldn't help recalling the painful lesson of the last scene, and he was a little more vigilant about the teammates he was about to face.

The woman sitting on the other side was always vigilant and looked tense, while Zhao Yesui was still tied up. After thinking about it, he said:

"It's been so far away, can you help me untie it? If I encounter an attack like this, I won't be a burden."


The woman replied without hesitation: "At least not yet. There is a lack of tools here. If the restrictions on you are lifted here, the New Roman Empire will find out. If this is the case, then our arrangement will be in vain."

"So, at least you have to wait until the stronghold before you can untie the **** for you."

The other party's answer was reasonable and well-founded. Zhao Yesui couldn't say anything. He could only continue to look at the seventh car roof he saw today. He deduced from flesh and blood spells to undead spells in his mind, and then from undead spells to steam techniques. In the end, it was deduced from the steam technique to the Taixu sword technique.

Just when Zhao Yesui was so bored that he started trying to reorganize and deduce the thirty-six swords he had mastered, the car that had been driving began to slow down, and finally slowly drove into the garage.

Vehicle turns off.

Zhao Yesui realized that this was different from the previous transfers, because the previous transfers were all the thrilling trapeze flying on the road while the vehicle was not stopping, but this time it really stopped.

The woman also sighed softly, pushed open the car door for Zhao Yeshou, turned around and carried his restraint frame down:

"It's here, Daxia Longque's secret stronghold in Xihezhou."

...................................................... ...................................................... ...................................................... ..........

P.S. The current archive is 8K.

I originally planned to modify the world background, but this way the entire copy process has to be modified, and in the end it can only be this way==

Chapter three hundred and eighty-eight together with the people and the room

The back door was pushed open, Zhao Ye continued to lie down, and the woman got out of the car first and carried him out of the car.

Out of an unobtrusive idea, the cars that were transferred along the way were all special cars called K-CAR, which are very common in Hezhou.

K-CAR is a type of light automatic vehicle in Hezhou. It is small in size and has a small displacement, which is very suitable for the traffic conditions in Hezhou. Therefore, it has a large market share. Compared with other models such as Wuling Hongguang and Supercar That said, the goal would be much smaller.

The small displacement means that the performance of the car is not good, but if there is a chase war, obviously no one expects to rely on the vehicle to get out of trouble.

Although Zhao Yesui still doesn't know what the power system of this world is, since he can be ranked in this world, then this world must have quite extraordinary power.

However, from the current perspective, Zhao Yesui has not yet seen what this extraordinary system is.

From what he has seen and heard so far, there are automobiles, electrical appliances, and portable mobile terminals. It seems that it is not much different from the level of civilization in this world, but he firmly believes that the unfortunate world that can be ranked in him must not only appear on the surface. So simple.

After lying in the cramped carriage for a few hours, and finally being able to breathe fresh air, Zhao Yeshao sighed softly, and the woman who carried him out did the same. Just curled up and sat in the corner.

After realizing this, the woman immediately calmed her breath, carried Zhao Ye's robe and left the front door of the garage without saying a word, and went upstairs all the way.

Zhao Yesui watched quietly as she carried herself into a small room, and then closed the door. A scorching sun-like brilliance suddenly rose in the dark room, as if it came from all directions, and the high temperature made everything blurred. , Zhao Yeshou couldn't help but narrowed his eyes slightly.

The woman's calm voice sounded:

"The **** on your body is a seal tailored for you by the New Roman Empire, which can completely seal your sword intent and sword energy, and disconnect you from the sword puppet. The New Roman Empire will be alerted."

"So, you can only block everything in this special environment, and then use the most direct method to lift the seal on you."

"Be patient."

Zhao Yeshou probably guessed what was going to happen next, clicked his tongue, and said, "Isn't there an operating table or something? Or it's not impossible to get a general anesthesia first."

"There's no time for you to wake up from anesthesia, and there's no need to ease the pain for someone like you."

The woman snorted softly, and then stretched her right hand forward. Under Zhao Yeshou's gaze, a long sword emerged from her hand. The sword was carved with a gorgeous dragon bird, which looked more like a ceremonial sword than a ceremonial sword. A sword that fights the enemy.

After that, the woman recited softly: "Be famous for the capital of the gods, and conquer the nine districts."

Zhao Yesui was keenly aware that at that moment, the woman seemed to have established some kind of inexplicable connection with the long sword in her hand. It has become a hand armor with elegant shape without losing its deterrent power.

