MTL - I Can Extract My Identity and Join the Death Game-Chapter 329

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However, the sword he forged was a magic sword.

Although it is said that the sacrifice of living people is a means of evil, but Zhao Tu is even more evil in evil.

If ordinary swordsmiths want to forge sword puppets, they usually have a long negotiation with swordsmen who are about to become sacrifices, or they simply use themselves as sacrifices.

But Zhao Tu casts sword puppets, and the sacrifices come from swordsmen captured by him by means of sneak attack, coercion, enticing, or head-to-head defeat, forcing them to become sacrifices, that is, sacrificing swords with living people in the true sense. Ignoring the personal wishes of the swordsman.

If this is the case, it is fine. The swordsmen are ready to put life and death aside when they fight, but Zhao Tu's sacrifice category is not only swordsmen, but also ordinary people.

It is true that only swordsmen with superb swordsmanship are eligible to become the sacrifice of the sword puppet, but Zhao Tu can be described as "brilliant" in this evil way of casting swords, and created the "Blood Demon Casting Method", as long as there is a sufficient number of lives and Soul, he can sublimate it and combine it into a blood soul that is enough to create a sword puppet.

To this end, he launched hundreds of terrorist attacks, all in order to obtain enough "blood sacrifice materials" to forge swords.

Zhao Tu's most famous magic sword, the sea of ​​blood on the mountain of corpses, was cast with the Gorefiend casting method, and dozens of blood sacrifices were carried out to strengthen the spirituality on it, and finally even reached the level of the Zhenguo Divine Sword. level.

If Zhao Tu was casting swords for collection, it would be acceptable, but what he was after seemed to be the process of casting swords. He would give away the successful swordsman to the swordsman who saw it.

How can a swordsman who can obtain the approval of the magic sword cast by the Gorefiend casting method be a good person, so even though Zhao Tu himself did not have this idea, with him as the center, a terrorist organization was formed inexplicably. .

As I said before, the sword puppet is the top killing machine in the world, so everyone who owns the sword puppet has the ability to cause bloodshed anytime, anywhere.

Linked by the relationship of "the swordsman who had given the magic sword to Zhao Tu", hundreds of swordsmen formed a terrorist organization called "Blood Moon", which carried out terrorist activities all over the world.

What spirit is this? This is the spirit of the Heavenly Demon Palace that communicates whether there are people who want to do evil and unite to fight together!

Zhao Yesui was a little suspicious that the Temple of Heaven was not built like this in the first place. Inexplicably, a bunch of evil parties gathered, and then a fixed organization was formed over time. Oversized garbage processing plant.

Zhao Tu is indeed a standard villain who meets the entry standards of the Tianmo Palace, whether it is talent, temperament, or personal style.

Unscrupulous in order to seek strength, obsessed with the only hobby of "casting swords", just to be able to forge better sword puppets, he would not hesitate to launch massacres again and again, collect sacrifices, and then disdain the power obtained, just casually. throw it to others...

Zhao Tu's explanation ends here.

Zhao Yesui has only one evaluation.

"Why aren't you dead yet?"

As the culprit who directly and indirectly caused the death of millions of people and the displacement of tens of millions of people, this guy has no chance of being whitewashed, he is an out-and-out villain, and he should have died a long time ago.

However, the consideration at the national level, of course, will not be based on such simple emotions. For example, after the New Roman Empire arrested Zhao Tu and brought him to justice, they did not hold a public trial to rectify him on the spot. Tu's power secretly did some dirty deeds. It seems that, if nothing else, this transaction will continue until Zhao Tu is useless.

Before that, even if he was the nominal leader of the "Blood Moon" terrorist organization and the culprit behind hundreds of terrifying terrorist attacks, he would not be executed, and he might even outlive the absolute worst in this world. Most people are fine.

"It's really dirty politics..."

Zhao Yesui could only shrug and sigh with emotion.

Not every world has a just judge, and not every sin has belated justice.

Of course, Zhao Yesang will not have any rebellious psychology because of Zhao Tu's identity. The power itself is not wrong, it is the people who have the power. For example, after Zhao Yesang gains this power, he can be better. to bring judgment to the dregs.

Now, what he is more curious about is what Zhao Tu learned in the Temple of Heaven?

The information Zhao Yesui obtained was based on the files Lin Tianwu gave him. Of course, there was no information about the Temple of Heaven in it.

Compared with this world, Tianmo Palace is not sure how many grades higher, except that it actively invites Zhao Tu who meets the conditions, it is impossible for this world to discover its existence.

Therefore, after Zhao Tu entered the Tianmo Palace, the information was blank. What he learned and whether it was related to his subsequent arrest was unknown.

Just when Zhao Yesui fell into contemplation, Lin Tianwu, who was sitting opposite him, finally couldn't bear it any longer.

