MTL - I Got Rich By Relying on the Beauty System-Chapter 434 434, review

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  Chapter 434 Chapter 434, Review

   "What? Impossible!"

   "Absolutely impossible, did you make a mistake? Could it be that you made a mistake with the product?"

  Zhao Ying was stunned, and her current mood could no longer be described as frightened.

  Just now the policeman told himself that the product inspection results came out, and the report showed that there was no problem with 'Yu Wuhen', not even a single speck of impurity.

  The detected product ingredients are all raw materials that are beneficial to human skin without any harm, and will not cause any damage to human skin at all.

  How is this possible?

  Whether there is a problem with 'Yu Wuhen', she knows better than anyone else, after all, the rash on her arm is still there.

   "I don't believe it, and I can't accept this result. I ask for a re-examination. The rash on my hand is caused by using this bottle of 'Yu Wuhen'.

  How can there be no problems? I also went to the hospital for an examination before, and the doctor also said that I used a certain inferior product to cause it. In the past few days, I have rubbed 'Yu Wuhen' on my hands. If it is not its problem, who else? "

  Zhao Ying explained anxiously, emphasizing repeatedly that there is a problem with the product 'Yu Wuhen', and she was flustered.

She doesn't know how things turned out like this, and now there is no one who can guide her and discuss countermeasures with her, which makes her lose her mind when facing the police, and she can only repeatedly emphasize what they said before negotiated purpose.

At about eleven o'clock in the morning, she cooperated with the police to make a record, and handed over "Yu Wuhen" to the police. Of course, they were not at ease to hand over all the products to the inspection agency designated by the police station. Some accidents.

  So, according to their instructions, she proposed to the police station to divide the product into two parts and hand them over to two different testing agencies.

  The inspection agency they designated was not bought, because there are things added to the product, so there is no need to falsify the test results.

   This is also to prevent Anyan Fang from making troubles. If they temporarily propose to test the two together, it is estimated that the other party will be caught off guard, and there is no extra time to operate.

  As long as this testing agency has nothing to do with the Su family, she can choose whichever one she wants.

  It is three o'clock in the afternoon. She went to have lunch after finishing the transcript. After a short rest, she was called by a call from the police station.

  While waiting, she didn't worry at all, because she knew that they had already done it.

   But who will tell her what happened? ?

  The policeman in charge of the case said with a serious face, "If only one of the inspection reports is wrong, there may be something wrong, but now the results shown by the two inspection agencies are exactly the same.

   One of the testing units is still designated by you. We personally sent it there. No one else has contacted it during the period. It can’t be that both tests have problems, right? "

   "Who knows how they test." Zhao Ying looked sleepy for a moment, and underestimated in a low voice.

   It's really strange, she saw with her own eyes that they added some medicinal powder into the bottle of 'Yu Wuhen', how could it be fine?

   Which link went wrong?

  She has no other choice now, but insists on the reason for her initial insistence.

Another policeman said in a serious tone, "Ms. Zhao Ying, I advise you to be more frank and lenient. Anyanfang has already sued you for slander and extortion. You should know that if you are convicted of this crime , what kind of result will you face?"

   "What do you mean? What do I need to confess? I have explained everything I need to say, what else do you want me to say?"

  Zhao Ying was anxious and didn't know how to deal with it, so she looked a little flustered.

  After all, in the final analysis, she is just a young girl of 21 or 20 years old, or a love-minded girl who was raised by her parents, did not have much social experience, and had a simple mind.

  Her inner maturity is far from as strong as she imagined. Maybe she thinks that she is in good control, but for the police who specialize in handling cases, they have long seen any subtle expression of her in their eyes.

  The policeman said bluntly, "The rash on your arm is caused by you applying medicine yourself, right? Was this planned by you alone, or was someone instructing you to do it?

  Before answering, you'd better think carefully, as long as the things you have done will always leave traces, don't think that no one sees your self-destructive behavior, which can represent your innocence.

  The surface layer of the skin on your hands must contain some harmful substances. As long as an expert extracts it and tests it, we can find out what kind of drug it is. Based on the drug, we can follow the clues and find some clues. "

  Another policeman followed suit, "If you still don't cooperate, we will immediately notify your parents to come over."

   "No! Don't call my parents over." Zhao Ying panicked when she heard that she was going to call her parents.

  She is now under the surveillance of the police, and her every move is watched by them. There is no way to call or send messages to Yi Hang and the others.

This is how to do ah?

  The plan they told themselves before was not like this at all. Why did things develop completely differently?

  Yi Hang is the same, since things have not been arranged, why do you have to come by yourself? It really hurt her.

  The policeman said, "Then you'd better tell the truth, why do you say that the rash on your hands is caused by the products of Anyanfang? What is the relationship between you and Anyanfang?"

   "Okay, let me say."

  After several times of anxiety and struggle, Zhao Ying finally lowered her head, her tone full of compromise and helplessness.

  She does like Ren Hang very much, but she is more afraid of being accused, she is still young, she does not want to be detained, even if it is only for a few days.

  Secondly, if her parents find out, they will definitely be very angry, maybe they still don’t recognize her as a daughter, then she is really doomed.

  At first, she thought it was just a simple intimidation of the boss of Anyanfang, and there was no harm to her in the plan, it was just a business deal, and Ren Hang would give her money.

  She agreed to help when she saw that something was hurt, but who knows what happened, it was not what Yi Hang said.

   Now that she has been detained, where is Yi Hang? Why didn't he come forward to protect himself? What is he to him?

  Among the extreme panic and worry that her parents would blame her, Zhao Ying's mind instantly cleared up a lot at this moment.

  When it came to her own safety and interests, Zhao Ying made a choice instinctively.

  Save yourself!

  (end of this chapter)