MTL - I Have a Secret-Chapter 61 Even you use me too

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The people on the construction site are wandering around, wherever there is engineering, they have not seen death, but it is not their own physical reasons, that is, the accidental death of unsuccessful work when working, and the human life is caused by personal contradictions, eight hundred years. The chance of encountering a return.

The latter caused the most response compared to the former two.

Especially in the case of God's unconsciousness, the panic will increase several times.

Fortunately, Zhou Yang's corpse||body is not surprised, neither distorted nor seen after the ghost is shocked. There is a circle of bruise on his neck. Obviously, it can be seen at a glance, and it can be determined that it is done by people. Not a ghost.

The workers were relieved and afraid of it, because they remembered, and people were more terrible than ghosts.

Everyone can't understand, Zhou Yang's youngest, just arrived at the age of eighteen, usually the temper is lively, always alive and kicking, haha, he did not act as a pistachio, did not have a big conflict with anyone, How could it be killed in the toilet?

Although I don't know who the murderer is, the big guys are unaware of it. This is done by acquaintances.

The man knew that Zhou Yang had bought the wine at night, and he knew that he had drunk too much. He even knew when he was going to the toilet. He went to the innermost compartment. The other person knew the palm of his hand and then slammed his hand and walked back. He did not leave clues. .

How perfect to kill together | | people | case.

Homicide and theft are two very different concepts. The police immediately came over when they received the report.

The toilets are public, and the workers enter and leave, creating messy traces, and they are unable to collect valuable footprints.

The same is true in the compartment where Zhou Yang died. His body blocked the pool of the toilet and there were many water marks around him, blurring his own footprints and other people’s footprints, even after the body was discovered. No one has come in, and I still can't detect any clues.

The police checked several compartments next to the floor, the door, the doorknob, the door handle, the squatting pool, and the flush button on the foot. There was no missing place in the place, and nothing was obtained.

Taking a public toilet as a crime scene, it is easy to get rid of the murderer.

The police initially identified Zhou Yang as being strangled by a thick hemp rope around his neck. The death time was around 1 am.

This case is very tricky.

The deceased are workers. The case is in a public place. Every worker is suspected. It can be said that there is no suspicion. Because the clues that the police have mastered are negligible, one or several targets cannot be circled, and only the investigation can be started.

Starting from the dormitory where Zhou Yang lived, a dozen or twenty people were called to ask questions.

The big guys are fellow villagers. One place comes. Some of them came to the city of J to know Zhou Yang. Some of them met him when they did the project last year. The group of people worked under the hands of Yifeng, and they knew it.

For example, Zhou Yang is a big one. When he reads a few years, he drops out of school. The reason is that he can't read it. He can't understand the class. Like Zhou Yang's family, his parents are farmers and farm in the fields.

There was also a small shop that was stolen that night when Zhou Yang was at 12 o'clock, and was scared by the dog. He recently had a big hand and smoked a good cigarette to buy a good wine, and the account of the small shop was returned once. When I was working on the construction site, I sang songs and I was in a very good mood.

After dinner last night, I went back to the dormitory. Zhou Yang played cards with several workers. The other people looked around. He broke two packs of Chinese cigarettes. When they smoked their cigarettes, they didn’t blink. They didn’t feel distressed.

The above contents were investigated by the police from the mouth of the roommates. They are very unified and there is no difference.

Xu Wei is in charge of this case. It is also a coincidence that his family lived in this movie. Before, the family was a cottage. Now he got a good house. Thanks to the investment mountain, he was fooled over and developed.

The question was almost the same, and the foreman was at work. The last one left was checked. Now he is sitting opposite, a face is blue and the whole person is staying.

Xu Wei turned the notebook one page. "What is your name?"

The worker screamed his name.

The tip of Xu Wei’s record left a black spot on the white paper. This worker is different from the dozens in front. He is afraid. “Last night, you went to the toilet and went behind Zhou Yang.”

The body of the worker was shaken and the shaking was even worse. "No, no... not what I did... I don’t know anything..."

Damn, who saw him? Is that the murderer? What does the other party want to do? Killing people? Still want to frame him?

When I think of it, the workers are more panicked.

Xu Wei turned the pen around the circle, and the guess was confirmed. He wrote it down on the book and said with a gentle attitude, "Don't be afraid, I just ask a situation, you tell the situation at that time." I."

