MTL - I Got on a Ghost Ship By Mistake and Was Forced To Be the Captain-Chapter 457 armored corps

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  Chapter 457 Armored Corps

  The science class base has all the resources here.

  In less than a day, the demand reported by Tu Fu was quickly wholesaled by Mr. Dino himself.

  This is the advantage of graduating from a prestigious school. In addition to using blood and money to maintain cooperation in the government's confidential departments, students who graduated from the same school can be taken care of in many ways.

  Especially the pride of the University of Michigan like Tu Fu, he was liked by various research departments on the first day of his arrival,

   can always point out their problems to the point.

  Although his hands-on ability is a bit weak, he can always open the eyes of people with more advanced things from the memory of his previous life.

  Open-air experiment area.

  The bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, has not stopped for a moment since He came.

  A dozen leather armored vehicles are running back and forth. The direction of this field trip is mainly on the four points of the speed, climbing speed, power and defense of the chariots currently owned by the kingdom.

  In Tu Fu’s view, the armored vehicles piled up in large quantities are far inferior to the several types of tank technologies he has mastered in terms of stability, defense, and artillery power.

  For the same vehicle, the advantage of installing crawler tracks is that the traction efficiency is higher, the center of gravity is lower, it has good anti-covering center and sliding stability on slopes, and it has stronger off-road climbing ability and maneuverability.

  If you give him a few more years to popularize the mass production of "tanks", it may only take a few minutes to push Lantis flat.

   "Fortunately, although the overall equipment on Landis's side is better, it's not much different." Tu Fu, standing on the armored vehicle runway, thoughtfully recorded this discovery.

   Fortunately, the advantages of chariots and armored vehicles are that they do not accumulate too much armor, and they are faster than ordinary cars under full power. They also take into account off-road performance, so it is not a good choice to use them for assault charges.

   "Tu Fu, I think you have been testing for a day, and I don't know what conclusion you have come to."

  Prince Kadler appeared out of nowhere, with a depressed expression on his face.

  Compared with Him, I was treated like a stepmother in the science class. After I came in, I didn’t care about it, and I had to solve all the basic necessities of life by myself.

   Fully let His Royal Highness realize what is called the same world, different dreams.

   "Where's Professor Dino?"

  Tu Fu continued to record without raising his head.

   "My hometown... the professor just received an order from the palace, and I'm afraid he will soon lead some people from the science class out of the city with the troops."

  Cadler William shrugged his shoulders, "Otherwise, how could you think I could get by.

  Hey, tell me what you found. "

   As he spoke, His Royal Highness leaned his head over to look at the records in his hands, with a studious look.

   "The existing armored vehicles are not interesting. Although there are data on climbing high slopes, it is still reluctant, but I don't know the data on large-scale armored vehicles (chariots) climbing mountains and mountains.

   If you don’t understand this point, you may suffer in actual combat. "

  Tu Fu shook his head slightly, telling the truth.

   "Massive armored vehicles?"

   Kadler William was taken aback for a moment, puzzled and said:

   "Why do you study this? Frontline tanks have never been a mainstream weapon, and most of them are scattered among divisions to draw firepower and promote the speed of marching. Even armored divisions can't do it.

  If the armored vehicles are gathered together, once they advance into the Wilma defense line, it is equivalent to falling into a muddy quagmire.

  Even if the defense line can be advanced in the end, the loss of a large number of weapons and talents is not worth the loss. "

  Prince Kadler, who knew something about frontline warfare, shook his head again and again.

   "Your Highness, I didn't say that I wanted to force the border defenses of Landis, even a fool can't do such a thing.

  If all the armored vehicles (chariots) and soldiers equipped with the most sophisticated weapons in Bayer are combined into several armored regiments armed to the teeth, and equipped with airships to gain air supremacy, the two battlefields will advance at the same time. "

  Hearing what Tu Fu said, Kadler fell silent.

  "Assuming that surprise attacks are used as the main method of combat, the superior mobility of armored vehicles and airships is used to bypass the enemy's main force and advance from the flanks, and cooperate with each other to bomb the enemy's communication base and attack the rear positions.

   Relying on armored forces, mechanized infantry and artillery, in conjunction with the superior firepower of the air force, highly coordinated attacks at the operational level, cutting off Lantis's forces by detours from the side,

  Block their back route, making the troops on the border lose contact with the polar regions behind for supplies.

   Concentrate superior forces and main attack directions to achieve strategic victory in a very short period of time. "

  Tu Fu made no secret of his thoughts. This is the famous tactic of "Guderian", the famous father of blitzkrieg.

