MTL - I Capture Everything as a Pet in the World of Martial Arts-Chapter 48 Zangshuge Internal Knowledge Martial Arts

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Under Cheng Lihu's personal leadership, Lin Changqing came to the heavily guarded Zangshu Pavilion where the Little Knife Gang was stationed.

The Library Pavilion of the Little Knife Gang is a solid attic built of black stone, with three floors in total.

On the first floor are miscellaneous books containing all kinds of knowledge, on the second floor are ordinary kung fu and martial arts cheat books, and on the third floor there is only the inherited kung fu [Tianmen Sword Art] of the Xiaodao Gang.

Cheng Lihu showed the gang leader's warrant to the guards of Zangshu Pavilion, briefly introduced the situation and precautions of Zangshu Pavilion to Lin Changqing, and left first.

Lin Changqing left Xiaohu and Xiaoqing outside Cangshu Pavilion, and left everything except [Soul Soul Bell] on Xiaoqing.

The guards of Zangshu Pavilion briefly searched Lin Changqing's body, saw the small bell hanging on his waist, and let him in without saying anything.

The Zangshu Pavilion is small in size, a bit like a quaint little bookstore. The first floor with the most books only has hundreds of books.

There was no one in Zangshu Pavilion, Lin Changqing was not in a hurry to read, two hours was four hours, almost an afternoon.

He first went to the second and third floors to read it. There were even fewer martial arts and martial arts on the second floor, only a few dozen books, and many of them were only a few thin pages, as if they were used to make up numbers.

And on the third floor, on a big table, there are three books, which record the introductory chapter, advanced chapter and extraordinary chapter of [Tianmen Sword Art].

Lin Changqing looked at the three secret books of exercises that were getting thicker and thicker, and somewhat understood why the leader of the gang allowed him to read them at will in this library.

In the case of not being allowed to transcribe, a normal person would not be able to memorize many words in four hours. The more advanced the exercises, the more obscure and difficult they are to read, let alone memorize them.

Even a person with an extraordinary memory, with a time limit of four hours, can't take much advantage of this library.

However, four hours is enough for Lin Changqing who has a book spirit.

The main body of the book spirit is on the body of [Wolf Green Dog] Xiaoqing, and its spirit villain is hidden on Lin Changqing's body.

After confirming that no one was watching the library, Shu Ling jumped out of Lin Changqing and said to Lin Changqing: "Master, although there are not many books in this library, it is also protected by formations. These books and cheats should not be taken away, and it is also very difficult." damage!"

"This is just right, no one is watching, and I can do it myself, which can improve the efficiency of reading!"

Lin Changqing picked up the "Tianmen Saber Technique" and flipped through it. With his current wisdom and comprehension, it seemed a little difficult.

"Shu Ling, you first record all the information on the secret book, and study it slowly after you go back!"

"Yes, master!"

After getting the book spirit ordered by Lin Changqing, the little spirit man waved his hand, and the book recording the introductory and advanced exercises of [Tianmen Sword Art] automatically and quickly turned the pages with a clatter.

Shuling uses his powerful spiritual perception ability to scan and record all the text and pictures on the book, and restore the scanned and recorded book to the book on which [Wan Ling Jue] is recorded on its body.

Its scanning and recording speed is very fast, in less than a minute, it and Lin Changqing's [Tianmen Saber Technique] Transcendent Chapter are all scanned and recorded.

"You go down first, I'll be here to read this extraordinary article!"

Lin Changqing asked Shuling to scan and record the books on the first and second floors of Zangshu Pavilion by himself. He continued to read the extraordinary chapter of [Tianmen Sword Art] to pass the next two hours.

With Lin Changqing's wisdom and comprehension enhanced by all the talents of the book spirit, it took him nearly an hour to finish reading the entire "Tianmen Saber Technique" Transcendent Chapter.

He found that although the name of the extraordinary article is called the extraordinary article, it is not actually a martial art practiced by extraordinary warriors. How to continue to practice and improve your strength to a semi-advanced level.

This book talks about some basic training principles in the early stages of martial arts training, which greatly benefited Lin Changqing, who lacked martial arts knowledge.

Lin Changqing understood that the three martial arts realms of strength refining, strength refining, and qi refining were only the realms that laid the foundation for real martial arts practice.

Lianlijing builds a strong body and builds the foundation, Lianjingjing exercises mental will and imposes body control, and Qijingjing evolves the body's soul and adapts to the operation and storage of "Qi".

Martial practitioners who practice martial arts, with the foundation of these three stages, can cultivate their own "true energy", step into the extraordinary, and start the real path of martial arts extraordinary.

Those high-level fighters in the Qi refining realm who have never been able to cultivate "true qi" may also produce a kind of qi whose quality is far inferior to "true qi" after years of cultivation and evolution.

This kind of Qi Refining Realm warrior with "false true Qi" is far more powerful than a high-level Qi Refining Realm warrior, so it is called a semi-advanced product.

The "false true qi" of a semi-advanced high-grade warrior also has the opportunity to transform into "true qi", thus becoming a real extraordinary high-grade martial artist.

Of course, more warriors, who have practiced for a lifetime, can't even cultivate "false true energy".

There are also countless ordinary warriors, even if they have the opportunity to practice martial arts, they will not even be able to break through to the Qi Refining Realm for a Even some martial artists with poor martial arts cultivation talents and aptitudes will be stuck in the Licensing Realm all their lives. breakthrough.

Therefore, martial arts cultivation in this world pays more attention to talent and aptitude.

At this time, Lin Changqing had some understanding of the martial arts practice in this world.

Lin Changqing put down his book and walked down the first floor, planning to spend the rest of his time reading miscellaneous books introducing various aspects of this world.

Shu Ling scanned and recorded the entire collection of books in the library building as early as when Lin Changqing was reading. Now he is hiding on Lin Changqing's body, happily studying the contents of various books.

Lin Changqing leisurely flipped through various miscellaneous books on the first floor of Zangshu Pavilion to make up for his predecessor's one-sided and extreme understanding of the world.

After two hours, the guards of Zangshu Pavilion opened the door and asked Lin Changqing to leave.

Lin Changqing has gained a lot this time. He packed up his excitement and brought his pets back to Baihutang.

Cheng Lihu had already prepared something for Lin Changqing.

For the [Honor Inspection] identity card and twenty taels of gold rewarded by the government, Cheng Lihu wants to give Lin Changqing the identity card of the leader of Baihutang and a full set of outfits. Take it back, it's very easy.

Lin Changqing bid farewell to Cheng Lihu and rushed back to the small courtyard in the slum area before dark.

In Lin Changqing's small courtyard, Wu Zili and his partners were working hard. Seeing Lin Changqing's return, Wu Zili hurried over to report the progress of the work.

Lin Changqing interrupted Wu Zili's report, pulled Wu Zili aside, and asked him softly: "Do you want to change your current situation and become a warrior?"

"Think!" Wu Zili replied firmly without even thinking about it.