The worker closed his eyes, and the muscles on his face were trembled. He was awakened by the sound of the dormitory in the morning. He heard Zhou Yang dying from the mouth of the old man and died in the toilet. He was scared on the spot. ||Forbidden.

The compartment in the public toilet is a bit problematic. Every time it is flushed, it will scream, the water will flow, and it will last for a long time.

Big guys don't care, water and electricity are free, don't need them to save money, waste water and waste water, and the company doesn't care, they are even less likely to take care of it.

Zhou Yang’s body was discovered there.

There was cold sweat on the worker's face. He opened his eyes, his pupils were still scattered, and his condition was very poor. He could not find the best time to ask.

Xu Wei is not in a hurry, waiting for the other side to calm down, by the way, this space is smoking.

The worker smelled the smoke, and he looked up, his nerves shook, and the people were awake.

When Xu Wei saw it, he threw him one.

Smokers need more smoke to appease at this time, and the taste of nicotine is more useful than anything else.

The worker said with a cigarette in his hands and thanked him. He carefully took the lighter on the table and lit it. He smoked a cigarette and relaxed a lot.

A cigarette smoked most of the time, and the worker did not smoke any more. He threw the smoke on the ground and stepped on it. He said all of it, "Sudden police officer, I know so much."

Xu Wei is taking notes. "You mean, after you went to the toilet, did you talk to Zhou Yang?"

The worker nodded and said, "Yes."

He said earnestly, "Zhou Yang drank too much. When he spoke, his tongue was wide and his breathing was very heavy. I heard it. I also joked with him and asked if he had sent it."

Xu Wei asked, "Which compartment do you use?"

The worker said that the lights in the toilet were bad, very dark, and he entered the first one.

Xu Wei continued to ask, "That is, between you and Zhou Yang, separated by two compartments?"

The workers reached for sweat, "Yes, yes."

Xu Wei said, "Do you remember when you went to the toilet?"

The worker said, "I was uncomfortable at the time. When I got out of bed, I looked at the time on my mobile phone. It was a ten minute walk."

Xu Wei looked up. "The distance from the dormitory to the toilet is very close, it will not exceed five minutes. That is to say, when you appear in the toilet, it is less than a little."

He said not quickly or slowly, "According to the preliminary identification, Zhou Yang’s death time is around a little."

The worker stunned. "Xu police officer, you... you mean..."

Xu Wei asked something else. "You said that you heard the rubbing of clothes?"

The worker honestly said, "Yes, it's rubbing, for a while, I... I thought it was Zhou Yang who drank too much to wear bad pants and wanted to talk."

He thought about everything at the time and began to tremble again. "When I was going to talk, the door in the compartment opened, and there were footsteps and left the toilet."

"I thought it was Zhou Yang going out. I still yelled at him. I didn't wait for me. Xu police officer, is that Zhou Yang? Is Zhou Yang going out? No, not him, ... he didn't go out, It’s in the cubicle... It’s already dead... how could it be...”

Xu Wei remembered the last message and looked at the middle-aged man who was incoherent. "Don't be nervous, calm down."

"That is, the friction you hear is actually the murderer's murder. Zhou Yang is struggling. The voices are very subtle. The sound of the water is always ringing, so you can't hear it."

The worker stayed in the chair, he actually thought of it, but he did not dare to admit it.

He was squatting in the toilet, and the murderer killed Zhou Yang in the compartment inside. After the killing, he swayed out of the toilet so much that he didn’t know anything.

Xu Wei slowly put the pen cap on the pen. The murderer had a strong explosive force and great strength. This was a deliberate murder. He was fully prepared to kill Zhou Yang at the fastest speed.

Not only that, the murderer was calm and crazy, killing Zhou Yang in the case of someone in the toilet, and taking the signs of destruction from the toilet.

Xu Wei thought that he should contact the psychologist.

The murderer's modus operandi in this case was not made by a normal person. He was not afraid or even enjoying it.

The worker did not understand, he asked with courage. "Xu police officer, there are many people who go to the toilet at night, no one has found Zhou Yang's body?"

Xu Wei is still very gentle. "The door of the compartment is locked."

The worker fell into chaos. He hurriedly said, "Impossible, I clearly heard the sound of the door opening. It is not wrong. I can be sure that the door is really open!"

Xu Wei said, "There are four compartments in the toilet, and Zhou Yang is in the fourth. You are in the first. The sound of the door that you heard at the time should be the third compartment."