   This also informed the other party why he wanted to examine the quality of the armored vehicle.

  The basis of this set of tactics is mechanization and air supremacy, the coordination of road holes, the tactics are based on one or two points, find a breakthrough and then let the artillery open the gap, the armored troops tear the defense line, and then the motorized infantry advances to make up the knife.

   Can go deep into the enemy's hinterland in a very short period of time.

  Prince Kadler William also changed from his initial indifference to a very solemn expression, obviously listening to Tu Fu's uncanny idea.

  In the past, no matter which country it was, there had never been a formal cooperation between arms and machinery, let alone the concentration of all armored vehicles to form an armored force.

   Until this time, Landis' actions in the southern continent gave Baia a slap in the face.

  Landis's sea and air forces cooperated closely with the extraordinary forces. In a very short period of time, they launched an efficient bombing in Tabor, and retreated immediately after the battle.

  The tactical literacy of the entire plan is frighteningly high.

   No matter how dissatisfied the Santa government is with their anger, by the time their large troops arrive, the enemy has long since disappeared without a trace.

   "It's unheard of to have such a configuration. What kind of military theory is this?"

   "I like to call it 'blitzkrieg.'"

   Tu Fu smiled shyly when he proposed the name.

   "Blitzkrieg, a method of combat that quickly penetrates into the enemy's hinterland like lightning, is really an appropriate name."

  Kadler William was amazed by this genius idea, and looked at Tu Fu with incredible eyes,

   "Physics, mechanics, archaeology, and military attainments, sometimes I'm really curious, how much stuff is in your mind, and how much stuff you haven't brought out."

   "Just some trivial interests."

  Tu Fu just smiled awkwardly, thinking silently in his heart.

   "Fortunately, I have played a lot of P company's games before coming here."

  The advantage of a keyboard strategist is that he is well-informed and well-reserved, especially when facing fanatical military fans, he must be fully prepared, consult historical materials, and quote classics.

  The key to laning is to maximize strengths and avoid weaknesses. You must not make common-sense mistakes and let the opponent catch pigtails. The degree of rigor is no less than a thesis defense.

  Prince Kadler pondered for a moment, then said slowly:

   "In short, I will tell my father about this idea when I have the opportunity. As for whether it can be used, it depends on the performance of the troops on the front line."

   "Perhaps, you will have a higher success rate if you don't mention my name at that time." Tu Fu added.

   "Of course."

  The eyes of the two collided and communicated in the air, and they couldn't help but smile knowingly.


  The departure time of the troops is also today.

  The three group armies had already rushed to the front line early, and now the king's personal army organized by a division personally escorted William II, and the mighty team marched directly from the central city.

  The members of the military science class followed behind the king's pro-army.

  According to the practice of war, they also have to send some people to the front line. Weapon engineers and a lot of positions are waiting for professionals to come, and by the way, do some chores like weapon evaluation.

  Danger is not dangerous, but there are many things.

  Tufu and Prince Kadler accompanied by Mr. Dino Buzzati are naturally also in the rear convoy.

   "Thank you, Your Majesty the King."

   "Please also bring a victory to Baia."

   "Mr. Capet is also inside, and will go to the front line at that time."

   "As expected of Baia's true patron saint, amazing."

  The momentum in the central city of Göttinghagen was very great, and people looked at this expeditionary army and all praised it.

  William II, who always likes to be in the limelight, of course will not let go of this kind of self-expression. He will wave to people all the way to show his affinity. He will never let go of this opportunity to gain favorability in front of the citizens.

  The firecrackers were fired all the way along the way, and the colorful troops marched forward under the daylight. The dense crowd made the traffic jammed, and the ground was full of Göttinghagen citizens waving the national flag.

  Compared to the vanity of William II, and the eagerness of military generals to make contributions.

Tu Fu, who was sitting in the car at the end, was a little more indifferent. His thoughts kept wandering, and he didn't know when he would be able to return from this trip. Unstoppable war.


  Thousands of words, finally turned into a helpless sigh.

  Tu Fu glanced casually through the car window, and he caught a glimpse of several familiar figures in the crowd.

  Winster’s family, Solons’ family, one big and one small, many professors from Miska…

  People he knew and did not know were all waving at him, silently saying goodbye.

  Tu Fu looked straight at the smiling Miss Winster in the crowd who was dressed in white.

  Just smile,

   When I see her smiling face when I am sad, I no longer feel so difficult.

  (end of this chapter)