He is the elite of the Great Summer Dragon Sparrow and has received professional training. Normally, he will not affect the task due to personal emotional factors, but this time he really couldn't help it.

Zhao Tu, the leader of the terrorists, sat across from them, without saying a word, neither answering his questions, nor making demands, much less as if he was putting pressure on them, he just sat there flipping through the pages. Fifteen minutes passed for the materials that were well known to passers-by.

Could it be that some chemical agent was injected into the new Roman Empire, and the brain was dissolved, right?

Secretly slandering in his heart, Lin Tianwu coughed lightly and said, "Mr. Zhao Tu, did you hear my question just now?"

"If not, I can repeat it."

Only then did Zhao Yesui raise his head and look at Lin Tianwu.

After just making up for it, he also understood what the big summer dragonfinch is.

All in all, in a word, it is the organization in Daxia that is responsible for ruling over swordsmen and dealing with swordsmen's crimes.

As a veritable killing weapon, only swordsmen can deal with swordsmen, and due to the characteristics of sword puppets, it is very simple for swordsmen to sneak into cities.

If ordinary people want to create terrorist incidents, they need to carry out careful planning, and at the same time, in order to compete with official violent institutions, they also need sufficient firepower.

Even in the new Roman Empire, it is not easy to raise equipment that can compete with the official, let alone in the summer when gun control is strict.

But swordsmen are different.

One person and one sword can form a fighting force against the army in the steel jungle. Even if the official finds out in time, the swordsman can leave calmly after quickly destroying it.

Concealment is the most important point in making a crime, and in this regard, swordsmen have a natural advantage.

At the same time, densely populated cities are natural shelters for criminal swordsmen. It can be said that any crime caused by a swordsman will bring extremely tragic consequences.

The powerful combat power that can be formed with only one sword is simply impossible for a country to guard against.

Therefore, even in the modern age where information technology has become popular, there are still countless terrorist incidents caused by swordsmen, and many of them are still at large.

Sword puppets provide soil for the existence of terrorist activities, which is why terrorist activities in the world still occur frequently so far.

From this, we can see the reason why Zhao Tu is called the most dangerous terrorist after the millennium.

A criminal swordsman is enough to cause headaches for all countries in the world. You, who killed a thousand knives, created hundreds of them...

I know that you did it, the devil casts the ghost, and you gave them the tools for making terrorist attacks. Come, let me kill you, a thousand times is not enough!

In order to deal with the increasing criminal activities of swordsmen, corresponding organizations have been established in various countries around the world, and the countermeasure organization in Daxia is called Daxia Longque.

However, although it is a bit embarrassing to say, whether it is Daxia Longque or other countermeasure organizations, what they do is more pre-prevention and post-event pursuit. It is difficult to solve the incident cleanly and neatly. .

A swordsman duel in a city will surely spread to countless people, no matter whether it is successful or not. Moreover, criminal swordsmen are not mentally retarded, and usually choose weak spots to attack.

The number of swordsmen in a country seems to be large, but there are not many swordsmen who are on standby at all times, especially when they are scattered throughout the country.

If a crushing comparison of combat power cannot be formed, it is very likely that the criminal swordsman will escape, and he can only pursue it afterward.

If the criminal swordsman's idea is hard enough, he may even kill the law enforcement swordsman and leave calmly.

Thinking of this, Zhao Yesui felt that Zhao Tu, the one who killed thousands of knives, really deserved to die.

However, on the surface, he didn't reveal the slightest, just said lightly: "Well, I did hear your question clearly."

"I want to ask what I have done in cooperation with the New Roman Empire in the past two and a half years. Is there anything that will damage the interests of Daxia immediately or in the future, right?"

Lin Tianwu's question seemed euphemistic, and it was nothing more than that.

"Yes." Lin Tianwu nodded immediately and said, "I wonder if Mr. Zhao Tu is willing to explain a thing or two to me?"

Then, facing Lin Tianwu's expression of anticipation, Zhao Yesui said calmly, "But I don't remember."

Lin Tianwu: "..."

Lin Yi: "..."

No, you are playing with me, aren't you? ? ? ? ? ?

...................................................... .....................................................

P.S. My father's examination results came out. He just finished the operation in the afternoon. He is a rich and noble disease. Apart from spending a lot of money every month, there are no other problems, so he is relieved.

I remember there was a question before, which roughly meant what would you do if you got 100 million, but your parents were seriously ill, and the 100 million needed to be spent on treatment.

I thought at the time that I was really lucky, and I just had the money to save my loved ones. I was extremely lucky.

In addition, I saw a friend asking, it was actually updated yesterday, but it was updated at noon. Usually, the update in the early morning was actually the previous day.

Chapter 391 beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep

I've been specially trained, I've been specially trained, I've been specially trained...

