MTL - I Had a Home In 1982-Chapter 495 494. Push the trolley to the big worker (happy weekend)

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   Chapter 495 494. Push the trolley to the big worker (happy weekend)

   Huang Yougong's words made Colander's original wife very angry.

  You listen, do people say anything?

  Wang Yi and others had to convince her that Huang Yougong was using an analogy casually or that the analogy was wrong.

   Wang Xianghong speaks even more directly: "Don't you treat his words like a fart?"

  Zhong Yaoyao was very upset, but Wang Yi told her that she would take a whole set of photos of her and the colander, which could be taken as a marriage photo and kept at home as a souvenir.

   In this way, she was satisfied.

  Marriage commemorative photos...

  She lived with Colander, and after they got their marriage license, they didn't go to the city's photo studio to take pictures. It was something that city women just made a living.

   Do you still need to rent suits and clothes to rent extra money to take a photo when you get married?

   What a waste of money.

   But if someone shoots them for free it's fine, better than nothing.

  Before the school building was demolished, Wang Yi took so many photos that Wang Xianghong was anxious: "How much does it cost just for film and photo development? Teacher Wang, you have to be restrained."

   But Wang Yi took the most pictures of him.

  Because the office of the brigade committee will be demolished, a teacher building will be built in the future. The teachers of the primary school and the technical school share the same building, and the office of the brigade committee is also set up in the building.

  The 20th is a severe solar term. Wengzhou City is rushing to the sea, and the organization office stipulates that the report will be reported on the afternoon of the 19th, and then divide the area and prepare a place for accommodation.

  Wang Yi took the roll call and inventory of equipment at the beginning of noon. All preparations were correct. He led the team to take the Tianya 101 to the sea and Benz to the city.

   Qiuwei River went with the boat this time.

  She and Wang Yi haven't been to other places together yet. This time they went to catch a seafarer together, which can be regarded as a trip to get married...

   In addition, she can count as a laborer.

  The marine and river-going workers are mainly strong and male, but these are not the only ones, there must be someone responsible for the logistics, right?

  Go to the government and don’t care about eating in the cafeteria. In this case, someone has to be responsible for cooking the rice.

   Qiuweishui is in charge of such work.

  Wang Yi felt that it would not be good to take the seafaring as a honeymoon, but it would be good for her to be in charge of the logistics, because he would help, and the two of them could have a romantic affair on the construction site——

   He didn't think about going to the construction site and working really hard.

   There is no need to go to the county this time. The city organization office issued a notice to each commune about the meeting point in the city, and then each commune gathered and further subdivided.

  Tianya No. 101 entered the port, and all the way Wang Yi saw familiar faces.

There are many old friends from   Changlong Commune, Changhai Commune, Huangtu Township, Zeshui Commune, and so on.

For example, Zhang Qiang, Lao Wan, Yi Haibao and others from Changhai Commune who have invited him to dinner, such as Li Shuangshui, captain of Li family in Duobao Island, Ding Deshui, captain of Ding family, and Huang Zhiwu, captain of the production team of Jinlan Island next door, etc. , all here!

  Wang Yi greeted them one by one and said with a smile: "Okay, comrades, your enthusiasm is not to mention, all of you personally led the team to participate in the fishing competition, and also personally led the team to catch the sea workers."

   "I have to tell us Captain Wang of your awareness and let them learn from you."

   "Don't." Huang Zhiwu crouched on the bow and waved at him, "I really don't have this consciousness, but I'm the captain, so I can't help but lead by example and lead the charge."

  Li Shuangshui, Ding Deshui and others all showed helpless expressions when they heard this.

  Wang Yi understands this.

  In the era of planned economy, any production activity of the production team was arranged by the production team leader. Not to mention a hundred responses, at least no one dared to blatantly challenge the team leader.

   But now that the contracting responsibility system is in place, and the members are all busy with their own family business, who will still work for you as a collective?

  I can work for you, pay for it!

No money? That won't work, I have headaches, stomachaches, ankles, and necks, and I'm dizzy and pregnant. Anyway, I'm not going to do it!

   In this way, the grassroots cadres are really having a headache.

   Looking at their sad expressions, he followed Wang Xianglai, who came to be Wang Yi's deputy, with a grin.

   He asked, "Zhiwu, how did your team work this time? Or do you want to cast lots?"

