MTL - I Hide And Farm In The World Of Cultivation To Increase My Proficiency-Chapter 17 first plan

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  Chapter 17 The first plan

  Reality is not a game, Lu Yuan feels that his skills have advanced.

  In addition to being more hand-printed in the use of skills.

   Even the retraction and control of spiritual power are much stronger than before.

  Thinking about it carefully, it is not surprising that this happens.

  The essence of fire control technique is to use spiritual power to cast supernatural flames, and then control them.

  This process is a very test of the user's control over his spiritual power.

  The improvement of fire control skills undoubtedly means that Lu Yuan's control over spiritual power has also improved.

  The same imagination also occurs in alchemy and imperial art.

  The advancement of these skills not only allowed Lu Yuan to master new special abilities, but also improved some of his hidden basic abilities.

  In addition to this, Lu Yuan also discovered other benefits of advanced skills.

  For example, if he has mastered the fire control technique, when he practices the same type of water control technique, wind control technique, and lightning control technique in the future, the efficiency will definitely be much faster than now.

  After all, the principles of these magical skills are essentially the same as those of fire control.

  This is what we often say, 'one method is mastered, a hundred methods are mastered'.

  In Lu Yuan's plan, his future practice is to develop in an all-round way, and not leave obvious weaknesses for himself.

   He will definitely practice such supernatural powers as the Wind Control Technique.

  Because reality is not a game, there is no chance to start over.

  If an obvious weakness is left and caught by the enemy, it is not as simple as simply loading the file and restarting, but directly disappearing.

  Therefore, others may cultivate a single spiritual root in pursuit of efficiency, ignoring possible weaknesses, but Lu Yuan will never do this.

  He will cultivate all his spiritual roots to perfection before considering promotion to the Foundation Establishment Stage.

   In this way, when facing opponents of the same level, he will not only have more means, but also have deeper spiritual power.

  The safety factor is undoubtedly much higher than that of cultivating a single spiritual root.

   And Lu Yuan's cultivation method is the standard Shuitong training method.

  A cultivation school that has no obvious advantages, but also no obvious weaknesses.

   Of course, this genre actually has a very obvious shortcoming.

  That is, it requires a lot of cultivation resources.

  It's like others only need to maintain one account, but Lu Yuan needs to maintain multiple accounts at the same time.

  Whether it is the resources or energy spent, it is naturally several times that of normal people.

  In fact, if there is no system, Lu Yuan would not dare to take this route of balanced development of all spiritual roots.

  But with the system, he can not only see his skill proficiency.

   It is also possible to practice each skill to a proficient level with a very high efficiency.

  With such superior conditions, if it does not dare to choose all-round development, it will really be squeezed by the door.

   In a word, it is always the shortest board that determines how much water a barrel can hold!

  Balanced development, this is what a stable person should do.

  And in the development direction of steady practice flow.

  Lu Yuan feels that his understanding of this genre is higher than that of Bai Dafei who is also of this genre.

  Bai Dafei only comprehended the "be kind to others, keep a low profile" of this school.

  Lu Yuan felt that on this basis, he understood one more level of truth than him.

  That is 'all-round development, impeccable'.

   For this reason, Lu Yuan also set the first five-year plan for himself.

  1. Reach the foundation building period within five years.

  2. Guaranteed to learn five life-saving magical powers within five years.

  3. Never leave Qingyunmen within five years.

  Lu Yuan felt that as long as he fulfilled these points, he should be able to survive safely in this dangerous fairy world.

   After thinking about my future "career plan" and determining the specific content of the first "five-year plan".

   Lu Yuan started specific actions.

   Right now, he has completed all the conditions for refining the foundation-building period elixir.

   It's also time to try to refine the foundation-building elixir.

   The first step in refining foundation-building elixir starts with obtaining the foundation-building elixir.

   And Lu Yuan has already figured out the method of obtaining Dan Fang in the Foundation Establishment Stage.

  The method is very simple, he just needs to take his outer disciple waist card and go to the Treasure Pavilion in Pill Valley to exchange it.

  As an activist, Lu Yuan took action immediately.

   Two hours later, Lu Yuan returned from the Treasure Pavilion.

