MTL - I, Doomsday, Have Been In the Core of the Sun For a Hundred Thousand Years-Chapter 298

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"Because you really want to be a superhero. There is one thing I need to explain clearly," Lu Yuan raised an index finger and explained: "I don't have any opinion on superheroes, on the contrary, including myself, I also consider myself a superhero. Come. But what are those people? I think you should understand, they are not good people."

What Lu Yuan destroyed was not a superhero, what he destroyed was just a bunch of hypocrites and super bastards.

In fact, he did post the filthy things that those people did on the Internet.

Now the whole world is rioting, and everyone is talking about it.

It also includes that a certain country has begun to act, and immediately blocked the Walter Group building and all industries, as well as all superhumans.

"Actually, the world needs superheroes, especially at this time, it needs real superheroes to stand up and make people trust superheroes again and believe in justice. But people don't need bastards," Lu Yuan explained why he would Annie is special.

Because Annie hasn't been rotten yet, and hasn't been beaten to faith by other super-jerks.

Now, she still wants to be a 'good boy' who will save people even at the risk of breaking the treaty.

Later, wasn't Annie terminated for a time, almost equivalent to being hidden in the snow.

Since she has such a consciousness, Lu Yuan wants her to continue to have the opportunity to be a superhero.

In fact, Maeve didn't know it except Annie, and she had the same opportunity.

Since Lu Yuan did not liquidate Maeve, it means that he is also very optimistic about Maeve.

But this requires Maeve to be a little aware of herself. One day in the future, when Maeve encounters something, for example, when she encounters the scene of a case and needs her to save people.

If she is willing to sacrifice, her power will return.

Lu Yuan has left her a chance, it's up to her to meet and cherish it.

Other than that.

In the end, the black big man chose to give up his ability, returned to ordinary, and returned to his previous job.

He is in a juvenile detention center, specializing in managing and educating those bad boys to change their evil ways.

There is also Frankie, who gave up his power at the end, and then was specially recruited by the BI of F after contacting the official of a certain country.

As for Butcher, he finally found the wife he longed for and an eight-year-old child.

That is the son of the motherland, but because the effect of the fifth compound was eliminated by Lu Yuan, the child is already an ordinary child.

What is unusual is that he is a gift from Butcher's wife to Butcher?

Hope Bucher is strong.

Butcher found their mother and son at a laboratory base of the Walter Group. In fact, during the eight years of her disappearance, Becca was always protected by the Walter Group.

But in fact, Becca had been able to contact Butcher long ago, and she could go out to see him at any time.

However, in order to protect the child from being discovered by the motherland, Becca unilaterally chose to disappear for eight years, and has not contacted Butcher.

However, in the end, Butcher chose to accept it.

So, he is really strong.

This is the end of the matter.

It's just that Lu Yuan didn't start a killing spree. From beginning to end, he killed at most four people.

Or four superhumans.

The first superhuman to kill was naturally the Invisible Man.

Then the second one is the motherland.

The third is the locomotive.

The fourth is the Nazi woman.

This is also in line with Lu Yuan's decision after he came to this world. At first, he just wanted to teach Superman's fake, that is, the people of the motherland, a lesson.

In addition, other people should get their due punishment, so it is not Lu Yuan's responsibility.

After that, Butcher was also one of the four people who didn't give up his superpowers.


One is that since he lost his wife once, he never wants to happen again, and the power he holds can be said to be one of the strongest in the world at present.

All the other superhumans lost their powers, and the fifth compound was also ineffective, except for Huey, who was the strongest.

He can use this power to protect his wife.

The premise is that he can't use this power to do bad things. Butcher doesn't know that if he intends to use this power to help a country launch aggression against other countries, he will immediately lose his ability.

And Huey.

After all, the power Lu Yuan gave them was to do good deeds. You can't be a super villain if you're not a superhero, even if you're an antihero.

As for Huey, Lu Yuan also left him some advice before leaving, asking him to find a new job, and then, when needed, make himself a uniform to act as a hero in the name of a superhero.

I hope Huey can achieve the dream he has always wanted, his dream is to become a superhero, but he has never had the chance before.

In this way, Lu Yuan accomplished his purpose and realized what he wanted to do.

Look back and think about the time from when I first came here and now I'm about to leave.

"If you don't consider some of the details, you can still do better. It can be said that the whole process is perfect," Lu Yuan made a good comment to himself.

He believes that he has completed a milestone, designed and implemented a set of plans

Volume 5: EVA, go to see the robot war

542、The world of eva, facing the fork

Some world, Earth.

This is a city in a certain country, but it does not exist in the real world. The reason is not because of anything else, but because this is a newly built city, which is newly built exclusively for this world.

This is the 'Third New East, the capital city', and it is also a fortress specially used to fight against the apostles.

An apostle is a life of unknown meaning, and it is the mortal enemy of mankind, or it can be said to be other possible forms of mankind.

This is the world of EVA, which is also called the world of "Evangelion".

For fragile human beings, the existence of the apostles is more like a god.

But few people know, including humans themselves, that humans are probably also one of the apostles.

It's just that when Adam and Lilith (not Eve, but Lilith) were born, the apostles got the fruit of life, so the apostles had a powerful "seven-five-zero" life body that was close to gods.