   "What can you do if you don't cast lots?" Huang Zhiwu took a cigarette with a helpless expression on his face, "Ask the other teams, besides yours, who doesn't cast lots?"

   "Hey, hey, don't be so absolute, our team is not drawing lots." Li Shuangshui said triumphantly.

  Going to work to draw lots is a tradition in the local village.

   The job of catching sea workers is really hard. In the 1970s, the members began to boycott it.

Every time an organization is mobilized to rush to sea, it is the most troublesome thing for cadres of various production teams. Everyone knows that it is tiring and unpleasant. Therefore, from the commune to the production team to the team leader, it takes a lot of trouble. .

  In this case, the only thing to do is to cast lots. Whoever is caught will go to the sea, and every time a lot is drawn, a large photo of the leader will be hung up. When the lot is cast in front of the leader, no one has any opinion.

   "We didn't draw lots in our team." A rusty motor boat approached, with a high-spirited super-aged young man sailing on it.

  The people from Xianggong Island of Changlong Commune came, and it was Xiang Manyin.

   Li Shuangshui asked with interest: "How did you get the lottery in your team?"

  Xiang Manyin said: "Our team has followed Tianya Island this time..."

   As soon as he opened his mouth, everyone became curious and looked at Wang Yi and the others.

  Wang Yi is confused here, how did he help the people on Xianggong Island to catch the sea workers?

   As a result, the large and small cadres of the production teams have already started to fire, saying that Wang Yi and their production teams are biased.

  Wang Yi came to Zhan Huang's booth: Is this all a good thing? How are we biased?

   Xiang Manyin laughed and said: "You have wronged the Wang family. They didn't directly help us choose people, but the brick kiln in their team used soil from our island."

   "Can't we find workers to dig soil? Some of the idle strong laborers in our team have all become diggers, and the diggers are well paid and have money and labor protection supplies."

   "On weekdays, there are a lot of people who can't be chosen to speak sour words. This time I'm rushing to work at sea, I directly bring the workers to work to show our enthusiasm and advanced nature, so that other members have nothing to say!"

   Everyone suddenly realized.

   That's what happened.

   The fishing boats were leaning together, and someone asked Li Shuangshui, "Brother Shui, how did you arrange the people?"

Li Shuangshui said: "I used a method similar to casting lots. I first said casting lots, and then said that if a family has more than two strong laborers, if one has a strong labor force, the others don't need to cast lots, so as to avoid the possibility of casting lots. The whole family's strong labor will be captured."

   "In the end, the members agreed. In the end, the number of people was almost enough. I used my relationship to arrange a few buddies. Look, isn't it all together?"

   The leaders of the county came over at this time, and the cadres of their commune stood up one after another to greet the leaders.

  Leadership brought the organization arrangement:

In the Wengzhou area, the rushing workers are deployed according to the temporary military establishment. The commune is a "company" level unit, and the production team is a "platoon" level production unit. The headquarters is the regimental headquarters in the city.

  In this way, the regiment battalion company was arranged, and the military unit level came out.

The   Changlong Commune is a company, and the team on Tianya Island is a row, all of which are key units.

   When a company is lined up, they will go to their work place first.

  Pushing cars and lining up, the laborers walked on the road in a mighty way.

  Inland river workers dig river silt during the dry season. In the same way, outer islands rush to sea to clean up the seaside silt, including the silt at the mouth of the river, the silt under the dam, and so on.

   These silts are good stuff.

   can be used to burn brick kilns, and the price is extremely low. Wang Yi has already contacted Ye Changan. Ye Changan will say hello to the city, and then they will gather together and they will be transported back by transport ships.

   This is also the reason why they drove the Tianya 101 transport ship to catch the sea workers this time.

The task of    is to clear a large section of seawall silt, which is located on a deserted beach.

The guide of the    regiment led them to the destination to see:

  The sky is blue, the sea is vast, and there are lush weeds behind the long dams, most of which are yellow reeds and large swathes of pine trees.

  The pine trees gather into a forest, the whole is dark green and black, but there are blossoming orange-red and fiery red, forming a huge and colorful pine forest!

  Wang Yi looked away from the team, only to see the Kuroshio surging under the sea breeze, as if the waves were on the island.

