MTL - I Have A Demon God Simulator-Chapter 364 The plan to cross the long river of time, return 2 realms to 1, transcend heaven...

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Several time and space gates opened.

Those worlds that Su Mu had helped and changed history all took action one after another.

Among them, the most powerful ones are the Great Qin World, Blue Star, and the Ruined Kyushu World.

These worlds joined the battlefield under the leadership of Emperor Qin, the little fox demon Mengli, Tao Xingyuan, and Jiang Banxia.

King Qin and Tao Xingyuan were fine, they were originally the favored sons of heaven and their destiny.

But Jiang Banxia was originally a homeless girl who lost her parents, and was finally accepted by Su Mu as an apprentice.

Now he has grown into a world overlord, enough to help Su Mu.

Her progress is huge!

Just like that, Su Mu's familiar faces carried a powerful aura and killed all the powerful enemies in the Tianyuan Realm.

With the help of these powerful foreign aids, the Kyushu army, which was originally difficult to support, gradually gained the upper hand!

This battle has spanned several worlds and even time and space, and has become an unprecedented chaos!

The terrifying power continues to spread, and it seems to include the entire Kyushu Realm!

During the chaotic battle, Su Mu never moved.

Liu Yueqing and Yu Hanmei stood guard beside him, staring at the space-time channel connecting Tianyuan Realm.

It was pitch black, like an abyss!

Finally, a bright torrent enveloping countless stars gushed out of it, and the voice of the ruler sounded.

"Su Mu, I want to end you today!"

Hearing this voice, Su Mu smiled, he knew that the person he was waiting for had finally come.


With a loud noise, Su Mu also turned into a black torrent, killing the master.

The torrent is like a long river across the universe, extending infinitely.

All kinds of terrifying and strange demons and ghosts float in it, looming.

Everything in the world is composed of yin and yang.

Sumu is the [Yin] of Kyushu Realm!

The two torrents strangled together, fighting until the sun and the moon dimmed, and the sky and the earth collapsed.

No existence dared to approach them.

As long as you get close, you are dead!


Su Mu and Juggernaut fought crazily, and the two of them almost turned into avenues, blasting out one after another with magical powers.

After the battle started, Su Mu had a strange feeling.

Juggernaut... doesn't seem to be that strong.

The two actually tied!

Su Mu sensed it carefully and found that his thinking was wrong.

The Juggernaut is very powerful, his strength is many times that of his own!

However, Su Mu can compete with it, as if its attributes are incompatible.

The master also discovered this, he roared in disbelief:

"What's going on? My strength, my strength is being suppressed!!"

This inconceivable situation shocked the Juggernaut.

He wants to merge the two worlds, an existence beyond the way of heaven!

How could he be suppressed by Su Mu, a puppet supported by heaven?

Was his way wrong? !

The ruler was in a state of turmoil, and Su Mu took the opportunity to overwhelm him.

Thousands of monsters evolved and came to kill him.

This space has turned into a dark and deep demon realm!

But the Juggernaut is still not to be outdone.

With a thought in his mind, the thousands of stars in the torrent swelled and expanded, forming a starry sky to compete with Su Mu.


As the battle continued, Su Mu suddenly discovered that the power of the ruler seemed to be just opposite to him, representing the [Yang] of the Tianyuan world.

The two of them represent the ultimate pure yin and yang respectively.

How could there be such a coincidence?

Or...not a coincidence!

Doubts arose in Su Mu's heart, but the battle continued.


Amidst the loud noise, a monster with a skeleton that could lift the sky appeared.

It stepped on the void, opened its mouth wide and swallowed the stars one by one.

Unwilling to be swallowed just like that, Xingchen erupted with a brilliant aura to fight back.

But this tyrannical power was easily swallowed by the dark torrent transformed by sumu!

"what happened?!"

Juggernaut was dumbfounded.

His supernatural powers, which could tear apart the world, were eaten by Su Mu without causing any waves.

It was as if... everything was preordained!

On the other side, Su Mu was also surprised.

The Juggernaut is indeed very powerful, far more powerful than him.

This was an extremely difficult battle, so he arranged for Liu Yueqing and Yu Hanmei to lead the battle.

They have all cultivated to the top holy realm, and they may be able to help at critical moments.

However, the battle with the master was much easier than Su Mu imagined.

His strength seemed to restrain the master, no matter how comfortable he was, he suppressed the master everywhere.

