MTL - I Got on a Ghost Ship By Mistake and Was Forced To Be the Captain-Chapter 503 Wedding invitation (5000 words)

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  ps: I was supposed to write about weddings, but I suddenly found that there are a lot of things to pay attention to in Western-style weddings, and I need to check a lot of information, so I only wrote one chapter. Today, I will use this chapter to send off the girls who Tu Fu has experienced!


   "Children, I must say sorry to you, the Gustav family did not forgive my mistakes.

  So much so that those shameful cheapskates took their anger out on you, and they wouldn't come to your wedding even when they thought it would be time. But don't worry, the wedding will go on as usual, and God will bless you in the temple. "

  In the old Winster's house at No. 64b, Crescent Street, Uncle Ethan looked very sorry, and made half-spoofing to make it seem like it wasn't a big deal.

  Aunt An Feier, who was standing beside her uncle, had red eye sockets for some reason.

   Rarely did not refute when the husband complained about the family members.

   "That's really bad enough. I can't get in touch with the Capet family. They seem to have left Leeds and are not in the service area."

  Tu Fu simply spread his hands, and told his family the nonsense he had made up in advance.

   "Sophie, is that so?" Uncle's sharp eyes turned to Miss Winster.


  The latter sat on the sofa and nodded obediently. Afraid of being spotted, he secretly used extraordinary power to control his muscle expressions, perfectly avoiding his father's scrutiny.

  Suddenly, the atmosphere at home suddenly became a little dull.

  Wedding has never been a matter of two people, the union of two families.

  Whether it is the experience of the previous life or this era, they all silently abide by this stereotype.

  Now the relatives of both men and women are unable to come due to various reasons. If other guests know about it, they will definitely become a topic of conversation before tea and after dinner.

   What's more, it's the special situation of an adopted son marrying a daughter.

   "It's not a big problem, but it's just a few fewer food preparations and fewer gifts. We have booked the entire Wuthering Heights as the wedding venue, and they will definitely regret missing this wedding."

  Uncle Ethan, although he has a lot of problems, he always has a good habit.

  No matter how bad the situation is, you can always solve the problem with the most optimistic attitude.

  "An Fei'er, look at the grandeur of my husband's wedding, it's much more luxurious than ours at that time, it's just that some insignificant people are missing.

   At least their parents will be there in person, and very formally. "

   "Ethan, you'd better stop mentioning this in front of me, or I'll be really angry.

   You always, always owe me a wedding. "

  Aunt Anfeier got angry when she said this.

  Every time you attend a tea party held by celebrities and wives in the upper class, whoever starts to show off his wedding, how important is the diamond ring he receives, and who is the big person who invites the guests.

  Whenever that happened, she always wanted to find a hole in the ground to hide her shame.

  At that time, due to the conflict with the family, I temporarily severed the relationship and did not have sufficient funds. In the end, I had to be enthroned and naturalized in a government unit hastily.

   Not even a serious wedding.

   This resentment has not diminished much because of time, and it is even more important for her daughter's generation not to let Sophie leave regrets.


  Seeing his wife walk away angrily, Uncle Ethan didn't stay or persuade him, he just stood there blankly for a while, not knowing why.

   "Uncle, it seems that it's time to show your charisma."

  Tu Fu chuckled, "As for the preparations for the wedding, I will be in charge later. I promise to prepare a perfect wedding for Sophie."

   After Uncle responded, he chased Aunt Anfei'er non-stop.

   I don’t know how many good things to say to end this dispute.

  But after the adults in the family left, only Tu Fu and Miss Winster were left, and each could see the helplessness on the other's face.

   "Dad was lying just now, and he hasn't told the truth since he came in."

  Sophie, who was on the way of a scammer, explained the reason Uncle Ethan gave them in one word.

  Tu Fu nodded in agreement, "It must have something to do with Gustav's family. No matter how angry you are about the past, it's been so long, there's no need to argue."

  「The reason can only be us.」

  The astute Miss Winster also saw why the Gustav family was not even willing to perfunctory.

