MTL - I Have a Mansion in the Post-apocalyptic World-Chapter 1503 Middle East

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Nayef was revoked news.

There have been no waves in the international community.

At least this level of triviality is not enough to attract too many eyeballs compared to the military operations of a mercenary organization in the Maiding area.

The Saudi royal family has more than 5,000 princes, and it seems that there is nothing to change to the next king.

And this is probably the third time the old king has replaced the prince, the last time it was 15 years.

However, what Nayef couldn’t figure out was that the old king was very satisfied with his birthday present some time ago, and he appreciated his work over the years. However, he suddenly turned his face and smashed him from the position of the Crown Prince. Come down.

Looking at the little Salman, who was on the crown of the Crown Prince, some of his hearts were not a taste. Although he smiled and expressed congratulations to the other party, he could not help but grin. The highly educated younger brother may have a hand in the economy, but he does not recognize that he is more suitable to become a new king.

Not only did Nayef want to understand, but many onlookers did not understand.

It is true that from the head of the Prince’s Cabinet to the Secretary of State, Little Salman showed extraordinary political talent when Old Salman was the Prince of Saudi Arabia, but Nayef’s achievements were equally weak, especially in the military. And the field of diplomacy.

During his tenure as Deputy Minister and Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Saudi Arabia, he was called the “Anti-Terrorist Prince” and “Spy Expert”. The former US Secretary of Defense and the former CIA Director highly praised Naif as the smartest and most accomplished Saudi Arabia. prince. Naif himself had led the fight against al-Qaeda. Because of his taboos, he himself suffered at least three assassinations.

"He led the fight against terrorism, and his achievements are real," said Awad Badi, a researcher and scholar at the King Faisal Academic Research Center. He believes that Nayef has effectively suppressed it. Al Qaeda organized a series of attacks in Saudi Arabia.

However, as a well-marked anti-terrorist fighter, it is obviously not the heart of the old king.

For terrorist organizations, the attitude of the Saudi royal family has been quite embarrassing.

On the one hand, they tried to avoid the burning of fire, and they were far away from the fanatics of the same sects, and even assisted the international community in suppressing them. On the other hand, they also sympathized with the fanatics of the same sects and even secretly supported them. .

The old king did not want to see this hound at the door falling down, at least not now.

Another, a unified Syrian led by the Shiites is not in the interest of Saudi Arabia in the Middle East. As for the blood of the heresy and the pagans, as a devout believer, he does not care.

In the palatial palace, a man stood in front of the old king. His name is Itan, the Saudi intelligence minister appointed by Old Salman.

"Bhagdadi was killed."

"Yes, I know."

The old king slowly closed his eyes. After a long time, he opened and looked at Yidan.

"I have you checked the matter of your investigation?"

"Yes, Your Majesty," Yidan bowed and reverently reported that "the mercenary organizations that have confirmed that they are fighting in Syria are supported by the Star Trade. Crown Prince Nayef and Jordanian businessmen provide access from the Red Sea to the northern part of Syria. Until three months ago, they also delivered supplies through our port."

There was a slight disgust in the eyes of the old king.

He hates the star trade, although now 80% of Saudi Arabia's freshwater supply has to rely on the new people. He does not believe that these unconstrained merchants will abide by the bottom line, especially after the star-ring trade develops petroleum crops and produces petroleum analogues as chemical raw materials to hit international oil prices.

Therefore, when the ring trade promoted the global power grid to the Middle East, Old Salman has been stalking.

Of course, he is not conceited to believe that Saudi Arabia can defeat the opponents that the Americans can't beat, nor is it arrogant to think that Saudi Arabia has the ability to confront the Star Wars trade. All he does is to prevent Saudi Arabia from completely falling back to the Star Trade. After handing over the freshwater market, the national grid will also be handed over.

Then there was the military action of the Maiding, and tens of thousands of white phosphorus bombs slaughtered their "compatriots" in the most cruel way.

If the previous trade in the ring is just annoying, the old king has now produced a bit of disgust.

"Your Majesty..." hesitated for a moment, and Yidan spoke.

Seeing the appearance of his own intelligence minister, the old king slowly opened his mouth.

"You said."

"Nayev and the star-ring trade are very close. Whether we will change the store at this time will stimulate the trade of the stars... They have just won in Syria recently, and more than 10,000 mercenaries have not withdrawn from the Middle East. ,I worry……"

Old Salman’s eyes sharply looked at Edam, who hurriedly lowered his head.

After a long time, the old king took back the sharpness in his sight, indulged for a moment, and slowly began to speak.

"This is exactly what I am worried about."

"I suggest that Nayef temporarily come down from the position of the Minister of the Interior, the people's new national security adviser, weakening Nayef's power in the royal family..." The family affair proposal for the royal family is very risky because it is easy to touch The sensitive nerves of the old king, if not for the years of old Salman, Idan will not make such an adventure.

Because he has already foreseen that the power struggle of the royal family is intensifying, and if it cannot be effectively controlled, it is destined to set off a "dust storm" that sweeps across the entire kingdom...

"You are right, Edam," Old Salman sighed. "The Saudi Crown Prince should not be the embarrassment of a country or organization."

After a pause, the old Salman's eyes flashed a sharp.

At this moment, he seems to have returned to the years when the spirit of the year was gone, and all the turbidity faded from the wrinkles of the years. He must make a decision and pave the way for his son, otherwise the whole country will fall into the whirlpool of power struggles once he is squandered...

"Let Nayef..."

Suddenly, the old king widened his eyes.

Yidan glimpsed a little, his face changed, and he hurried forward.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty!"

On this day, the entire palace was chaotic, and the entire city of Riyadh was martial.

Traffic lanes to and from the city were set up at checkpoints, and armed soldiers walked across the street. The citizens of the city did not know the news of the king’s death. They only looked at the soldiers on duty in the streets and the armored vehicles and tanks that had been driven from the door.

Stepping out of the palace, it was the news that Idan ordered the blockade, and then arranged for the troops stationed near the capital to enter the city. After doing all this, he then rushed to Nayef’s palace with a group of agents.

However, in Nayef's bedroom, he did not find the former Crown Prince. After inquiring about the next person, he learned that the Prince's Hall had something to go out and it would take a few days to come back.

Surrounded by Nayef’s palace, Edam immediately found Little Saleman, arranged for him to ascend to the throne as soon as possible, and sent someone to trace Nayef’s whereabouts.

I know that at this moment Nayef was just on the border, and the mercenaries who were trading with the Star Ring stayed together, knowing that his palace had been surrounded by the confidant of the old king. He dared to go back and went straight to Jordan. In the desert in the east, they lived in the military camp of the Star Wars mercenaries.

By the next day, one of his confidants sent a message.

Until then, Nayef knew what happened to Riyadh in this short day.

No one expected that His Majesty had died at this time...