MTL - I Heard You Like Me Too-Chapter 38

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Is there anything more embarrassing than this?

Du Yushu thought, it seems that there is no more.

The last issue was the jungle battle. This period is the adventure of the old castle. I don’t know where the program group borrowed from the old castle. It is standing near the jungle. It’s such a villa. It looks like a dark, a little popular. No;

Du Yushu looked at Ye Jing'an around him quietly. If she remembered correctly, he seemed to be afraid of ghosts.

The last time I saw a ghost film, I was scared to death.

When several of them were brought into the entrances with their blindfolds, the director’s voice rang in the entire castle. “The ancient castle explores, in this thousand-year-old castle, there is a secret secret, and a A treasure trove of thousands of years, you came to find this treasure, and opened a wonderful adventure in this castle."

“The first to find a treasure can take away the treasure.”

"There are treasures in the castle and countless things to help you, and countless things that give you confusion."

"The treasure map is really fake, please judge for yourself."

"Now, please take off your eye mask."

The sound stopped abruptly, Du Yushu Qiang resisted the urge of the monks, took off the blindfold, and at that moment, she could not help but accelerate the heartbeat;

Deep and dark corridors, looming red characters, candles that may be extinguished at any time, faint red fire, if there is a whispering sound, there is something on the smooth floor that is struggling to emerge...

Du Yushu couldn't help but stand upright, and the program group was too realistic. Turned to see Ye Jing'an, Du Yushu tried his best to say nothing: "Let's take the sleeves together, I always feel like this is the same. ""

Ye Jing’an’s eyelids staring at the wall twisted stiffly. His movements were very slow. The scorpion looked at Du Yushu without any fluctuations. It looked very infiltrating and stiff: “...what?”

Du Yushu felt that he was not afraid of anything for a moment, couldn't help but cast an angry look at several cameras, what did the program group do so? ! Don't know if someone is afraid of ghosts? !

Du Yushu took Ye Jing'an's sleeves, and if the blind man looked at other places as if nothing had happened, he would laugh at the general saying: "Hey, you won't be afraid of ghosts?"

Ye Jing'an looked at Du Yushu's hand holding his sleeve, and his eyes slipped through a smile, stiff: "...hehe."

I always feel that today's rules are more than that. Du Yushu and Ye Jingan walked down the corridor. The sound of the heel knocking on the floor was very clear. It was also faintly echoed in the corridor. Du Yushu felt a gust of wind between the two people. Without any communication, Du Yushu can feel the stiffness of Ye Jingan's body;

So afraid of ghosts...?

Du Yushu saw his stiff look, and couldn't help but feel pain in his heart. What did the program group do? Don't know if someone is afraid of ghosts? !

"I said, how do you find something like this?" Du Yushu took the lead in speaking. It is said that when talking, it will reduce the fear of people's inner feelings. I don't know if it is true. If you are a dead horse, you can't live now. Baidu, "Let's look over there?"

Ye Jingan nodded silently. His nodding gesture was very slow. It seemed that the reaction was not the same. Du Yushu was only scared when he was shocked.

Be sure to talk to the program group to talk about it!

This is a ghost, but can be scared of heart disease!

“Left or right turn?” Seeing the front ramp, Du Yushu turned and asked Ye Jing’an. “How do I feel that something bad happened when I walked out of this corridor... Inexplicably, there is a kind of corridor. The feeling of the safe zone..."

"Left turn?" Ye Jingan grabbed Du Yushu's sleeve and said, "The left eye jumps and the right eye jumps. Is it better on the left...?"

" are really..." Du Yushu thought for a long time and could not find a suitable adjective. He simply skipped the topic. "The road you choose is also your responsibility when you meet your character. Arrived."

"I think it's because there is you around, so there is nothing good." Ye Jingan retorted, although it was slower, but it was a bit of a former momentum.

Du Yushu breathed a sigh of relief.

Just the kind of courteous and oppressive atmosphere made her whole person unable to bear the feeling of depression. She would rather Ye Jing'an arguing with her like she used to, and she did not want him to be so polite and alienated...

It seems to be a stranger...

Du Yushu licked his lips and took Ye Jing'an to move on. They didn't find anything in this group, but they just finished the tens of meters of corridors.

"With the three views and character of the program group... I always feel that the treasure map and tools are not so easy to find... Is it a barrier or something?" Du Yushu said.

"...have a ghost." Ye Jingan said.

"..." Du Yushu said indifferently, "If you have a ghost, you must scare you."

Ye Jingan: "..."

"There seems to be a box there," Du Yushu pointed in the direction of the front. "Go, go see."


"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, There are ghosts...!"

Deeply sniffing the taste of Du Yushu, Ye Jingan quietly revealed a smile in the place where no one saw it;

Du Yushu was not scared by the creature wearing a gray skirt and could not see the red liquid on her face. She was only scared by Ye Jingan;

She touched Ye Jing'an's head, and the palm of his hand beat his back in a rhythm, but he said: "That's not a ghost, it's a staff member."

Ye Jingan is vague: "...ghost..."

"You are a big man!" Du Yushu said with a sigh of relief, the rhythm of the palm has not changed at all. "The face is ketchup, it is just that the skirt is too long to cover the foot, may not wear shoes. So there is no sound at all, as for anything else, there is a mirror on the side, the light that refracts is a bit weird!"

"That is an individual," Du Yushu said with a smile. "Not afraid, baby, mother is here, don't be afraid..."

Ye Jingan straightened up and looked at her with a blank expression: "..."

Du Yushu took a step and put the ghost there, and said with a funny voice, "Do you see this as a ghost? Can I meet a ghost? Isn't the ghost transparent? Where did you touch it? ”

Said, Du Yushu used a finger to wipe the red liquid on the 'ghost' face, bowed his head and said, "Ketchup, but also sweet, where did the ketchup buy? Ok."

Ye Jingan: "..."

Several videos: "..."

Staff with ‘ghost’: “...” 2k novel reading network