He smiled. "Of course, this is just my guess. There is no evidence to prove this."

"If I didn't miss it, when you left the toilet, the sound of the water in the compartment was still ringing? The sound could have a big disruption, maybe you just heard the door wrong."

The workers stared at the two eyes and couldn’t say a word.

Xu Wei likes to deal with people who are exposed to emotions. "Yes, what time is it when you go back to the dormitory?"

The worker said that he didn't look at the phone. "No attention, I fell asleep."

His eyes were red, leaving tears of self-blame. "I was very sleepy at the time, and I didn't think about looking at Zhou Yang's bed. If I look at it, it might be too late."

Xu Wei briefly comforted a few words, picking up a file under the information, the column above the name of the person wrote Yu Feng, "I will inform you if necessary."

The workers burst into tears.

The door was pushed away from the outside. Xu Wei took a look and was the person on the file.

On the other hand, a wave of workers sat under the shed outside the small shop. They came from another city. The foreman was He Peng and lived in the dormitory building opposite, so Zhou Yang’s death was only for them. .

"Poor, I will die when I am young."

"Yeah, that kid is big with my son. My son just finished the college entrance examination. He went directly to the government to see the prince."

"Hey, let's talk, who will do it?"

"Where does this know, the murderer's face has not written these two words, anyway, it must be among a group of people, it is you, or you."

Others followed with a sneer, saying that don't smash a few.

"I want to say that those people who are in a dormitory with Zhou Yang are going to be starved by the police this time. There is also a foreman. He is brought by him and can’t make a difference with Zhou Yang’s family."

"No, people are unlucky, and they drink cold water and stuff their teeth."

He Peng came over and kicked the table corner. "You don't go to work, what are you hiding here? How about taking the cold?"

Someone asked, "Hey, are you dead today, still working?"

He Peng laughed, "Is the dead person related to you?"

The man shook his head. "No."

He Peng’s head in front of him was a shot in the palm of his hand. “That’s not going to go, what is the ink here? You put a few farts, and it’s passed in the morning.”

The big guy immediately buckled the helmet and went to the opposite site.

He Peng walked out of the blue shed, and the heat went to the top of his head. He sipped into the ground. "Fucking, this ghost weather, only when it is so!"

The small shop was quite quiet, the TV didn't open, Zhang's father Zhang, Huang Shanzhang Yao were there.

Zhang Yao is more than eight o'clock, not too late, Zhang father urged, "Hurry, don't sharpen."

Zhang mother gave Zhang Yao a lot of food last night. She had some snacks such as ham, biscuits, milk tea, and then asked her what she wanted.

Zhang Yao’s spirit is "sufficient, I can’t hold it anymore."

Zhang father sat on the stool and smoked cigarettes. From five o'clock to the present, the smoke did not leave his hand. "Okay, she has a big supermarket at the school gate, what can't be bought."

The words are so, he put a bottle of a sample into his daughter's backpack.

Zhang mother remembered that her daughter liked to eat a kind of dried bean curd. She grabbed a dozen bags and stuffed it into the box and pulled the zipper. "Xiaoyao, get on the phone and call."

Zhang Yao carries a backpack. "I am leaving."

Huang Dan gave Zhang Yao the suitcase in the back seat and told her to sit in front.

The car left the small shop, Zhang Yao head leaned against the back of the chair, and did not immediately close his eyes and die. "Brother, the child came to buy cigarettes and wine last night, how suddenly died?"

Huang Dan looked at the road. "I got up earlier than you. I heard several versions. There are several messages. The child died in the early morning. The body was found in the cubicle of the toilet. mark."

Zhang Yao felt subconsciously that her neck was cold, and she shrank her neck. "Zhou Yang went to the toilet and didn't come back. Didn't anyone in the dormitory know?"

Huang Shan said, "Working hard during the day, sleeping at night is very dead and will not be discovered."

Zhang Yao’s face is a bit whitish. “Is he offended someone? Or how could he be killed?”

Huang Shan turned the steering wheel. "It's hard to say this kind of thing. I don't know until the case is broken."

Zhang Yao was silent for a while. "There is a thief at home, and now there is a murder case. Brother, how is it so messy on the construction site?"

What else did she want to say, the next moment she hurriedly found the garbage bag from the bag, rubbed her lips and shook it, and spit it out.

Huang Dan ate a few pieces of salted duck eggs and smelled the smell of Zhang Yao’s bag. It was a sour duck egg. He was uncomfortable in his stomach and wanted to vomit.