  For the emerging petty bourgeoisie family, the loss must far outweigh the gain to make this decision.

   "I'll go and see."

  Tu Fu remained silent, the extraordinary power flowing from his body, and his body gradually began to blur.

  The environment around His body suddenly turned into darkness, and there was a "squeak" sound of a river flowing by his ears, which was "the long river of time".

  And He walked in the nearest time node, squatting half-squat beside the dark river, spying on what happened in the "Gustav Manor" not long ago.

   Soon the original sound of the dialogue appeared next to my ears.

   "Heh, the Gustav family can't afford to lose this person in such a matter of losing the case against the wind."

  「The person who blocked your property, you should know better than us...」

   "Ethan, an imposed notoriety is enough to destroy a person. That is to say, you understand?"

  The family's cynicism and sarcasm brought their selfishness and indifference to the extreme.

   Even to the family members, he refused politely.

   Even listening as a bystander made Tu Fu feel uncomfortable.

  Until the long river of time, the firm voice of the man was revealed:

  「What my generation failed to do, I don’t want the children to leave regrets.

  So, no matter how much the price is paid, I will do it for them. "

  Hearing this, Tu Fu knew that there was no need for him to listen any longer, and he already had a position in his heart.

   In fact, there is no right or wrong in this matter, only real benefits.

  If he was at the helm of the Gustav family, he would also avoid the risk of being in trouble, and he would not like "rascals" like Uncle Ethan.

  But that man is the benefactor who brought him up, so he must not let him suffer such insults.

  After coming out of "The Long River of Time", Tu Fu noticed that Sophie was sitting at the dining table at some point, writing something seriously.

   "Honey, what are you doing?"

   "Write invitations."

  “Why not just go to print, it will be much faster.”

  「It’s always more sincere to write in person, and the sentence pattern for the tutor or the leader must not be the same!」

  Sophie raised her head and smiled. She raised her hand to show the letterhead rolled into a cylinder in her hand, tied it up with lace satin, and stuffed two dried rose petals. This invitation looked extremely delicate.

   "Since people from my mother's family can't come, let's invite more important guests to make them look better."

  「Invite some important guests? Not a bad idea.」

  Tu Fu's eyes suddenly brightened, but Sophie's social circle is only the University of Göttinghagen and the National News Agency, and the only ones who can be invited are department chairs, and it is still far from being able to control the market.

   "Honey, why don't you write some invitations for me too."

  The corners of Tu Fu's mouth raised slightly.

   He suddenly had a plan, a big plan.


   A few days later, Göttinghagen.

  A letter mailed to the Weimar family caused some turmoil in this ancient family.

   With a beard, the Duke of Weimar, who was in his prime, unwrapped the rose-scented roll paper invitation himself, and read everything verbatim.

  He looked at the servant with a smile: "Is Miss here?"

   "Miss Weimar heard that the letter was sent from Leeds, so she hurried back home without stopping." The maid turned

   Bow down and explain.

  Before the words were finished, there was a burst of eager footsteps. Elena Weimar, who was wearing a blue dress with lace, had a flushed face and her **** were constantly rising and falling.

  Eileen pressed her palm on her chest forcibly, trying to calm herself down as much as possible:

  「Father, is this a letter from Tufu?」

   "That's right, he's getting married, and the wedding will be held in Leeds at the end of the month. Here's the invitation." The Duke of Weimar handed over the girly invitation.

  「 card.」

  Miss Elena Weimar couldn't help stuttering when she spoke, she didn't know what to do with the invitation card, and looked at the handwriting on it stupidly.

  The Duke of Weimar noticed the strangeness of his daughter and pretended to be very hesitant:

   "Litz, I remember that it is in Oswald, the distance is not too close. I remember that child once came to your coming-of-age ceremony, and the Weimar family never owes favors.

  But if you don’t like it, you can simply send a representative to attend for us...”

   "No, Father, I'm going to Leeds."

  After Elena came to her senses, her tone was unusually firm.