When    approached, they realized that they were countless vigorous pine trees. They stopped at the edge of the pine forest and felt that the sea breeze was lightening:

   This dense and deep pine forest blocks the sea breeze.

  There is rosin on the pine trees, and the rosin is floating and faint. People in the winter take a deep breath at the edge of the woods and feel peaceful and clear.

  Wang Yi enjoyed the scent of pine and asked, "How come there is such a big pine forest in this place?"

   County labor commissioner Cui Qingzi smiled and said, "This is a story from a long time ago. I have to start from the beginning for you."

  Wang Yi said: "Please instruct the leader, I will listen carefully."

  Cui Qingzi waved at him: "Mr. Wang, don't be shy, but you really don't know the black pine forest in the city's protective embankment? This is a landscape in our city, called watching the sea and listening to the pines."

   "That's why this forest is called, Watching the Sea and Listening to Taolin."

  Wang Yi said: "I rarely come to the city, so I don't know very well."

   This is both true and false.

   He did rarely come to the city in 1982, but he stayed in the city for 22 years.

   But he didn't remember that there was such a big windbreak pine forest in the city.

  Cui Qingzi beckoned to the guide and said, "Comrade Gu, come over here. This is the first time our teacher Wang has seen this Guanhai Listening to Songtao. Tell him about the origin of this pine forest."

  Gu Gonghe was called Gu Gonghe, he said: "Hello, comrades, this is actually quite simple. Our seaside area is windy in autumn and winter, and typhoons come ashore from time to time in summer and autumn. This is a big worry for people by the water."

   "The typhoon is too destructive, not only to be afraid of overturning fishing boats and injuring fishermen, but also to worry about farmland - you know, what is the most important job in farmland in marine areas?"

   He was about to say, and Wang Yi had already cooperated: "Prevent the backflow of the sea water, prevent the wind and fix the sand."

  Cui Qingzi said: "Yes, Fangfeng Gusha, Mr. Wang, you are so right!"

  Gu Gonghe continued: "Well, there are many fertile fields in the mainland, but there are few seasides. The farmers in the mainland can't realize how much importance we seaside people place on this fertile land."

   "So we built breakwaters and windbreaks to build up soil to consolidate and prevent sand and soil loss."

   Wang Yi said, "Oh, this is a windbreak forest? Is there fertile land behind it?"

   Ancient Republic said: "Who said no? There are thousands of acres of good land behind."

"In order to protect our land, the city decided to build a windbreak forest, but our outer islands have short winters and summers, long springs and autumns, often cold springs, and the seaside is full of rocky coasts, right? The rocky coasts have thin soil layers, a bit The soil is also fluvo-aquic soil, saline soil, and such soil lacks water and fertilizer, so what to grow?”

  He pointed to the pine forest proudly: "Fortunately, there is a good plant like black pine in this world. It was born for our Wengzhou."

   "The origin of this black pine is from the little devil. They are drought-resistant, cold-resistant, barren-resistant, have a deep root system, and grow fast. They are not only adaptable but also have tenacious vitality. We all know that the little devil is an island."

   "The first effective line of defense against natural disasters such as storm surge, sea erosion and sandstorms on their island is the black pine forest. After the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Japan, our city introduced this tenacious black pine."

   "From 1972 to 82 now, it's been ten years, ten years! As the old saying goes, it takes ten years to grow trees, and a hundred years to grow people!"

   "After ten years, they have taken root on our seashore and grown into forests, guarding our island day and night!"

   Hearing his words, Cui Qingzi became emotional.

   He followed the words of the ancient republic and gave a lyrical speech:

   "Comrades, let's take a look at these lovely black pine trees. They are simple, down-to-earth and hard-working. Wherever the people need them, they will take root."

   "Whether it is a barren mountain, a saline-alkali land by the sea, or a grass nest in front of someone's house, they are willing to take root, and once they take root, they grow silently."

   "They are always silent, they are always wanting nothing, but in the blink of an eye, they turn from small saplings into forests!"

  Gu Gonghe took the lead in applauding: "Okay, what Mr. Cui said is good!"

  The surrounding members applauded.

  The members in the distance applauded when they saw them...

   They don't know what's going on, they just follow along anyway!

   As soon as the applause sounded, Cui Qingzi couldn't stop the car.

  The sense of literary and youth is overflowing.

  Wen Qing is like diarrhoea, who dares to fight?