Swing sword.

The sharp sword pierced through the unsuspecting Zhao Yesao's body, shuttled gracefully like a butterfly through a flower, piercing the seals that bound Zhao Yesao one by one.

Feeling that the restrictions in the body are gradually disappearing, although the "surgery" method is relatively brutal, Zhao Yesui compared his usual surgical habits and felt that it was still acceptable.

At least not with a chainsaw.

Zhao Yesui has always been strict with himself and lenient with others. Thinking about it this way, he doesn't feel that the other party is "barbaric".


The woman gave a light drink and swung the last sword on Zhao Yesao's **** body.

Seal lifted.

But the woman's "surgery" didn't end there.

She took out a jade box from her bosom, opened it solemnly, and immediately threw the contents at Zhao Yesao.

The hazy brilliance melted silently along Zhao Yeshou's wound, and in an instant it spread to all the limbs.

Zhao Yechuang frowned slightly, subconsciously trying to stop it from spreading, but heard the prompt of the game of destiny:

[This step is a key clue for the personal hidden mission]

[If you refuse, it may lead to the failure of the mission]

Zhao Yexuan thought for a while, and tested it with ember fire, and he didn't unexpectedly get the result of "this thing can be burned with high-quality firewood", so he just let it go.

[Player Ye Lin has been possessed by "Tianji"]

[For specific circumstances, please explore Ye Lin by yourself]

After completing this series of actions, the woman was obviously relieved, especially after seeing the cold starlight overflowing from Zhao Yesao's body, she was really relieved.

"As expected of a guy who is good at bringing pain and despair to people, he doesn't say a word when he is injured like this..."

The woman didn't know whether to praise or ridicule, and the gauntlet on her right hand dissipated.

Zhao Yesui can understand what the other party's last move is. It is nothing more than putting another set of shackles on himself. This is a matter of course. Since he wants to find someone to be a running dog, of course, he can only replace the original dog chain with his own. Peace of mind.

However, this "dog chain" should not work as they imagined.

However, on the surface, Zhao Yejia still had to give some reactions to satisfy the other party.

"What is this? What did you put into my body?" he said "panicked".

The woman admired Zhao Ye's uneasy look, her mouth slightly raised, and she said sarcastically, "I thought you would keep that arrogant expression from beginning to end, it seems that when faced with unknown danger, even if Even 'the devil casts a ghost' will be afraid."

Zhao Yesui tried her best to look like she was scared, waiting for her next words.

Sure enough, the woman had no intention of concealing it, because emphasizing the power of the leash to the running dog was also an important part of the domestication process.

"That's a star-shaped part of Daxia's national sword 'Beidou'."

The woman seemed to remember something bad, her expression became cold, and she said, "Beidou, you should know? I remember that you coveted it for a long time, so you launched several terrorist attacks against the imperial capital, Countless dead and wounded...heh, it's a well-deserved crime."

I have no idea......

What is the Zhenguo Excalibur, and what is the Big Dipper, I have no idea at all.

Also, can you not blame me for what Zhao Tu did? Hey, I am notoriously good at order.

Zhao Yesao silently complained in his heart, but the other party did not disappoint Zhao Yesang, and continued: "The Beidou is the most special sword in the Zhenguo sword. 'He has the power to kill the swordsman who holds the other six star parts."

"The one that has just merged with your body is 'Tianji'. If it is used on you, it is not a disgrace to the prestige of 'Tianji'."

That is, a rather chic dog leash.

Zhao Yeji silently summed up the woman's remarks.

All in all, it's no different from putting a bomb collar on and planting a bomb in your brain, but in the extraordinary world, this simple method can't have the effect of suppressing the extraordinary, so you need to find another way.

Judging from the woman's tone, this so-called Sword of Suppression should be the highest level of extraordinary power in this world, but unfortunately, the mystery will be invalidated before the higher-level mystery.

Based on her knowledge of the world, "Tianji" should be foolproof, but Zhao Yesao holds more than one or two things that are beyond common sense.

Zhao Yesui's expression was "unsettled" for a while, and then asked the woman: "It's not that I can't understand... So, I will help you with things, and after the things are done, you will take back the 'Tianji' Is it?"

"No, it will always accompany you, and Daxia will not recycle the 'Tianji' until you die."

