MTL - I Have a City in a Different World-v2 Chapter 16 rich relatives of **** laogen

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The chariots and horses of Ruixiang Firm immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Unlike the other people, they didn't even stop, driving the blockers while continuing to move forward.

From their appearance, it is obvious that they are going to enter the building.

Some local tycoons who had contacts with Ruixiang Firm, or had some identities, thought about asking.

Before they could speak, an unexpected situation occurred, and the gate of the building slowly opened.

Everyone's attention was immediately attracted, and they looked at it intently.

Then they saw that a group of men came out, they were dressed in neat clothes and carrying weird weapons, which made people feel imposing.

"I know them, they are all villagers from Shilipo!"

Someone in the crowd shouted that it was a resident from a nearby village, looking at the figure approaching with envy.

Originally, they were all mud legs, and they all planed food in the soil. Who would have thought that they would not see each other for a few days, and these guys from Shilipo climbed the high branches.

Such a good thing, why can't it be my turn?

Some people complained to themselves that their fate was unfair, but more people were full of excitement.

It's just a group of lowly farmers who can reach the sky in one step, why can't they do it themselves?

The hope and expectation in my heart became more and more intense.

"Get out of the way, don't block the way!"

The resident at the front gave an order. He was a captain who used a skill jade card, and his name was Wang Laogen.

Of the seven brothers in the family, he is the only one alive now, but he has been frail and sickly since childhood.

Some people say that if he doesn't live to his thirties, he will inevitably die due to poverty and exhaustion. The blind woman with **** and big buttocks will follow him all day long as a widow.

Wang Laogen didn't refute, he even thought that was the case, and was ready to die.

But now, because of Tang Zhen, he has become a team leader and has a strong physique.

The powerful cross-beam kung fu made the villagers envious, and the mother-in-law at home wore a smile every day, obviously becoming radiant.

All these changes were brought about by Tang Zhen, making Wang Laogen more loyal to him.

Facing the crowd in front of him, both officials and gentry, the former Wang Laogen would definitely tremble with fear.

But now, Wang Lao has a strong foundation and tries his best to maintain a dignified posture.

Because he knew in his heart that he must not embarrass the city lord.

Hearing Wang Laogen's order, everyone naturally did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly retreated to the grass by the roadside.

Seeing this scene, Manager Liu's smile became even brighter.

"I'm really sorry to trouble Captain Wang to go out of the city in person."

In the past, a farmer would not be worthy to talk to Steward Liu, and the two sides were not on the same level at all.

But now it is different. Wang Laogen is no longer an ordinary farmer, but a captain under Tang Zhen.

It seems that the position is not high, but it is already an existence that Director Liu needs to flatter.

"Steward Liu, you don't need to be polite, you are our business partner, so naturally you need to be courteous.

The city lord has issued an order, you can go to the city to trade, you don't need to wait outside for a long time. "

When Liu Guanshi heard this, he quickly nodded his thanks, and quickly walked to the front of the carriage behind him.

The female owner in the carriage also quickly dismounted to thank him, and followed the convoy to the building.

The invisible formation barrier seemed to have disappeared, and everyone from Ruixiang Firm was allowed to enter it.

Wang Laogen did not return, but stayed where he was, looking at the group of people in front of him.

Aware of the looks in the eyes of everyone, awe and terror and envy, Wang Laogen felt a special feeling in his heart.

Only such a life can be considered a worthwhile life.

Thinking of Tang Zhen's order, Wang Laogen said loudly: "You guys here, you must take care of the environment, you are not allowed to defecate anywhere, and you are not allowed to damage the flowers and plants.

If you want to do something, you can wait here every day, and at that time you will be assigned work and given enough wages.

If someone makes trouble, or deliberately commits murder, he will be severely punished here! "

When he said these words, Wang Laogen looked serious, indicating that he was definitely not joking.

There was only one thought in his mind, the dignity of Loucheng was inviolable, and Tang Zhen's orders could not be disobeyed.