  Cui Qingzi pressed his hand towards the members, and said emotionally, "Comrades please, look at the pine trees standing up and facing the sea. They are like island guards. They are towering, tall and straight, and never change color!"

   "I sometimes wonder, does this proudly standing pine tree resemble our comrade fishermen?"

   "We seem simple and inconspicuous, but we have rooted our roots on the seaside and on the island. In the face of typhoons and snowstorms, our ancestors have never yielded!"

   "The pine forest blocked the ferocious sea breeze and sea water, and protected the people's fields. We fishermen were even more powerful. We used fishing boats and strength to retrieve fish, shrimp, and sea vegetables from the sea breeze and sea water, feeding the people of the country and supporting the country's construction!"

  Gu Gonghe continued to applaud: "Comrade Cui Qingzi is worthy of being a poet in our organization, he's amazing, really amazing!"


  Cui Qingzi?

  Wang Yi's heart suddenly moved when he heard this, is there any relationship between Cui Hong and Cui Qingzi?

  The members did not dare to applaud.

   It's getting late, so I have to find a place to quickly dig a nest and build a shed to make shelter from the wind and cold, but I don't dare to waste any more time——

  In their opinion, the impassioned speeches of cadres and leaders are a waste of time.

   And Cui Qingzi's atmosphere and feelings are in place, he doesn't want to end like this, he coughs and prepares for another paragraph.

   I can't help it, I have diarrhea, and I can't stop the car.

   Seeing this, some of the commune members' scalps were numb, so they quickly winked at the cadres of each production team.

  Li Shuangshui bit his head and said, "Leader, you said that this pine forest will never change color, but I don't think so? Don't you see that these pine trees have already turned red?"

   Afraid of offending Cui Qingzi, he quickly added: "I'm not picking on thorns, I just think that these pine trees are indeed the same as our comrades. You see, no matter what they used to be, they all have a red heart in the end!"

   Gu Gonghe thought seriously after hearing his words.

   He scratched his head suspiciously and said, "No, these pines are called black pines, dark green and black, and they shouldn't be able to turn orange or red. It's been ten years, and this kind of thing has never happened."

  The members came to work, not to travel, nor to do scientific research. They didn’t want to worry about how the pine forest turned red, and they said one by one:

   "The black pine has turned into a red pine, and socialism has transformed it."

   "They are black in capitalist countries, and they become red in our people's society."

   "Don't be rude, there's no house in this **** place, what kind of **** place do we sleep in?"

   "What house do you live in? It's beautiful, why don't you want to live in the capitalist Dabieye?"

  The members shouted, and the scene suddenly became a mess.

   There was an emergency meeting at the battalion headquarters, and then the accommodation was decided: the old rule, go to the back of the woods to dig a shack!

The shack is the collective name of the ground nest and the shed. In simple terms, it means digging a big hole on the ground and leveling it up and laying it on with wooden boards, waterproof plastic sheets, hay, mats, and bedding—this is in order and must be in order. paved.

   Then build a shed with wood, plastic sheeting, and thatch to shelter from the wind and rain. This is the shack.

The    order was issued, and the cadres of each company and platoon began to plan and select areas.

   They went through the black pine forest to dig nests in the saline-alkali land behind, so that the quiet black pine forest suddenly became shaken.

  There are also seabirds living in nests on the trees, and wild rabbits in the weeds, they are frightened and run away quickly.

   There was a cheer in the woods: "There are rabbits!"

   "Catch it, catch it, eat it at night!"

   "Quick, quick, this is a rabbit hole. It's definitely a rabbit hole, plug it up, smoke the rabbit..."

   At this time, the cadres in the battalion headquarters came over with loudspeakers to inform:

   "Comrades, comrades, it is not allowed to open fire in the black pine forest! You are not allowed to dig up the roots of the pine trees, and leave the black pine forest to find open spaces to dig shacks! Violators will be fined, and don't blame our organization for being unreasonable!"


  The cadres passed on the notice, and some commune members were very unhappy: "It's all living trees but not dead, why don't you let fire in the woods? Could it even cause a fire to burn the woods?"

   "Don't mention it, there are not only living trees, but also some trees that I saw died..."

   "That's right, let's cut it down to support the shack..."

   "Can it be done? Is it organizationally allowed?"

   "It's just a dead tree, what's not allowed? You still expect the old mussels to produce pearls and the dead trees to bring spring?"

