MTL - I [Imperial] Am Not This Kind of Man-Chapter 161 Sink

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The sailor's salvage operation went smoothly. It was already late at night, and more and more Tibetan gold was being retrieved, and the speed was getting faster and faster. In order to prevent the distant eyeliner from being noticed from the draught of the warship, Wen Ye scattered the hundreds of boxes of Tibetan gold he had collected and carried them on various warships.

Seeing that everything went well, suddenly a warship approached quickly from the upstream.

From the appearance of the war ship, it can be seen that this is a colleague of the South Chen Shui Division stationed in Jianou City, and it can also be seen that the ship has just experienced the brutal baptism of war.

The hull was broken, with traces of blood and fire. The boat was full of Nan Chen soldiers, not many people, and wounded.

Rushing all the way, we can see how much they paid.

There were not only dozens of soldiers on the ship, but also Lei Yangbing, the deputy commander of Nan Chen Dian. He was a close friend of Chen Yun, and he was killed by everyone along the way, and he was seriously injured.

Upon receiving the news, Wen Ying rushed to the bow of the boat and asked in shock: "Is the war already underway?"

Since learning about the fall of Kangcheng, Wen Ye can guess Da Zhou's next strategic deployment.

The siege battalion and the sacred soldier battalion turned around, and joined the Pitung battalion in Jianou under the Jianou city, then stormed Jianou.

However, the speed of encirclement cannot be so fast. There are still a lot of Nanchen and Nanman soldiers around Kangcheng. If you want to encircle, you must first calm down these places to avoid suffering from the enemy.

Around the city of Pingding, even if the strategist camp and the battalion of elite soldiers are unparalleled, half a month is indispensable.

Therefore, according to his expectations, returning to Jianye at this time should still be safe. Pidongying had only 50,000 soldiers and horses, and it was impossible to surround Jianye. He returned to the city with his sailors, horses, and Tibetan gold, and merged with Chen Yi to carry out the next plan.

However, Lei Yangbing hurried to bring unexpected news.

It ’s more shocking news for everyone than the northward encirclement of Shenbingying and Shenbingying.

Fluttering at Wen Yi's feet, this young sharp general can no longer support him, crying, "Master Wen, Jian'ou City has fallen!"

Wen Zheng hardly believed what he heard.

Nanchen ’s imperial capital was not an ordinary city, and it could be captured by force or scheme.

Even in the big week when the national army and horses were encircled, the southern army, the Chinese army, and the northern army gathered together and stormed, building an extremely thick city wall, and there was never a shake.

In the end, Pei Yong, the coach, took advantage of Long An's eagerness to win, and drew the main force in Jian'ou City out of the city to annihilate it, before he achieved a decisive victory. Even this victory did not capture the Jianou city wall, but after the main force was annihilated, the city's hearts floated. A group of greedy and fearful deaths finally shook their positions under the secret strategy of detailed work, and secretly opened the city gate to let Da Zhoubing The horse broke the city.

After Jianye regained again, Chen Ye deployed heavy soldiers in several city gates, led by his confidants, and the city gates required passwords to open and close. It is absolutely impossible for surrenders to secretly open the city gates.

Under such circumstances, Jianye actually fell?

"Is it the siege of the siege camp and the siege of the siege battalion that caught the city off guard?" Wen Yan muttered.

"No," Lei Yangbing said painfully. "It was Pidongying ... that captured Jianye ..."

Before the words were over, a violent cough overflowed with blood from the corners of his mouth.

Wen Yi quickly supported him, pressed one hand on his back, and slowly input his internal force.

"Beidongying is full of calculations, but how can 50,000 soldiers and horses capture the Jianye city?" An incredible voice came from behind. It was Chen Li in the cabin. He was awakened by the movement on the ship. He checked it out and heard it when he left the house. A word.

The same doubts surfaced in almost everyone's mind. But now is not the time to elaborate on these.

The pure internal interest temporarily stabilized the injury, and Lei Yangbing took a sigh of relief, struggling, "Master Wen, the emperor ... has a will. Order me to find you and His Highness Nine as soon as possible, and then ... as soon as possible ..."

He pointed to his chest, where his clothes and armor were soaked with blood.

Wen Zheng helped him stabilize his internal interest and was convinced that he had no worries about his life. Then he let go of his hand, and then took out the will from his arms.

The bright yellow scroll was reddish by half with blood, and Wen Yue shook her hands to open.

He swept across at a glance, his face changed dramatically, but after years of storms and thunders, he quickly recovered his calmness.

Turning around, he knelt down towards Chen Li.

"Her Highness Nine, the Emperor ... it's yours!"

Chen Li couldn't believe it, and immediately trembled and asked, "How is the brother Huang?"

Lei Yangbing gasped back and replied: "When the minister was ordered to kill, the emperor was personally bringing ... the soldiers and horses, in the northern part of the city's Taimiao ... to resist the Pidong camp rushing into the city."

"The emperor said, he vowed to ... coexist with Jianye and die. His subordinates carried this purpose ... to kill the city and find Lord Wen and His Highness Nine."

