MTL - I Can Level Up By Staying Idle-Chapter 132 double standard

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The next morning.

Gao Haoran struggled to open his eyes and woke up from a sweet dream.

As if the body was hollowed out.

He habitually picked up the phone to check the time, and his eyes suddenly became round.

"Damn it! It's past eight!?" Gao Haoran suddenly woke up.

This morning's class is at 8:00 sharp.

In other words, Gao Haoran was late for his first class at Jiangnan Martial Arts University.

"This is a mess..." Gao Haoran was also a little embarrassed.

He still remembered that he swore to Lin Mo yesterday afternoon: Can I be late?

The result came too fast!

You must know that he did not enter the university through the formal martial arts college entrance examination channel! For a poor student like him, if his performance is too poor and his grades are rubbish, he may be expelled by Jiangnan Wuda for excuses!

So even if he has entered a famous martial arts school, Gao Haoran has to continue to roll in, and it is impossible to really lie down.

Gao Haoran's dressing speed was a few blocks, and in less than half a minute, he was fully dressed from head to toe.

Just as he couldn't wait to rush out the door, an angry voice sounded on the bed: "Why do you put on your pants and run? You haven't paid the money yet!"

"No money?" Gao Haoran was stunned.

Didn't Li Jiaxuan say he was a treat? Didn't give money?

When he came to the classroom, Gao Haoran saw that there were more than twenty students sitting in the classroom. As soon as he ran to the door of the classroom, he immediately attracted a lot of attention.

"It's okay, it's okay!" Gao Haoran glanced quickly in the classroom, seeing that Lin Mo hadn't come yet, he was relieved, "Fortunately, I'm not the last one !"

As long as it's not the last one!

Even if you are scolded, there is still a back!

"Mexico is really my good brother!" Gao Haoran thought to himself, "Knowing that I will be late for the first class, so I came late with me, so that I won't suffer alone!"

"Gao Haoran?" The teacher in the classroom looked at Gao Haoran and asked unsurely.

The class where Lin Mo and Gao Haoran are located is the "elite class" of Jiangnan Wuhan University this year! The head teacher in charge of the class is called Wei Zhi, he is a lot fatter than Gao Haoran, and he is just a young Silver Moon Warrior.

In Martial Arts University, especially in top schools like Jiangnan Martial Arts University, professors and associate professors usually teach. As for the head teacher, in fact, he basically has no teaching assignments, he is mainly responsible for doing chores in the class!

Therefore, class teachers are usually ordinary lecturers, and they will not have too strong strength.

Just like this teacher Wei Zhi.

"Yes, Mr. Wei, I am Gao Haoran." Gao Haoran said very politely.

However, his politeness was clearly ineffective.

After Mr. Wei confirmed his identity, he scolded his head and face: "You are late for school on the first day? Do you not want to go to Wuhan University? If you don't want to go to school, get out yourself, and you can save some Resources are given to other students!"

"I want to go!" Gao Haoran knew that he was wrong, and even lowered his head and took the initiative to admit his mistake.

"If you want to go, give it to me! If you don't want to go, just pack up and go home!" Teacher Wei scolded, "Now get out of the classroom and sit down!"

Gao Haoran walked to the end of the classroom and sat down, feeling a little depressed in his heart. However, when he thought that Brother Mo came later than him, and he would definitely be scolded worse than himself, Gao Haoran felt a lot more comfortable all of a sudden.

What does it matter to be scolded? As long as someone gets scolded together! - This is Gao Haoran's idea.

"Brother Mo is really my good brother! This can be regarded as being in trouble with me!" Gao Haoran secretly said.

Sure enough, at this moment, the head teacher Wei looked at the classroom and muttered to himself: "Gao Haoran is also here, then only Lin Mo is left! It's time to call to remind me a little bit. !"

Speaking, Mr. Wei opened the list, called Lin Mo, and turned on the speaker directly.

"Hello?" A lazy voice came from the other end of the phone.

The whole class heard it and could hear it, Lin Mo's voice was obviously not awake yet!

"Brother Mo has not woken up yet?" For some reason, Gao Haoran couldn't help but gloat over his misfortune, "Brother Mo will definitely be scolded now!"