   And in his hands, there was a brand new Dan formula.

  【Dan Fang: Xisui Dan】

  【Refining Requirements: Foundation-building stage cultivation, or comparable to the foundation-building stage flame supernatural powers】

  【Effect: Increase the user's spiritual power absorption speed, and have a small probability of improving spiritual root qualification】

  The effect of Xisui Pill was as expected by Lu Yuan.

  The so-called Xisui Pill is actually the advanced version of Peiyuan Pill.

  Not only does it work similarly to Peiyuan Pill, but it also uses similar herbs.

   It's just that among the formulas of Xisui Pill, the age of several medicinal materials greatly exceeds that of Peiyuan Pill.

  Even the few extra herbs are very precious.

  Lu Yuan made an estimate. If the cost of refining a Peiyuan Pill was almost two low-grade spirit stones.

  Now the cost of refining a marrow washing pill has risen directly to the level of two middle-grade spirit stones, a full tenfold increase.

   And this is just the cost of refining, if the difficulty of refining is taken into account, the cost will be even higher.

   It's no wonder that in such a huge Qingyun sect, only true disciples are eligible to receive a marrow washing pill on a regular basis.

   After all, this is not taking pills, this is simply eating money, okay?

  Although the refining conditions for refining Xisui Pill are very harsh, the current Lu Yuan basically satisfies them.

  Even before returning, Lu Yuan exchanged the medicinal materials needed for refining Xisui Pill from the medicine garden in Pill Valley.

  Although he was a little bit distressed about his small coffers, but thinking of the possible gains, Lu Yuan felt that the effort was worth it.

  Everything is ready...start the fire!

  Lu Yuan poured his green flame into the alchemy furnace, and immediately started the preparations for refining the marrow pill.

   Not long after, a panel about the refining success rate of Xisui Pill appeared.

  【Washing Marrow Pill】

  【Flame temperature: 0%】

  【Refining degree: 0%】

  【Fusion degree: 0%】

  【Lucky value: 0 (+)】

  【Current success rate: 2%】

  A threaded alchemy furnace that can increase the success rate of Peiyuan Dan by 10%.

  There is only a 2% increase in the success rate of the Xisui Pill.

   It can be seen how difficult it is to wash the marrow pill.

  Because it was the first time refining Xisui Pill, Lu Yuan didn't expect to be able to succeed once.

  The first refining is purely for practice.

  Thinking of this, Lu Yuan took a deep breath, and threw all the medicinal materials needed for refining into it.

  The burning green flames quickly wrapped these medicinal materials and began to refine them.

  When the medicinal material came into contact with Qingyan, Lu Yuan felt strong resistance.

  Compared with Peiyuan Dan, the medicinal materials of Xisui Dan are not only older.

  The medicinal power contained in it has also reached an astonishing level.

  If it weren't for Qingyan, Lu Yuan wouldn't even be able to refine them.

   After a lot of effort, Lu Yuan finally extracted all the medicinal materials.

   It's just that in the process, he still inevitably wasted a lot of medicine.

   But Lu Yuan was not upset by this.

   It's the first time, it's normal that it's a bit rusty.

   After all, who doesn't make a mistake the first time?

  For example...going through the wrong door or something.

  No one is born an old driver.

  The so-called old driver, not only after experiencing the wind and rain, experiencing the warmth and coldness of the world, finally exercised the superb driving skills!

  With this thought in mind, Lu Yuan stabilized his mind and started the next operation.

   Refining, fusion, condensation...

  【Washing Marrow Pill】

  【Flame temperature: 35%】

  【Refining degree: 25%】

  【Fusion degree: 37%】

  【Lucky value: 200】

  【Current success rate: 38%】


  Following an explosion and billowing black smoke, Lu Yuan ran out of the alchemy room in a panic.

  At this time, a senior brother from Pill Valley who came out to breathe, saw the disheartened Lu Yuan, and subconsciously showed a knowing smile.

   Really good, I feel really good today!

  As soon as you go out, you can see the scene of the same alchemy failure, which is a good sign!

   Sure enough, the nature of human beings is to gloat, and this brother is no exception!

  (end of this chapter)