At the station, Huang’s single mouth of sour water was still spinning in the stomach, and he never spit it out. He took out Zhang Yao’s luggage and accompanied him to collect the ticket.

Zhang Yao took the ticket and put the ID card. "Brother, go back, I will go in."

Huang Shan said that Zhang Yao is twenty-one, not a child. This is also the daytime. You can enter the waiting room yourself and find an accurate ticket gate.

There were a lot of people in the hall. Zhang Yao lined up for security check. When she got the backpack down, the movement in her hand suddenly stopped.


Brother said yesterday that he was going out to take pictures at noon, but when she called her, the ringing of the phone was sent from the office.

Zhang Yao remembered that she still asked why she didn't bring her mobile phone. Her brother said that she forgot to take it. She even went to fill her stomach and didn't realize what was wrong.

Going out to take pictures, the phone forgot to take it, how to shoot? Isn't this funny?

I must have been blinded.

Zhang Yao’s breathing is gone, and the brother is lying! He is lying!

Later, someone urged Zhang Yao to return to God. She carried her backpack to her shoulder and pulled her suitcase and ran outside.

The yellow single next to the car opened the door, and when he bent down to prepare to sit in, he heard the familiar shouting. He whispered, stood up straight and turned and looked at Zhang Yao.

Zhang Yao gasped, blushing, his chest violently ups and downs, "Why lie to me?"

The awkward question of this question, Huang Dan, I understand it all at once, and he does not change his color.

I don't know because the man who came to find himself yesterday was still itching in the grass, which affected his thoughts. The excuse that Huang Dan said when Zhang Yao asked him was too bad.

I thought about repairing afterwards, but I don’t think about it. Waiting for the other party to ask, if you can’t think of it, it’s best.

Zhang Yao dismissed the sweaty hair, and was disappointed and angry. "Brother, you talk."

Huang single closed the door and his back leaned up. "I suspect that the person who stole the cigarette and cash in the small shop that night was Zhou Yang."

Zhang Yao has a big mouth and his head is down, "Ah?"

Huang Shan said, "I went out with Zhou Yang yesterday." He was not stunned, afraid to scare Zhang Yao, maybe Zhang father Zhang will hear this from Zhang Yao’s mouth, that would Very troublesome, this is not what he wants to see.

"Two days ago, I accidentally heard Zhou Yang chatting with other people outside, saying that the small shop was stolen that night he came. Also, I saw the police station to come to the construction site to investigate and call him alone to the roadside. After asking for a long time, he suddenly repaid his account last night. He was no longer smoking less than ten yuan, but soft China. I think he is not right."

"The reason why I didn't tell you is because I have no hard evidence."

Zhang Yao’s brain resumed operation. “But brother, you are not skeptical, Zhou Yang is dead.”

Huang Shan said, "Yes, he is dead." So the clue is broken.

In the first three worlds, death is the only way for Huang Dan to exclude the target. In this world, the method does not work, because he found that Zhou Yang’s death may not be able to get rid of the suspicion, he needs other clues.

Zhou Yang was ruined. This is the first reaction that Huang Dan flashed in his mind when he heard his death.

It is an insider or a participant. When Huang is single, it cannot be determined.

The body of the bean paste was dug, would it not be stolen from the dog shop and sold for other purposes, such as the traces of the murderer accidentally left behind by it?

As for the body of the bean paste, it was buried by the original owner, and it was put into the pit without filling it.

Zhang Yao swears, "Brother, I think you have changed."

Huang Dan, "Hmm?"

Zhang Yao looked at him. "At first I thought you were because of lovelorn. Now I am not so sure. Brother, what happened to you? If there is anything, you can tell me, I am your sister, no matter what happens, I will stand on your side."

Huang Shan said, "Don't think too much, I just want to know who is a thief."

Zhang Yao is a girl in the end. I feel that nothing is more important than the safety of life. "Forget it, brother, even if you catch a thief, smoke and cash will not come back. This is the responsibility of the police station. You don't care. ""

She vaguely felt that things were not that simple, but she hoped that she thought more, and that the small shop was stolen and the murder case hoped that there should be no connection.

What did you think of, Zhang Yao said, "Daddy's receipt and account book I did not find, if you have time, go to the middle office to see, there is an iron box under the parents' bed, the key is inside."

Suddenly, she said, "Things are not necessarily there."

