MTL - I Formed The El Cat Investigation Team In Pirates-Chapter 169 kingdom of solbe

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Chapter 169 The Kingdom of Sorbey

More than a month has passed since he beat Kidd and obtained the Tiger Fruit. In the meantime, Xie Wen also heard some sporadic news about the Kidd Pirates.

The Generation of Sin is the Generation of Sin. Although he was beaten up by Link Meow not long ago, Kidd has still gained a lot of fame in more than a month. Some people have even started to call him "South China Sea for the past ten years" The strongest newcomer”.

In the latest bounty order that Xie Wen got, his bounty has reached 30 million beli, and vice-captain Kira also has 15 million beli...

Well, it seems that Simmons' head was still counted on Xie Wen, who exchanged him for the bounty. Otherwise, the bounty for these two people should be higher.

But even so, the increase in Kidd's bounty has been staggering, especially outside the Grand Line. The increase in pirate bounties has been particularly conservative. It feels like it was intentional by the Navy, just to make pirates who want to become famous, Go to the Grand Line and fight to the death with other pirates as soon as possible.

Of course, it is also possible that the local navy did not want to take responsibility, so it concealed something when reporting, resulting in deviations in the "pricing" of the headquarters.

From Xie Wen’s journey, it’s hard to say whether the West China Sea or the South China Sea is, but the East China Sea is really a possibility...

Shaking his head and putting down Kidd's bounty in his hand, Xie Wen didn't bother to think about what the navy was thinking. He raised his head and asked the little Lihua who was observing the wind direction on the mast: "Hua Mei, what is our next goal?" Where is the land?”

Huamei Miao jumped down from the mast, threw herself into Xie Wen's arms, rubbed his chin with her head, adjusted her body, and lay on Xie Wen's shoulder in a more comfortable position.

Then the little civet cat fiddled with Xie Wen's well-received (cat) ears with her little paws, and replied softly: "The next destination is a country called Solbay."

As mentioned before, in addition to being responsible for navigation and disciplining kittens, Huamei Miao also took on the responsibility of collecting intelligence, so she continued: "It is said that their former king Beckley not only collected extremely heavy taxes, but also in order to reduce the number of people in the sky The tribute of gold divided the country into two halves, one half has the protection of the country, and the other half is a lawless land. The method is similar to the Goa Kingdom in the East China Sea."

When Huamei Miao said this, her tail kept wagging behind her, and she obviously didn't have a good impression of the guy named Beckley.

 Xie Wen, on the other hand, was stroking the little raccoon flower and lost in thought...

He had a vague impression of the name of the Kingdom of Solbe, but it should be the same as the name of Bipley Lulu. It belongs to the kind of very peripheral memory. Even if the memory related to it is awakened, it may not be able to The kind that comes to mind.

 Forget it, since it’s something I can’t remember, it means it’s not very important.

  After thinking about it for a long time and still not being able to remember it, Xie Wen decisively put the matter aside and continued to pet the cat while listening to Hua Mei Miao continue to talk about the intelligence she had collected.

“About ten years ago, the revolutionary army came and overthrew the guy named Beckley, and the newly elected King Buldog returned to power. From the intelligence, the other party should be a pretty good king."

Xie Wen curled his lips, just as he had questioned the Revolutionary Army's approach before. No matter how good the previous king was, in the end he chose Beckley, an old king who had already resigned. How many years can the lifespan last?

When the old king dies, where will the Kingdom of Sorbe go?

 Chie Wen is pessimistic about the country's future.


The Dudu Qianjin moved forward and soon arrived at the island where the Sorbei Kingdom was located. From a distance, Xie Wen and the others saw what Hua Mei Miao meant by "dividing the country into two halves".

At any rate, the Kingdom of Goa built a wall to block the garbage dump from the entire city, and gradually degraded it from the inside out to make the garbage dump outside the wall look less obtrusive.

The Kingdom of Sorbey, on the other hand, "split" the entire country in half in a very simple and crude way. Half of the country is full of high-rise buildings, which are not much different from the high towns of the Kingdom of Goa. The other half has few high-rise buildings, but it looks like It's quite neat and tidy, probably similar to Cocoa West Village.

"It's such an unlucky urban planning..." Xie Wen twitched his lips, then turned to look at Hua Mei Miao: "Didn't you say that King Beckley has been driven away? Why is this country still so evil? ?”

Huamei Miao flicked his tail and replied: "Because of the golden cat in the sky, King Buldog did not squeeze the people, which also resulted in him having no extra money to develop the country, so the Kingdom of Sorbey has remained the Beckley period. It looks like it was planned, meow.”

"Tsk...Tianlongren..." Xie Wen smacked his lips and stopped continuing the topic. Instead, he asked: "Who should stay to watch the ship this time?"

Although the unspoken rule here is not to attack ships in the port, there are many people who do not follow the rules. In addition, Xie Wen and the others only plan to stay for a while before leaving. There is nothing particularly attractive to cats in the Kingdom of Sorbe. Naturally, there is no need for all cats to act together.

It's not fair to carry a fixed cat all the time. Other cats also have strong curiosity, so after upgrading the Explosive Black Cat Maria to the Dudu Qianjin, Hua Mei Miao discussed with Xie Wen We made a rule to take turns watching the boat...

