MTL - I Don’t Want To Go Against The Sky-Chapter 658 Let me have a meal first

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In fact, it's fine. "

"The strength of these evil gods is not very strong. I wanted to test their own depth, but they were not strong enough, and they were quite helpless.

"Only when the first evil **** appears, can we test the depth."

Lin Fan's expression was indifferent, and the tone of speaking was not like what human beings should have.

Normal people cannot say such things.

Xiao Xiaozu opened his mouth, stopped talking, and continued to shut up several times in a row. Now he really has nothing to say.

I don't know what to say to the head of Lin.

I always feel that even if I say it, it's just nonsense.

So don't talk.

When willingly shouted back, the salted fish of the beef fork was just fine.

As for those onlookers who are watching.

Not to mention them.

They were all dumbfounded, as if they saw a ghost, their bodies were stiff and they couldn't move.

They have completely knelt under Lin Fan's terrifying strength.

Not even a trace of resistance.

The difference is too big.

Any other ideas?

Lin Fan looked at the forbidden sea and sea eyes. He was waiting for the first evil **** to appear. Perhaps only the first evil **** could compete with him.

In the dimensional void in the distance.

The evil **** Masaki hid in the dark and didn't dare to come too close. He was afraid to be found.

See those evil gods beheaded.

He called straight away.

Good job, handsome.

It's just that he was more shocked by Lin Fan. What is the situation of this guy and how can his strength become so scary.

Did n’t the rule of Taoism in this heaven and earth return before long?

How could such a strong man be born.

This is something that is not scientific at all, and it should not happen.

"Damn, I thought it would go on as I thought, but I didn't expect it to be like this."

I don't think much about his Masaki, his mind is very smart, everything is clear, and most of them will continue to follow this plot.

For example, when he tells these suzerains about the key points of breaking through the realm of the realm, he will take the opportunity to strengthen himself.

I didn't expect it.

Everything was going well at the beginning. It was developing according to the plot he wrote, but it didn't take long for him to change his style of painting. He changed his face to be aggressive, and could only vent his anger on the slave king.

He is waiting now.

The Pustianline guy will definitely appear, and all the evil gods are not his opponents.

Besides, just now.

There was a feeling in him.

That is, the evil gods are all dead, not the kind of death that can be resurrected in the abyss, but they are completely dead, and will never be resurrected from now on.

"It seems that he really did."

Masaki knew what Pustrine was thinking, but he didn't realize that he really controlled the abyss and decided the death of the evil god.

Now he is waiting.

In his current state, even if it appears.

No use at all.

So still hiding here, waiting for the opportunity, maybe the opportunity came suddenly.

Lin Fan continued to lie in the chair and rest. "Dog, my stomach is a little hungry. I am going to eat something."

"Okay." The dog was wearing an apron, holding a kitchen knife, and began to use his skills. He knew that the son must be very tired, after all, he had just experienced a battle of beating a group by one person.

Xiao Xiaozu came to the dog quietly, hoping that the dog could cook a dish.

"As you go, my son is very tired of fighting the evil gods. You are watching idle, and you want to eat and dream." Gouzi refused to hesitate.

Don't even forget to belittle it.

Xiao Xiaozu stared at his eyes and wanted to growl. Isn't this special not wanting to go?

You ask your son.

He gave it to me.


Xiao Xiaozu is very tired and doesn't want to argue with the dog. This is his incomprehension and prejudice.

Eventually retired aside.

Say nothing.

I even want to cry.

The subsequent scene was a bit weird. A group of people stood there like they were sluggish, while Lin Fan was eating meals in a hurry, looking from time to time to the Forbidden Sea, as if expecting something.

I don't know when the first evil god, Pusstorion, will come.

The evil **** Masaki wants to anger and spray Lin Fan, for nothing else, but at such a critical moment, you are so eager to eat here, who do you look down on?


A violent vibration came.

The clouds in the sky rolled and turned from white to black. This was when the great devil came.

The vibration of the ground was getting bigger and bigger, the vegetables on the dining table were shaking, and the soup had been spilled.

"That's not okay." How could Lin Fan tolerate such a situation, he floated, the table floated, perfect, without any vibration.


The ground was cracked and cracked like a cobweb. The cracks spread in all directions, and the entire forbidden sea changed dramatically.

Xiao Xiaozu looked dignified, he was so familiar with this breath.

He won't even forget.

He used to have many companions who died in the hands of this master of breath.

The abyss breath permeated from the forbidden sea and the sea eye, boiling and stirring the world.

