MTL - I Develop Battlefield To Drive Global Players Crazy-Chapter 14

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That one or two guns from the other side will make you understand why the flowers are so red.

But now A Yin is in a very embarrassing situation.

He made a heroic sacrifice, and was directly blown away by an exploding grenade from behind the bunker to the center of the road without a bunker.

Of course this is not the key, the real key, he got stuck.

"Don't come to save me! Is the 50 points of saving people so important? How many times have I said, don't save people in the center of the battlefield, let me die!"

A Yin's voice was a little desperate.

Unlike the previous Ashu who asked for a needle but could not get it, his rib fan was about to be penetrated by the needle.

"Don't come! Let me die!"

Lying in the center of the battlefield, Ah Shu looked at a medic in despair. He rushed over with a large needle in his hand against the hail of bullets, and stabbed his big rib fan with a ruthless needle.

Before he finished reading the suicide note, the usual life-saving medicine in the needle was injected, and the original black and white became colored again.

But A Yin was not excited at all, because in the next second, he had not waited for him to take two steps.

I didn't know where I brought a shuttle, and took him away directly.

Of course, it was still effective. He moved a few steps away from the previous death position.

‘2333333, Monkey, you are playing with moving graves! ’

'Haha, it's too miserable to ask for death and not get it! ’

'This probably means that you can't live without dying! ’.

Chapter 27 The war has just begun!

Five minutes later, the sound of gunshots and explosions gradually diminished, and A Yin finally succeeded in seeking death.

In the post-war collapsed stronghold, there were only sporadic gunshots left, and the players on their side were sweeping away the lingering Ottoman soldiers.

Finally, the last Ottoman soldier was cleared, and the progress bar above the stronghold began to rise. After it was completely filled, the stronghold was finally successfully captured by them.

And at the moment of winning, countless soldiers who died in the other two main battlefields were resurrected in this new point.

Looking at the vast number of soldiers around, and the stronghold that was taken down with great effort, A Yin and others were also enthusiastic.

"Brothers! The troops are divided into two groups, encircling and suppressing this resurrection point, and at the same time assisting our comrades in the frontal battlefield!"

"Work together to take down the Ottomans!"

One hand held up the M1918 in his hand, and the other hand picked up the metal whistle on his chest.

With the loud whistle, A Yin took the lead and charged towards the frontline tower at point A.

Ah Shu, PDD and the others, including the Nan Bird team who had a relationship before, also followed closely behind.

On the way, Ah Yin was also looking at the current situation of the main battlefield.

Only more than 33,000 people were lost on their own side.

However, it did produce some results. Looking at the map, the B point area has already been entered, and the battle is going on within the point. I just don’t know if it can withstand Ottoman’s counterattack.

And it's not just A Yin who chose to attack the surrounding resurrection defense strongholds.

In a super-large battlefield with thousands of people, many of my teammates thought of going together.

There are also nearly 20 teams competing for the nearest resurrection stronghold near Point B on the local coast.

It's just that judging from the labels on the big map, it is obvious that they are in a hard fight.

After all, this stronghold has been robbed by them, and there is one less birth point for the defender to resurrect, and it will definitely be absorbed by other resurrection points.

At the same time, there is an extra resurrection point on the side, and there will also be players from other teams who choose this resurrection point to resurrect.

In this case of differentiation, the farthest point B will naturally become the weakest offensive force.

Not being able to get in for a long time is also expected.

For A Yin and the others, point B is not to be concerned about for the time being. Although it seems that they have already entered, there is no resurrection point nearby for them. Even if they bring people over, it is still a drop in the bucket for the entire battlefield.

But the current point A is different. The resurrection point between the mountains has been snatched away, as long as it is defended to ensure that it is not taken away by the Ottoman counterattack.

Then with a large number of resurrected players, you can continue to oppress, with the front troops, they are divided into two ways to attack point A, this is the best choice.

Of course, the big guy chooses to play point A, but there is actually a more important reason.

Who makes it the closest?

After closing the big map, A Yin took a supply of bullets from the support soldiers next to him.

