MTL - I Found A Planet-v2 Chapter 20 Rumor

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Li Dong played a total of three boxing matches throughout the night.

All of them defeated three adult boxers in a short period of time, causing a cheering enthusiasm.

The idyllic Hui recorded the situation in the three games, and even felt the body trembled, and the eyes were full of tears.

17 years old.

Dongmu is only 17 years old.

However, in order to survive, they have to bear such tremendous pressure, and they will fight against the world of adults in advance, mix a meal with tenacious fists, and fight for a life with the danger of injury.

In contrast, she only needs to study seriously, she is almost a hundred times happy.

The heart hurts until the tears fall.

After the game is over.

Send the idyllic Hui home on the way.

"Actually, this job, I am not going to do it all the time."

"At least three opponents must be defeated every day, and they will try their best to get 100 bonuses for each winning game. If they lose, they will have nothing."

"My strength is very strong. I haven't lost it so far. I have knocked down more than a thousand opponents, but I am not happy because every time I win, it means hurting others and hurting others. Pain, making painful memories for others... I am a villain."

"But, for tuition and living expenses, in order to survive, I have to do this, unless I am qualified to perform a full scholarship, I can stop the injury, can say to those who have been defeated by me. Sorry, then start my new life."

"Now all of my plans have been destroyed by rumors. The school does not object to the part-time work of the students, but it is absolutely against the students to fight down the black boxing. Once the truth is announced, my job with good income will probably be lost."

"But it's good, at least this injury journey can stop here, and my heart is much better than before. Just looking for other part-time jobs, the income will drop a lot, and the days will be bad."

"Hey, in short, there are good and bad, as long as you go forward, the road will appear at my feet."

Li Dong sighed and said that there is both helplessness and relief.

"Dongmu, are really not easy!"

I cherish the sympathy of the idyllic heart, crying: "You are too difficult to live alone. I will take care of you later, I will help you, let me be your dependence! I can't get any money, but It’s okay to bring you an extra large lunch every day."

"no, I'm fine."

Li Dong waved his hand: "No matter what, I can support myself without any problems. I don't have to worry about it. I am very grateful to the pastoral classmates. Thank you for your trust in me. Especially when rumors fly, this precious trust is better than everything. thank you very much."

"It’s not like Dongmu!"

I didn’t think that Huihui was more excited, and tears raged more and more: “I also believed those rumors before today. I also suspected that Dongmu’s classmates, I am a despicable person who has no opinion, no one is cloudless... I am not worth it at all. People who Dongmu’s students trust, trust these two words, I don’t deserve it!”

Looking at the serious pastoral wisdom.

Li Dong was embarrassed.

I reached for a shot on her head and smiled and said: "It’s a straight girl. Maybe because of this, my first thought is to ask for your help."


The idyllic gaze stared at him, his cheeks flushed.


the next day.

A piece of the best video quickly spread in the third middle school of Xihai.

"Dongmu students part-time truth, the scene of fierce and melee three bursts, do not look regret" title first earned enough attention, causing people to pay attention to the impulse.

For a time, there were countless students asking for video resources.

"Hey, Dongmu, let me see your heroic posture."

"It’s not a student of Dongmu. I have been running for three consecutive nights. I have been fighting for several months. The body is still not smashed. In addition to the kidneys of iron, I must also have skillful skills. This is the place worth learning."

"I can't wait to see the video of the classmates participating in the competition. The protagonist is on his side. There is a kind of excitement and it is very exciting."

"Dongmu, let me see your ability!"

Point your finger to open the video.


That expression, like the download to the rare resource named "Special Service of Flight Attendant", opened with excitement, and then played the same as "Gourd Baby", the contrast is big, the feeling of loss, can be described as overflowing.

All male students have experienced a huge loss.

And what about female students?

Shy at first, shy for the suggestive title.

But forced to open after playing.

They started to be silent, and then they burst into tears.

"It turns out that...we all misunderstood Dongmu, and his part-time job turned out to be this."

"Why are you squatting at us, Dongmu, I will explain it early, why not?"

"If you don't do this, Dongmu will have no source of income."

Tianhui Hui said: "Dongmu is different from us. He has to survive. He has to earn tuition. If he has no parents, he will leave everything alone! We have always relied on adults, what qualifications are there to talk about behind the scenes? He? He did not sell his body and soul. He could only use his fists to fight for a meal from the adult world. We smashed the bowl that he had picked up."

"We...we are... too despicable!"

The pastoral Huijiao's small body gave out an uncontrollable embarrassment. The words were like needles and passed to the ears of every classmate in the class.

People can't help but bow their heads.


Shangguan Feifei stunned, his lips moved, and suddenly there was a sputum in his heart, and his head was lowered.

"Island Hui?"

Nangong Yaqing raised his head and did not expect such a weak girl to shout such powerful words.

The gaze was swept away from the corner of the back row. The Dongmu classmates were always calm and calm, and some were calm and distressing.

But after hearing the words of the pastoral wisdom.

Li Dong stood up from his seat and walked to the side of the idyllic Hui. He reached out and took a fear of her head. He smiled and said: "Xiaohui, enough, you have done enough, you don't have to speak for me so loudly." It is."

"As for you..."

He walked two steps to the front of Xinhuliang, Zuoqiu Chimu, Gaoyang Sanshu, etc., and reached out with two hands in a lightning bolt, holding the throat of Xinhuliang and Zuoqiu Chimu, and holding them in the air. Among them.


Another foot smashed the Gaoyang Sanshu to the ground and stepped on his chest.

The cold voice said: "The source of rumors should be you, just watched the video. Are you disappointed? Unfortunately, your dreams have been done. Now, if you don’t have a class and blame it. If you apologize, I will beat you like you defeated your opponent in the ring, so that you can feel the feeling of becoming my opponent, hehe~"

He let go of his hand.

"Cough and cough~"

Xin Huliang and others who had been screaming for more than a minute, violently coughing, looked at Li Dong’s eyes full of fear.

"So, answer me quickly, do you immediately apologize from this class, or continue to meet my fist?"

Li Dong held his fist and said to them with murderous eyes.

"Apologize, we apologize immediately!"

"It's what we did, we did it, we know it is wrong!"

"Please forgive us!"

Looking at the horrible fist that can defeat the adult underground boxer, the three immediately smashed and sighed on the ground to apologize.