MTL - I, Doomsday, Have Been In the Core of the Sun For a Hundred Thousand Years-Chapter 268

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487 , Destroy the Anti-Monitor

The strength of the anti-monitor is still there, and the status is also very detached. After all, it caused the first major event in the history of American comics, which is the Infinite Earth Crisis.

Even Darkseid and him are only 50 to 50.

The importance of Darkseid goes without saying.

But the most tragic thing for the anti-monitor is that he happened to meet Lu Yuan.

To be honest, Lu Yuan is a little shameless. He came to participate in this event as an all-powerful cosmos-level supreme being, which was unfair to the anti-monitors.

Look at other supreme beings, whether it is DC God or Marvel's OAA, they are almost invisible throughout the whole process, and they are unwilling to participate in anything.

Almost all of OAA's appearances involved the destruction of the Marvel Universe. One was that Thanos destroyed all universes with the Heart of the Universe, and the other was that the disciples wanted to take their place, which was absolutely unbearable.

DC "703" God is also, once it was involved that someone touched Taixu before he appeared, and only the readers knew that he appeared.

And the time he shook hands with the giant beast to make peace, he only showed one arm.

Only Lu Yuan is different from them. This supreme being bullies the small and is often active in various events.

Especially this time.

This incident would have been prevented in the first place, and the famous restart incident would even be introduced later, but he made trouble.

Now it exudes a more terrifying anti-life equation that far exceeds the anti-monitor, and in turn surrounds the anti-monitor.

"How could this be? I don't believe it, I don't accept it," the Anti-Monitor roared.

Because he found that Lu Yuan's anti-life equation even far exceeded his, which was a more complete anti-life equation.

In fact, the anti-life equation controlled by the anti-monitor is almost complete, and even the anti-life equation obtained by everyone in the back is not comparable to him to a certain extent.

However, it was mentioned earlier that the Anti-Life Equation is somehow related to the Omega effect.

After Lu Yuan mastered the complete anti-life equation, coupled with the influence of the Omega effect, it has far surpassed the level of the anti-monitor.

Besides, Lu Yuan still has all the power of origin.

Lu Yuan just faintly watched the anti-monitor struggling, resisting and screaming.

Suddenly, a white light appeared behind Lu Yuan, it was the pioneer Laila.

Laila first glanced at the anti-monitor, and there was a flash of surprise in her eyes, but she still walked towards Lu Yuan with her face as usual.

Just as she was approaching Lu Yuan, Laila's hands lit up with a ray of light, and suddenly launched a sneak attack from behind Lu Yuan.

It turned out that after killing the monitor, Laila also obtained the monitor's power by force, and now she can be regarded as the monitor.

With her power, even ordinary gods should not be underestimated.

"Be careful."

There was exclamations all around.

Seeing that Lu Yuan has controlled the anti-monitor, the situation has stabilized, and the superheroes worry that if Lu Yuan is successfully attacked by Laila, everything will be in vain.

And they were even more shocked why Laila had such a dramatic change, how did she stand with the Anti-Monitor?


Laila's energy still hit Lu Yuan's back.

But what shocked her was that even Lu Yuan's cloak didn't move at all. He even looked sideways at Laila and asked, "That's it?"

Laila was shocked, opened her mouth wide, and stared at Lu Yuan in a stunned manner.

She even killed the monitor, why didn't it work for Lu Yuan?

Isn't she stronger now?

Lu Yuan smiled at Laila, as if he knew what she was suspecting, and explained in a flat tone: "Don't be so surprised, it's just because I'm stronger."

There is nothing to understand, just because he is stronger.

However, stronger than the monitor?

The monitor is already equivalent to a master of the universe. Even in the ancient setting, there is only one monitor in the infinite multiverse, and he is equivalent to the existence of God.

I have to say that the gods in the DC setting are also very confusing, such as the status of the monitor, and the status of other cosmic gods and so on.

There are also such existences as ghosts.

Even Supreme Supreme has two systems of Taixu and DC God.

And now Lu Yuan is the third Supreme Being.

(Beasts are outside of the DC Universe.)

"You killed the watcher," Lu Yuan looked at Laila, already knowing what "good things" she had done.

Laila was shocked, and there was a struggle in the depths of her eyes.

Lu Yuan immediately understood: "So you were controlled by him."

That's right, Laila is being controlled by the Anti-Monitor.

The reason why she suddenly rebelled was not because of anything else, she had been controlled by the anti-monitor, just as the anti-monitor wanted to control Lu Yuan before...

Thinking of this, Lu Yuan restrained his murderous intention towards Laila and waved his hand.

A terrifying energy was released, but instead of destroying Laila's life, when it came into contact with Layla, she was driven out by the anti-life equation forces controlled by the Anti-Monitor.

Equation of Life, that is the force against the Equation of Life.

If the anti-life equation is the only force at the core of the anti-matter universe, then the life equation is the life force all over the main universe.

The two sides are completely opposites.

Even Lu Yuan turned the direction of the life equation, replacing the anti-life equation's encirclement of the anti-monitor, directly penetrating his body.

In fact, the anti-life equation is not a fatal threat to the anti-monitor, because the same origin.

Just like fire can't kill fire, water can't drown water, Lu Yuan can only control him.

Lu Yuan was waiting for Laila to take action on purpose.

But it's different now.