There is still a long way to go from base A, and with this piece of vehicles, all of them were blown to pieces when they were just fighting.

So people can only choose to walk forward.

At this time, everyone didn't care about the so-called formation. It was simply divided into three columns and pressed towards point A in a one-stop style.

Besides, all of the players present were gamers, and even if there were one or two military enthusiasts, they basically knew little about the so-called formation and what a real war should look like.

When the number of people is small, there is no problem for several teams to communicate and cooperate with each other.

But the number of people is large, and this is not something that everyone can command.

Even players from other teams are willing to listen to you, but it is not easy to look at the entire battle situation and make the right choice.

After repeated battles, this should be a boring journey, but instead it made everyone relax a bit.

The players who had just fought side by side were also chatting with each other on the way.

As for the main object of conversation, it is naturally the "Battlefield" they are playing now.

Some talk about the discoveries in the game, some talk about their own opinions, but more are still excitedly discussing the excellence of the game "Battlefield".

After all, there are very few FPS that can excite them.

In the past, it was not without some fun FPS games in China, including those from big domestic manufacturers such as Big Goose Games, such as Battlefield Fire Line and Anti-Terrorist Egg Crew.

It was very popular in the early days, and the gameplay and the mutual atmosphere of the players were actually not too bad.

At that time, there were no excessive krypton-gold weapons, M4 with silencer, AK47 with more bullets, at most a bayonet for you.

Although krypton gold guns do have some advantages, the advantages are not so exaggerated.

But just like boiling a frog in warm water, the player's tolerance is naturally a further profit-seeking capital.

Explosion-proof helmets and protective gear, flashing goggles, smoke helmets, unpacking pliers, everything you can think of, but this time.

And then when the first hero-level weapon appears, even if you die, it will not become a help for the enemy player. All kinds of ugly food make players understand the game they once liked, and its taste has begun to change.

Especially the more and more excessive props, guns, and even characters in the back, directly made many players joke that this is not an FPS game, this is a cultivating game.

Now, this game called "Battlefield" has appeared, and it can be said that many players have once again found an experience called "fair".

"The quality of "Battlefield" will definitely be popular in the world. I hope that this Nebula game will not go the way of the Big Goose game in the future."

"Yes, I hope the dragon slayers don't become dragons."

"Don't talk about it, everyone, I'm a little confident that this special game has just been launched on the first day!"

"That's right, and didn't you read the previous official blog? If I hadn't played before the battlefield, I would have said fart, but now I really believe it!"

During the discussion along the way, for about two minutes, the gunshots and bombings became louder and louder.

The battlefield in the distance is full of smoke, and that is the main battlefield of point A.

Everyone has also become serious, the real war has just begun! .

Chapter 28 Operation Sharp Knife, strike!

On the mountain road 400 meters away from the front line tower at Point A, except for the passers-by who couldn't wait to plunge directly into the battlefield.

The team that participated in the attack and defense at the positional stronghold before stopped temporarily.

After the battle just now, the big guy seems to have subconsciously regarded them as a whole.

Ah Yin, Pdd, and Ah Shu, who have outstanding performances in battles and who have been heard by many as anchors, have become the ones who speak more heavily.

As for Nan Bird, who had reached a deep war friendship with Ah Shu before, their team was attacking this stronghold from the beginning, and after they sacrificed heroically to cover Ah Yin, they pulled in a group of reinforcements, and they also had a lot of right to speak.

Across a long distance, there is no need to worry about being hit by enemy planes, tanks and snipers. Through the observation of the scouts, Ah Yin and the others have a temporary understanding of the current situation on the front line.

Different from the simpler map structure of the original Fao Peninsula, the large battlefield with a capacity of 1,000 people cannot be the same as before, so in the design of points and strongholds,

Chen Xu also made a special design with reference to the classic battle between the British and the Ottomans in Gallipoli and Tessiphon during the First World War.

Compared with the original map of the Fao Peninsula, which could not be regarded as a stronghold, this map is now larger and more complicated.

"The stronghold area of ​​point A is a long structure, and the enemy has quite powerful deep firepower."