Lin Tianwu took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down. In the face of terrorists with such a bad character, only by staying calm can he make a correct response.

After thinking for a while, he said: "Is it inconvenient for Mr. Zhao Tu to say? Because the New Roman Empire has taken corresponding measures? Or, at the request of the New Roman Empire, Mr. Zhao Tu has committed some ethical violations. A matter of ethics and law..."

"If it's the latter, Mr. Zhao Tu can rest assured. Since you have fallen into the hands of the New Roman Empire, you must be involuntarily helpless. It's not you or the soldiers. We won't hold you accountable. It will not increase your sentence."

This sentence is obviously to comfort Zhao Yesao. The sophistry of "not me, but also soldiers" is logically unreasonable, but Zhao Yesang is in a special situation. Da Xia said that he was guilty. Sin is innocence, so it makes sense at this time.

Moreover, the New Roman Empire specially let this "devil cast ghost" evaporate from the world for two and a half years, definitely not looking for him to save the world.

The occasion where "the devil casts the ghost" can be used is definitely a horrific evil XING incident, and any human experiment is completely a piece of cake.

Lin Tianwu completely believed that the New Roman Empire would do such a thing. After all, the world's largest terrorist organization is not the "Blood Moon" established by Zhao Tu in theory, nor is it any terrorist organization that has appeared so far. , but...

Strange to say, when "terrorist activities" are carried out by a country, and it is also a powerful country, it will be put on the cloak of legitimacy and become understandable.

Zhao Yesui looked at Lin Tianwu, who was diligently looking for reasons for him, trying to make him reveal his sincerity, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

He doesn't have that much to hide.

- He just doesn't know.

really do not know.

Zhao Yesui's knowledge of Zhao Tu so far comes from the file that Lin Tianwu just gave him. Maybe Lin Tianwu is not familiar with Zhao Tu. In this case, this is obviously a secret thing, how can he know?

So, he could only ignore Lin Tianwu's good intentions and repeat it again: "I really don't know, don't ask, there is no result."

As soon as this statement came out, Lin Tianwu, who was still racking his brains to think about the reason, was suddenly speechless.

Lin Yize frowned slightly and said, "Mr. Zhao Tu, although we do not have the ability to force you to order, your level of cooperation will be included in the action file for this mission. If you insist on not cooperating, we will It is very difficult for the operation to continue.”

Zhao Yesui had heard this standard official accent many times. Before he became a player, because of the black fog, he often carried out some more dangerous social practice activities, so he often dealt with official personnel.

At that time, Zhao Yesui often heard them speak this kind of intimidating mandarin.

However, the Fate Policy Bureau did not suffer from such bureaucratic habits, so when Zhao Yesui was dealing with the few members of the Fate Policy Bureau, they got along quite happily.

Lin Tianwu is obviously a senior official of Daxia Longque, but when he reaches a certain level of seniority, he will not have such a bad problem.

Especially when dealing with "swordsmen".

Heroes are forbidden by martial arts. This group of swordsmen with extraordinary power and proficient in swordsmanship obviously cannot communicate with them using the usual rules, otherwise it will cause counter-effects.

Lin Tianwu knew this very well, but before he could stop Lin Yi, the other party had already said so.

Zhao Yejia glanced at her calmly, and said with a smile, "Miss Lin Yi... isn't it?"

"Do you want me to kill you so much?"

"Exchange your life for my life?"

"I don't mind, but you, are you really ready?"

The already tense atmosphere dropped to freezing point again because of Zhao Yeshou's remarks, and Lin Tianwu's spirit suddenly became tense.

Even if the man in front of him has just been rescued from the sunless imprisonment, his body should be extremely weak.

Even if the man in front of him has no sword puppet at the moment, only a flesh and blood body.

But he is Zhao Tu.

The swordsman countermeasure organization all over the world is helpless, and can only watch Zhao Tu, the "Devil Casting Ghost" who commits evil crimes again and again.

He has a lesser-known but more terrifying title than this well-known notoriety.

Blood Sea Man Tu·Zhao Tu.

And Lin Yi, who was being stared at by Zhao Yeshou, felt even stronger.

It was as if his entire body was locked, as if he was being targeted by a predator at the top of the food chain.

Even the mere sight has already made her unable to move.

His fingers were so stiff that he couldn't even hold a saber. Only when he really faced him would he understand what the name "Zhao Tu" meant.

He could easily kill me like an ant.

Even if I have a sword puppet, and he is defenseless.

Lin Yi soon realized this cruel fact.

I can't just admit defeat...!

Lin Yi gritted her teeth and said word by word, "Yes, I want you to kill me, so what? Do you dare?"

Zhao Yeshou shrugged and said indifferently, "Why don't you dare?"

"You don't really think... your life is as expensive as mine, right?"