MTL - I Had a Home In 1982-Chapter 541 540. The future will be better

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   Chapter 541 540. The future will be better

   All the fishing boats were replaced by motor boats. According to the regulations for the management of marine motor boats in the Wengzhou area, they had to change the name of the boat.

   Before liberation, the fishing boats on the outer islands had the name of slag.

   Wang Yi heard the old people talk about this, which is very interesting.

   is the same as when rural people gave their children nicknames, how they came from being cheap, how to make people hate them.

   For example, there are ship names according to the shape of the ship, such as duck tail, dog face, big fork, green leaf tip and so on.

  Some are named after the fishermen like things, such as fat pigs, noodles, pickled vegetables, stupid boys and so on.

   There are also some of the most peculiar names, which are given by fishermen at will, such as Ugly Basket, Xiaowuhuan, Erliu Mengzi and so on.

   These ship names were all given to the fishing boats of Tianya Island, and some old ships are still using such names.

   As for why the fishing boat is named like this, it is because of a saying.

   The fishermen said that the fishing boat of the poor has a nice name, which will make the Dragon King think that it is a rare and rare good boat, so he will take it to the Dragon Palace and confiscated it.

   This is the same as the reason why the poor give ugly names to their children. If a child from a poor family is named too expensively, it will arouse the rarity of the underworld and the devils, and will be robbed of their lives.

This tradition of    has been preserved to this day, and the names of Wang Ugly Cat and Wang Zhuangyuan's family can prove it.

   And the traditions of the fishermen have been changed. Not many years after the founding of New China, a fishing village fishery cooperative was established. The fishermen changed their previous concepts, and the names of the fishing boats began to be named according to the order in the production team.

   Such as the No. 1 and No. 5 of the first team, such as Tianya No. 2, Tianya No. 3, Tianya No. 101 and so on.

   Now that the reform and opening up has been carried out, the management of fishing boats has become more standardized, and they have begun to install license plates and give certificates like cars. The license plate number is now the name of the boat.

   For example, the name of Tianya No. 2 is actually called Weng Fuyu 04165.

   Weng represents Wengzhou, Fu represents Haifu County or Fuhai area, Yu is a fishery production operation vessel, and has a "fishing license", 04 is the exclusive serial number of Fuhai, and 165 is the exclusive number of Tianya No. 2.

   This means that it is the 165th motor ship counted in the Fuhai area.

  Wang Xianghong was responsible for naming the fishing boats for inspection and registration, and each fishing boat was painted with a new hull number.

   Suddenly, the fleet of Tianya Island took shape.

  When the fleet comes out, they have to work at sea.

  This season is a good time to fish for clams.

  Wang Xianghong made a decision and sent a motor boat to use advanced technology to catch clams.

  Wang Yi has not seen the scene of large-scale fishing of clams, so he has to participate.

   When it comes to clams, the fishermen on the island have endless things to say:

   "The bays and foreshores of our overseas islands are really rich in all kinds of clams, hair clams, blood clams, and you can dig them casually in late spring and early summer."

   "I remember hearing from a literate teacher in the county that our local fishermen had a long history of catching cockles."

   "Is this what the teacher said? I knew when I was a child that during the Republic of China, almost all the clams needed by the Shili Yangchang in Shanghai were supplied by our outer islands. My grandfather sent clams to Hudu for several years."

  Wang Yi asked with interest: "It was also a large-scale fishing of clams at that time? There were no machines at that time. How did our ancestors fish?"

   "The hoe, the big pole, is also used now." Wang Donghu said casually while smoking a cigarette.

   An old fisherman introduced Wang Yi.

  The previous production process was very backward. The production method was that the old sailboat was powered by wind, and then the fishermen stood on the boat and held a tool called a big pole to fish, so it is commonly known as a **** big pole.

   This method of production is tiring and inefficient.

   However, it was influenced by technology until the sixties after the founding of the People’s Republic of China.