   Hearing these discussions, Wang Donghu was eager to try: "Mr. Wang, there are dead trees in this forest, shall we cut some wood too?"

  Wang Yi said: "Don't look for trouble, don't touch the roots of the trees, do you think the organization will allow us to chop down trees?"

   "Okay, let's be honest, anyway, we don't need wood to support the shack, come, find a sheltered place and start pulling the tent."

   Actually, he was quite willing to live in a shack.

   This thing is novel.

  The huts in the shacks are the architectural patterns passed down from the Frontier Construction Corps. The frontier areas are dry and rainy, mostly in the Gobi desert, where wood is often lacking, so burrows are dug on the ground to live in.

This kind of ground nest is a pit dug more than one meter deep below the ground, surrounded by a low wall of about half a meter built with adobe or bricks, a few rafters on the roof, a raft made of branches, and then covered with mud. That way people can live there.

  Diwozi in the frontier are just like the cave dwellings on the Loess Plateau. After they are dug out, people will live in them all year round.

  The outer island area is particularly humid, and it is impossible to dig a nest to live in all year round, and there is a lot of rain in the area.

   But it was only a few days before the seafarers were rushing to the sea. At this time, it was definitely impossible to build a house, and there was no such condition for pulling a tent, so the construction site mobilized the commune members to learn from the soldiers of the Frontier Construction Corps and built a shelter for temporary residence.

  Diwozi has many advantages, such as warm in winter and cool in summer, low cost, short time-consuming, and strong wind resistance, which is very suitable for temporary residence when rushing to sea.

   Of course, the underground of the outer islands is very damp, but the place where the nest is dug is not in the woods. After digging it out, you can start a fire in it to make dinner.

  The fire is needed to make dinner, which can dry the wet ground and even leave ashes at the end to keep the temperature warm.

  When the time comes, it will be covered with wooden boards for fire prevention, and then layer by layer of plastic cloth, kraft paper, hay, mats, etc., so that it will be more comfortable to live in.

  If the temperature is kept well, sleeping in the ground nest at night is like sleeping on the Ondol.

  Wang Yi wanted to sleep here, so he asked the commune members to dig a pit and build a shack with wood, thatch and plastic sheets.

  Remove the hut, and the hut can be used for cooking, and the hut can be moved over, and the hut can live in it.

  Some members dug their nests in the ground, some built shacks, and some members set up tents under his command.

  This tent is not a small tent for outdoor play, but a large camouflage tarpaulin tent with windows.

  The material used in the big tent is two layers, the outer layer is camouflage silver-coated oxford cloth, and the inner layer is thermal insulation tarpaulin. The two layers of cloth together can be waterproof and cold.

   It even has a chimney opening on it, which can be used for a stove, so Wang Yi also brought a stove.

   In addition, the overall support of the tent is erected with steel pipes, the ground beams are reinforced, the welded joints are connected, and then they are equipped with sleeping bags, so you can definitely sleep well.

   Ten people and one tent, a total of four tents were set up.

   The surrounding production teams were attracted first, put down their work and ran over to see the rarity:

   "Hey, tent, okay, Lai Zi, do you still have good things like tents in your team?"

   "Tianya Island is the advanced one. This tent is really nice. It's big and spacious. Is this a military tent?"

   "Sure, you see there are green flowers and yellow flowers on it..."

   "Can you go in and have a look? How about you crowd the tent and leave me a seat?"

  Wang Donghu said with a smile: "You are so strangely beautiful, you can still let you into the tent just because of your habit of not washing your feet? Isn't this polluting our tent?"

   After the tent frame is set up, the shed can be hung very quickly, and one by one tents are erected one after another.

   So that the comrades who came to deliver the letter from the regiment headquarters went to the wrong place: "Yo, your camp headquarters is doing something weird, where is the leader?"

  The commune members laughed when they heard his words, laughing staggeringly: "This is not the headquarters of the camp, not the tent we lead."

   "Mr. Wang is also a leader and a platoon leader..."

   "Okay, okay, the correspondent comrade is here for business, don't joke around, you have to go over there in our battalion headquarters..."

  The leaders of the battalion also live in tents, which are really military tents, old-fashioned tarpaulin tents left over from the previous army.

