MTL - I Got Rich By Relying on the Beauty System-Chapter 454 454,chance

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   Chapter 454 Chapter 454, Chance

   "Are you serious? This job is great. I'll tell Liang Shi when I get back. He'll definitely be happy."

  Hearing An Yan's proposal, Li Hongxia was very happy and surprised. To be honest, although her son's treatment is better than that of the workers, his work is indeed very hard, and the labor he puts in completely exceeds his salary.

  If it weren't for the fact that their family had no connections and no family background, otherwise the couple would definitely find a relationship and get their son into a public unit.

  Which government unit doesn’t have a post for a logistics electrician? This job is better than staying on a construction site. Although the salary is not very high, the public welfare is good.

  The most important thing is that the environment is good, and the work will not be so hard.

   It's not that she is vain and dislikes her son's job as bad. In her view, as long as she can earn money and eat with her own ability, it is a skill and there is nothing to be ashamed of.

  However, this is a realistic society. In the current marriage market, both men and women want to find a better partner. This is natural and understandable.

  Especially as a man, if you don't have a decent and stable job, many girls won't look at you at all, let alone talk about marriage.

   Although her family Liang Shi has a skill, she has to work at the construction site. There is no need to introduce such a working environment. I can imagine what kind of scene it is. The most important thing is that there is no room for improvement.

  With such conditions, they are not popular in the blind date market at all, and they will be rejected as soon as they hear the introduction, and they are the first group of people who are eliminated.

Now her son is twenty-five years old, and it seems that he will be a twenty-six-year-old man in the next year. In the past two years, some relatives and friends have also introduced a few blind date girls, but in the end they didn't talk about it. her son's job.

  The girl who doesn't dislike her son's work, the conditions are really too bad. They are getting married, not helping the poor, and the most important thing is that her son is unwilling to give up.

  They also support this. Naturally, you have to choose a loving person to marry in order to make life more interesting. If you don’t like people in your life, then this life will be so boring.

  So, in the past two years, their family has worked hard to make money, and they thought that Liang Shi would buy a wedding house first, so that they could greatly improve their own conditions and have more choices.

   Now that I hear An Yan’s introduction, I’m completely satisfied. It’s so nice to sit in an office. I don’t need to be exposed to the wind and sun at all. If there is a problem, I will solve it. How easy and trouble-free.

   And according to An Yan, there will be a person in charge at the Futian base to take care of the water and electricity logistics. This is a good opportunity for their family!

  She is not a hypocritical person. Since An Yan can trust and value her Liang Shi, they will not let her down.

  Li Hongxia's mind turned quickly, thinking of An Yan's intention to help their family, she held her hand gratefully.

   "Yan Yan, thank you, you can still remember my Liang Shi with this opportunity, don't worry, I will explain to him well."

   "Aunt Hong, do we still need to be so polite about the relationship between our two families? I have always treated Brother Liang Shi and Xiao Min as brothers and sisters. It doesn't make sense for me to invite outsiders and not give my brother a chance, right?"

Seeing Li Hongxia's grateful and excited expression, An Yan couldn't help but laugh. In fact, this job is nothing, but she just wants to give Liang Shi more opportunities to hone her skills, and hopes that the Liang family can also live a more stable and worry-free life. .

  Since her parents passed away, she has only two relatives, grandma and aunt Hong. If she doesn't help them, why not help An Jiamin's family?

   "Okay, okay, I won't say too many words of thanks, I know you are doing it for the good of our family, and Aunt Hong will not be polite anymore, but our family will keep this love in our hearts."

  Li Hongxia's eyes were slightly red, and she was deeply moved by holding An Yan's hand tightly.

  No way, for a family like theirs, it is really difficult to have a better job if they want money but no money, no connections, and want to get ahead.

   Now that An Yan is willing to give their family an opportunity, she naturally has to work hard to seize it. Given the conditions of their family, what is there to be pretentious about?

   "Then go home and ask Liang Shi what he thinks." An Yan smiled and patted her hand. Although she wanted to help, she still had to respect her opinion.

"it is good."

   After finishing speaking, Li Hongxia hurriedly ran back to the courtyard next door. If she hadn't cared about her son's feelings, she would have promised An Yan for him on the spot.


  At eight o'clock that night, Li Hongxia brought Liang Shi to the small courtyard of An's family.

   "Yan Yan, I told Liang Shi that he wants to try it too."

  Li Hongxia was all smiles, and as soon as she saw An Yan, she couldn't wait to tell her the result. Fortunately, her son didn't commit any stubbornness this time, and he knew how to choose to be better for his future.

   Otherwise she would be really **** off.

  Liang Shi asked embarrassedly, "An Yan, can I really go?"

   "Of course, Brother Liang Shi, your professional ability is not bad at all. You are responsible for the hydropower work of our base. It's no problem at all. It depends on whether you are willing to work at the base?" An Yan said with certainty.

  A hard-working and honest technician like Liang Shi is actually very popular with the bosses and leaders, because he can really save a lot of worry, and the work assigned to him will definitely be completed well.

  She let Liang Shi go to the base as a small steward. Apart from giving him a chance, she didn't have any loss. It was really not as serious as Liang's family thought.

   "Okay, I want to go, thank you An Yan, I will definitely do a good job in the future." Liang Shi instantly showed a bright smile.

  Seeing this, An Yan also smiled happily, "Okay, I'll tell Li Peng later, when do you think you'll be there?"

   "The day after tomorrow, I will take care of the matter at hand tomorrow, and I can go to the Futian base the day after tomorrow."

  Liang Shi thought about it, and made a very straightforward decision. An Yan gave himself such a good opportunity, so he should perform well. The best way is to start working as soon as possible.

  An Yan turned to ask, "Okay, Brother Liang Shi, I remember you have passed the driver's license test?"

   "Yes, I got it in the first half of last year."

  Liang Shi nodded blankly. At the beginning of last year, when there were not many projects, he took the opportunity to learn to drive. He just wanted to help drive when he went to other places with the engineering team.

  An Yan said bluntly, "I bought a commercial Buick for my uncle and the others, just to make it easier for them to go back and forth between the base and the workshop.

  I will send you a message later. When you pass by the day after tomorrow, you can drive there directly. When you are on vacation, you can come back together. It will save a lot of trouble if you have a car. "

  (end of this chapter)