"If the front is strong, even if you get into a little bit, you will have to face several waves of powerful onslaughts from the enemy."

"In addition, there is a spliced ​​trench channel on the road on the west side, which allows them to form a fire intersection, and the range of movement is extremely small, which greatly increases the difficulty of our army's offensive. It can be said that every trench is a checkpoint. "

"This kind of terrain cannot be entered by infantry alone. It needs the assistance of aircraft and tanks."

"But the positional artillery on the south side and the air defense can pose a great threat to our army's tanks and aircraft."

A group of people stood in front of the mountain road, looking at the outpost in the distance, thinking about a solution.

"Bu Tan cooperated and forcibly knocked down the trench area from the road section on the west side?"

"But we may not be able to withstand the impact of the frontal firepower, and air defense and positional guns are also troublesome."

Air defense and positional guns do not pose a great threat to soldiers. Even if a single shot hits the bullseye, it will only kill four or five soldiers.

It does not affect the situation at all on the big battlefield.

But the threat to tanks and aircraft can be great.

"No, everyone may have overlooked a point!" At this time, Nan Bird, who seemed to be playing with Ashu before, spoke up.

"A stronghold is criss-crossed, it seems that the opponent can form a wonderful interweaving of firepower, and can also quickly make up defense and transfer, but as long as we can have enough troops to reach the bottom of the east side." Nan Bird recalled the terrain on the big map and The location of the building.

A Yin was also woken up at this time, and his eyes lit up when he reopened the big map: "Then this complex terrain can be our help, and then block the rescue route of the main force on the west side!"

"So, what do you mean!?"

Ah Shu's eyes widened as he stared at Nan Niao with a dazed expression.

Have you been kidnapped by someone?

Battles and outings in the mountains, what about the rotten medic who used a needle to add blood?

How did you suddenly become a wise man?

"So, we need to divide our troops into two groups! All the way, we will try to get other passers-by teams to attack the trenches on the west side, and at the same time pretend to attack the opponent's air defense and positional artillery."

"This will give the opponent the illusion that if they don't come to defend this area, they will fall, thus attracting a large number of enemies who return to defense."

"At this time, there is a vacancy in the defense on the south side, and we can weave in and out, pierce in like a sharp blade, and use our lives to hold down these returning Ottomans, so that our frontal troops can enter the point." A Yin Explain the meaning of the southern bird in detail.

"Ya'er! It's too complicated. You can tell us how to hit us." PDD, the pig next to him, scratched his head with a black question mark on his face.

It's not that he doesn't understand, the main reason is that he doesn't really want to think about it, and just wants to do the opposite.

"Then what if the opponent didn't return to defend?" A little cutie suddenly asked in the crowd.

Nan Bird and A Yin pouted: "Isn't that better? Directly bombarded the opposing defense and position, and then cooperated with the vehicle Lutan to grab the trench on the west side, and attacked from the front and the west. "

After discussing and formulating tactics, the teams began to work together.

Pdd also has the task of A Yin, who is responsible for contacting the players of the passers-by team, especially the players who have obtained the vehicle and the plane. Because of the first to take down the stronghold on the mountain, the scores of their two teams can be said to be proud of the audience, occupying their respective positions. The first and second positions are more persuasive to passers-by players.

As for Nanniao and Ashu, they brought the remaining players with them and prepared corresponding preparations in advance.

For example, choose support soldiers and medics with stronger continuous combat capabilities, and carry items such as smoke bombs that can better assist in blocking the opponent's return.

"What do you think our action this time is called?"

"How about Operation Blade?"

"pretty good!"

"The signal is coming! Prepare to strike! Strike!"

After preparing everything, they came to the position 200 meters from the southern stronghold in advance. The 12 teams of 60 people waited quietly while chatting with each other.

At this time, Nan Bird suddenly shouted loudly, and saw a Sopwitz triplane rammed into the western moat in the direction of the west side of stronghold A, as if it was suicide.

And this is the signal that was negotiated with Ah Yin and the others before.

After all, compared to tanks on the ground, for these newcomers who just played Battlefield today.