  The tent was incomparable to the steel structure and Oxford cloth tents brought by Wang Yi. The members knew the goods. They quickly realized that they came to watch the fun, and looked at the square tents with envy.

  Wang Yi also prepared a tent for Qiu Weishui and Zhong Yaoyao, two lesbians. This time it was a camping tent, but it was thickened and soundproofed.

   There is a night light, a battery, a sleeping bag with fleece inside, and a large warm water bag for one person.

  Zhong Yaoyao's treatment is the same as that of Qiu Weishui, so she can't be happy. I really want to bring my sister over and send a set of equipment together.

  The nest was dug, and the team that went out to collect dry wood also came back, bringing back some pine needles and pine cones and the like.

  This thing is flammable. Throw it into the nest and set it on fire. Even if the nest is sunken under the ground, the flame will still burn brightly.

   At this time, all production teams started to cook rice.

   Then there were cheers from the battalion headquarters, and the battalion headquarters cadres raised their horns and ran and shouted:

   "The old saying is good! If you want to eat steamed buns, deep ditch and river!"

   "Comrades, good news, good news! Great news! The country is sympathetic to the fact that it is not easy for us to catch up with seafarers. This year, we will give our comrades good treatment and benefits!"

   "The comrades who come to catch the sea workers all have food and meat dishes to eat, one pound of rice, one pound of millet, and two eggs a day for each person!"

   This news immediately caused agitation in the entire camp.

   Even the members of the Tianya Island were very happy, giving two eggs a day for a pound of rice and a pound of millet.

   In good condition.

   And the leader continued to shout: "The regiment has set up a cafeteria, and when it's time to eat, you can also go to the regiment cafeteria to eat, steamed sweet potatoes, steamed potatoes, sorghum rice, corn cakes, pickled vegetables and salted fish are enough!"

  The members are more restless.

   Okay, this time I'm going to the sea to eat and drink.

   Coarse grains are enough!

   So some people figured it out in their hearts.

  Since the regimental canteen has enough coarse grains, can fine grains be saved?

  In order for everyone to have a full stomach and have the strength to work, the food is distributed one day in advance.

   Then a tricycle drove over, with bags of rice and millet and eggs in baskets.

   In platoons, the platoon leaders go to collect food.

   After Wang Yi led Wang Xianglai, they gave him 50 catties of rice, 50 catties of millet, and 100 eggs...

   Good guy, they came to number 40!

   This is equivalent to digging the corner of socialism.

   But Wang Yi is not easy to carry forward his style to tell the truth, because the leaders of the higher-level unit have not yet discovered the problem of the staffing of their production team.

  Wang Xianglai is also quite frightened here. They are all honest people, they have never done such things as taking advantage of the state and digging corners of the collective, and they have no experience.

   The two of them carried 50 catties of grain in each hand and then worked together to lift the small basket containing the eggs, their expressions were not normal.

  Huang Zhiwu is a good person. He immediately saw that their expressions were not right. He came up and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong? I gave you too much food?"

  Wang Yi quickly looked left and right, and whispered to him, "We don't have enough people in our team, only forty people - don't tell me!"

  Huang Zhiwu laughed when he heard this: "Just for this?"

   He shook his head and sighed uncontrollably: "Hey, Teacher Wang, you and your Captain Wang are good comrades in the same blood."

   "Let me tell you, this is not a problem at all. Before the reform and opening up, the collective investigation of this kind of lack of work and escaping from work was very strict, but it has been lax in recent years."

   "Like our production team, we gave a standard of 24 places, but in fact there were only 20."

   "The other four didn't come. As long as it's almost the same, the superiors won't blame them. They understand our hardships. Don't worry, it's really okay!"

   Wang Yi breathed a sigh of relief when he heard it, and said happily, "That's the case, that's great."

   He stopped and said to Wang Xianglai, "Go back and return the extra grain and eggs to the car."

  Huang Zhiwu was stunned: "Mr. Wang, are you here to perform for me on purpose, or are you really so conscious?"

  Wang Yi saw his reaction, heard his words, and asked, "Oh, this is acquiesced? What to do with the extra grain and eggs?"

  Huang Zhiwu winked at him: "Let's cadres handle it ourselves!"

  Wang Yi: "..."

   I still think this era is too beautiful, and the people of this era are too simple.

  Since this is an unspoken rule, he doesn't talk nonsense any more.