Huang Shan was surprised. The original owner did not know it. He wrote it down. "Go in, check the ticket."

Zhang Yao took a few steps and turned back. "Brother, be careful."

Just after leaving the station, Huang Dan’s car received a text message from Zhang Yao: I can find a big brother when I have something. I see it, he cares about you.

His hand on the steering wheel trembled and calmed down.

It should not be, how much the original owner is attached to the first love, Zhang Yao is the most understandable, no one knows better than her.

Even if Huang Dan faced Zhang Yao and said that he did not like the opposite sex, Zhang Yao would not believe it.

Just like Fufeng does not believe.

After all, the original owner is an infatuated species that has been in love for the first time.

Huang Dan thought that Zhang Yao definitely did not see the strange atmosphere between Yi Feng and him. Only when Feng Feng was taking care of his elders and younger generations, would not send such text messages.

Zhang Yao called the family after getting on the bus. She hung up and called and said on the phone, "Dad, come home, I feel that the site is not safe."

"What is not safe, you are good at school, I have your brother here with your mother."

Zhang Fu said, "Don't think about those messy things, don't scare yourself."

Zhang mother came over and said to the mobile phone, "Yeah, Xiaoyao, everything has an antecedent effect. If you don't blame someone, you won't have that thing. The boy will die. 80% is a contradiction with someone."

Zhang Yao feels powerless. Why is it like this every time? She doesn’t listen to it. The physical examination is also not appropriate. “Is the family stolen? What is the reason?”

"Is the family being stolen, who is the financial path of the person who is blocking the family, or who is offended?"

There was no sound on the phone. Zhang Yao fed a few times. When she was about to hang up, her voice rang. "Someone is coming to buy something, just like this, you go to school and call your mom."

When Zhang finished speaking, he hung up.

Zhang Yaoqi lost her mobile phone. She pulled the zipper and her face was cold. The people next door and the opposite side thought that this was a good luck. I sat down with the big girl and wanted to take it. The result was suppressed. The atmosphere is not interesting.

At this time, Huang Dan has not returned to the small shop, he thought, the man may be under police censorship.

The car stopped at the intersection. Huang Dan took the phone and pulled out the call record. He wanted to send a text message, but he didn't know what to send. He thought about it or forget it. Let's meet.

The man used Zhou Yang as his younger brother, Zhou Yang had an accident, and his heart would be very guilty.

In Xu Weiqian’s trip, the number of people who come into contact every day is the most difficult to deal with. It is clearly on the passive side, but there is no slight restraint and panic. It can still keep him being led by the nose and wait until he reacts. Already dizzy.

Fufeng is such a person.

Xu Wei asked for a long time, and the clues received were few poor. He leaned back and put his hands on the abdomen. The fingers were crossed and he said nothing. He just swept the opposite side with the eyes of inquiry.

The second cigarette is licking his lips. His voice is hoarse and confusing. "Xu police officer, I have to go to the construction site to supervise the work. If nothing happens, I will leave first."

Xu Wei said, "The deceased is brought from your hometown. He has a problem. How do you want to explain to his parents?"

Fufeng half-folded eyelids, "That's my business."

Xu Wei continued to stare. "I have forgotten to tell you that half an hour after receiving the report, we have contacted the parents of the deceased and are now on the way."

Yan Feng smashed the smoke from his lips. He said faintly, "The efficiency of the police is high. I hope that this can be done in the investigation of the murderer who killed Yang Yang."

Xu Wei said, "Our goal is very consistent. It is to catch the real murderer early, and the deceased is fair, but the foreman does not cooperate."

Yan Feng looked up and had bloodshot eyes in his eyes. He sneered. "I don't cooperate? If I don't cooperate, I will listen to you here for a long time nonsense?"

Xu Wei is still in a gentle posture. "If the workmanship is coordinated, then I am asking if you are aware of the abnormality of the deceased during your lifetime. Why did you tai chi with me, just don't admit it?"

He turned his notebook, and the speed of speech was not slow. "This is not to say that the people in the dormitory, even the people on the construction site are aware of it, and the foreman is not aware of the recent death of the dead."

There is no expression on Fufeng's face. "Xu police officer, in my eyes, the child is not abnormal."

Xu Wei thinks that this person is really unpredictable. He is not stupid, but rather savvy and terrible. His heart is also terrible. "Since the work is busy, I will not delay your precious time. I hope that when we meet next time. I can still talk so happy."

