MTL - I Deliver Food In a Lamborghini-Chapter 217 proposal location

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  Chapter 217 Marriage proposal location

  Since the two parents met, Nan Ge has been in a tense state.

  She is very concerned about the wedding, and even in class, she would be distracted thinking about what theme to use for the wedding and what style of wedding dress to use.

   She has no idea about these.

  Shen Yanqing had a delicate mind, and soon noticed her uneasiness.

   "Leave these to me, and we will discuss them together when you are on vacation."

  He said that he would prepare all the plans before her winter vacation. We will discuss further after the winter vacation.

   Regarding these, Shen Yanqing also tried his best to do it himself. Nan Ge suddenly broke away from the uneasy mood and began to look forward to it.

  She thought that Shen Yanqing was busy with the wedding recently, but she didn't know that Shen Yanqing was "working overtime" for the proposal.

  Neither of them mentioned the marriage proposal, and Nan Ge naturally ignored it. It never occurred to her that there was another marriage proposal waiting for her.

  The time for the proposal was set on Nan Ge's birthday, but the venue has yet to be found.

  In the past week, Shen Yanqing sat in the office in a daze whenever he was free.

   Special Assistant Yuan also sorted out everyone's opinions very carefully, and made them all as candidates.

   It’s just that Shen Yanqing has always felt that these places lacked a little meaning. Simply put, they did not meet expectations. In his opinion, there should be another best place to propose marriage that has not been mentioned or discovered.

  For this, all the staff of the President's Office also racked their brains in private, very actively wanting to contribute to the cp they are drinking.


   "Hello?" On a rare weekend, Nan Ge personally cooked two bowls of noodles.

   This is the only thing she can cook and eat.

  However, Shen Yanqing has been absent-minded since sitting down.

  Seeing that the noodles in his bowl became lumpy at a speed visible to the naked eye, Nan Ge called him several times, but he didn't hear him.

   "Shen Yanqing!" She was a little annoyed, and knocked on the table hard.

  The person on the opposite side raised his head.

  He didn't go out today, and he was still wearing the home clothes. On weekends, what can a young couple do at home... The two of them just took a shower before eating, and his hair is not completely dry, and the broken hair hangs obediently on his forehead.

  Looking at each other, there is still a trace of bewilderment in his eyes, and with his attire, he looks like a man who is about to be thirty years old, very harmless.

  Nan Ge paused at the words, and asked after a while, "Aren't the noodles I made delicious?"

   "Delicious." At this time, Shen Yanqing still had a strong desire to survive.

   That would be weird, Nan Ge held his face with one hand, and tilted his head to look at him: "Then why don't you eat? What are you thinking?"

   Inexplicably, she thought of the sage's time afterward, but how long has it been over? Is Shen Yanqing's reflex arc longer than hers?

  Recalling the scene an hour ago that made people blush and heartbeat and the wet sheets just changed in the bathroom, Nan Ge's eyes dodged for a while.

  Shen Yanqing is very busy these days, and every day after returning home from the company, she has to stay alone in the study for a while. It's all like this, this old thing is still so heavy.

   Not to mention that when both of them are free on weekends, they will almost entangle at home all day.

   Hiss... isn't he tired?

   So much energy.

  Of course Shen Yanqing couldn't tell the truth, he was thinking about a marriage proposal just now. While he was still thinking about finding some reason to fool him temporarily, Nan Ge's brain circuit on the other side was still functioning stably, and she didn't need Shen Yanqing to change the topic, she would have gone astray before thinking about it.

  Thinking is like stepping on a banana peel, unimpeded all the way.

  She was thinking about Shen Yanqing's current frequency, whether she would have the possibility of getting pregnant out of wedlock.

   After all, some measures are not completely reliable.

   If she is hit by then, will she die...or die?

  Boy or girl?

  She likes girls, who are fragrant and soft. What if it was a boy? Doesn't she want to have another one?

   Is it possible that you really want to hug the two for three years? According to Shen Yanqing's activeness in this matter, it seems that this possibility is not impossible.

   Well, in fact, boys are fine too. If I have an older brother, I will take good care of my younger sister in the future.

   It's like she and Nam Chul.

   Having an older brother like Nan Zhe is pretty good.

  What is the boy's name?

   But then again, having a baby seems quite painful... After thinking about it, Nan Ge suddenly didn't want to have a baby anymore.

   Is there any way to be a painless mother?

  Why can't Shen Yanqing give birth?

  It's the 21st century, why can't men have children?

  The topic between the two of them was abruptly diverted without any verbal communication.


  Nan Zhe found out about Shen Yanqing's proposal a week before Nan Ge's birthday.

  That day happened to be one night, and Nan Ge stayed in the dormitory because of too many classes tomorrow. Shen Yanqing happened to see Nan Zhe posted on Moments that he was in Huaicheng, so he asked him out.

  The place where the two met was Nam Chul's restaurant.

  The restaurant is closed tonight, and the lobby is bright and empty. Shen Yanqing sat on the side and waited for him.

  Nan Zhe had just ended his date with Qi Yan, and after sending him back, he hurried here slowly. Shen Yanqing waited for almost an hour before seeing him.

  The manager on duty in the restaurant served some snacks to the two and left.

  Nan Zhe took off his coat, folded it casually and threw it on the empty seat, then sat down opposite Shen Yanqing. He sat in a bold and unrestrained posture, not as upright as Shen Yanqing, and he made a lot of small movements after sitting down.

  The movement and stillness of the two formed a stark contrast.

   "What do you have to meet and talk about?" The last time the two met was when the parents met.

   "You and Nan Ge are talking about marriage and have settled down, but I haven't written a word yet."

  Nan Zhe really couldn't think of any serious business for Shen Yanqing to ask him alone.

   It turned out that this person was Wang Zha when he opened his mouth, "I'm going to propose."

   "..." Nan Zhe put back the snack in his hand, wiped his hands with a tissue, his tone was the same as usual: "When is it?"

"next week."

  Nan Zhe quickly realized, "Excuse me... Nan Ge's birthday is next week."

   "Yes." Shen Yanqing talked about his plan, hoping that he could come to the scene.

   Nan Pa Nan Ma If you have time, it would be the best to come together.

  Nan Zhe then became serious, nodded and cooperated, "Okay. I'll go back and talk to them."

   "By the way, where is the location? Where can I ask for it." He asked a crucial question.

   "In your house? Where are we hiding, in the closet?"

  Shen Yanqing clasped his hands and put them on the table. Hearing this, he rubbed his thumbs against the back of his hands slightly. This was an action he would do subconsciously when he was nervous.

   "The location has not been selected yet."

  Nan Zhe was startled, "You're going to propose next week, and the location hasn't been settled yet?"

  This efficiency is not like that of Shen Yanqing.

  "I'm still considering it. I have chosen seven or eight places, but none of them are particularly satisfactory."

  Nan Zhe: "..."

  (end of this chapter)