"Ahhh! Die to me!"

Seeing the stars being devoured by monsters one by one, the ruler was furious.

The starry sky rotated, and all the stars merged together, turning into nine scorching suns!

The blazing light was like substance, enveloped Su Mu, and he created a dark torrent and countless demons.

Logically speaking, Su Mu was the one who was restrained.

Under the scorching sun, it should be turned into fly ash!

But the sumu didn't move at all, instead it developed a huge mouth of the abyss thousands of feet long, and swallowed it towards the sun in the sky!

"Buzz buzz~~~"

The nine rounds of scorching sun trembled violently, releasing extremely strong rays of light, shooting towards the abyss.

For a time, darkness and light, scorching sun and abyss, intertwined and fought against each other.

This should have been a stalemate between the two sides.

But Juggernaut was horrified to find that during the stalemate, his strength was being sucked away by Su Mu bit by bit.

And the speed is getting faster and faster!

"What's going on? What's going on? What's going on?"

The master's mind was in a mess.

For thousands of years, he had only one idea.

Merging the two worlds, transcending the way of heaven!

But at this moment, Juggernaut smelled a breath of defeat.

And it was Su Mu, a puppet supported by Tiandao.

This is unacceptable to him!

The direction of the battle completely exceeded the expectations of Su Mu and Juggernaut.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

During the stalemate, the nine scorching suns derived from the dominant power shattered one by one, and then fell into the abyss!

His strength was crazily devoured by Su Mu!

"Do not!!"

The master roared crazily, wanting to keep his own immediately.

But it was like holding on to sand tightly, and in the end nothing could be kept.

The torrent of stars around him seemed to be summoned, pouring into the abyss of Su Mu's evolution like a river entering the sea.

Not to mention the master, Su Mu himself was stunned.

what happened?

He clearly didn't deliberately devour the power of the ruler, nor did he have the ability.

But the power of dominance poured into his body like it was out of control!

What is going on with all this? !

In the endless extreme sun, poured into the abyss.

There is a trend of yin and yang fusion!

With the stripping of the power and the receding of the torrent, the main body of the master appeared.

He was wearing a robe and a chaos mask, so he couldn't see clearly.

For this battle, the master re-entered the world, just to obliterate Su Mu and the Kyushu Realm.

So that the two worlds can be unified, and help him become the master of the world, above the way of heaven!

But this dream was suddenly shattered.

It was broken so abruptly that he didn't even have time to react.

The Juggernaut collapsed weakly in the air, almost unable to believe that all this was real.

too suddenly!

"what happened?"

Su Mu flew to the side of Juggernaut, and asked the question in his heart.

He was also confused as to why the battle was going like this.

Originally planned to fight to the death with the master, **** battle for nine days and nine nights, or even longer!

But just a short while later, the Juggernaut lost for no reason, and his power was completely swallowed by Su Mu.

"What's going on? This should be the question I want to ask?!"

The master trembled all over.

His remaining power was still being sucked away by Su Mu, and he was powerless to stop it.

"Is it the way of heaven?"

The master looked up to the outside world, but couldn't help being stunned.

Just now, the two of them were focused on fighting and had no time to take care of the outside world.

It was only after stopping at this time that the abnormality was discovered.

Su Mu and Juggernaut are yin and yang, and the aftermath of the battle merged perfectly, forming a unique temporary small world.

The strength is so strong that it isolates everything outside.

In other words, the Heavenly Dao of Kyushu Tianyuan cannot affect this place at all.

The result of the battle between the two of them has nothing to do with Tiandao.

Looking at this nearly perfect chaotic world, the ruler trembled like an electric shock, as if he understood something.

"To Yang..."

"The perfect blend of power..."

"Independent of Kyushu Tianyuan..."

"Could it be!"

The juggernaut trembled more and more violently.

He stretched out a palm and grabbed the mask on his face.

At some point, a mask appeared on Juggernaut's face.

But he doesn't care.

The only thing he cares about is merging the two worlds and surpassing the way of heaven.

Don't care about anything else!

But at this time, Juggernaut really wanted to take off this mask, he wanted to know the truth!

But this mask seemed to be glued to the face, no matter how the master pulled it, it would not move at all.

At this time, Su Mu's face was serious, and he also thought of something!

Su Mu stepped forward slowly, reaching out to touch the mask on Juggernaut's face.


There was a crisp sound.

As soon as Su Mu touched this mask, it shattered and turned into smoke and dust.