Fufeng went out without saying a word.

Xu Wei’s eyebrows, said to the subordinates who came in, “Xiao Zhang, take a few people and go to the toilet to see.”

He added, "And, send someone to follow Fengfeng."

When Feng Feng stood under the sun, the air-conditioning on his body was not driven away. He silently smoked the smoke and popped it out. "Yang Yang, who is your kid?"

No one around, naturally no response.

Yan Feng saw a text message on the mobile phone, which was sent by Zhang Yao. Please look at the young man.

Please, please? Yan Feng ridiculed the lips, when he brought a card and a group of people to come here to do the project, Zhou Yang's parents sent Zhou Yang at the station, that is what he said to him.

As a result, Zhou Yang died.

Life is too worthless, too weak, and it’s gone, it’s caught off guard.

Su Feng suddenly wanted to see the man. He strode to the direction of the small shop and saw the He Peng who came over him. He didn't have the energy to take care of it.

He Peng stopped him. "What are you so anxious to do?"

Yan Feng said, "Don't look for it."

He Peng smiled, the hair oil shined. "I just happened to find you something. How did the police tell you? Did you find out what you are looking at?"

Fufeng crossed him and went forward.

He Peng slammed him and lowered his voice and said, "Your Yang Yang is not killed because of murder."

Yan Feng’s eyelids suddenly glimpsed and grabbed his neckline. “What are you talking about?”

He Peng looked innocent. "What, I just said that, the ghost knows what is going on."

Yan Feng’s eyes were as sharp as a knife, and he was scratching in the face of He Peng. “He Peng, don’t play tricks with me. You have a few pounds and two, I know very well.”

He Peng opened the hand of the neckline. "I will return it to you if I can't move it."

He patted the shoulders of Fufeng. "Everyone is here to do the project. The purpose is to make money. Are you right?"

Yan Feng's thin lips smashed into a straight line, and he suddenly laughed. "As far as I know, you borrowed a high ||Lee | Loan bite || Live this piece of meat, if there is an accident, your situation will It’s much harder than mine.”

"If I were you, I would be honest with the supervisors, and I hope that the project will be completed smoothly, take the money and leave, and pray that there will be no situation."

He Peng’s face changed, and it seems that he has stepped on his key. “You can tell me clearly.”

Yu Feng put his hands in his pockets and looked down at him by his height advantage. "He Peng, your idea of ​​playing Yangyang is not a day or two. You guess, the police know if you will find you in the future?"

He Peng's breath is heavy and his face is stretched. "Yu Feng, don't do it with Lao Tzu, or another child you have to protect will not have good fruit to eat."

Feng Feng’s hand in his pocket shook, his eyes narrowed and he said in a word, “I warn you, if you dare touch him with a finger, I will never let you go.”

He Peng was shocked. Some accidents, Feng Feng would release such rumors. The dead Zhou Yang did not have this treatment. He turned his eyes and said that he smiled unclearly.

Yan Feng looked at his smile, inexplicably disgusted, "What are you laughing at?"

He Peng shrugged. "It’s funny."

He was nervous and laughed a few times. He pulled his greasy hair. "I just received a notice from the company. The time for the meeting is pushed to the afternoon. The bosses will definitely talk to you. I wish you all the best." good luck."

Fufeng’s brow wrinkled and continued to go to the small shop. He saw the BYD far away.

Huang Dan stopped the car down, he turned and made a face-to-face with the man.

Minfeng asked, "Where are you coming from?"

Huang Shan said, "I sent Xiaoyao to the station."

Yu Feng remembered this. Zhang Yao sent him a text message. He also read it. Now he feels that he is not looking for words. It is a bit like a hairy boy who is stunned by a blood.

After a while, the two stood upstairs.

Huang Dan did not know why this person had to go upstairs with himself. Zhang’s father Zhang did not even ask what was the case.

Fufeng was the first time to come up. This second floor is compared with the dormitory where he lives. It’s not so spacious, it’s rude, and there aren’t even a door.

Huang Dan washed his face from the bucket, "Help me get a towel."

The brain of Fufeng didn't turn around. The man had already walked over to the balustrade. "Which color?"

Huang Shan said, "Blue stripes."

Yufeng grabbed the towel and touched the softness of the fingertips||After the soft touch, he returned to God.

Huang Dan waited, and knew that the man was not twisting again. He opened his eyelids and the water flowed into his eyes. "Don't worry, give me the towel."