Of course, the number of "rotations" for group pets like Keli Meow and Haiyuan Meow is naturally relatively small.


Link Meow raised his paw.

 “And there’s Kelly...” the little puppet replied reluctantly.

 Unfortunately, this time it happened to be Kelimiao’s turn to stay and watch the boat.

And if Keli Meow wants to stay, then Hua Mei Meow will naturally stay and watch her. If Hua Mei Meow doesn't leave, Sanji Meow will not run away in most cases.

 So the ones following Xie Wen this time were the little milk cat Haibara Nya and the samurai cat Nyajuro.

The Dudu Qianjin docked at the port of the northern city. Xie Wen explained a few words to Huamei Miao, and had a close interaction with the clingy little puppet, and then took Haibara Miao and Meowjuro to go there. Walk into the city.

It has to be said that although Beckley’s planning method of completely tilting resources is inappropriate, the construction of the north side with the resources is really good. Previously, Xie Wen felt that compared with Gao Town in the Kingdom of Goa, it seemed a bit... Conservative... Even if King Buldog has not further built the north over the years, the various environmental facilities here are places that Xie Wen has ranked at the forefront along the way. It is difficult to compare with the palace of the Kingdom of Goa, but it is definitely not inferior to Mirapol Island.

 Different from the superior environment of the northern city, most residents in the city are very simple in dress, which does not match the city.

 But these people didn't feel anything was wrong. They all had smiles on their faces, and they were obviously very satisfied with their current lives.

It seems that at least King Buldog is really a good guy. I hope he can choose a more reliable successor next time...

Xie Wen shook his head, still full of pessimism about the future of Solbei Kingdom.

  I thought that Beckley would be chosen as his successor, and Bulldog also considered it, but the other party still became a coward or even a tyrant...

With the "role model" of the Celestial Dragons, it was too difficult for these rulers to resist the temptation.


 Xie Wen suddenly caught a flash of inspiration...

 Tyrant…Bear…Kingdom of Sorbe…

correct! According to Big Bear’s information, he seems to be the king of Solbei Kingdom!

So Bulldog’s successor is actually Big Bear? Is this a method reserved by the revolutionary army?

Looking at it this way, Dorag seems to be more reliable than I thought. I just don’t know why Big Bear would go to accept Vegapunk’s transformation later...

Before traveling through time, he only saw Garp being kidnapped by Shiliu, and Xie Wen, who stayed behind and had no idea about his life or death, basically knew nothing about Big Bear’s past, so he could only make some guesses based on the information he knew.

 “Hmm? What’s wrong?”

Xie Wen, who was deep in thought, raised his head and looked at Haiyuan Miao who was pulling his ears.

“It seems like they are giving free medical treatment over there. I want to go and see Meow.” Haiyuan Meow pointed at a large number of old people gathered not far away.

"I have read a lot of medical books in this world, but there are very few actual operations. Your bodies are too good to need me at all!" The little milk cat said and couldn't help but complain. .

Haihara Miao’s original intention is of course not to blame Xie Wen and the others for not getting sick or injured, but because she feels that she is basically unable to help in the investigation team. In addition, she has inherited part of Haihara Ai’s sensitivity and pessimism...

So even though she knew that Xie Wen could not abandon her, she would still be uncontrollably upset by the thunder wolf dragon and would offer to help Xie Wen develop demons. Fruit equipment is partly for this reason.

 In fact, Haibara Miao began to regret it after saying it, but her character could not easily say an apology.

Although Xie Wen and Nyajuro are not as good at sensing emotions as Kelimya, Haibara's thoughts don't need to be sensed by sight colors at all. After having been together for so long, they will naturally not misunderstand this little girl. What cat really means.

After exchanging glances with Nyajuro, Xie Wen silently remembered this matter, and then, as usual, he stretched out his hand to rub Haibara's cat head, and joked with a smile: "It seems that our Xiao Ai is very happy to see Hunter Xin, so I’ll discuss it with them and see if we can arrange for you to go to the clinic together, so that the people here can see the power of the chief treatment cat of our investigation team!”

"First of all, I don't care if the chief heals the cat... I don't care! Humph!"


Haiyuan Miao raised her little head and said proudly, and gave Xie Wen a cat punch on the head.

ˆXie Wen: “…”

"Seijuro, please go to the boat and call everyone over. We probably have to stay here for a while, just in time to let everyone see what Xiao Ai is capable of!"

Nyajuro blinked, replied "yes" and quickly ran towards the port, so that Haibara Miao, who wanted to stop him, had no time to speak.

 Xie Wen looked at the little flustered little cat triumphantly...

 Hmph~ Isn’t it just a arrogant little kitten? I, the dignified Canglanxing, can’t control you anymore?

Then he was bitten and scratched by the angry Haibara Meow.

I feel so sad... I seem to be sick... The editor also asked me to update the recommendations in a few days... However, I don't even want to reply to the comments now.


The cover has been updated successfully.


Yesterday I went to eat at M's. The store kept playing their new theme song. I couldn't remember the other lyrics. I just remembered shouting "Golden Arches". I forgot about it, but today I found out that I still remember the brainwashing part. The a bit shabby.



 (End of this chapter)