MTL - I Heard You Are an Alien-Chapter 120 Return her girly heart

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此时 At this moment, the door was suddenly pushed open.

Lu Kong's big head appeared in the gap, and he said eagerly: "I heard you cry, it's okay ..." A sweat dripped from his forehead, "I'm sorry to disturb you, continue!" He closed his head.


If the door didn't make such a noise, Yi Ti almost thought that it was just an illusion.

But ...

Isn't it obviously good? !!

Her innocence is gone.

Yi Yiti covered her face in despair, but she was hit by Lu Xi, the two ecstatic guy, and she had "no bright future"! When she was even more desperate, she still had the imagination at this time. "Fortunately, I just pulled Cecil into the bed, so he only saw the upper body without taking too much advantage, which is great." ... She It must be broken!

An alien clinging to the quilt silently, looks like a little daughter-in-law just after one way or another, and has the tendency to "snoring again and again".

"Not allowed!" Yi Ti swept all his clothes over with one hand. "Put on my clothes first!" The pajamas tumbled, revealing underpants printed with a kitten pattern. She turned her back silently, and very "gentleman" chose not to look.

I heard Soso's voice sounded for a while, and finally stopped.

Then she heard someone whispering, "OK."

Ji Yiti turned around, and her face, which was not too red after adjustment, turned red again when she saw the other person. She coughed concealedly, and said, "What the **** are you doing?"

The language is not that powerful.

Of course, because someone has a guilty conscience, she is still overwhelmed by this aura.

An alien who was also blushing apologized sincerely, "Sorry ..."

"..." Why did she feel more complicated when she heard him apologize? She helped her, "Well, what are you doing to attack suddenly?" It's not the trivial man or the insignificant man who sneaks in while taking advantage of his dream! Does he want to be the former or the latter?



The youth who was still not very good at telling Li was honest when she was "forced" to say, "Because I suddenly wanted to get closer to you."


"Then he unknowingly put it into action." As he said, his gaze gradually became serious, "And then ... I want to kiss you."

"..." stupid, stupid! Can such words be said casually? !!

No, no, this guy is not casual, he is very serious.

However, the most terrible place is here, because it will cause her a "comfortable blow"!

Yi Yi Ti again felt that the blood on her body was rushing to her face, her mouth was dry and her face was hot. He stared at him staring blankly, but for a moment didn't know what to say.

Cecil felt that in this kind of gaze, he was again in the half hazy and awake situation just now. He reached out his hands subconsciously, held her shoulder, and murmured, "Can't I?"

His blue eyes with illusory colors resemble an ocean illuminated by the moonlight, which flashes a little bit of beautiful white sand. As soon as he glances into it, he will indulge in this wonderful dream and never wake up.

At this time, it seems impossible to say "No".

And, what she really thought was ...

Then Yi Ti answered his question with action.

She tilted her head slightly ...

Let's make up ...


I leave immediately.

She blushed and leaned her head against his chest, and replied a little stupidly: "By chance ... not ..."

"Bang Bang!"

The heartbeat sounded very quickly.

He couldn't tell who it was, or in fact it was two people, otherwise how could it be so loud? As if knocked directly in the ear.

Noisy and quiet.

In this strange atmosphere, Yi Ti felt that her cheeks were slowly sprayed by a pair of warm big hands, and then, her cheeks were brushed by smooth and cold hair. Compared to this delicate touch, the warm, soft and moist feeling that came from the lips occupied the whole place of thinking.


I put together.


I joined again.


I joined again.

Uh ...

He seemed to be in love with this game. He pecked and kissed her lips. In fact, he probably didn't know the meaning of the word "pecker kiss" at all, but explained the meaning of it by himself. But what's weird about this? Because the behavior originally appeared before the words appeared, didn't it?

As soon as he touched the ground, Yi Ti gradually got rid of the emotion that was just tense, and immediately felt a warmth that surrounded the whole person.

