MTL - I Develop Battlefield To Drive Global Players Crazy-Chapter 22

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This is the first time that it can fight against overseas players, and there is still a supreme commander.

There is another reason, that is, this newly updated action campaign, many players have not played it a few times, and it still has a lot of freshness.

"This map is a little hard to beat!" Sitting in the armored vehicle, he sighed while looking at the view of Mount Graba outside the window.

Since the update, he has also played this map twice, but not to mention the border of the empire behind, many times it is impossible to attack the last castle.

Moreover, the fortress guns and basements in the front line of defense are also very difficult to fight.

It is worthy of the name of the battle: the iron wall.

It can be said that this is a picture with a great advantage for the defensive side.

When A Yin was worried, the truck carrying the soldiers was about to arrive at the target location.

At the same time, Chen Xu's voice sounded in everyone's ears again.

"The first line of defense on Mount Graba has only one stronghold: St. Rocco's Church."

"Whether it is our side or the enemy, all troops will be invested, and their main defense force will most likely be deployed in the trenches in front of the church."

"It can be said that St. Rocco is bound to the church. If we can't take down the trenches, even if we have tanks, we can't do anything, but if we take down the trenches, the church is also a turtle in a urn."

Listening to Chen Xu's deployment, all players subconsciously opened the map in the game so that they could better understand the tactics to be arranged later.

Seemingly seeing the players' movements, Chen Xu paused for a few seconds before continuing.

"The attack route on the left is a gentle slope, and it seems that there are a large number of stone piles that can be used as bunkers to avoid frontal firepower, but if the Austrian army has a side attack team deployed and only needs to resist for tens of seconds, then our side will be stuck in the It's hard to move a single step in the stone scorpion."

"As for the high point on the right, although it can directly attack the Austrian soldiers in the trenches, a small amount of bunkers allows our army to seize the stone formation close to the Austrian army to have a chance to gain stability."

"So, here we are going to take a frontal attack."

"The No. 1 team and No. 2 team who arrived at the battlefield first, deployed smoke throwing objects, covered the trenches with smoke, and withstood the Austrian bullets and rushed into the trenches at the fastest speed, tearing open the cracks and covering the follow-up troops to enter St. Rocco's Church. ."

"Forcing the Austrian army to transfer the battlefield to the church, at the same time, our follow-up troops seized favorable terrain from the left and right sides and controlled the outer trenches."

"Now, act!"

Listening to Chen Xu's words, A Yin, who was in the No. 1 team, decisively changed to a support soldier carrying a Lewis machine gun and equipped with smoke bombs.

Similarly, the soldiers next to each other also switched arms and occupations.

Change your weapons to close-quarters shotguns and submachine guns, and carry smoke grenades.

In a legion of thousands of people in the same scene, after all players get off the bus, the game does not start, but there is a static waiting time for players to prepare.

During this period, after all players saw their own lineup, they all burst out with shocking sighs.

Two words: shock!

The magnificent battlefield, this is the experience of "Battlefield", but when it really fights, on the one hand, the battlefield is more chaotic.

On the other hand, the game is usually divided into AB, or even ABC, several points that need to be preempted, plus some flag points that can be returned to prevent resurrection.

The troops will be relatively scattered, and now all the soldiers are gathered together, and the scene makes the players excited to watch.

After all, these thousand people are not the phalanxes who used to go to junior high and high schools to do radio exercises on the playground, but soldiers with portable machine guns about to go to the battlefield.

Time entered the countdown, and the passionate background music of "Battlefield" echoed in the ears of all players.

In the voice, Chen Xu's low and serious voice came:

"Take your place, soldiers..."


Chapter 41: Advance with Fate

A charge, a horn, and a metallic whistle representing the captain resounded through the mountains of Gegraba.

As the vanguard, A Yin and the others did not hesitate at all. They replaced the smoke bombs one by one according to Chen Xu's instructions in the voice.

