MTL - I Got on a Ghost Ship By Mistake and Was Forced To Be the Captain-Chapter 442 mysterious meeting

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  Chapter 442 Mysterious meeting


   Avenue St. Luke, 48 Rue Provence.

   This prime minister's residence, which once represented majesty and unrivaled power, is now surrounded by resplendent and magnificent attire.

  After a reconstruction, the land size of the mansion was increased several times, and the original dilapidated areas were all renovated.

  Several high-rise buildings around are still under construction.

  At this moment, the guests visiting the door came one after another, and the carriages passing by were full of expensive gifts.

  The housekeeper who looks after the door naturally does not refuse anyone who comes to the door, no matter who comes to the door, and no matter what you want to ask, the first thing is to accept the gift from the distinguished guest.

  "It is worthy of the demeanor of the new prime minister. It is such a big construction project. This is the so-called Labor Party's ruling philosophy."

  Standing not far from the prime minister's mansion, just looking at Tu Fu from a distance, he couldn't help opening his mouth to make a comment.

   A car was parked beside Him, and the man in the rear driver got out,

   Every time he passes by here, he can hear the sound of decoration, and he is no longer surprised by it.

  "Although I hate this guy, I have to say that Arthur Stella is among the people running for the prime minister. He is the most capable person. Don't look at him building the prime minister's office against public opinion.

   Claimed to the outside that these projects were a symbol of the power of the Baia Kingdom.

   Not only his own face, but the extra expenses allocated by this are used to maintain the Hill Palace. His Majesty is also very happy about this, and naturally approved it immediately. "

   "It's a really clever method. I don't think it's a big deal if he can bribe His Majesty, but how can such a large project calm the anger of officials at the bottom of Göttinghagen and various political departments."

   Tu Fu knew that the country's money was not so easy to get, so he asked rhetorically.

   "That's because you don't know how much money the Labor Party takes from the national treasury every year to help the poor, the poor in Göttinghagen, and the poor in the twelve states under the kingdom, so they can benefit a lot.

  Whoever has milk is a mother, those people dare to gossip after being benefited.

  Three points of all the money in circulation must be kept at each checkpoint. This is the rule after Stella took office. It is regarded as a gift to everyone after he took office.

  One by one wholeheartedly helping the prime minister's achievements, no one will be unhappy. "

   The person who talked to Tu Fu was naturally an old acquaintance, Mr. Clan Thorens.

  Although he no longer has the title of the prime minister's son, he still lives a nourishing life with the backing of the Sorens family.

  He has a more mature mind and a more calm personality.

  After listening to Kelan's explanation, Tu Fu finally figured out this person's movements.

   "The royal palace, the municipal government, and the common people can maintain a multi-party balance and make money at the same time. This Mr. Stella is also a shrewd person."

  In fact, the embryonic form of the 'welfare state' was built on the wealth left by the previous generation. It is the credit of Emperor William the Great and Prime Minister Sorens, and has absolutely nothing to do with the current rulers.

   There are still some things that Tufu didn't tell Crane frankly.

  When Prime Minister Sorens was in office, he always cracked down on corruption.

   Those whose amount exceeds a certain amount will be sentenced to death, and incidents of cheating and accepting bribes in higher education will be strictly investigated.

   Killing chickens and monkeys at every turn to rectify the atmosphere of the various administrative departments of the kingdom.

  People are not saints, this approach has reached a rather harsh level.

  The officials of various confidential departments of the Kingdom have spent 20 years under this strict system. Most of the officials have always done things honestly.

  Although I haven't done much in these years, I have never made mistakes.

  The strict system that has been able to maintain for so many years is mainly because Thilo Sollens himself has set an example.

  He has never been corrupt, and never bent the law for personal gain. He has an extremely mean, arrogant and weird personality.

  Only in the eyes of civilians and officials do they monopolize power and become unknown "monsters" day by day.

  So after Prime Minister Sorens resigned, let alone someone willing to stand up and say something fair for him.

   Most of the government officials did not set off firecrackers on the spot to celebrate, even if they are very worthy of him.

  This is why Stella has just taken office, and no one blames him even if he is building a lot.

  The so-called Daoist people help more than those who lose their way,

   applies in this respect as well.


  Invited by Mr. Kelan, when he went to the Solons Mansion and passed the Prime Minister's Mansion, Tu Fu suddenly asked the driver to stop and went out to take a look at the new changes in the Prime Minister's Mansion.

   After some discussion, the two had their own views on the new prime minister.

   It is not easy to say who is right and who is wrong in political matters.


   It took a full half an hour for the car to reach the courtyard of the Saurons mansion from the central city.