"Lin, he's here." Xiao Xiaozu said.

"Well, know, you have to eat first and have enough to be full of strength." Lin Fan slowly said that he could not pay attention to other evil gods, but he paid special attention to the first evil god, especially the breath now exuding Even more powerful.

Much scarier than those evil gods.


A white light curtain erupted from Forbidden Ocean Eye.

The light curtain is like a waterfall.

A giant figure appearing in the light curtain appears in the light curtain. This figure is very ethereal, as if it is nothing and transparent, and countless things like tentacles are swinging in the light curtain.

"Lin Fan ..."

A voice that made the sky shake was all over the world.

The lords felt that the heart seemed to stop suddenly, their eyes widened, sweat burst out, and whirling flowed.

The princes who were shocked only by their voices did not have the same face, so the gap in strength was really too great.

"He is stronger." Xiao Xiaozu's breathing became quicker and stronger than he had ever seen. At the same time, it looked a bit wrong, and it was very different from what he had seen before.

"Hey, Postline, can I finish my meal?" Lin Fan shouted.

The most feared thing is suddenly quiet.

When Lin Fan said these words, the surrounding environment was really quiet.

For Postline, he probably didn't expect the other party to say such things.

"Lin Fan, you are so dead, are you still so mad?" Roared the anger standing beside.

"It turned out to be the General Marshal of the Alliance." Lin Fan laughed, but did not put silence in his eyes. "You'd better wait to stay aside, I'm afraid you will be killed by the aftermath of the battle."

"Arrogant." Silently hated Lin Fan, it can be said that it rose to the extreme, like a volcano about to erupt, and the magma inside was boiling.

Lin Fan looked helpless, quite helpless.

But sometimes quite admired.

In order to revenge, Ji first pretended to be foolish, and later became an evil god. Such a will is really admirable.

Just then.

Lin Fan looked up, a sharp breath passed in front.

Pustorion started, the body didn't strike, but the momentum rolled over.

"Huh?" Lin Fan looked up, squinted slightly, and gathered a breath to welcome him.


There was no violent roar. After the two forces collided together, a black hole was formed, and the forces all contracted, then turned into a point and disappeared between heaven and earth.

"I don't even eat meals, I really have no morality." Lin Fan said.

"Nine demon, come."

Lin Fan stretched out his arm, Jiu Yao opened his eyes, and snorted, swept directly, the body turned into a liquid and absorbed in the arm, and then slowly integrated into the body.

Xiao Xiaozu was relieved to see this scene.

At least it shows that his inheritance is unbroken. Even the head of Lin has practiced the exercises he created. I have to say that he is very proud of himself.


Lin Fan's body changed, his strength rose steadily, and then he struck towards Prestline. When he was about to reach the opponent, his body swelled to the same height as Prestline.

One foot fell, the sound of a thunder, the ground cracked, and one foot stepped out of an abyss crack.

"bring it on."

The voice just fell.

Pustorion immediately started to work, several rays of light swept across, and the edge was incredibly sharp. The dimensions were cut open, as if mirror-like. The dimensions were suspended in the air, reflecting different dimensions.


Lin Fan disappeared in situ, even if his size became huge, the speed was still so fast, this is beyond limits.

People around retreated toward the distance.

This kind of battle of strength is not at all close to them. Perhaps it is the aftermath that can really kill them.

Getting too close is asking for trouble.


When Lin Fan reappeared, there was a flash of light shining in his hand, and the great sword wrapped by Thunder was the strongest sword in the world. Even if the sword owner saw it, he had to kneel and call on his father.

Slashed with a sword.

The world is eclipsed ~ ~ The sky is divided into two, and the sword awn falls on Pusstorion.


The aftermath swept across, and in the blink of an eye there was no trace. The land behind Pustreane was split in half, and an endless abyss crack emerged.

"It really doesn't work."

Lin Fan just chopped a sword at random, and tried it at will. Naturally, he did not think that he could use his sword to kill Pustian Lane.

Just try water for the first time.

The giant sword fell directly above Pstorion's head, stagnation, and it was difficult to fall. Then he saw the other person slowly raise his head. Under his watch, the giant sword broke instantly, turned into a flood of swords, and permeated the world.

The evil **** Masaki witnessed all this and said to himself.

"Asshole, it's a fusion of all the evil gods."

At a glance, he saw the situation of Trian. This was not his original body at all, but the fusion of all the evil gods and the cohesion of them into himself.

Maybe this power.

Even if the three pillars of the original **** appeared with the ancient god, it may not be his opponent.

After all, he still controls the abyss.

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