The woman said seriously: "No one dares to let a person like you get out of **** and gain real freedom... You will live under surveillance for the rest of your life, as I said before, even if you are released after serving your sentence, you All you get is limited freedom."

"Of course, since 'Tianji' is a star component of the Big Dipper, it naturally has its magical power. You don't have to treat it as a simple shackle. In a sense, didn't you also get the divine sword you dreamed of?"

Although I don't know what Zhao Tu thinks, I guess what he wants to get is the complete "Beidou" to use on others, rather than being used as an experiment for "Beidou"...

Zhao Yesui thought about what Zhao Tu would say at this time, and then said: "Then, isn't my life and death all in the hands of the person who holds the 'power of heaven'? Even if I work hard and perform my duties, As long as he is in a bad mood for a while, he can take my life away, and I can't accept this kind of deal without any countermeasures."

The woman was slightly taken aback, and looked at Zhao Yesao in surprise, as if she didn't expect him to say that.

Is there a problem with the language logic because of the lack of intelligence...

Zhao Yesui realized that he had made a mistake, but this is also something that can't be helped. When dealing with the riddleman's world, he is still playing riddles without any information. If he can only make mistakes now, he is talented and suitable for being a leader. Riddler's sake.

After a long while, the woman said thoughtfully: "At least for now, you don't have to worry about this problem, because if the holder of the heavenly authority wants to attack you, you are not standing here talking to me at all. Opportunity."

As soon as these words came out, Zhao Yesui vaguely guessed who she was referring to.

"It seems that the relationship between you and Her Royal Highness is not so harmonious..."

The woman only mentioned one sentence, then skipped this sensitive topic, and said instead: "Don't worry, no one is qualified to dominate your life and death except Your Highness the eldest princess, and I have no countermeasures, so if you look at me If it's not pleasing to the eye, you can kill me now."

"Of course, if you make an outrageous move, it means that the transaction between Da Xia and you will break down. You should also consider which one is more important."

Zhao Ye raised his eyebrows and said, "Then, shouldn't you communicate with me in a more cautious manner? After all, I'm a worldwide terrorist who everyone gets and kills. When are you emotionally unstable? It's not impossible to slap you."

The woman raised her eyes, glanced at Zhao Yeshou, and said lightly: "Let's not talk about how you can do this without the sword puppet, even if you can kill me, how do you know... "

"Isn't that what I want?"

...................................................... ...................................................... ......................

Five minutes later, after briefly treating the wound on his body, Zhao Yesui followed the woman out of this special room.

Whether it is using flesh and blood magic, or self-healing through the fire of embers, Zhao Yesui has many ways to quickly heal his injuries, but Zhao Yesao is still unclear about what this "Zhao Tu" will know. So just dealt with it briefly.

After leaving the room, Zhao Yesui followed the woman upstairs, looking at the small building he was currently in.

According to the woman, this is the secret stronghold of Daxia Longque in Xihe Continent. It is similar to the existence of a safe house. Zhao Yesui was carried in the car and transported directly to the dark garage, so There was no chance to look at the safe house from the outside.

From the perspective of the internal layout, it seems to be no different from the ordinary Hezhou one-family house. The decoration is simple, and the building materials are also made of common wood. It does not look like it can function as a temporary fortress.

Zhao Yeshou said without exaggeration that he could build a house like this with one sword, and raise the people in it with the house.

Although it still can't reach the level of a walking humanoid natural disaster like a king, Zhao Yeshou is a warrior of the twelve clouds, and even exceeds the strength of some kings in a short period of time.

"So, it's closer to an observation post than a stronghold..."

Zhao Yesui followed the woman to the second floor. There were two expressionless men guarding in front of a room. After noticing the arrival of the two, one of them nodded slightly and opened the door for them.

Behind the door, someone has been waiting for a long time.

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P.S. My father is hospitalized, but I am not at home, so there is no need to worry, waiting for the result.

At present, the manuscript is saved in 4K, the more it is saved, the less it belongs to (X

Chapter 389 The ancestors sacrificed to the sky, the mana is boundless!

The woman walked in without hesitation, while Zhao Yesui looked at the situation a little, and then walked in under the unkind eyes of the two guards at the door.

The layout of the room is very simple, with a table, two chairs on the left, one chair on the right, and nothing else.

Someone has been waiting here for a long time.

It was an old man with white hair and beard, but he had a spirited temperament. At this moment, he was smiling at Zhao Yeshou and motioned him the opposite position.