  The two of them brought food and eggs back, and they stored them for the time being and would not be divided, and each team would not be divided immediately.

  Because the members brought their own dry food, and the regiment will set up a canteen from tomorrow, the food and eggs cannot be eaten for the time being.

   They also did not have scales to weigh the grain, so they had to wait until they returned to the village before dividing.

  One reason, we have to wait until we bring food and eggs back to the village, so that the cadres can get their own benefits from it.

  Otherwise, we will distribute food to the commune members now, and when the commune members see that the cadres are carrying bags and baskets on their way back, is that a good thing? outrageous!

  Wang Yi handed over the grain and eggs to Qiu Weishui and Zhong Yaoyao for storage, where he hung the pot to cook meat and vegetables.

   It's not shabu-shabu. The smell of shabu-shabu is so powerful that the whole camp can smell it when the wind blows. Isn't this deliberately greedy?

   This kind of behavior is very hateful.

  Wang Yi brought the meat and bones to boil the soup, the big bone soup was boiling hot and white, thick like milk.

   At this time, they cut the meat and eat it, put in the vegetables, and then dipped it in a bowl of small sauce for each person.

   In this way, the taste is also fragrant, it tastes fragrant, and it does not smell particularly outstanding.

   The essence of this meal is in the small bowl:

The spicy ones are chopped pepper sauce, the spicy ones are Laoganma’s hot sauce, and those who want to taste spicy, dig sesame paste inside, add some soy sauce vinegar and sesame oil, etc., not to mention meat, just dip it with vegetables Also have a good meal.

  The commune members were unable to drain the water in the diwoziwei, and it was very hard for you to fish and eat the meat piece by piece.

The conditions are limited, and you can't eat meat all you can eat, so Wang Yi also brought tofu. The tofu is rolled into the pot, and there are thousands of tofu and thousands of fish. I am not afraid that they will be stewed for a long time. The longer the time, the better. tasteful.

  The pine forest blocked the wind, and the fire was roaring in the nest, so everyone was sweating on their foreheads after eating such a meal.

   is so addicting!

   The members of the foreign team didn't know what they were eating, but they knew that Tianya Island must have good food.

  Some thick-skinned people came over with a rice bowl and said, "Eating together with more people will make it more delicious."

  Wang Yi is very generous and will allow these people to scoop up a big bowl of bone soup.

   This big bone soup is also a good thing. When stewing, he added thick soup treasure into it, so it turned white and fresh in such a short time.

   In addition, he also prepared chopped green onion and coriander, a bowl of big bone soup, sprinkle some chopped green onion and coriander, and some pepper, it is really spicy and fragrant, delicious and warms the stomach and body!

   I came out to catch the sea workers, and I felt satisfied to drink this bowl of soup.

   Watching them eat, drink and chat, more and more people came over.

   Qiuweishui will add boiling water to the pot at this time, and the soup will be lighter, but everyone who comes over can share a bowl of big bone soup to relieve their cravings.

   In fact, the bones have not been simmered yet, so the fire has been simmering, and water is added later, but the soup is still quite fragrant. The more the bones are stewed, the more delicious it is.

   At the back, minced meat and vegetable leaves fell from the bottom of the pot, and the meat on the meat bones was also stewed, so a shrewd person put a spoon down from the bottom of the pot, and scooped the soup into the bowl with more or less meat.

   A little meat will make you satisfied!

  Wang Yi also prepared hot and sour pickles. The people who came over took two chopsticks and soaked dry cakes in big bone broth.

   Wait until the pancake is full of hot soup and eat it in your mouth, accompanied by a shredded hot and sour pickle, it tastes hot, tastes good, and is very appetizing.

   This is why Wang Yi chose to eat big bone soup for dinner.

   When people from outside the team come, they can also drink a bowl of soup, and they won't appear to be stingy.

   If you can't eat hot pot, the soup base of the hot pot is all that is needed. Once it is divided, what will be saved later is the clear soup and less water.

  The meat and bone soup can be simmered all the time, and everyone can drink it. The fragrant soup in the front can be mixed with a few pieces of meat in the back.

   No matter how many people come here, they can drink one and keep them warm.

   Such a big guy has nothing to say about Wang Yi's arrangement, he has to give a thumbs up to mention him: Teacher Wang is really authentic!

   (end of this chapter)