  Now fishery production is gradually mechanized, which greatly improves productivity. Motor boats with winches have become a trend, and dozens of tons of clams can be harvested in one fishing season.

  I did not buy a winch on the island, this thing is all leased.

  Because the clam fishing season is not long, it is not worth buying a hoist for this purpose.

   So in order to take care of the production of the fishermen and to provide the society with a sufficient amount of clams, the communes invested in the purchase of winches.

   Of course, there is a problem in this way. Just like a good harvest of grain, there are seasons and days.

  After those days, the cockles would not be fat, or would move from shallows such as sandy swamps to deeper waters.

  In this way, in the fishing season, the supply of winches will become in short supply, and in the non-fishing season, few people will rent winches.

  Wang Xianghai, as the leader of the Tianya Island offshore operation team, made arrangements for fishery work and arranged for people to lease two winches in advance.

  It stands to reason that the winch is too popular in the season of high production of clams, so the rental unit is one unit. If you want to rent a winch, you can only rent one unit per unit.

   But Tianya Island is now famous and popular, and the cadres of the commune are also willing to befriend them, so they secretly detained a winch for them.

   So, they took two machines to sea.

  Clams live in the sediment from the low tide line in the shallow sea of ​​the Inner Bay to a depth of more than ten meters, especially in places with a water depth of 4 to 8 meters near the estuary where fresh water flows out.

   Generally speaking, their life cycle is seven or eight years, and it takes two or three years from the seedling to grow into a clam, and then they have the ability to reproduce.

  Three motor boats and several small sampans.

  The large and small fishing boats formed a fleet to gallop to the distant waters, looking for clams to be harvested.

  Wang Yi was studying the big penny on the rear deck.

   He has seen this thing, and the fishermen on the island occasionally use this thing to mix the sand and sand along the coastline to screen shellfish.

  It is shaped like a rake for picking up grass in the countryside, with a net pocket at the back.

The difference of    is that it is easy to scoop up the sand. Its edge is made of steel and has several large iron teeth, which are very sharp and can be inserted into the sand with a sweep.

   In this way, if you encounter water plants, you are not afraid, and the iron teeth will comb the water plants and bring them up.

   Watching Wang Yi study the big pole, Wang Dongquan leaned on the cabin door and asked, "Mr. Wang, I'll teach you how to play this guy later?"

   "You still need to be courteous?" Someone teased him.

   "That's right, Daquan is going to be a master too?"

  Wang Dongquan didn't care about these ridicules, he asked triumphantly, "Why can't I be a master? Did any of you command the net to catch a net of red Jiaji?"

   One sentence killed the chat.

   The big guy has never done such a feat, so he can't fight back against Wang Dongquan.

   Just as sports speak by victories and achievements, fishermen speak by harvest.

   Whoever has more harvests and who is highly skilled will be awesome!

   Now the fishing industry has entered the stage of mechanization.

   But the penny is still a useful tool—

   Use it to find your way.

   They went to the Plum Blossom Beach, where they were going to start looking for the clams from the Plum Blossom Beach.

  Wang Yi has special feelings for this huge shoal.

  It was here that he officially went to sea for the first time, and he picked up Lao Huang here.

   Now that he is revisiting the old place, he is very emotional.

   This year is like last year, the wind is clear and the clouds are white in the shoal.

  The weather starts to get hot, and the fishermen have to go to sea early to work.

  The sun just came out when the fleet set off, and the air in the wind after arriving at the Plum Blossom Beach was still not hot.

  The sea breeze is blowing, it is cool, and it has a strong sense of humidity, giving people a unique feeling.

   Now the tide is low, and many fishermen come to catch the sea in the cool morning.

   There were many people on the shoal, and at this time Wang Xianghai said eagerly: "Comrades, how are you, you are not motivated enough?"

  The members laughed: "Foot!"

   "Just waiting for a big fight!"

   "What's the matter, take the big penny?"

The    big penny is a pathfinder tool.

  Clams are hidden in the sand, and no machine can find their traces through the sand, so to know where there are many clams, you must use a large pole to sample and test.

