MTL - I Deliver Food In a Lamborghini-Chapter 299 finally got his wish

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  Chapter 299 Finally got his wish

  Parallel Extra Story (2)

  The two were together on New Year's Eve.

   It was Shen Yanqing who took the initiative to make an appointment with Nan Ge.

  During the countdown to the New Year's Eve concert, Shen Yanqing leaned close to her ear and gently asked if he wanted to be together.

  There was too much noise around, Nan Ge looked at him in surprise, thinking he had heard wrong.

  After the concert, the two walked out together, silent all the way.

  It was not until returning to the car that Shen Yanqing said: "Should I have scared you? It was a bit sudden, but it was definitely not a temporary intention."

  He told her his personal situation in detail, comparable to Baidu Encyclopedia.

"Actually, when I first met you, I had a good impression of you. In the past few months of getting along, I think we are very suitable, in any sense. Of course, this is just my one-sided opinion and cannot represent you. But I do Looking forward to redefining our relationship."

   "!" Nan Ge's eyes were astonished.

   Sensing that there was no element of joy in her expression, Shen Yanqing knew the answer. He turned his head slightly so that the loneliness in his eyes was not too obvious, and he comforted her with a chuckle: "I won't force you, if you don't think it's suitable, we can continue to be friends. You don't have to feel embarrassed, we can just go on as before .”

   "Uh, no." Nan Ge finally came back to his senses, "I...I thought I heard it wrong in it just now."

   "Sorry, there was indeed some excitement in there just now. May I say it again?"

   "No no no."

  She waved her hands again and again, "I heard, I heard."

   "Well, let's go back first, you can think about it slowly."

  Shen Yanqing secretly heaved a sigh of relief, started the car and left here.

   Not far after driving, he heard her voice from the co-pilot.

   "Do we count together now? From now on, the first day of the new year?"

  He was slightly startled, and parked the car on the side of the road, before turning his eyes back to her face.

  The little penguin's eyes were bright, his hands were clutching the seat belt, and he looked up at him expectantly.

  After confirming again and again, he curled his lips and stretched out his hand to rub her head gently, "Happy New Year, my girlfriend."


  One summer vacation after her sophomore year, Nan Ge took Shen Yanqing home for the first time.

   Not long after, the parents of both sides also made an appointment to meet.

  With Shen Yanqing's extracurricular tutoring, Nan Ge's grades were not bad, and he got a postgraduate quota from Huai University to continue his graduate studies.

  In his first year of research, Nan Ge met Shen Yanqing's biological mother for the first time.

  The other party came here specially, out of politeness, Nan Ge followed her to a nearby coffee shop for a small sit.

  She had heard about what kind of person Shen Yanqing's mother was, and she was prepared for it.

   "Is there anything Auntie can do for me?"

   "You and Shen Yanqing have been together for some years, right?"

   "Yes." From the freshman year to the first year of research, the relationship between the two has been very stable, and they have never quarreled.

   "Haven't you considered getting married for so long?"

   "I'm still studying, so I won't think about it for now."

   "We have been together for so many years and don't plan to get married. He is eight years older than you, and at this age all his classmates have children."

"..." Nan Ge couldn't quite understand her brain circuit, "We will consider this matter later. But at present, we agree that it is not suitable now. Do you have anything else? I still have classes and may not be able to accompany you gone."

   "You're delaying him."

  Nan Ge was shocked by this sentence, but she was not angry but just found it a little funny.

  If she hadn't been sane, she would have laughed out loud on the spot.

  But without giving her a chance to refute, Shen Yanqing came to pick her up.

  Nan Ge went back to the car first, and didn't know what the mother and son said, anyway, she didn't look good when she saw his biological mother coming out.

  Since then, Nan Ge has never seen this person again.


  The two only talked about getting married when they graduated from graduate school.

  The wedding dress for the wedding was chosen by Nan Ge himself, Shen Yanqing didn't know about it, and didn't see it in advance. She said to keep a sense of mystery, so that there will be surprises.

  The night before the wedding, Shen Yanqing tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep for a long time. His blood was boiling, especially when he received Nan Ge during the day.

  Walking away from Nan's house with Nan Ge in his arms, he really seemed like a general who had won a battle, and the joy on his face couldn't be concealed at all.

  At the wedding full of guests, Nan Ge walked in slowly, holding his father's hand.

  Shen Yanqing kept his back to her, knowing that she approached and called his name.

  Because he had taken wedding photos before, this was not the first time he saw Nan Ge wearing a wedding dress. But for some reason, when he saw her standing in front of him wearing a wedding dress, his eyes still couldn't stop getting hot.

  The eye sockets turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye. For the first time, he was a little at a loss. He curled his fingers by his side several times before he dared to lift her hand.

   "Pretty!" Nan Ge smiled brightly as he whispered to him.

  He nodded, nodded again, and repeatedly answered her question, "Very beautiful."

  Before exchanging rings, the two stood facing each other, Shen Yanqing's eyes gliding over her eyebrows, inch by inch, lingering.

  Nan Ge smiled at him and blinked playfully.

   It seemed like a flash, he suddenly couldn't control it, tears overflowed from the end of his eyes, and his eyes were moist.

  He turned away, his chest heaving, his breathing rapid.

  Nan Ge dragged his heavy wedding dress, came behind him, and hugged him gently, "Don't cry, don't cry, give me a hug."

  He stretched out his arms to hug her obediently, and finally found some comfort, but his emotions were even more unsettled.

   After a long hug, the ceremony continued.

  He wrote a letter, in front of everyone, and only sent it to Nan Ge.

  Nan Ge didn't know that he had prepared this link, he obviously didn't do it during the rehearsal.

  She stood opposite him in a daze, watching him slowly unfold the letter paper, holding the microphone handed by the host with one hand.

"Dear student Xiaonan, hello. It is 1:25 in the morning, and I will see you in four hours. Of course, when you hear the content of this letter, we are already at the wedding ceremony At the scene, you are opposite me, only one step away. Maybe, I should change my words now and call you Mrs. Shen. "

"Before I write, I have many things I want to say to you. I want to recall our little things with you. I want to tell you that I really love you. Blame my ignorance, but when I write this, I don't know what to say. How to tell you this."

"I can only tell you that I really don't regret participating in that interview, I don't regret attending that dinner party, and I don't regret meeting you. At this moment, I was even thinking, Grandpa really didn't lie to me. He left I have been telling me all the time that if I grow up properly, there will be someone who treats me sincerely in the future. Grandpa and I promise that this person will definitely appear."

  “In the past twenty years, I have been trying to actively find this person, but after experiencing repeated disappointments, I gradually gave up this idea.”

   "Until you appeared. I met the person who my grandfather said would cherish me just like him."

   "When I was young, my grandfather always said that I don't want my marriage to involve any interests, and I hope that this relationship will always be pure. I also promised him that I must spend the rest of my life with a girl I like. And in a moment, I finally got my wish."

  (end of this chapter)