MTL - I Hide And Farm In The World Of Cultivation To Increase My Proficiency-Chapter 18 secret deal

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  Chapter 18 Secret Transaction

   Lu Yuan pretended not to see the senior brother who was gloating beside him.

  He came to the pool outside the alchemy room and quickly washed his face clean.

  Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded from behind Lu Yuan.

   "What's wrong, Junior Brother Lu, did you fail in alchemy?"

  Lu Yuan turned his head and found that Bai Dafei appeared behind him at some point.

  Looking at the smiling round face, Lu Yuan felt an urge to punch him for some reason.

  Don't get me wrong, it's not that he has any malice towards Bai Dafei, it's just that he is a bit cheap.

   "Brother Bai, why are you free to come to the alchemy room today? Don't you have to supervise the assessment of the outer disciples?"

  Bai Dafei stepped forward, said with a smile: "Brother, you think too much, your brother and I are the true biography of Pill Valley no matter what."

   "Being an examiner is just one of the tasks I received. Now that the task is completed, I certainly don't have to stay there anymore."


  Bai Dafei looked at Lu Yuan at this time, thought of something, and said kindly: "Junior brother Lu, you should be trying to refine a new elixir, right?"

   "I'm not boasting, senior brother. In the area of ​​alchemy, although your senior brother and I are not as talented as you, I am better than my rich experience."

   "Tell me, brother, what problems have you encountered, maybe I can help you solve it, brother."

  Hearing this, Lu Yuan's eyes lit up.

   Then he opened his mouth and said, "Brother, when you were refining the marrow-washing pill, how did you control the temperature of the refining medicine?"

   "And how do they not exclude each other and blend together?"

   "In the final condensing stage, how can you ensure that the medicinal power after fusion is stabilized?"

  Lu Yuan's series of questions directly stopped Bai Dafei.

   Then he said dumbfounded: "Junior Brother, you were just refining the marrow washing pill?"

   "Yeah, what's wrong?"

   "What's wrong, there's a big problem here!"

   "Wait... You shouldn't have used your precious opportunity to exchange for foundation-building pills for free on the marrow washing pill!"

   Seeing Bai Dafei yelling like this, Lu Yuan was even more puzzled.

   "I did exchange for the prescription of the marrow washing pill. Is there a problem?"


  Bai Dafei slapped his forehead fiercely, his expression very speechless.

"It's no problem, let me tell you this. Although the rareness of medicinal materials is not as high as that of the most precious elixir in the Foundation Establishment period, the Foundation Establishment Pill, but in terms of refining difficulty, the Xisui Pill and Foundation Establishment Dan is actually pretty much the same."

   "Of course, if the effect of the pill of washing marrow is similar to that of pill of building foundation, then that's fine. The key is that the pill of washing marrow is a useless pill recognized by all disciples!"

   "Useless Dan?"

   "Yes, it is the useless pill. Did you choose its pill formula because you saw the explanation on the marrow washing pill that there is a small probability of improving the user's spiritual root aptitude?"

  Lu Yuan nodded, this was indeed one of the key reasons why he chose Xisui Pill.

   "Junior Brother Lu, you have been deceived!"

   "You are not a true disciple, so you may not know how small the small probability of Xisui Pill is."

   "Let me tell you this, even if you eat a hundred marrow washing pills, it may not be able to trigger the effect of improving the aptitude of the spiritual root."

   "If the improvement of spiritual root aptitude is removed, then there is not much difference between Xisui Pill and ordinary Peiyuan Pill."

   "Eat a few more Peiyuan Pills, it's almost like a Xisui Pill on top."

   "Therefore, apart from the marrow-washing pill that true disciples in the sect can receive every month, few alchemists in Pill Valley will refine this pill."

   "The reason is that the price-performance ratio of refining the marrow pill is too low."

   "Refining is difficult, the medicinal materials are precious, and the effect is not obvious. It is obvious whoever refines is stupid!"


  After hearing this, Lu Yuan didn't know what to say for a while.

  Is it so difficult to trigger the effect of improving spiritual root aptitude...

  Why did I feel that it was quite simple at first.

   Moreover, what I was taking at the time was not the Xisui Pill, but the perfect Peiyuan Pill.

  Thinking about it carefully, he was able to trigger the special effect of Perfect Peiyuan Pill so easily.

   Everything still has to be attributed to his luck talent, the chosen lucky star.

  If there is no luck talent, the chosen lucky star.

  It is not easy for him to improve his spiritual root qualification so easily.

   However, Lu Yuan would not tell others about his luck talent.

  At this time, Bai Dafei didn't seem to want to continue attacking Lu Yuan.

  He sighed and said, "Hey, Junior Brother Lu, I won't tell you how many senior brothers there are, so just learn a lesson."

   "If you encounter this kind of thing again in the future, remember to ask your brother and me more often, and I promise to save you from detours."

   After speaking, Bai Dafei shook his head and left.

   Lu Yuan looked at Bai Dafei's back, thoughtfully.

  To tell the truth, if it is someone else, then the price-performance ratio of this marrow washing pill is indeed not very high.