   "Have you thought about it?"

   "Of course, we are, after all, good friends." Miss Weimar bit her lip lightly, and her voice grew longer when she uttered the last noun.

  Even if there were mixed feelings in my heart, I didn't write my emotions on my face.

  This is the nobility, no matter how sad you are, you must wear a smiling mask to welcome guests.


  Villedo town, Miskar Stark University.

  An emergency meeting is underway.

   "Guys, this time the Seven Schools Alliance will send representatives.

  Including those old guys from Columbia University, only the University of Michigan received the most invitations among the seven schools. After all, Tufu Capet is the pride of our University of Michigan, and those old guys should not let those old guys steal the limelight. "

  In the dean's conference room, Dean Charles Kane looked smug.

  “If you count the two principals, the dean of the Fifth Academy, and professors with surnames, almost all the professors at the University of Michigan will go there, what about the teaching tasks.”

   "Teaching tasks? Forget about such trivial matters. The children of the University of Michigan are the most intelligent and charming children of this era. Even if there is no teacher to teach them, they should take the initiative to learn."

   "That's right, why don't the whole school take a few days off and start classes after Tu Fu's wedding is over."

   After the deans of the five colleges made a total calculation, the result came out immediately.

  Professors with famous names and surnames from UM will attend the wedding, and the left-behind teachers are not enough to teach, so the whole school will be on vacation for three days at the end of this month.

  「Are you getting married?」

  At a corner of the UM campus, Cheryl Thoreau was holding an invitation with trembling palms, full of feelings in her heart.

  She followed in Tufu's footsteps and returned to Baia, studying in Miskar Stark, all in order to follow in his footsteps.

  Even if He doesn't care, Cheryl is happy to do it.

  At first, I thought that the two would never be in contact with each other for the rest of their lives, and their good wishes could only be kept in their hearts.

  Keep a glimpse at the prom, but it left an indelible impression deep in her heart.


  The girl's sigh was also the sympathetic voice of the young woman who received the invitation.


  Southern Continent, Tabor.

  New Smith Industries headquarters.

  After the order from the top, a vigorous procurement action was conveyed to the various branches below, and the items needed for a wedding list must be prepared in the shortest time, and they must be the best.

  These days, the heads of the various departments below have received relevant errands respectively.

  The difficulty of the objects prepared this time is almost world-class.

   "Young master, the classic wedding dress you want is about to be completed. There are already more than 200 female employees in charge at this time, which is absolutely unique in the world."

  「The bouquet is also ready

   There are also bouquets required for the wedding scene, which will be transported from the southern mainland in person. "

   "We have found a head chef who is proficient in various cuisines. This person once served as an imperial chef in the royal family, and he is absolutely capable of satisfying the appetites of all guests."

  「The band needed for the wedding is the most famous classical orchestra at the moment...」

  In the director's office of the headquarters, David Smith listened to the reports of his subordinates one by one. They knew that this matter was related to the big boss, and the people below did not dare to delay for a moment, and fully mobilized the company's resources.

   Find big names from all walks of life at any cost, just to show off at Tu Fu's wedding on time.

  「This guy really knows how to call people.」

  David Smith looked at the invitation sent by the other party not long ago rather speechlessly. In addition to inviting him to attend, there was one more indicator.

  Smith Industry is responsible for purchasing all the supplies needed for His wedding, ranging from the bride’s wedding dress, wedding shoes, gemstone brooch, necklace earrings, wooden comb ribbons and other items, to the behind-the-scenes chef, band, painter...

  Smith Industries is responsible for a large amount of work, and both things and people must be top-notch and unique in the world.

   Has the ability to get it in a short period of time, and only Smith Industries is a giant industry that spreads across two continents.

   It is not difficult to do this, as long as you are willing to spend money to prepare items, it will always work.

  But the masters in the fields of music and painting are not so easy to invite.

  The reason why they are willing to come is that many of them know that the host of this wedding is Sir Capet, who is popular all over the world.


   Weddell Polar Sea.