You don't need to be more accurate in throwing, you just need to throw a swarm into the trenches and St. Roch's Church and you're done.

Quantity more than makes up for quality.

The Austrian side obviously did not expect the opposite action so fast.

Originally, York Lennon's tactic at the opening was to spread fire around the trenches in front of the church.

Relying on the church as the resurrection point, no matter where the opponent attacked from, they could surely catch it.

And on the map of Graba Mountain, the vehicles on both sides are the same.

At the first point, although the Austrian army did not have the assistance of tanks, they had the help of the air force.

The number of bombers and attack aircraft is equal to that of the opponent.

Therefore, it is only necessary to firmly occupy the church and the trench, and relying on the advantages of the terrain, the opponent's tanks cannot pose too much threat.

But now, the opponent directly fought a blitz.

The smoke was quickly sealed into the church, which was completely unexpected for York Lennon.

And once you let the other party enter the church, you don't even need to occupy it, you just need to prevent them from placing the deployment point in the church, and your own side will be eaten away bit by bit.

York Lennon, who was careless because this picture was on the defensive side and had a little advantage, instantly understood that Chen Xu, who made this blitzkrieg tactic, was absolutely top-notch in the arrangement of tactics in "Battlefield".

"However, don't underestimate me too much."

Because there is no direct participation in the battlefield, the tactical game is played from the perspective of the commander watching the battle.

Taking time, York Lennon touched the bald scalp in the middle of his head, which was a symbol of his power.

"The troops in front of the trench retreat to the last trench in front of the church, and let the front line out!"

"Later the team and divide it into two groups to occupy the commanding heights on the right!"

"If you are confident in your marksmanship, form a team to guard the mountain road."

York Lennon's calm voice sounded, commanding the Austro-Hungarian camp on the overseas player's side.

As a liver emperor with nearly 400 hours, what scenes in "Battlefield" has he not seen?

And although the action campaign of 'Bronze Wall and Iron Wall' has only just emerged.

But just like Chen Xu is the designer of the game, he is also the agent of the game!

He had already seen the content of this part.

So soon he also made a decision.

A lot of smoke on the front line has been spread, but the trench defense line at the front line of our own has not been fully occupied. In the case of insufficient firepower, it is completely impossible to stop it.

The result of forcibly guarding the first trench can only be torn open by the opponent, making it difficult to end it.

Now push directly to the point, and find a way to occupy the high ground, a little bit against cannibalization, this is the most correct way.

Diffuse smoke completely covered the trench in front of the church.

In the front row, the soldiers stared at the hail of bullets with no fear at all.

At the rear, the already deployed San Chamon and heavy tanks are approaching the front.

At the same time bombers and attack aircraft have also been activated.

"A Yin, Teacher Park, are you still alive Nanniao?"

In the trenches of the first battlefield, because the Austrian army voluntarily gave up the first trench line of defense, Ah Shu and others had no effort to control the foremost trenches.

The cat was in the bunker, Ashu shouted the latter.

"Mr. Park and A Yin have already died in battle. Eggplant and a group of squads are heading to the right to grab the high spot!"

The only one who responded to Ah Shu was Nan Bird's voice.

The pervasive thick smoke, whether it is the attacker or the defender, once caught in it, the basic visible range is only about three meters around.

And the smoke will hide the marks of teammates, and it is impossible to tell who is who.

"Brother, continue to rush?"

Following the sound of the successful turn, Ashu roared loudly.

The sound of the surrounding guns was so loud that it was difficult to hear what the other party was saying without roaring.

"Crush! The medics don't need to rush for the time being, pull people first! They just have to rush into the church with their lives! It's a pity that this guy, the chief, asked him to change the net, but he didn't change, and now he didn't get this quota."

Nan Bird grabbed the Lewis machine gun in his hand, threw an ammunition supply box on the ground, and shouted loudly.