   Waving a big pole is a work of strength, and young people in the production team are responsible for it.

  Wang Donghu, Wang Dongquan and others got on the sampan in high spirits with big poles in hand. Some people shook the oars.

  Wang Dongquan is very proud now, and before he starts to work, he shouts: "Da Peng is dispatched, Mao Clam is coming!"

  Wang Xianghai laughed and scolded 'this guy', and then said to Wang Yi, "What is this called? It's called no investigation, no right to speak! Now we will conduct an investigation!"

  The sampan boats are lined up horizontally, which is ready to start - when pulling the net and catching the clams and waving the big pole, the boats are sailing sideways along the hull or sideways.

   The bow of the boat was aimed upwind, so the young people stood on the upwind side of the boat, and then slammed the handle of the big pole into the water.

   Their arms are bulging, and the morning sun shines on their dark skin with a robust beauty.

   As the big pole was pulled up, the net pocket was stuffed with mud and sand, and then the big pole was shaken. This is still a work of strength.

   The sediment fell from the grid, leaving only enough cockles.

   There are harvests in the net pockets of several large poles.

   Wang Xianghai was refreshed when he saw this.

  There is a door!

   The young people continued to work hard and continued to wave the big pole.

   This job is hard and boring.

  Wang Yi felt bored watching it.

   So he jumped off the boat and roamed the sea to find a catch.

  I haven’t had breakfast yet, so I have to make some breakfast for myself!

  The sea water is gentle and cool in the early morning. Walking in such sea water makes the heart cool and the spirits fly.

  The crisp cry of seagulls swept overhead, the surging sea water slapped on his feet and shin, Wang Yi bent down and started to grab the little crab in the sound of 'chirp' and 'crashing'.

   Occasionally someone came to greet him, Wang Yi got up and responded with a smile.

   At this time, he will look up at Haiwangtian and move his cervical spine. The sky is blue and the sea is blue, and the clouds are white and the wind is very clear.

   The early summer of 1983 was beautiful.

   He strolled around for a while and brought back some small seafood, and saw Wang Xianghai frowning and staring at the sea.

   This is a problem.

   He asked what was going on, and Wang Xianghai said simply and comprehensively: "Well, it seems that the number of cockles here is not very good."

   Wang Zhenkai, who was squatting and smoking a cigarette, said: "Since more than ten years ago, the sailboats on our outer islands have been developed, and the cockles have been caught very well."

   "It is estimated that all the clams in the shoal have been fished out. I heard before that the fishing range of fishermen has expanded to a depth of ten meters. It seems to be the case."

   Someone else said: "It may also be that the place where we hoeed the pole is wrong."

  Wang Yi asked: "What should I do then? Should I continue to try, or should I look elsewhere?"

  Wang Xianghai continued to frown and pondered for a while, and finally said: "The big pole is too short, and the water depth that can be touched is not enough. In this way, walk to a deeper place, and go to a water depth of two or three meters or more to see the situation."

   Someone blew the whistle, and the sampans scattered in all directions swayed back to the side of the boat.

The    big penny is less than two meters long in total, so if you want to go two or three meters deep in water, it will be useless.

   At this time, you have to change the tool, remove the rake net pocket of the big penny, and use the rope to pull it.

  Two ropes drive the rake net pocket to immerse in the bottom of the water, and drag it to check the harvest.

   Now it's going to be hard.

  It can be seen from the way the tool is used that it takes skill to use this tool.

  The youths got out of the way, and the veterans came out.

  The laborers changed quickly, and no one complained about the work on the head.

   This is a characteristic of the Wang family. They bear hardships and stand hard work, have an overall view and dedication.

   This is one of the reasons why Wang Xianghong was able to lead them to retain the large collective production system.

   A lot of teams can’t do it collectively because the big pot rice is not delicious.

   Eat as much as you do and eat less. Many people are unbalanced and have no motivation.

   In fact, begging for food at sea cannot be calculated too clearly. The strength of young people is valuable, and the experience of old fishermen is also very valuable.