   But if it's him, it seems not at all.

  Don’t the true disciples want the marrow washing pill...

  From this passage, Lu Yuan keenly sensed an opportunity.

  If the disciples in the sect don't like the marrow washing pill so much, then is there a chance for me to exchange it from them?

  It is necessary to know that if it is only about the effect of enhancing the speed of cultivation.

  Ten basic Peiyuan pills are almost as good as one marrow washing pill.

  If you use more than ten basic Peiyuan pills to trade.

   Presumably there should be many true disciples who would be willing to exchange with me.

  After all, for most people, compared with Xisui Dan's illusory spiritual root aptitude is improved.

  What they value more is the improvement of the speed of cultivation.

   And this point, Pei Yuandan can perfectly replace it.

   And the gap will not be particularly large.

  If there is a chance, those true disciples should be more willing to exchange the marrow washing pill for more Peiyuan pill.

  The more he thought about it, the more Lu Yuan felt that this plan was feasible.

   Moreover, exchanging the marrow washing pill with the true disciples has another very big benefit for him.

   That's the matter of his spiritual root aptitude improvement, which is equivalent to having a perfect excuse.

  Lu Yuan has been worried about a problem before.

   That is how to answer after the dream demon girl returns and finds that her spiritual root aptitude has improved.

   And now this problem is not solved.

  Of course, the key reason why Lu Yuan wants to exchange the marrow washing pill.

   It is still because he has a way to use the marrow washing pill to improve his spiritual root aptitude 100%.

   The marrow washing pill, which is tasteless to others and a pity to discard, is a top-notch elixir for him!

  Thinking of this, Lu Yuan turned and went back to the alchemy room.

   Don’t worry about exchanging marrow washing pills, just take your time.

   Right now, the most important thing for him is to refine Peiyuan Pill, improve skill proficiency, and learn to refine Xisui Pill.

  【You have seriously carried out alchemy, the proficiency of metaphysics alchemy +5...】

  【You performed a fire defense seriously, and your proficiency in fire protection +3...】

  【You released the blue flame technique once, the proficiency of the blue flame technique +10...】

   Half a year later, the Albatron Gate will be transferred to the valley.

  In the dead of night, with the moon and stars sparse, two furtive figures came to the foot of Zhenchuan Valley one after another.

  There were not many people coming and going here in the past, let alone at this hour.

  The two people who appeared here at this time were surprisingly similar in their outfits.

  They were all wearing black clothes with their faces covered and their noses covered, obviously for fear of being recognized by others.

   The two stood in the woods, looking at each other.

   After a while, one of the men in black said, "Stop talking nonsense, where is the product I want?"

  The man in black on the opposite side opened the storage bag and took out a medicine bottle containing elixir.

  Then directly threw it to the opponent.

   After getting the medicine bottle, the man in black opened the medicine bottle and smelled it.

   "That's right, here are all the top-quality Peiyuan Pills, it seems that what you said is true."

   As he spoke, he put away these Peiyuan Pills, took out a bottle of Xisui Pill from his storage bag, and threw it to the other party.

  Lu Yuan caught the medicine bottle, and opened it cautiously for confirmation.

  No mistake, one of these two men in black is Lu Yuan, and the other is a true disciple of Qingyun Sect.

  What they are doing at this time is to hand in pills!

  After discovering the three Marrow Cleansing Pills stored in the medicine bottle, Lu Yuan said with satisfaction: "The quantity is correct, the transaction is completed, let's leave it at that."

   After finishing speaking, Lu Yuan and the unknown brother on the opposite side left Zhenchuan Valley one after another.

  The whole process can be called the Xianxia version of underground trading, and it is mysterious.

  When Lu Yuan returned to his alchemy room, he couldn't resist opening the storage bag.

   Not long after, three medicine bottles containing Xisui Pill appeared on the table.

  Among the three medicine bottles, the minimum number is two, and the maximum number is five.

  Counting the bottle he just traded, there are a total of ten marrow washing pills.

  Looking at the Xisui Pill in front of him, Lu Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly.

   Calculating the time, Meng Ruyan Meng Yao, who was said to be back in at most two years, should be coming back soon.

  With these marrow washing pills, even if she finds that her spiritual root aptitude has improved, she can have a perfect explanation.

   Don't ask him why he is so cautious.

   Faced with someone like Meng Yaonv, one cannot be too careful.

  Lu Yuan didn't want to become the first traverser to be sucked dry by a witch, and be nailed to the pillar of shame one day.

   Therefore, he must be very careful to avoid being noticed by the witch that he may be out of control.

   After all, the current him is not yet ready for a showdown with the witch.

  Thinking of this, Lu Yuan put away all the marrow washing pills on the table.

  Because at this time, he does not yet have the conditions to take Xisui Pill.

  【Washing marrow pill (common)】


  【Remarks: When the luck value reaches 1000 points, taking it will definitely improve the spiritual root qualification】

   Seeking collection, seeking follow-up reading, follow-up reading is really important~



  (end of this chapter)