   Not only is the position far away from the Baia government, the Sollens family even chose to move to a remote area, which shows how disheartened the former Prime Minister is.

  After Mr. Kelan entered the mansion, he led Tu Fu to the highest floor of the mansion, waving his hands all the way to make the surrounding servants retreat.

   "Okay, I'll send you here. My father said he wouldn't let me in. Not only me, but my family members were also sent out today because of various things.

  Due to changes in our family these days, many guests who used to come and go are reluctant to come again, and my father doesn't want to see those people who used to be under his hands anymore.

  You asked me to take you over alone this time, presumably because you have something very important to explain to you. "

  Master Kelan explained carefully, and hoped that Tu Fu would be more cautious.

"I see."

  Tu Fu nodded earnestly in response, then walked all the way to the corridor in the house, and walked to the deepest part of the room.

  In that study,

  He saw a lonely elderly middle-aged man.

  He seemed to have known about Tu Fu's arrival, so he made tea in the study and waited here in advance, and the rich tea fragrance could be smelled from far away.

   In front of him is a table piled up with sand tables, with many flags and fortresses planted on it,

   It looks like a battlefield.

   Like Mr. Prime Minister who was omnipotent in the past, now Mr. Sollens’s back is no longer straight, and his way of dealing with people is no longer as tough as before.

   When they met again, Tu Fu saw the scar connecting his cheek to the corner of his eye, and he didn't think it was too hideous.

  If he didn't know the identity of the other party, Tu Fu probably thought it was some retired old man. "

  Tillo Thorens also noticed the guests standing at the door, raised his head and smiled and said:


  Tu Fu responded with a natural smile: "Here we come."


  During the long process of three hours, all the masters and servants were dismissed.

  No one knows what the two people in the Sollens mansion talked about.

  One is Baia's youngest and promising future star who has been worshiped as a god.

  The other is the only political leader who has been in charge of Baia's political arena for 20 years.

  When the war between the two countries broke out, the extremely private conversation between the two heavyweights seemed so mysterious.

  Clan Solons was left alone outside the door, and the surroundings were abnormally quiet, not even a single mosquito could fly in.

   In case this conversation is eavesdropped.

   Time passed by, Kelan finally waited for his father's call.

   There was a sound of footsteps in the house, and the two talking were shoulder to shoulder,

  Like peers, consistently move forward in stride,

  The haze that had lingered on Thilo Sollens's face for a long time disappeared after this meeting, and he let out a hearty laugh after a long absence:

   "Klan, you are going to see off the guests, you shouldn't neglect the guests."

   "Yes, Father."

  Klan looked at Tu Fu with a strange expression, completely unaware of what Tu Fu was talking about inside, and made his father, who had been depressed for a long time, laugh heartily.

  Solons patted Tu Fu on the shoulder regretfully: "Son, I've heard some things about you, but unfortunately I've stepped down from that position now,

   Otherwise, if you risk your life to change the law, you will definitely help make this marriage come true.

  Besides, there are too many eyes staring inside and outside the kingdom, I can't help you, so you should be more careful.

  Every move you make after you return to your country may become a stain for them to discredit you. "

   "I understand your wishes. As long as my lover and I don't get married, they will have nothing to do with me."

  Tu Fu shrugged his shoulders pretending to be relaxed.

   "There is no need to be so discouraged. When the war is over and your contribution to the kingdom is enough for anyone to acquiesce in this trivial matter, if anyone dares to have an opinion at that time, I will visit them one by one."

   Thilo Sollens patted Tufu on the shoulder lightly, and his words became a little more intense.

   "Then thank you,"

   "Tu Fu, don't worry, what my father said has never been broken, lovers will get married eventually."

  Master Kelan led Tu Fu out, and also sent a word of blessing.

  Tu Fu nodded his head to thank the other party. Before walking to the door, he turned and glanced at the elderly Mr. Sollens, waving goodbye to him like an enthusiastic elder.

  Suddenly, Tu Fu turned around and thanked him again with a complicated expression.

   "Sir, thank you very much."

   "Why be so polite, there is no need to thank you twice." Thilo Thorens waved his hand indifferently, he has never liked this kind of politeness.

   "The first time I thank you is because of my personal affairs, and the second time I thank you on behalf of the people of Baia. I think they regard me as a Baia hero, so I am qualified to thank you on behalf of them!"

  Hearing this, Thilo Thorens subconsciously paused.

   "Thank you, Mr. Sollens, thank you for your hard work to Baia over the past 20 years. Here, on behalf of all the citizens of Baia, I would like to thank you."

   Tu Fu insisted on opening his mouth.

  Even if the Baia nationals never thank Thilo Sollens,

  (end of this chapter)