At the same time, there are some regrets in my heart. Without the chief who is a magnet, he will suffer in these days!

Playing now, everyone is not the first to play "Battlefield".

The big guy is very clear that in this case, it is to rely on life to advance.

Otherwise, if everyone hides in the back and pulls the big bolt, the scout will become a tea soldier, do you still want to get some?

It would be nice if people didn't block your door.

Turning into evil spirits in the smoke, Ah Shu and Nan Niao, back to back, together with the surrounding friendly forces, charged forward.

The frontal battlefield in front of the church was like a meat grinder. Smoke, incendiary bombs, and grenades blew the ground of Mount Graba beyond recognition.

Not to mention the players who are on the battlefield, the audiences who are watching on major live broadcast platforms around the world are even more excited at this time and can't wait to get in.

Because it is so well-organized, in an ordinary game, even if there are all kinds of subtle cooperation.

Most of them are limited to a few squads, and at most it is just a battlefield.

But under the command of York Lennon and Chen Xu, the two armies may not be in order, but they can be described as clear goals.

The Austrian army gave up the trenches without any hesitation, and then turned to the entrance of the church, taking advantage of the complex terrain and height difference for defense. At the same time turn to seize the hillside high point.

The attack on Chen Xu's side was even more decisive. The front-row troops sealed off smoke, carried out blitzkrieg battles, and used their flesh and blood to directly tear open the trenches and take them down, instantly approaching the entrance of the church.

The rest depends on whether the church can be taken down.

If it can be won, then the first stronghold will be stable.

The high point of the hillside, the second point of fire in the entire battlefield.

Although it cannot be used directly as a resurrection point, if it is obtained, the team members in this area will continue to be resurrected and enter the church from the flank.

And in the case of high land rights, whether it is fire suppression or visual reconnaissance can establish a great advantage.

But here, as the attackers, they encountered a lot of difficulties.

Chapter 42 Use our lives to cover your progress!

"WDNMD! It's these animals again!"

"Everyone, don't rush, you won't get through like this."

Holding a pair of sharpshooter M.95 eggplants in his hand, and looking at the fewer and fewer teams, there is a little urgency in my heart.

He was better at sniping, and instead of attacking the trenches as a ghost in smoke, he chose to follow his teammates to shoot the mountain highlands on the right.

But the other party is obviously well prepared, aware of the importance of this high ground, and has invested a lot of troops.

From the topography, the other side belongs to a high slope, and there are many trees and stones that can be used as shelter.

On the frontal battlefield, they fell into a hard fight on their side.

Originally, they used a pincer attack. Some people continued to drag the opponent's main force from the front, and then a group of people continued to climb the mountain and flank from another narrow path to lengthen the front.

But what the eggplant didn't think about was that the other party also thought of this, not only sent people to guard.

And it's not just ordinary players, there are actually a lot of fierce people mixed in, each with outrageous marksmanship, and even a few IDs he knows, all ex-professional players.

For example, he saw a commando named 'shroud', a former professional of a North American FPS team.

Although his career has not been outstanding due to mentality, and in most cases offline, he has become a horse, but he is still very powerful in this kind of online confrontation.

Even besides him, Eggplant has also seen many top FPS active players in Europe.

"Battlefield" as a big battlefield game, although the impact of personal ability is not so big, but it still depends on the situation.

This kind of mountainous terrain, coupled with the fact that they adopted a pincer-shaped offensive, the only path they chose was a sheep's intestine trail. The fight between the two sides was more of a stalemate and a small-scale collision.

In this case, the player with a high personal level has a great advantage.

On the opposite side are the top FPS players in Europe and North America, and they can only play eggplant and a few passers-by macho players.

And in the case of 1V1 on the front, Eggplant doesn't dare to say that he can beat any of the opponents. After all, after so many years of live broadcast, his peak period has already passed.

Not to mention that the opponent is still a defender and has the advantage of cover and preview.