MTL - I Got Caught After Flirting with the Wrong Person-Chapter 109 i can't see

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Fei Bai didn't know if Luo Yusen also told Aunt Zhang, but the other party didn't show the slightest surprise when he saw him, as if it was normal for him to suddenly appear in the second ring villa in the middle of the night However, she just said enthusiastically: "Mr. Xiaofei hasn't been here for a long time."

Fei Bai said hello auntie, and asked if Feifei was asleep.

"No, I've been in good spirits for the past two days, and I've been dawdling and not sleeping at night," Aunt Zhang took his arm affectionately, "Go, go and see Feifei, she is also I miss you to death."

Feifei was lying on her own little bed playing a crossword puzzle, Feibai saw that she was writing attentively, so she didn't say a word, walked over on tiptoe, and snapped her fingers in front of the little girl.

Feifei immediately raised his head, and after seeing Feibai, Gulu jumped up from the bed, wrapped his arms around his arms and called him vaguely.

Fei Bai gently pulled her hair: "It's been a long time since I saw Brother Fei Bai?"

Then leaned down to look at the crossword booklet she put on the bed: "Brother Feibai didn't come recently, have you studied hard?"

Nodding hard.

Fei Bai tapped the two spaces on the booklet with his hand: "Come, write this to Brother Fei Bai."

The question is five () four (), as long as you can form a word after filling in the blanks, Feibai thinks "five lakes and four seas" should be the standard answer, "five talk about four beauty" is barely reasonable, It's just that he never imagined that Luo Feifei wrote five, eight or forty after writing.

…Is this the self-cultivation of a mathematician?

The corners of Fei Bai's mouth twitched: "Little girl, you are quite familiar with the multiplication formulas."

He didn't stay in the non-non room for too long, for fear of delaying the little girl's rest, after playing with her for a while, he urged her to go to bed quickly.

Although Feifei was reluctant to let him go, she obediently put down the booklet and lay in bed, seeing Auntie Zhang sighing repeatedly: "Mr. Xiaofei, Feifei listens to you like this, I don't know. I thought you were part of her family."

The bed in the guest room upstairs has been made, with clean pajamas on the pillow, Feibai took a simple shower, and when he wiped his hair, he remembered that he should call Luo Yusen and say that he was there.

He closed the door of the room gently, leaned against the wall and dialed Luo Yusen's number.

After the bell rang for a few seconds, a familiar voice rang in his ear: "Fly Bai?"

"Senior brother, I'm here." Fei Bai said.

Luo Yusen asked him, "Are you still afraid?"

"Don't be afraid," Fei Bai listened to Luo Yusen's shallow breathing, and suddenly missed the feeling of being held in his arms, "Senior brother..."

He wanted to say that it would be fine if you were next to me now, but he felt it was inappropriate, so he changed his words: "Thank you today."

Luo Yusen didn't answer the call, hung up after a while, and dialed the video directly.

Fei Bai took it and saw Luo Yusen wearing a shirt and trousers sitting on the sofa in the hotel room, with a computer and several documents on the table next to him.

He was afraid that he would disturb Luo Yusen, so he asked anxiously, "Brother, are you still busy with work?"

Luo Yusen didn't say yes or no, he loosened his tie and looked at him: "I thought you were crying."

"I can't cry so easily." Fei Bai retorted in a low voice.

"Isn't it easy?" Luo Yusen's eyes seemed to remember something, he smiled slightly, "It wasn't because of the pain in the bathroom last time..."

Feibai blushed: "Senior brother, why are you so rude."

"Irregular?" Luo Yusen lowered his voice, "Can you be more insane, Junior Brother, do you want to try it?"

Fei Bai found that every time Luo Yusen spoke in such a slightly provocative tone, it was difficult for him to refuse him.

"Open the door now and go to my room." Luo Yusen touched the white face on the screen with his fingertips.

Fei Bai didn't know what medicine he sold in the gourd, but he passed by obediently.

Sitting on Luo Yusen's bed, he smelled the good smell of mature men remaining between the pillows, his expression suddenly changed, and a dry heat quietly spread from the depths of his body.

Fei Bai coughed twice, and stood up from the bed again.

"What are you nervous about?" Luo Yusen said slowly, "It's not the first time this bed has been put on, sit back."

The way he spoke made Feibai feel that something was wrong with him: "Senior brother..."

"Fly Bai," Luo Yusen interrupted him, his voice was low, "Take off your clothes."

Fei Bai's hand holding the mobile phone shook for a while, and after a while, he put the mobile phone on the bed and slowly undressed in front of the camera, Luo Yusen didn't rush him, he just stared casually look at him.

Even across the screen, the man's line of sight is extremely oppressive, his white face is getting redder and redder, blood seems to be rushing to the top of his head, and the rhythm of breathing is slightly disordered.

"Flying white." Luo Yusen called him.

Fly White's voice trembled in response.

"Pull the phone down a little," Luo Yusen lifted his chin lightly, "I can't see it."

It was in the second half of the night that Fei Bai came out of Luo Yusen's bedroom. He sneaked into the bathroom and turned on the shower very small, for fear of disturbing Aunt Zhang and the others downstairs. After taking a bath like a thief, I took a wet towel and went back to wipe the sheets. After I couldn't see any traces, I returned to my room with a sigh of relief. While recalling Luo Yusen's every look and every word, I silently listened to him. I thought he was an old pervert.

The next day was Wednesday. He had no class, so he went to Luo Yusen's study to review and revise the defense draft. Although Aunt Zhang told Feibai to not affect brother Feibai's study, the little girl still couldn't hold back. Stay, I'll come to see Fei Bai every once in a while, and I don't know if it's influenced by some cartoon. Every time I finish talking to Fei Bai, I have to pull him and give me a high five.

Although Fei Bai has always been patient with children, he was a little bit unbearable when he was interrupted in the end, so he found a piece of paper and traced the shape of his hand, and then posted it on the wall. Fei said, "Come on, let's give it a high five, how you want to strike."

So for the rest of the time, he listened to the sound of the little girl hitting the wall while studying, secretly glad that his grandmother didn't think of using this method to semi-automatically beat him when he was a child.

Fei Bai edited the defense and sent it to the group with Qiao Li and Yuan Zidan, asking them to help look at it.

Yuan Zidan: "Team leader, can I see it again after I finish the test today, I have a Java test in the afternoon, and I've been reviewing it in the past few days, and there are almost no people, I dreamed last night. It was Lord Yama who asked me how to write a background management system for his dead list."

"Okay, don't worry." Fei Bai replied, and then saw Qiao Li sent him a private message.

Qiao Li: "Feibai, don't read any defense papers, come to the school to watch the fun, I heard that Xiao Lanmao and Xu Geyang got into trouble in the art building!"