MTL - I Have a Mansion in the Post-apocalyptic World-Chapter 1504 Throne succession war

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The news of the king's death was quickly spread all over the world.

Even if he didn't pass the ghost agent, Jiang Chen saw the video of Riyadh's martial law in the oily soil and learned the news of the king's death. Such a drastic change made him somewhat unpredictable. It was not long before the exchange was saved. He did not know how to comment on the matter for a while.

New York Empire State Building.

Sitting at the desk, Jiang Chen is making a video call with Aisha to listen to intelligence from the Middle East.

"At noon yesterday, old Saleyman died of a heart attack. Before he died, he only said two words, ‘Let Nayef’.”

“Is the message reliable?” Jiang Chen asked.

"Very reliable," standing at the end of the holographic screen, Aisha nodded and continued. "At the time, our agents in the Middle East were listening to the palace. The content of their conversation has been recorded by us."

"The recording was sent to me." Jiang Chen said.

"Already sent to your mailbox."

Stretching his hand on the holographic screen, Jiang Chen opened the mailbox, took out the headphones from the drawer, and hung it on his ear.

After listening to the entire recording, he was silent for a while and said.

"The entire content of the last paragraph of the dialogue will be deleted, leaving only the old Saleyman's last words, and the latter part."

"Last words?"

"Yes. Old Saleyman only said "Let Nayev", but did not say what Nayef did. According to the previous context, he may want to say that Nayef is sent to prison, but if it is to the front That part was deleted," paused for a moment. Jiang Chen looked at Aisha and said softly, "We can also understand his last words as Nayev to inherit the throne."


The last batch of troops arrived in eastern Jordan, and so far, the mercenaries controlled by the Stars Trade have all been withdrawn from Syria.

The Star Trade Officer transferred the control of the army to the confidant of Nayef. This Madagascar mercenary trained by the Stars Trade, although there is no combat power of the regular ring of the Stars, but the training and armed level is no less than any special forces in the world.

From the s1 exoskeleton to the assault rifle in the hand and the matching sickle-type individual drone, as the standard configuration of future military export equipment, the coverage rate has reached 100% in this army without the number.

After returning to the commander of the Star Trade, a Saudi-style military ceremony was held, and after watching the other person sit on the suv, Nayef’s heart seemed to have overturned the miscellaneous.

It is not his intention to rely on the brothers and soldiers to sit on the throne of this country by force. The army was originally prepared to carry out his reform plan. He never thought that there would be a day when he really used it.

However, it seems that it has been impossible to develop this step.

The Star Ring trade not only sent the promised army, but also sent a perfect excuse. No matter what kind of mood the old king had at the time, he always mentioned Nayef’s name on the occasion of his death. Little Saleyman's prestige in the country is not as good as him. Even with the help of the old Saleyman's confession, Idan, and his prestige in the kingdom, his face is still very large.

He does not need to fight the entire kingdom, he only needs to defeat the supporters of Little Saleman.

Taking a deep breath, he turned his face and looked at the confidant standing next to him.

"How many people in China are on our side."

"The 36th mechanized division commander is willing to help us, but at the same time he also said that he would not see the country slipping into the civil war. Our allies in the kingdom are all on our side, they promise that as long as we recapture Riyadh from Little Saleman I will admit that you are the new king of Shah."


Nayef nodded.

It was a very time when Old Saleman died. He happened to be in the military camp of the Star Wars mercenary. Now he has the initiative to hold him in his hands. The entire Saudi intelligence department cannot add up to a strong armed arm.

Looking at the confidant next to him, Nayef ordered.

"Get off at the moment and head to Riyadh."


Jiang Chen is not very worried about the war of succession to the throne on the other side of the globe.

As long as Nayef can take the courage to take this step, victory is at his fingertips.

It is not Jiang Chen’s self-confidence, but the opponent is too weak.

The defense budget accounts for more than 10% of gdp, holding the third-ranked military expenditure in the world, but training an army that is not as good as the third-rate countries. To be honest, before I came out, I thought that this product was a peerless master of peace-loving. As a result, the army was pulled to Yemen for 15 years, and the 150,000-strong army of the 10 countries joined forces to kill the past. Minutes to push Hu.

The result was beaten.

In a word, the word of Saudi Arabia’s military is not weak enough to sum up.

Holding a full set of American equipment plus Chinese long-range missiles, the prince and the top commander were killed in a row in the case of complete air superiority. They sent a lot of equipment and did not even say that they were pushed back. Until now there are still several towns. Did not recover.

It is estimated that the Hu’s armed forces on the opposite side are also puzzled. Whether it is to find something or to send warmth.

In the face of such an army, there are mercenaries trained by the Star Ring Trade, not to mention one hand, so that both eyes are hard to lose.

However, what is certain is that the ultimate vesting of this throne will definitely change the future situation of the entire Middle East...


Moscow, the Kremlin, a document placed on Pujin's desk. A similar report was actually sent a long time ago through the Russian Embassy in the New Kingdom. The Kremlin has also held many meetings and discussions on the plan to colonize Titan.

There is only one focus of the debate, and that is what Russia can get from this colonial plan.

"The moon's colonial prospects and feasibility study report... Aosta's film, what do you think?" Looking at the director of the Russian Federal Space Agency who walked into the office, Pujin put down the documents in his hand and leaned on the chair. Road.

Since Russia joined the Earth Defense Alliance, Aosta Films has found that it has more and more opportunities to enter and exit the Kremlin. If he used to be excited about getting closer to the Moscow power center, it is now a burden for him.

The Russian high-level realized the importance of the aerospace industry and realized that a new era is coming, and he gave high expectations to his Aosta film. However, with more and more budgets, he is increasingly feeling. The power is not at heart.

Fortunately, the gentleman in front of him was not impatient with his slow progress.

In the face of the president’s inquiring question, he cautiously thought for a moment and said.

"If you are asking me about the necessity of colonizing Io, I think this is of course necessary for Russia. According to the document on the description of Titan, the above methane reserves are extremely rich, more than 100 times the entire Siberian methane reserves. Even formed a liquid river. However..."

"However?" Pu Jin raised an eyebrow.

"It is because the value of Europa is so large, I don't understand why Stars will choose to take it out," Aosta sighed. "The special-class starship has been cruising in Kuiper, although it is In the name of the Earth Defense Alliance, but we know that only they can do it. In fact, with their strength, they can completely digest the planet, which is no more difficult than colonizing Mars..."

Having said that, Aosta’s film paused for a moment and continued in a hesitant tone.

"I am not maliciously speculating on our allies, but I really want to know why they are doing this?"