  Wang Yi looked at the busy scene of the members and asked, "What's the price of the clam now?"

   Wang Xianghai took a puff of cigarette and said, "The price is alright, and it costs 15 cents to 15 cents per pound."

  Wang Yi said: "Is this price okay? Even if you are busy with ten tons a day, it is not much money."

  Wang Xianghai was stunned for a while, and said, "Mr. Wang, ten tons of clams cost at least 2,000 yuan. That's not much money? That's a lot of money!"

   A pound of clams starts at a dime, and a ton is 200 yuan.

   Wang Yi asked back, "Can we catch ten tons of mussels a day?"

   Wang Xianghai immediately shook his head.

   Wang Zhi, an old fisherman, said: "It's definitely not possible to catch them. In the past few years, these things could be plentiful, but now they are rare."

   "Rare is an exaggeration," someone said, "but it's really not that easy to produce high yields. Machine fishing is too powerful, and now there are factories that spray pesticides into the sea and poison the cockles to death!"

   The ability of motor boats to tow rakes or use hoists to catch cockles is very strong, and production can be organized in the three seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter, which has a great impact on the replacement of cockles.

   Now the problem of seawater pollution has also appeared. There are many marine aquaculture farms near the sea. People often use Liuliu powder to kill parasites and the like, resulting in severe pollution of seawater.

  Wang Xianghai said: "There is less now, so the price is good, and it can catch up with a dime a pound."

   "What about in the past? Going back ten years, how much will we sell the cockles to the repurchase station? Five cents per catty, one cent per catty!"

   Wang Yi was speechless: "This is too cheap."

  Wang Xianghai slapped the cigarette bag pot and said, "It's just such a price, whether you like to sell it or not, it's a state regulation, and no one can change it."

  Wang Donghu worked the hardest just now and was sweating all over.

   He went to the cockpit to change his clothes and came out. He wiped the sweat from his head and asked, "Can the clams sell for more than a pound this year? The price is so good? Wasn't it only five cents last year?"

   Wang Xianghai said: "We have motor boats now, so we don't have to go to the county dock to sell them, we can go to Shanghai Capital to do takeout."

   "After this thing is transported to the port of Hudu, it has to start at a dime for unloading. I have asked Liuzi to inquire about it, and it is correct!"

  Wang Donghu nodded.

  The seafood in Shanghai is naturally more expensive than that in the county. After the reform and opening up, private trading was allowed, and many people started the business of traffickers, selling from Fuhai to Shanghai.

   Now the price gap between cross-regional sales of agricultural and sideline products is not very exaggerated, and the dealers mainly make hard money.

   After all, speculation still hangs over the heads of business people.

   After all, there are still people at work.

  After taking the sediment from the deeper water of the seaside, the harvested clams really increased.

  Sometimes there are more than ten in a net pocket.

   Seeing this, Wang Xianghai's wrinkled brows finally loosened, and a smile appeared on his face: "Okay, I knew there could be cockles under the plum blossom beach!"

  Now the resources of the outer islands are still relatively abundant, and it can even be said that this production is at its peak.

  From the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, the weather has warmed up, and the cold wind has turned to spring, and then the clams hidden deep in the beach and underwater begin to climb up.

  As the Qingming Festival begins, there are already more cockles in the shallows.

  In this case, the retail households will find the beaches, shoals and other similar places to clean up the clams, which are easy to find.

   But the clams at that time were easy to find, but not easy to harvest on a large scale.

  As of May now, most of the clams in the shoal have been cleaned up, so they have to go under water to fish.

   Determined that there is a considerable amount of harvest underwater, Wang Xianghai arranged the labor to start.

  Three motor boats opened, and several small sampans gathered:

  Wang Xianghai placed six people on the small sampan, two old laborers and four young laborers.

  Old laborers should lead young laborers to work, impart experience, and be responsible for commanding.

   And the young laborers are responsible for making great efforts to help the masters relieve the physical pressure.