Under the mask, there was a face exactly like Su Mu's!

Through the reflection of Su Mu's pupils, Juggernaut also saw his own appearance.

"It turned out to be like turned out to be like this..."

"I turned out to be..."

Before the master finished speaking, all his strength was sucked dry.

The powerless body fell to the ground, and before it touched the bottom, it turned into dust just like the mask.

At this point, the master no longer exists!

Everything about him was handed over to Su Mu.

With the infusion of Juggernaut Zhiyang's power, one memory picture after another reappeared in Su Mu's mind.


Countless years ago, a traveler came to another world.

Although he doesn't have any gold fingers, he keeps growing in this cruel world with his talent, hard work and perseverance!

He does whatever it takes to plunder all available resources.

He is ruthless and will not let go of any potential enemy.

He is ambitious, building forces early in an attempt to obtain more resources.

He spent countless days and nights in training and fighting.

Finally, he reached the top!

He merged the heaven and the earth, controlled the power of the avenue, and achieved the perfection of the holy realm!

At this time, he is already invincible and has endless lifespan.

If the world does not die, he will not die!

But he was still not satisfied.

He felt that there was still a way ahead!

The so-called holy realm that controls the power of heaven and earth is just a chess piece of the way of heaven.

He wants to go against the sky, break the shackles, surpass the way of heaven, and become the master of the world!

So, Heaven was angry!

One by one, the Sons of Destiny came into being to kill this madman who tried to defy the sky.

However, the lunatics tore up Destiny's Child one after another!

Even the Dao of Heaven cannot deprive him of the power of heaven and earth under his control!

He is fighting for his life with Heaven!

Dao is ruthless, but fearful.

All methods are useless, this man seems destined to go against the sky and become the master of the world!

However, on this day, the sky collapsed!

The original big world split into two.

So far, the world is divided into two places.

Various powers of heaven and earth and the laws of the great way were also divided into two places.

And the reincarnation of the two worlds changes, and there is almost no balance.

When you try to lift a big tripod, it splits.

Half in the north and half in the south.

almost never meet.

If only one side is taken, it is incomplete, and it cannot truly surpass detachment!

The man knew that this was Heaven's method of resistance.

He was desperate and angry, but he never gave up.

For countless days and nights, he kept traveling between the two realms, looking for a way.

Finally, one day, the man thought of a way—the golden cicada escaped its shell and cheated the world!

He created a clone with his own blood essence, injected all the anode power into it, and let him continue to stay in this world instead of himself.

At the same time, give the avatar part of the memory and instill in him an obsession - to merge the two worlds and transcend everything!

The clone left half of the world behind, and there was a secret door on the body to prepare for a certain day in the future.

As for the man himself.

He dispelled all his powers, erased his memory, and reincarnated back to the world before he traveled.

Only a few connections are left in the dark, and it is better to travel back again in the future.

The reason why it is so complicated is because you want to deceive the way of heaven!

The avatar stood there, still tyrannical, still wanting to be above the way of heaven.

This huge threat makes the will of the world feel uneasy instinctively.

Sure enough, the man's plan succeeded!

After being reincarnated and retraveled to the other half of the world, Tiandao did not see through his true identity.

On the contrary, they saw his strong potential, regarded him as a **** against the "Master", and added great luck to him!

Under the man's advance layout, the avatar cut off the other half of the world's path to anode sanctification.

The way of heaven guided him after reincarnation to the way of extreme yin, and he grew rapidly.

Doppelgänger, Jiyang.

The body is extremely cloudy.

The avenue is divided into yin and yang, and yin and yang make the avenue!

Everything is planned by the man!

The most ingenious thing is that even he himself doesn't know the truth, so he can deceive Heaven.

Finally, this time-traveling plan has come to its final step!

The avatar and the main body met, and they regarded each other as mortal enemies.

Dao also thinks so.

This is a battle between two worlds, a battle between two heroes.

At the same time, it is also a fusion battle!

This is not a battle to divide life and death at all, but a battle to combine two into one!

This is true whether it is the world or the man himself.

After the battle started, the secret door left on the clone came into play.

Endless anode power, injected into the body!

The blend of yin and yang reaches the pinnacle!

At the same time, the two bodies each represent half of the world, which is the evolution of world power.

When the two forces are fused in the main body, the two worlds are also fused!

The big plan will come true!

This man's name is Su Mu!