"Just as anti-matter energy and anti-life equations are fatal to the main world universe, life equations are also fatal to the anti-matter universe," Lu Yuan said softly to himself.

Water can drown fire, and fire can burn water.

Therefore, the relationship between the anti-life equation and the life equation is one of targeting and restraining each other, rather than a relationship of who restrains who.

The Equation of Life is the Anti-Monitor's greatest weakness.

When the Anti-Monitor's body was pierced, he himself felt the fear of death.

The Anti-Life 2.0 equation just represents the opposite of the life equation, but it should be noted that it does not represent death.

So as the incarnation of the anti-life equation, the anti-monitor will of course also die.

What really symbolizes the meaning of death is the black emotional spectrum and the second sister of the endless family.

"How can I die here? How can I stop here?" The Anti-Monitor will continue to struggle.

However, Lu Yuan was even more straightforward. He directly peeled off the anti-monitor's armor, and immediately released all the anti-life equations that the anti-monitor finally obtained.

Originally, the anti-life equation would fly to the center of the anti-matter universe, which is the Covard star.

But now it's all gathered in Lu Yuan's hands.

"Do not."

With the unwilling roar of the anti-monitor, he was finally completely destroyed.

488、The Crisis of Infinite Earths Comes to an End

With the demise of the Anti-Monitor, all the villains of Earth III finally recognized the reality and surrendered.

However, among the three giants of the crime syndicate, only Speedmaster died, while Night Owl and Super Queen survived.

Because Night Owl corresponds to Batman, and Super Queen corresponds to Wonder Woman, so the three of them are the Big Three.

Lu Yuan wanted to clear them up further, but looking at the super villains whose superheroes had already begun to surrender, he could only give up.

In fact, Lu Yuan also saw some dangerous futures. Ye Xiao also had a huge ambition, and he might cause a 'crisis between the two worlds'.

But Lu Yuan glanced at Hal, the Green Lantern whose fate had been rewritten, and then at Luthor.

He intends to change Luthor's fate back and let him guard this world with Howl of this world.

And Ye Xiao is not really a sinner, he is completely blackened because he killed Bruce Wayne in this world.

Maybe it can be changed?

Anyway, this is the end of it.

Even Earth 3 is a blessing in disguise. The original 06 crime syndicate has already ruled the Earth with hegemony and terror.

Now with the massive invasion of superheroes, the forces of the earth have been stabilized. They have imprisoned these supervillains, and they can think about how to restore peace.

Then Herald Lyra also recovered, and after she put away the grief of killing the Overwatch, she opened the portal and sent the superheroes back one by one.

An Infinite Earths Crisis is over.

The ending is of course perfect, because Lu Yuan's random entry resulted in not a single superhero dying.

Later, Lu Yuan quietly rewrote his fate for Tian Guochao.

Although the Book of Destiny was destroyed by him, it did not mean that Lu Yuan could not rewrite his destiny, or that Lu Yuan could revise the reality at will.

And the history that Lu Yuan rewrote for Tian Guochao was to return the world of Tian Guochao to the timeline of Superman's return.

He, who had already entered the super-timeline of the kingdom of heaven, also got a second chance.

After all, he was originally Superman from Superman Returns.

"It's time for me to leave too," Lu Yuan finally came to CW's super girl Kara and CW Chao and said goodbye to them.

He is quite satisfied with the performance of these two descendants, especially Kara. As the main character of the home court, she is not only more powerful than CW, but also has more drama, and even more honesty in the three views.

I hope he can have a better performance when he arrives at the home of CW Super in the future.

Heard that 'Superman and Lois' is about to start filming?

Kara and CW Chao looked at Lu Yuan with complicated expressions.

From the initial suspicion, to the later seeing the powerful strength of the ancestor, and the whole process and crisis, he was the one who turned the tide. They are very grateful to Lu Yuan.

But now I don't know how to thank him.

"Wait a minute, the city of Argo is still in the lunar orbit outside the earth. What if the moon collides with the city of Argo? And it is too close to the earth. I think the survivors of Krypton will also feel uncomfortable, right?" Kara Suddenly I remembered one thing, Lu Yuan saved Argo City before, and then left Argo City in the moon orbit.

What if something really happened.

Even because of the addition of an Argonaut city, even the gravity and magnetic field of the earth will be affected.

Seriously, it may also trigger natural disasters such as tsunamis.

Lu Yuan had to make another trip to personally **** the two Supermen back to Earth Thirty-Eight, and put Argo City back to its original location according to Kara's request.

"Is it all right? Miss Cara," Lu Yuan joked hilariously.

She was the first to bother her ancestors.

In New Krypton, Lu Yuan is the absolute ruler, who would dare to ask him to do something.

Even Kara of the main universe dare not be presumptuous, only the eldest lady of CW.

Cara made a face, then took the initiative to give Lu Yuan a hug, and said softly, "Thank you, my ancestor."

She finally admitted the old ancestor with all her heart.

Lu Yuan also warned softly: "Don't fall in love with that Brainiac, and don't marry the Dakosam star."

It seems that Lu Yuan is still worried about Quill, and he knows more that there have been survivors of the Daksam star in this world.

Lu Yuan even knew that the Dakosam people had threatened the earth, so he couldn't help but mutter to himself with cold eyes: "Or I'll take a few steps ahead of time and destroy them completely."

Cara was startled and quickly stopped: "You can pull it down, my ancestors, they can no longer threaten the earth."