  The old, middle-aged and young are combined, and the experience and strength are all in place.

  Suddenly, the sea on their side was in full swing.

  The old laborer first used his experience to find the place where the cockles were rich, and when he found the young laborer, he used a rope to drag a rake with a net pocket under the tree to get the mud.

  'Hey yo he yo' shouted rhythmically.

  As the muscles of the men tensed and slackened, slack and tensed again and again, pockets of sand were pulled up on the sampans and poured into the bamboo baskets.

  Two motor boats shuttled between the sampans, collected bamboo baskets, poured the sediment into the boats and put the empty baskets back.

  Someone used a shovel to produce the sediment into the winch - the winch that the fisherman said was not the kind of machine used on the construction site to drive the reel and wind the rope.

  This machine also has a reel, but instead of winding the rope, it is used for throwing sediment.

  The reel has as many holes and holes as the fishing net, so it becomes a centrifuge during the winding process, throwing out all the fine sediment, and finally only the cockles are left.

   A barrel of sand is thrown out, and the rest are clams and rock seaweeds.

   Someone pours out and completes a labor process.

  Wang Xianghai commanded, orderly and enthusiastic.

  Wang Yi looked at it for a while and said, "This work requires skill and strength. The technique is how to pick up a net bag of sand when the rake is put down, and the strength is to lift the net bag."

  Wang Xianghai said casually, smoking a cigarette, "Yes, that's what happened."

   He didn't take Wang Yi's words to heart, because it was something that anyone with eyes could see.

  Wang Yi said: "Then you don't need to spend this effort. There are pulleys on Mangrove Island. We can assemble a crane with pulleys and ropes."

   "Assemble the machine yourself?" Wang Xianghai listened seriously, "Does the assembled crane need an engine?"

  Wang Yi said: "No, this kind of crane can be operated manually or by engine. If it is operated manually, it can save half of the effort."

   "There is no engine on the sampan boat, so it is operated manually. We have a hoist on the motor boat. This hoist needs to be rotated, and a rope can also be tied to pull the bamboo basket from the sampan boat to the motor boat."

  Wang Xianghai asked hesitantly, "Is it a little troublesome?"

  Wang Yi said: "It's a little troublesome to say, because I have to explain it to you, it's really easy to operate."

   "Then we have to go to Mangrove Island first, which is a waste of time." Wang Dongquan, who came to stop work, wiped his sweat.

  Wang Yi pointed to the numerous sea chasers and said, "With so many villagers, why do we need to go back by ourselves?"

   "Find an acquaintance and ask them to help go to the island to upload a message, and ask the captain to arrange someone to go to Mangrove Island to get the pulley. We have a sling on the boat, and we can assemble a crane later."

  The active Wang Dongquan said immediately: "Yes, my brain is so rigid that I don't even have this idea."

   "Then you are busy, I'll find someone!"

  Wang Xianghai told him: "You are reliable, you need to find reliable people."

  Wang Dongquan seems to be out of touch, but in fact he is quite reliable in what he does.

   He found a person surnamed Huang from Jinlan Island, who was just in time for the end of the sea to go home, so he brought a message to Tianya Island.

   At this time, everyone on the island was working, and the elderly were the ones who were free, so Huang Yougong, who had no class in the morning, volunteered to go to Mangrove Island to ask for a pulley to send to Wang Yi.

   Wang Yi smiled and said, "Mr. Huang, why are you here? Can't you find an idle member in the team?"

  Huang Yougong said with a smile: "I really can't find it. The island is too busy now, and I have to do business, build a house, grow vegetables, and clean up the sanitation environment."

   Wang Yi also knew this.

  It is fortunate that Tianya Island is a large production team with a large population. As the saying goes, the more people, the greater the strength. Only then can all the work be pushed forward at the same time.

  Huang Yougong has other goals for volunteering this time.

   He carried a bag, which was bulging, and when he opened it, there was a wine bottle inside.

  Wang Yi asked: "Are you going to eat here at noon?"