There was footsteps behind him, and a towel was thrown on his head. He took his hand and yelled, "Thank you."

Fufeng almost wiped his face with a young man.

Huang single took the towel down. "Why do you see me like this?"

Yufeng didn't make a sound, and turned around and sat down on the only wooden bench. The two legs were forked and the sitting position was very random.

Huang Shan glanced at it and went to wash the glass and pour water. "What are you looking for?"

Yu Feng took out the often pumped Nanjing, "Come one?"

Huang Shan said, "I don't smoke."

Yan Feng was very surprised and licked his eyelids. He licked two channels. "You don't touch such a good thing? Your little brother is really boring."

Huang Dan said unconsciously, "If you don't smoke well, don't smoke, let the smoke stop."

When he finished, he licked his lips and got used to trouble.

Wu Feng didn't take his eyes off. He pulled out the laughter from his throat and thought it was funny. "You are here to control your uncle? Ah?"

Huang Dan did not speak.

Yan Feng stares at the youth, "Who gives you the right?"

Huang Dan didn't want to discuss this issue with men now. It would be a lot easier to talk about it in two days. He changed his own topic. "In the morning, I heard the voice of the police||the car, and I heard about your fellow villager. ”

The topic jumped out, the atmosphere around it changed, and the temperature was low, let alone the rich face.

"What have you heard?"

Huang Shan said, "When workers come to the small shop to buy things, the conference talks, what I hear is what they say from their mouths."

He put a cup of hot water on the table and waited for the water to cool down. "Police|| I have found you, have you found out?"

Yan Feng no expression, "Why, you care about this?"

Huang Shan said, "My family is here. The murder case will make my parents think more. If they find out earlier, they will be much more secure."

Yan Feng seems to laugh and laugh. "I haven't found any anxiety about your parents. They are like the old ones. It's you, all in some strange places, I don't know what to do."

Huang Dan turned around and sat on the bed facing the man. "Do you doubt me?"

Yan Feng did not answer and ask, "What do you suspect?"

Huang Dan does not like this direction. He is counting on getting some information from men. "I don't know."

Yan Feng laughed. "You are very interesting."

This sentence is ironic and derogatory, very obvious.

Huang Dan didn't care. "The small shop was stolen that night. Do you know what Zhou Yang came over to buy things?"

Yu Feng does not speak a word.

Huang looked at the man with a single eye. "I am not referring to what you heard from Zhou Yang, but what you saw with your own eyes. You came out that night."

There is no clue in his hand, just temptation.

Can you have a harvest, depending on the reaction of the man after hearing this sentence.

Qi Feng rushed to get close, and grabbed the hair in front of the young man with one hand and pulled it back. "Little things, you are investigating me."

Yellow single, "No."

Feng Feng is cold, "I still said no, you are a little liar."

Huang single lowered his eyelids. "I am afraid that you are not happy."

This time I changed my money.

Huang Dan’s hair was caught, it hurts a bit, his voice is no longer stable. “There has not been much progress in the case of my family being stolen. I want to find clues myself.”

He sighed. "There are too many people on the construction site. I have no choice but to exclude them one by one. Not only you, but everyone else, I am checking."

Yan Feng felt that this person could be very resistant, and he gave him a joke from time to time. At this moment, he laughed again. After speaking, the molars were bitten. "You really dare to think, you still find clues, why don't you?" God?"

Huang Shan said, "You are worried about me."

Yan Feng snorted and snorted, "I am full?"

Huang Shanmei, holding the man's wrist, "Don't catch my hair, hurt."

Feng Feng stared at the sound for a while. "Don't shift the topic, what did your kid check? When did it start?"

He suddenly came to the air and whispered. "Fuck, don't tell me, when you get close to me from the beginning, the motive is not pure, you are using me."

Huang Dan thought about it, the default.

Yan Feng’s chest was swallowed up by an unknown fire. He increased his hand and forced the young man to look up. "Ask you."

Huang is crying with a single pain. "You lower your head."

Yan Feng thought, who the **** are you, dare to order me, and when he reacts, the person has already lowered his head.

This is not right, it is too strange.

Huang single touched the man's hair and wiped the sweat on his nose. The voice was crying. "Small voice, my parents are downstairs and will hear."

Yu Feng saw himself in the eyes of the youth, which is wonderful.

The next moment, he seized the hand of the youth.