  The "Demon Hunter" just excavated an underwater cemetery, and returned with a full ship full of gold, silver and jewels. Victor, one of the Shichibukai, made people count the harvest this time.

   "I tell the captain that most of the things I found this time are old objects from the third era. If I go to the maritime auction house, I'm afraid I can add a few more warships of the level of the 'Demon Hunter'."

  The accountant Thor under his hand was full of joy, so happy that he almost fainted.

  Victor Horta took the harvest list, and pointed his finger directly at the most valuable items in this harvest,

   "Take out a piece of deep sapphire, nephrite brass cup, Erbos bronze mirror, and the few treasures in my cabinet, and send them to the North Continent as quickly as possible.

  Since people can’t come to the scene, gifts are always indispensable. "

   "Everyone in the alliance has been preparing gifts recently, is it for that one?" Thor asked cautiously.

  「Do you think anyone else has this face.」

  Victor snorted softly. But it wasn't just him, that gentleman sent the invitation directly through the spiritual messenger.

  After the members of the Pirate Alliance received the invitation, they prepared heavy gifts overnight without saying a word.

  There are so many antique toys from the Second Epoch and Tertiary Epoch alone.

  All the rare treasures that have appeared on the sea have been included in the gift list by the Shichibukai. Those wealth are enough to shake the national strength of a small country.

  Gold, silver, jewelry, and antique toys are shipped to the city of Leeds by ship after ship. No matter whether they are black or white, they dare not touch these goods easily.

   There is no second scene.


  Coral Sea, Deep Sea Palace.

   "Thank you for your hard work, please tell your master, although my family can't come to the scene in person, the congratulatory gifts will definitely be there."

   "Thank you."

  A strange wormhole-like pitch-black space appeared. The headless horseman Samuel put his palm on his chest, and after offering a gift to the king of the deep sea in front of him, he returned to the spirit world from the black hole.

   Only the king of the deep sea in loose robes was left, staring at the invitation in his hand thoughtfully.

   After pondering for a moment, the Mermaid King felt that he should tell his daughter about this, so he shuttled through the palace all the way with his tail flapping.

   In an instant, we arrived at the residential area where the mermaid princess dreamed. Several older mermaid princesses were playing with each other, and only Avril Lavigne was sitting beside her sisters quietly reading a book.

In my memory

  The younger daughter's personality has always been quiet and introverted, even if she likes something, she never says it out loud.

  Fortunately, that incident didn’t have much impact on her, and she was able to grow up healthily and happily in the next few years, all because of that person’s life-saving rescue at any cost.

   It's no wonder that Avril Lavigne has been obsessed with it.

   "Father, when did you come?"

  Avril just happened to catch a glimpse of her father from the corner of her eye when she was turning the pages of the book. He stood in the distance with an unbearable look in his eyes, "There is one thing that I think I should tell you."

  「Let me guess, is it related to Mr. Capet?」

  The little mermaid swam over with a smile on her face. She was clever and quickly guessed the whole story, and her father would only find her in person if it was related to that person.

   "Smart." The King of the Deep Sea praised him generously.

  「What is this, a letter?」

  Avril immediately noticed the letter in her father's hand, "Is it from Mr. Capet?"

   "Yes, to be precise... it's a wedding invitation. Marriage is a ritual in the human world." The mermaid king opened his mouth with great difficulty, watching his daughter's smile solidify on his face:

   "Avril, I think you can understand what this kind of invitation means."


  After a short period of frustration, the Little Mermaid forced out a bitter smile:

  「I really should congratulate them. Mr. Capet found a girl he really likes. This is a very good thing, just like the ending in the story.

  True lovers will eventually get married. "

  She clasped her hands together to congratulate her, but in the sea water beside her, pearl-like teardrops suddenly appeared.

   Slowly float towards the sea surface a little bit.

   I don’t know how long it took, the moment the Mermaid’s Tears that surfaced out of the sea touched the sunlight,

  Like there should be no bubbles,

   It melted into the world with a "snap".