  Huang Yougong shook his head and said, "Peony medicine is fresh in May, not as good as peony flower and clams. Sit down with the wine and fish, and forget to return it when you are drunk."

   "Brilliant!" Several laborers on board who were assembling the crane with pulleys applauded.

  Wang Yi shook his head and said, "I don't think so. The peony blooms in May, but what does it have to do with Xian? Also, what is a peony?"

   When it comes to academic issues, Huang Yougong is very serious:

   "Mr. Wang, peony is a traditional Chinese medicine. You can also pick the petals and stir-fry them when they are fresh. The taste is still very delicious."

   "The peony clams are not my own made up rankings, you ask them, are the hair clams here also called peony clams?"

  Wang Xianghai listened to his words and nodded: "Yes, after the wild peony blooms, the outer circle is purple and the inside is white."

   "Our hairy clams look similar after being steamed. There used to be ones called peony clams."

  The simple crane was quickly assembled, the sampan boat was set up with a wooden pole and the crane was hooked up to start lifting the rake and net bag.

   This way the workflow changes.

There is a person on the boat who is responsible for pulling up the net bag. Others only need to insert the rake into the sea water. If the rope is thrown to the side of the boat, no need to worry about it. Let the person responsible for pulling up the net bag hang the rope on the hoist and lift it up. .

very convenient.

  It is more convenient to transfer bamboo baskets and bamboo baskets from sampan boats to motor boats.

  The cranes on the motor boat are all connected to the rotating drum. When turning the rotary screen to remove the sediment, the bamboo baskets and bamboo baskets are pulled up by the way.

  It is not necessary to start the machine separately to consume fuel.

   kills two birds with one stone.

   As a result, work efficiency is greatly increased.

  Especially the speed at which the motor boat lifts the bamboo baskets from the sampan boat is very fast, and the people on the sampan boat cannot keep up with the speed of the motor boat at all.

   Another motor boat was also dispatched to pick up the sediment from the sea, and two motor boats with winches also sent people to pick up the sediment on board.

   As a result, their work speed has increased a lot, and their harvest has also increased.

   Wang Xianghai admired Wang Yi even more.

   It seems that you must use your brain to do work!

  Beginning at eleven o'clock, Huang Yougong couldn't be more greedy here, and when he first came, he took some good clams, clams, etc.

   After vomiting for two hours, he felt that he had almost vomited, so he was going to roast clams to eat.

   It happened that Plum Blossom Beach had not yet fully swelled, so he was ready to disembark with his shellfish.

  Wang Yi asked: "Are you carrying firewood?"

  Huang Yougong smiled and patted the bulging satchel with a proud look on his face:

   "Guess what's in me?"

  Wang Yi said: "Although the clams are easy to cook, you may not have enough firewood, right?"

  Huang Yougong opened the bag and showed him: "The firewood is used to start the fire. How can I use firewood if I really want to roast cockles? I have to use this!"

   There is charcoal in the bag…

   He was well prepared.

   There was a small pot on the boat, so Wang Yi picked up the small pot and the stand and set foot on the beach with him.

The    stand supports the small pot so that the clams can be cooked.

  Huang Yougong shook his head: "Bake and eat, let's roast and eat, so we can better control the heat, whoever opens his mouth can eat it, and eat it as soon as possible!"

  Wang Yi said: "You want to eat cockles? No, it's unsanitary. There may be some bacteria and viruses in it, so let's cook it properly."

  People in the south of the Yangtze River like to eat half-cooked clams. The shells are eaten as soon as they are opened, so they are called open-mouthed clams.

  Blood clams and blood clams they all like to eat like this.

   As a result, I ate hepatitis A…

   So Wang Yi must not eat like this.

   He poured fresh water into the pot, threw in the fresh clams and shellfish that had spit out the silt, and boiled them on high heat.

  The flames swayed by the sea breeze, and the soup in the pot was bubbling.

  In order to control the heat—the clams will be cooked for a long time, the meat will become old, and the taste will be lost—Huang Yougong kept boiling the pot to see the situation.

