MTL - I Can Level Up By Staying Idle-Chapter 131 you've changed!

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Sending away the itchy middle-year-old Qi Fengbo, Lin Mo simply wandered around the school by himself.

Jiangnan Wuda is divided into several areas.

Dormitory area where students live.

A teaching area where classes are taught.

Cultivation area for practice.

The living quarters of professors and lecturers.

There is also a martial arts graduate student area, a martial arts doctoral student area, and more.

Lin Mo was hanging out in the school. First, he wanted to get acquainted with the environment. Second, he also measured which area had the highest involution index.

Originally, Lin Mo had high hopes for the graduate student area and the doctoral student area. After all, these two areas are either Silver Moon Warrior or Lunar Warrior. But unexpectedly, the involution index here is the lowest, not even reaching 1000 points.

"Is it because there are too few graduate students in martial arts and doctoral students in martial arts? Or is it because they have already achieved something on the road of martial arts, so they start to relax and become less introverted?"

No matter what the reason is, Lin Mo doesn't plan to come to these two places in the future.

Even before leaving here, Lin Mo didn't forget to scolded: "Bah! A bunch of **** lying flat!"

Finally, after walking around in a big circle, Lin Mo found that the three areas had the highest involution index, namely: the dormitory area, the teaching area, and the training area.

Needless to say, the dormitory area has the largest "resident population" after all. There are not many courses for martial arts college students. When there are no classes, many people stay in the dormitory and concentrate on their practice.

The teaching area is a place for preaching and teaching and solving puzzles. During the day, the number of people is second only to the dormitory area. In addition, because the teachers' guidance can help students solve various confusions encountered in the process of cultivation, the efficiency of involution is higher.

The function of the practice area is more complicated. The gravity room, the heart room, the weapon room, etc. are all located in this area. And like the gravity room and the enlightenment room, you have to pay a price for cultivation in it; especially the gravity room, the threshold for entry is extremely high. Because of this, although the number of people in the practice area is not as good as the previous two areas, because the cost of cultivating in this area is high, every student here is... crazy introverted! In terms of involution index, it is not inferior to the dormitory area and the teaching area.

These three areas are generally closer to the center, and the higher the involution index!

However, with different time periods, the "highlands" of the involution index are constantly shifting positions.

"I still have to do research to maximize the involution index!"

For the involution index, Lin Mo was really heartbroken.

I don't even feel like I'm lying flat!

"Am I also a kind of involution?"

When Lin Mo was questioning himself—

"Let me go! Let me go! From the school infirmary!" Fun Court

"What's the situation?" Lin Mo couldn't help asking.

"A classmate has gone into a maddened cultivation practice!" The rushing doctor explained casually, "We have to hurry up and rescue!"

"Infatuated with evil?" Lin Mo was stunned, "I didn't expect to have been admitted to the University of Martial Arts, and there is still such a ruthless person who takes his own life!"

Lin Mo couldn't help thinking of his old neighbor Liu Xia.

At that time, Liu Xia took his life and was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment, so that he directly lost the only chance in his life to take the martial arts college entrance examination.

Lin Mo originally thought that things like "taking one's life inward" would only happen before the martial arts college entrance examination; but the reality is that there are countless such ruthless people!

Thinking of this, Lin Mo couldn't help feeling ashamed of what he had just thought.

"I was just wandering around in the school, but I actually suspected that I was introverted..." No matter how thick Lin Mo's face was, he couldn't help but feel a sense of shame at this time.

What kind of volume is he!

In the entire Jiangnan Wuhan University, can there be someone who is more flat than him?

"I can't have this kind of thinking in the future! Introverting is something I don't deserve!" Lin Mo secretly reflected.

Although he chose to lie flat, this does not prevent him from respecting the introversion and looking down on other people who lie flat!

"I can level up when I lie down, can others? Since they can't, what qualifications do they have to lie down like me?" Lin Mo thought confidently.

At this moment, Lin Mo's cell phone rang.

"Haoran!" Lin Mo answered the phone and sighed inwardly.

Since he came to Jiangnan Wuda yesterday, Gao Haoran seems to be a little reluctant to think about Shu, and even almost forgot the existence of his good brother and Uncle Lin!

"Mexico!" Gao Haoran went straight to the topic, "Go play!"

"Go to play?" Lin Mo couldn't help asking, "Where to play?"

"Hey! I know what to ask!" Gao Haoran smiled, "Let's go, Brother Mexico? Li Jiaxuan also went together!"

Lin Mo understood as soon as he heard it, and was speechless: "Haoran, you have changed!"

This yellow thing is too harmful!

Gao Haoran, what a simple guy he was, but what has he become now? Just because the door to the new world was opened yesterday, as a result... I was just released this morning, and I'm going to play again this afternoon!

This is an addictive rhythm!

"Mexico, you have changed too!" Gao Haoran couldn't help but retort, "A while ago, you were pulling me to play, but now, when I ask you to play together, both I can't shout anymore! - Brother Mo, you are too curly now!"

"Are you playing a serious thing?" Lin Mo became more speechless and said sternly, "Am I this kind of person?"

"If you don't try, how do you know you're not such a person?" Gao Haoran laughed, "Brother Mo, let's go together! Don't lie to you, it's really cool!"

I can hear it, Gao Haoran is really depraved!

"Haoran!" Lin Mo slammed his head with a bang, "What about your martial arts dream?"

"The dream of martial arts..." These four words, like the morning bell and the evening drum, made Gao Haoran's heart tremble.

Memories come to my mind like a picture.

How many times of all-night penance!

How many times I persevered!

Isn’t it just for the martial arts dream?

Thinking of this, Gao Haoran couldn't help feeling a little ashamed: "Mexico, you're right!"

"Not going?" Lin Mo was very pleased.

"This..." Gao Haoran struggled for a while, and said, "But Brother Li has arranged it for me! I am really kind!"

Love is difficult?

Lin Mo almost spurted blood.

"Let's talk about it..." Gao Haoran continued to argue, "Tomorrow is the official start of school! Before school starts, I have to relax first! When school officially starts, I will If you work hard, you won't have time to play!"

"After the school officially starts, I won't play anymore?" Lin Mo couldn't believe it.

"That's for sure! From tomorrow, I will officially quit the sword circle, I said!" Gao Haoran patted his chest and promised, and then the conversation changed, "Damn it! From tomorrow onwards If you don't play anymore, then I can play more tonight!"

Lin Mo, who was on the other end of the phone, didn't want to say anything, so he finally reminded: "Tomorrow, the first day of school, don't be late for class!"

"Can I be late?" Gao Haoran snorted disdainfully and hung up the phone.