What humans get is the fruit of wisdom.

Because the fruit of choice is the fruit of wisdom, the A.T force field of the apostle 'lilin' (also known as Li Lin) is weak and is not enough to maintain a single individual state, so it is dispersed into many individuals, which is the origin of mankind.

Then the story begins.

With the discovery of an Antarctic expedition ten years ago, people found Adam and Lilith, and after studying and accidentally separating them, a second shock was triggered.

Because God's Flood is considered the first shock, this one is considered the second shock.

At that time, the glaciers in the Antarctic and Arctic melted, and the huge impact caused even the axis of the earth shifted, and the fragile human beings died by one third.

The world has changed.

At the same time, because of this shock, the apostles who had been living outside the earth for unknown reasons also felt the breath of Adam.

The apostles began to prepare to return to earth, and they wanted to merge with Adam to complete it.

After the apostles obtained the fruit of power, although they had power comparable to that of the gods, they lacked the wisdom and reason brought by the fruit of wisdom.

They also need to be filled.

Just as humans are also planning the 'human completion plan'.

Humans later smuggled Adam and Lilith away, and had guessed the actions of the apostles through Dead Sea documents.

The third Xindong, the capital city, was also built because of this, but some old guys hiding behind the scenes were very insidious.

The apostles wanted to merge with Adam, but they put Lilith in the underground of the third Xindong city, so even if the apostles broke through the defense line of the third Xindong city, they would not be able to merge with Adam.

And that also gives humans a chance.

Human beings also have to carry out the human completion plan. Human bodies are too fragile. Since humans are also apostles, if humans can get the fruit of life in advance, or even if humans can return to Lilith, all the separated souls can be reunited. Is it? Is there any chance of becoming a god?

But in order to realize this plan, the first thing they must do is to reshape the distributed fruit of life in the form of the tree of life.

In order to achieve this goal, the elimination of all the apostles has become a necessary task.

...(Dividing line).

Lu Yuan came, and his super cosmic consciousness let him know the information about this world spontaneously.

Even in Lu Yuan's eyes, he saw two parallel worlds.

It turns out that this world has undergone an unknown restart, and it can't be regarded as a parallel universe, but it has indeed been restarted.

There are new worldlines and old worldlines in this world.

It's like there is a new history and an old history for the X-Men.

There are two generations in this world. The most obvious difference is that in the old lineage, there were a total of 18 apostles. The first apostle was Adam, the second apostle was Lilith, and human beings ranked as the tenth apostle lilin. Eight Apostles.

In the new world system, the number of apostles is only twelve, and even the first apostle is no longer Adam, and Adam is no longer an apostle. The first apostle is named Zhu Xun.

And he was later calculated and degenerated to become the thirteenth apostle.

Among them, perhaps the ranking of human beings has also changed from the eighteenth apostle to the eleventh apostle, because only the eleventh apostle has no information and is more mysterious.

Including the twelfth apostle and the thirteenth apostle, also appeared in the theatrical version of Q.

The new theatrical version actually only defeated ten apostles, because the tenth apostle had preyed on Ayanami's No. 0 machine.

And Yoon Shinji almost triggered a third shock in order to save Ayanami Rei.

Later, it was Nagisa Kaoru that prevented the development of the new theatrical version of Q's plot.

Therefore, there are two similar but completely different world lines in this world.

It's not a parallel world, but how far the world is. It has undergone a restart here.

If it's an old world series, the ending will be in the last episode of TV or the theatrical version, really for you...  

In fact, the relationship between the last episode or the last two episodes of the TV version and really for you should be a parallel universe.

"So, which world should I go to?" Lu Yuan fell into deep thought.

At this time, he has come to the front of two worlds, but now he has to choose a path to fully integrate into this world.

As for why Lu Yuan appeared here.

It's because after experiencing the story of the black-robed picket world, he was bored with it at home.

The entire almighty universe has been handed over to the wives to build, which is also a necessary process to help them become the goddess of creation.

But Lu Yuan has become more relaxed. Although he also likes the life of coaxing his daughters to play every day, in the end, he still wants to take risks, right?

As for why he came to this world.

In fact, Lu Yuan didn't make a special choice. He just came here because he saw the handsome appearance of the EVA body when he was passing by.

That's right, as a boy, who doesn't like the body anymore.

And this world has a unique power, known as the AT position, the full name is Absolute Terror Field (Absolute Terror Field), referred to as Absolute Field.

It was mentioned before that human beings eat the fruit of wisdom instead of the fruit of strength, so they do not have enough AT stance and strong strength to support a single strong individual, and finally evolve into a weak and weak life, and their life span is only short. One hundred years left and right 2.0 of the life of an ethnic group.

However, the real AT position is very strong, and it is exactly the same as the sentence.

Because the AT position is also interpreted as the wall of the heart, which means that after human beings are separated into countless individuals, the human heart is protected and isolated by the wall of the heart.

So how strong the belief is, how strong the AT stand is logically.

This is also the main strength of the apostles. The existence of the AT position allows the apostles to ignore almost all physical and mental attacks, and they can also attack with the AT position.

The AT stand and the EVA body were enough to make Lu Yuan interested.

The problem now is that he has to make a choice.

So where will he end up in the world? New World Department? Or the old lineage?