MTL - I Heard that My Fiance is Super Fierce-~ Chapter 87

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The purchase ratio is 60%, and the replacement or waiting for 24 hours can be broken.

However, this theory, Wen Yu is obviously unacceptable.

After seeing the box of fire energy stone, Wen Hao simply felt that these people’s brains were broken. It was obvious that Devitt had such a good magical stone. The purity of the aura was higher than the purity of ordinary Lingshi. How much, but also self-contained, even if you want to absorb, why not put such a good thing, do not have to find those one-off?

So when Cassel took several boxes and came to Devit's office, and opened the box on the table, Wen Hao was very unhappy to put his claws on one of the Lingshi. "Hey." You What are you doing?

Kasei was the least frequented in the room. Seeing that he had just moved his hand, the little fox would come up and remember that the veterinarian said that he liked the sparkling thing and couldn’t help but smile. "Marshal, this little thing will not I want this too? What energy stone does it like?"

"Hey!" Wen Hao turned his head over the fierce, you are a small thing, you are all small things!

Aqi couldn’t help but shivering, and thought that Kasei didn’t see the energy stone that the little guy had distinguished before, and also pushed the fire system to Devit’s face. If he saw it, he would I can’t say this.

After Wen Hao’s murder of Kasai, his eyes were swept away on the box on the table. It didn’t matter if he didn’t scan. He swept a stun. He found a reiki from the row of five abundant fire stones. Very disordered earthen stone?

Wen Wei was a little stunned, and he couldn’t take care of the other. He went straight to the stone and smashed his head.

"What's wrong?" Wen Wei's movement quieted the room. Even Kass was curious as to how the little fox was so interested in that stone. Devitt took the lead to react, and asked Emei.

Wen Yan dialed the stone with his claws and raised his eyes. "Hey." Stupid big, someone wants to harm you.


If the aura is small, if it is big, in the past, on the mainland, 10 to 10 people are going to detour, for fear of inhaling a little bit of aura to damage their pulse, even if it is gentle, this is the case. The aura does not like it very much, let alone the whole problem of Devitt's body.

And, let's take this stone...

The warmth of the nose moved, and the bottom of the eye flashed a bit of disgust - there was a smell of bugs.

Wen Yu is not like the Zerg, he is not very fond of nature. The white fox has always been respected by the United States. For him, he is instinctually uncomfortable for him. Although Devitt has a big gap between the appearance and the white fox, I can see it, especially the strong abdominal muscles. Moreover, Devit's body has been hit hard by insecticide, perhaps with the influence of a contract, so Wen Yu will subconsciously hate and reject the Zerg.

"Oh." Wen Yan thought, holding out a white-haired paw and pulling the piece of stone directly out of the box.

"Oh---", the light stone was dropped on the table.

"Hey!" The energy stone is very precious in the hearts of the powers, especially the energy stones placed in front of Devitt, which are very precious high-order energy stones. When Casse was brought, it was all in a box, for fear of encountering it. Now he was directly pushed out by the ruthless paw of Wen Hao. Kasei couldn’t help but step forward. If it wasn’t Devette sitting at the table, he would just rush out.

Devitt's gaze was moving, and he reached out to touch the stone that fell on the table, but was once again held down by the little fox.

"Hey!" It’s not that I dislike you, but you can touch this kind of thing with your body. You can have more than one person on your body now!

Wen Hao shouted very dissatisfiedly. Although he used to mix and drink in the Terran, he also saw those boring and murderous between them, but Wen Hao still found it very interesting, as long as he did not violate him. The interests of the wall are a very good choice. But this stupid big man is now his little tail, and he is still on a boat with him, so be a little more cautious.

Wen Hao took another shot in Devette's hand with a soft meat pad. The latter was very rare and realized that the other party meant to let him wait. Seeing that the other party is no longer moving, the little fox is finished. Turned around on the table and strolled around, finally biting a handkerchief and covering the energy stone.

At this time, Kasei’s eyes were as big as a bronze bell. He watched a beast blocking his coach’s energy stone and found a piece of cloth; and his coach was still quietly waiting. With a beast to find him a handkerchief, after finishing the small fox, grabbed the piece of stone with a handkerchief - two scenes happened in front of him, Kass simply did not know which one should be shocked first.

Devitt picking up the stone for a moment, "Detector?"

Kasei glanced, these stones were checked by people when they came up, and they supervised the inspection with their own eyes, but he would never question Devitt’s judgment, and immediately felt bad in his heart, and quickly turned to go. Look for the detector.

"Stone... isn't it right?" Archie, who had been standing next to him, understood the meaning of Wen Yu's expression. He looked at the stone in Devette's hand and looked awkward. "Casse is taken from the warehouse. I must have checked it, this can be a problem. Isn’t it even clean on your hangar?”

Devitt didn't talk, his eyes were a bit deep, and the other hand touched him on the gentle body, but he was kicked by the latter.

"Oh." Someone is here, don't mess.

The speed of the jam back is very fast. The inspection machine is placed on the table, but the face is a little hesitant. "Marshal, you can only get this machine when you are insured. Others have strict records. It will be a snake, this is a portable version. The value is not necessarily accurate..."