Gao Haoran had just seen the violent temper of teacher Wei, the head teacher. In his opinion... he has already come to the classroom, and was scolded in the face; and Mo Ge hasn't even got up from the bed, isn't that going to be scolded to death?

When he thought that Mexico would be scolded even worse than himself, Gao Haoran even felt: In contrast, he was equivalent to not being scolded!

But then, the scene that made Gao Haoran drop his jaw in shock appeared—

"Is that Lin Mo?" Mr. Wei said softly into the phone, "I'm your head teacher, Mr. Wei! I wonder if it disturbed your sleep?"

"Pfft!" Gao Haoran vomited blood directly.

Is the contrast too great?


It can be replaced by Lin Mo, and it becomes a good voice and asks "Did it disturb your sleep?"

This is too double standard?

"Blue thin! Shiitake mushrooms!" Gao Haoran was really aggrieved.

"Mr. Wei?" Lin Mo on the other end of the phone was still lazy, "What's the matter?"


This time, it was not Gao Haoran who vomited blood alone, but the whole class collectively vomited blood!

You are more than half an hour late for the first class on the first day of the university, and you still ask the class teacher what is the matter?

"Mexico is frantically provoking the head teacher's temper!" Gao Haoran couldn't help but mourned for Mogo - so provocative of the head teacher, still not scolded?

However, Mr. Wei seems to have changed a person, his temper has become very good, but he is not angry at all, and patiently said: "Lin Mo, our first teacher It's been more than half an hour since a class started! Look... do you want to come over and attend the class?"

"Huh?" Lin Mo on the other end of the phone suddenly raised his spirits, "Oh! I'm sorry, Mr. Wei, I overslept! It was really last night..."

Last night at midnight, Lin Mo was really hungry, so he ordered a takeout of crayfish. It was two or three o'clock in the morning when I comfortably finished peeling a few pounds of fat-headed and fat-headed crayfish.

After eating, Lin Mo played with his mobile phone for a while, and watched short videos for a while. When he went to bed, it was already past five in the morning.

No wonder he hasn't woken up yet!

"I understand! I understand! You don't need to explain!" Teacher Wei interrupted directly.

"You understand?" Lin Mo was stunned.

I haven't even said what I did last night, you know? Could it be that my head teacher is a divine operator?

"Did you stay up all night last night?" Mr. Wei asked again.

"Almost! I slept past five in the morning!" Lin Mo said truthfully.

"It's not what I expected!" Teacher Wei said with an expression that was as expected, and said earnestly, "Lin Mo, teacher knows that you are obsessed with martial arts and are very hardworking! Don't get yourself too tired! Besides, you've only just entered the university, so you can still take a few days off!"

The students in the class also expressed emotion.

"As expected of the scroll **** Lin Mo!"

"It's too curly!"

"Isn't it? Once you come, you roll in all night! How does this make us live?"

"People who are better than me, work harder than me!"

"Looks like I have to work harder! I'll only sleep three hours a day from now on!"

"That's what, Mr. Wei!" Lin Mo couldn't help but explain, "I have a good rest!"

Not to mention, the crayfish last night, Lin Mo ate very delicious!

Other students were greatly touched!

It's good to take a rest all night? So what if you don't rest well?

"Lin Mo, if you don't come to class in the morning, you can sleep well in the dormitory!" After feeling distressed, Teacher Wei directly took the initiative to give Lin Mo a vacation.

"Which line is this?" Lin Mo said without hesitation, "Mr. Wei, I'll be there soon!"

Hang up the phone.

Today is the first day of Budo University! Even for a sense of ceremony, Lin Mo had to go over and teach the class! Moreover, it is also a way to meet new students.

As for future classes, it is estimated that they will be lifted!

"Beep beep beep..."

Mr. Wei could not calm down for a long time listening to the busy tone from the mobile phone.

"Students!" Mr. Wei said with emotion, "Everyone must learn from Lin Mo! He was so tired last night, and he insisted on coming to class early this morning! "

The students also agree.

"Yes! Lin Mo is really our role model!"

"My role model!"

"Learn from Lin Mo! Roll up!"

"Yes! Roll it up!"