If anyone dares not to listen, he will dare to fight with each other.

Every time Zhuangyi slaughtered many dogs, these people living at the bottom did not have so much effort, and they knew more about what it means to be grateful.

On the contrary, the powerful and powerful are more concerned with calculating interests, and at the same time are better at pondering people's hearts.

Wang Laogen's warning made everyone's heart shudder, and one thing became more and more obvious.

This is the site of Xianjia, and it is absolutely not allowed to be presumptuous, otherwise the consequences are really unpredictable.

After more than ten breaths of silence, someone suddenly spoke, with a little temptation in his words.

"Lao Gen, I am Wang Yuanwai from Xishui Village, and our two families are still relatives."

A middle-aged man spoke with a pleasing smile on his face.


Wang Laogen was stunned for a moment, searched in his mind, and remembered that he did have such a relative.

But because the family was poor, they never walked between each other. When he got married, his father went to borrow money, and he once ate the door of the other party.

Wang Laogen thought of this and nodded lightly.

"What's your business?"

The smile on Wang Yuanwai's face was even more prosperous, and subconsciously, he had to come forward, so as to be more intimate.

But not wanting to take a step closer, Wang Laogen's expression changed, and he pulled out a large-caliber pistol from his waist.

The muzzle was pointed forward, aiming at Wang Yuanwai's head.

"Old man, if you dare to take a step closer, I will kill you directly!"

Seeing Wang Laogen's sudden change of face, Wang Yuanwai was startled, but stopped immediately.

Although it was not clear what weapon Wang Laogen was holding, he knew that it was definitely not a good thing.

But in the blink of an eye, Wang Yuanwai's old face turned red, and he stood there trembling.

Being humiliated by a person he looked down on in the past made him feel disgraced, so he could not wait to yell at him immediately, and then walk away directly.

But at this moment, he did not have the courage, for fear of offending the immortal.

Otherwise, if the news spreads, he will inevitably be isolated. This is the reality, and no one will want to deal with idiots who offend immortals.

Looking at Wang Laogen with a tall and straight waist and a majestic face in front of him, Wang Yuanwai suppressed the anger in his heart and clearly realized a fact.

Today's Wang Laogen is no longer a poor relative he despises, but has become a subordinate of an immortal, which is a complete turn over.

Even a dog of the immortal is more noble than his village member.

Realizing the change of identity, Wang Yuanwai quickly suppressed the envy and jealousy in his heart, and a brighter smile appeared on his face.

"Don't get me wrong, nephew, I really don't have any malicious intentions, I just think that our two families move too little, and this will definitely become more and more divided.

It's the old man's fault to talk about this. He is too busy on weekdays, which leads to neglect in family relationships. "

Wang Yuanwai said this, with a long and short sigh, as if he was sad and regretful for this matter.

As if he didn't see it, the mocking eyes of everyone around him.

This shameless guy, in order to gain immortality, actually climbed up poor relatives in public.

You don't have to guess to know that his attitude towards poor relatives must have been extremely bad in the past, but now he wants to use his relatives to benefit himself.

But if you want to make a face, you will not do such a thing.

But after thinking about it, I felt very envious. If you can give up your face in exchange for immortal fate, it is definitely a good thing you can't ask for.

While they were contemptuous in their hearts, they turned their minds, wondering whether they had relatives with the villagers of Shilipo.

Even if you can't hit the eight poles, you can re-establish it. As long as you can get the fairy, you will be willing to pay no matter how big the price is.

With such thoughts in mind, more people opened their mouths and chatted with Wang Laogen and other residents of the building.

Open mouth and shut mouth are relatives. In order to bring the relationship closer, even the **** things from decades ago have been turned up.

With a bright smile on his face, he is more intimate than his own father.

The Huangshan county magistrate was silent, obviously more calm than those who couldn't wait.

He has been observing secretly, and he is not in a hurry to take action, but first of all to judge whether the immortal is true or false.

Just because there is a family hidden behind him, how can he act recklessly like ordinary civilians.