She grinned and whispered, "It's a bit itchy."

"Shall I work harder?" He asked for advice seriously.

"... Do you think it's sloppy?" She reluctantly found that her "girly heart" seemed to have been beaten away by someone again. Yi Ti bit his lips with a bitter "ahh", and backed up a little before she let go, letting it "bu" bounce back.

Her retaliatory action, but his eyes sparkled, as if some new game had been found.

Suddenly, he bit her lip in a learned way, and was about to pull back, but suddenly stopped.

Yi Ti was relieved for this guy to understand (as a man cannot bully a woman), and suddenly felt ... he actually licked her lips tentatively, she trembled, and quickly backed away, blushing and asking: "You, what do you do?" The whole person became nervous again.

He honestly answered, "Your lips smell a little sweet, so you want to taste it."

"..." Is he abnormal? !!

"It's really sweet." His hands still on her cheeks were slightly firmer, bringing her back to her, and then approached again, asking softly, "Can you continue?"

"..." Sometimes it doesn't seem to be a good thing to respect her opinion too much.

At this time, is it more embarrassing to ask clearly than to do it directly?

What should she say?

雅 蠛 蝶 or come soon?

It's totally wrong no matter what!

Maybe it was through her tangles, or maybe she felt some kind of acquiescence, he bowed his head again, biting her lower lip gently, and gradually moved from licking to sucking, and then ...

真正 A real kiss happened naturally.

Is not only the exchange of liquids, but also the attachment of the soul.

I never felt for a moment and felt closer than now.

Both physically and mentally.

The hand that held her cheek gradually dropped, holding her head tightly with one hand, and hugging her waist with the other, keeping her close to herself until inseparable. People in love always seem to suffer from "skin hunger." They want to be completely integrated, and don't separate for a moment.

Suddenly, her hands naturally wrapped around his neck, and I did not know when it would become a posture of kneeling on his lap and being held in his arms like a big doll.

The faint sound of water sounded in the room.

Mixed with rapid breathing and gradually disordered heartbeat ...

Everything seems wonderful.

If someone didn't spread the cake again and smear her face at the moment when their lips were apart.

Yi Yi Ti: "..." She wiped her mouth silently, and dunked the big cake with her hands, kicking it to the ground.

Hehe, her girly heart and shyness are gone.

"Sleep, don't disturb me again!"

After I left such a sentence, she lay down again, covering her head with a quilt.

Cecil: "..." QAQ

"Little Ti ..."

I felt like I was being ripped off, and Yi Ti answered dryly, "What?"

"You hold my clothes down."

She almost wanted to hit the wall. She reached out and pushed the quilt on the bed: "Okay, let's go!"

"Little Ti ..."

"what happened again?"

"It's not good to sleep with your head covered."

"..." After a moment of silence, she covered the quilt tighter.

Cecil: "..." TAT

Even if he was simple, he knew what he seemed to mess up with. After getting dressed, he walked out in despair.

As soon as he went out, the person who was sitting on the sofa and watching TV swiftly pounced over, while covering his mouth with his right hand (right paw), God laughed synchronously.

"Hey Hey……"

"Meow meow meow ..."

If it's someone else, I'm probably speechless, but an alien doesn't have similar feelings, just watching Lu Kong and A Jiang silently, as if asking "what are you going to do?"

He made the two pets uncomfortable.

"Cough," Lu Kong coughed twice, and dared to continue his gossip, "Okay, when are you kid?"


"That's when you got to this point!" He understood it. He couldn't use euphemistic questions at all to this dead-headed guy, because he couldn't understand it!

"Which step?"

"..." Lu Kong looked at, "Which step do you think your relationship has taken ?!"

Cecil answered with a serious expression, "We already have our own children."



As soon as he said something, Lu Kong, A Jiang, and Yi Ti, who was eavesdropping with his sense of knowledge, spit blood at the same time!