   So as soon as the pot is opened, the umami wafts.

  Huang Yougong swallowed his saliva, patted his knees and learned the poems of the ancients hitting the festival: "Dougongshuang pomelo is filled with seafood. The hole flute blows under the moon, and the jade tree stands in front of the wind!"

   "Hey, it's a pity, we have so much seafood with Mr. Wang and you, but we don't have the flute."

  Wang Yi smiled when he heard this.

  I like to hear people tell the truth.

   He said: "There are no flute players, but there is Teacher Li in the school who can play the erhu!"

   "Don't." Huang Yougong quickly waved his hand, "Mr. Li likes to have a large funeral, we are eating a seafood feast, not a white feast!"

   "Come, come, headmaster, you come first."

  Wang Yi stretched out his chopsticks and caught a big hairy clam.

  Clams are not a rare seafood, but eating fresh food just out of the water at the beach is still very exciting.

  Seafood, the most important thing is a 'fresh', the original fresh.

  The meat of the clams is quite big, plump and full with a stream of water, put it in the mouth and squeeze the teeth, and the hot juice sputters, it feels really cool.

   No ingredients, just one umami is good.

   If you have a heavy taste, you can dip it in soy sauce, if you like to eat sour, you can dip it in vinegar.

  Wang Yi nodded repeatedly in his mouth, and casually chatted with Huang Yougong.

   Food and wine must be paired with chat.

   He asked, "Mr. Li has a very clever head. He should know what's going on with the song "The Great Funeral". Why do you like this one the most?"

  Huang Yougong held a big clam with his hand and cut it with a knife, just like a shepherd on the grasslands of Inner Mongolia cutting beef and mutton with a knife.

   The appearance of eating is rough, and the way of eating is full of charm.

   He said: "Because he played this song the best. People are like this. If you want to show your skills, you will show your best side."

  Wang Yi thinks this makes sense.

  Huang Yougong picked the biggest cockles, poured a little wine and a little balsamic vinegar into it, handed it to Wang Yi and said, "Principal, eat it like this, it tastes good."

  Wang Yi used a knife to cut off a piece of clam meat.

very fat.

  Its name of peony clams is reflected in the meat of the clams, which are big and turn red when they are cooked.

   is very beautiful.

  This clam meat has wine and vinegar, so the umami will inevitably be suppressed, but this kind of taste is very unique.

   gave Wang Yi a good feeling.

   In early summer, the sun is warm but not dry, enjoying the sea breeze and listening to the waves, sitting on the reef chatting with friends, drinking wine and eating small seafood.


   Not far away, you can see a fishing boat working, more small seafood appear on the boat without interruption, and gradually pile up into hills on the rear deck of the boat.

   This feeling of harvest.


   Huang Gonggong feels better.

   He raised his wine glass and took a sip, and sighed: "The bells and drums are not expensive, but I hope that I will never wake up again. The sages and sages in ancient times are lonely, only the drinker keeps his name!"

   "Li Taibai, don't lie to me! Come, Principal, let's have a bite!"

  Wang Yi smiled and said: "Okay, take a bite, you are now a poet."

   "I'm an immortal in wine." Huang Yougong was satisfied and grateful, "Principal, I really enjoyed following you."

   "Do you know what my life was like before? Haha, I drink cheap wine every day. Whoever has wine will shamelessly go to someone's house for a sip."

   "I thought at the time, drink it in a mess, drink it, drink it, I might drink it to death at some point."

   "The time is just right, throw the cup and kick the leg, and that's what happens in this life! It's just the poem by Li Taibai just now - I hope you won't wake up from long drunkenness!"

   He said, and raised his glass to Wang Yi: "I have met you, I have made a lot of money with you, and my whole life has suddenly become full of hope."

   "A day like this, I never dreamed of it before!"

  Wang Yi also raised his glass: "Then, I wish our future better and better!"

   "Getting better and better!" Huang Yougong raised his head and went on.

   (end of this chapter)