With the emergence of memories, Su Muming realized everything.

Everyone was deceived, including himself, including Tiandao.

But everything is proceeding according to the plan that Su Mu made countless years ago!

Now, it has successfully reached the final step.

Su Mu felt the fusion of yin and yang in his body and the evolution of laws, and he couldn't help feeling a little dazed.

Really, it's done!

The fusion of two forces is not as simple as 1+1, but a qualitative leap!

At this moment, the fighting outside also stopped.

Because the sky and the earth roared and the space twisted.

The Tianyuan Realm and the Kyushu Realm are actually merging with each other!

Thunder roared, heavy rain poured down, and the world was darkened, as if a catastrophe was about to come.

Heaven is not reconciled, this is its last resistance.

But soon, Su Mu walked out of his condensed world, and all the powers were integrated into his body, blending together perfectly.

At this moment, he has broken through the holy realm and reached a higher realm!

Su Mu named this realm as master, which is the origin of the clone's name.

Looking at the dark, trembling and roaring sky, Su Mu showed a cold look.

"From today onwards, I am the Lord of the World!"

As he spoke, Su Mu stretched out his hand to caress.

The thunder disappeared, the rain stopped, and the trembling was gone.

The sky cleared up, thousands of warm rays of light shone on the earth, and everything was growing rapidly.

God, it was suppressed by him!

Su Mu planned for hundreds of millions of years, and finally got the real power of heaven and earth, not from the way of heaven.

At this moment, he is above the way of heaven and the will of the world.

He is the real master of the world!

After Tiandao was suppressed, the fusion of the two worlds was no longer hindered, and the speed suddenly accelerated.

The hundreds of millions of creatures in the battle were at a loss at first, and then gradually realized.

This battle is over!

Because the two sides in the battle are not Tianyuan Realm and Kyushu Realm, but Su Mu and Tiandao.

At this point, the outcome has been divided, and the battle naturally ends.

Liu Yueqing, Yu Hanmei, Xu Congwu, Li Lingyan, Hanba, Fox Demon Mengli, Qin Huang, Tao Xingyuan, Jiang Banxia, ​​etc., etc., and so on.

These old friends who had intersected with Su Mu all raised their heads, looking at the man who dominated everything in the sky, with a lot of thoughts in their hearts.

In ancient time and space, among billions of living beings, no one has ever had such ambitions, and finally succeeded!

It is the misfortune and the luck of this world to have such an amazingly talented person.

But in any case, the ending is doomed!

After a long wait, the two worlds finally merged into one big world.

At the same time, hundreds of millions of living beings in the two worlds have also made arrangements for themselves.

Su Mu stands tall in the void, looking down on everything in the world, and his loud voice spreads to every corner.

"From today onwards, this world is called the Spirit World! I am the Lord of the World!"

The sound fell, the sky trembled, and hundreds of millions of creatures cheered.

The authority of heaven has fallen into the hands of Su Mu!

After all the dust settled, he bid farewell to Emperor Qin, Tao Xingyuan, Jiang Banxia and others one by one.

After all, they want to return to their own world, UU Reading go their own way.

With Su Mu as an example, maybe we can go out and create a different kind of scenery!

Only the little fox demon Mengli chose to stay by Su Mu's side.

She doesn't ask for anything else, just peace of mind.

A place of peace of mind is my hometown.


Time flies, thousands of years have passed.

In the sky above the spirit world, there is a temple floating.

Everyone knew that it was the residence of God Lord Sumu.

On this day, Su Mu brought Liu Yueqing, Yu Hanmei and Mengli to the void above the temple.

It can be seen that in the vast void, hundreds of millions of stars are shining brightly.

Those are unknown worlds!

Su Mu pointed to the distance and said with a smile:

"Thousands of years of cultivation, the power of the spirit world has climbed to the peak, and there is no room for improvement."

"But there, there is still an unknown road!"

Is there a stronger realm after Juggernaut?

Su Mu doesn't know, but he won't stop exploring!

All his life, he has been pursuing the limit of strength!

It doesn't matter the destination, the wonderful scenery on the road is enough to make him addicted.

"We accompany you."

Hearing this, the three girls nestled in Su Mu's arms.

"Haha! Alright, let's explore this vast void together!"

Su Mu's eyes were burning, looking at the billions of stars in the distance.

I, Su Mu, are here!

(end of book)


Flowers are over! ! ????ヽ(°▽°)ノ??

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