Devi featured the head, placed the stone on the table, and placed the cloth on the stone. Cassel immediately took it, but at the time he always had an intuition. In fact, this check is not important. The marshal seems to have already determined it by other means. This stone must have a problem, is it because of the little fox?

The idea flashed through the mind of Cassel, and the energy stone was put into the machine.

Ten minutes later, the three people in the room were heavy, and Cassel looked at the test results. Both hands were shaking. I immediately stood up and looked shy. "Marshal!"

The little fox that had already fallen, and was about to fall asleep by this slow dying and magical identification method, was shaken by his voice.

"Check." Not only the Casse, Devitt's face is also very unsightly, he thought that the coma for a month, the biggest problem will be the Zerg change, followed by the capital star who was originally uneasy, he did not expect Even his own army will be touched.

This is the coach's aerospace. The energy stone under heavy protection can be used by people. What about other places?

Wen Hao had wanted to marry the black and strong, but I still couldn't hold back. After all, the shyness of the man's expression was too full. It seemed that he would give him a knife and he would immediately plead guilty. No complaints.

He rubbed his paws and looked at Devette’s black face. Wen couldn’t help but sigh, thinking that his little tail was too weak. Isn’t it a bug? It’s good to find a sudden death. The Terran can't deceive him, the delicious tribute is good, don't touch it all day long, the Zerg wants to break his head and can't touch Devert's cold hair.

A room in the two worlds made a different reaction to each other, and the Kasser, who was instructed by Devitt, quickly rushed out.

"Casse has a temper, can think of not playing the grass and getting a portable version of the portable version. It is not easy to cover up the emotions. Will it be a surprise?" Seeing, Archie was worried.

"He can sit down to today, not just brute force." Devitt doesn't seem to care much. "And if I don't want this effect, I will let others come when I take the instrument."

It was said that Archie no longer asked, but this happened. He insisted that Devitt wanted to continue to absorb energy. He even moved out of Mrs. Margaria and asked Devitt to wait at least until the capital star met. Lin Lao Cai.

Archie's face was severe until Devi's characteristic head stretched a little, and he stumbled before he turned and left.

However, when he left, Wen Hao suddenly smelled a faint smell from him, very light and very light, but it was still caught, and could not help but frown.

Wen Hao was thinking about why the insect smell would be so light, a big hand suddenly touched his head, the former turned his head, and he had a deep look on Devitt.

"I didn't believe you."

what? It’s warm.

"But I just believe that you are not enough, the instrument is brought, and the result is for Cassel."

Devitt’s voice was very sincere. Wen’s voice came back from the initial confusion. She probably understood what the other party was saying, and couldn’t help but pick up the fox eyes, and the tail behind her was placed.

"I know that you have extraordinary ability, don't want to say it doesn't matter, I can wait. Until then, all your abilities will be kept secret."

"Well, don't make a noise. This is not the place where you can argue." Lin Lao waved his hand. "I have already written it for a long time. It will be sent to you later. If nothing happens, you should go back first." ”

After saying this, Lin Lao looked back with some worries. The beasts were all neurotic, the spirit was very weak, and with a little influence, they were all likely to have a violent reaction. Many of the wounds were knocked out after being stimulated.

Sure enough, Cook’s loud voice has already caused many of the beasts to stir up. Lin can’t help but frown. At this time, Cook still keeps his mouth in his ear. “Lin, how can I have nothing? This all met the Marshal. How do we say that we have had a relationship for more than ten years? This is not ----"

When Cook’s words were not finished, he found that Devitt’s expression from the beginning was not quite right. The side of Archie’s face became a bit weird, and it was discovered that Cook’s voice was obviously lowered, and there was no such thing as a beast. Lin Lin, who stopped, is a glimpse.

"Cook?" Lin old twisted his head, his eyes swaying up and down in a group of people coming in with Cook, and finally returned to Cook. "You spray perfume?"

Wen Yan saw with his own eyes that when Lin asked this sentence, Cook’s face was immediately distorted, and he quickly buried his small face in Devit’s arms and sneaked his eyes and smirked.

It should be sprayed. That little magic can't consume much of his spiritual power, but it can make a strange smell. This kind of trick has always been used to tease those who don't know how to play, but don't underestimate this stock. It tastes, no one seven and a half months, it just can't go down.

The fragrances of the Terran on the mainland are relatively light, so they can be successful in the past. He did not expect that the human race in this world can adjust such a strong fragrance, but what use is it? It’s not that hard to hear.

But this taste... seems to be a bit irritating.

The very frugal gentleness did not re-use, but buried the small nose deeply in the folds of Devit's arms, and relied on the little fragrance of the latter to liberate his nose, and could not help but look at it. Turned around, some doubts.

From the beginning, he felt a mess of aura, the source is not here, but it is very close to here, what happened?

“The lab doesn't allow any irritating taste to appear, you go out.”

Lin's face is a bit ugly, but Cook's face is more ugly than him, and no one can keep a good face when everyone is disgusted with his smell.

Besides, does he want to be so stinky? As a person who must look at a pair of glasses every morning, it is definitely not what he wants in public. The problem is that he doesn't know where the taste comes from. The second is not willing to let go of such a big opportunity to touch Deweit's bottom line. What if you want to find a perfume to find a way to cover it? In the face of so many of his colleagues, he was disgusted in front of his head, and this stinky even did not know how to defend himself. Is he desperate?