Chen Li's face was heavy, and he took the will from Wen Zheng, and hurriedly swept.

Maybe it was Chen Yan who wrote it in haste, with a hurry, but the meaning was very clear.

Ordered the fleet not to return to Jianou after salvaging Tibetan gold, and immediately set off south and returned to Wuling County in the south. Then Wen Li assisted Chen Li to ascend to the throne, clinging to the six southern counties, and if nothing could be done, he returned to the country of Nanmanwuli.

Wen Yan asked urgently, "What about the naval warship?"

Even if Pidongying breaks into the city, Chen Ye can take the sailor to retreat and leave. Da Zhou's navy cannot catch up with them.

Lei Yangbing smiled bitterly: "The main force of the sailor had already set sail into the sea seven days ago, just after the news of the defeat of Kangcheng. The emperor issued an order that night to allow Governor Nie Ti to enter the sea north."

"Emperor ..." Wen Yishi understood. After the news of the defeat of Kangcheng came, Nan Chen's main force was devastated. Chen Jian understood that Jianye was in danger. He simply agreed to the agreement of the Bei Bi and Tu Bi people and let the warship go northward.

What changes will the introduction of Beishuo soldiers and horses bring to the world?

For a moment, Chen Li's face was pale. Wen Ye also looked uncertain.

Moving north from Beishuo, the general trend of the whole world seems to be immersed in a cloud of fog, which makes people unclear and puzzling. Even having a long-term vision and meticulous analytical capabilities is useless.

But what they need to consider is not these long-term issues, but the immediate difficulties.

Wen Yan took a long breath and stood up: "His Highness Nine."

Chen Li quickly calmed down, closed her eyes, opened again, and asked Lei Yangbing, "Brother Huang is still resisting, right?"

Although he had never seen it before, Lei Yangbing knew that the person in front of him was the future lord, and he knelt back and said, "When the minister left, the emperor was still fighting 8000 Fei Yunwei."

"That being the case, immediately set out for the westbound, entered Jianye, and responded to the emperor." Chen Li calmly ordered.

Wen Yue was startled, "His Royal Highness!" They were carrying no more than fifty warships and three thousand soldiers and horses. They were elite against the Chinese army last week.

"The city of Jian'ou is deep, the area is vast, and the number of Pidongying is limited, so it cannot form an effective encirclement. Our naval division's warship is fast, far above the soldiers and horses of the Da Zhou. At this time, the Clippers enter the army, and they can respond to Jianou's defeat Soldiers and horses, and then retreated immediately. "

Chen Li spoke quickly, analyzing the gains and losses of the entire battlefield.

"Time needs to be hurry up, and the imperial brother must be rescued before the sacred battalion and the sacred battalion arrive at Jianou's encirclement."

Wen Huan is still hesitating. His anxiety and longing for Chen Huan are far better than anyone, but his rationality is as deep as he understands that Nan Chen ’s Guo Huan is more important. It is the same in Chen Huan ’s heart, or else Lei Yangbing would not be sent out rushing to death, and sent this widow.

From the moment he died 13 years ago, Chen Yong never put his life in a very important position.

Seeing his hesitation, Chen Li stopped drinking: "Master Wen, don't be late, the opportunity is fleeting!"

"Going south to Wuling County, will I be my second starling? I will spend more than ten years in that remote and remote place, ha, I'm afraid I don't have the patience of my starling." There was all sorts of things on his face. Don't care about the smile.

"Since I am the Lord, listen to me this time."

After struggling violently, Wen Xun finally prevailed over Chen Xuan's concerns and nodded, "Just according to Her Royal Highness."

Chen Li continued to command: "Then, first give up all the gold here! Throw all the gold you picked up, don't slow us down."

At that moment, Wen Miao's face changed. "No, His Royal Highness took these golds to the south to have a chance to start again!" After six years of conquests and wars in the six southern counties, people ’s livelihoods have withered, and it is impossible to support them for too long. With this batch of gold, they can meet the forces of Nanman, and with the help of their forces, they can withstand the offensive of Dazhou.

"With the help of brutal soldiers, can you resist Da Zhou's elite?" Chen Li shook his head and smiled, "Even a city wall like Jianye can be captured, how long can the city walls of the six southern counties resist?"

Wen Ye was silent. After so many years of repeated tug-of-war, the city walls of the six counties in the south have long been broken, just like the local people's livelihood and popular support.

Chen Li sighed: "Retreating to the six counties in the south, or Uli, is a dead end. At most, it can support for a year and a half. Instead of struggling with such an ugly death, it is better to struggle."

Wen Ye's face was a little dazed. "How to fight?" This night, the continuous bad news had made him confused. Even if he was wise and Jianye fell, Chen Ye's life threatened this change, and it was far beyond his ability to bear.

Instead, Chen Li was calmer than him, perhaps because he had become accustomed to all the unexpected tricks of the emperor.

He had known for a long time that the emperor sent many officials from the Department of Gewu to the south. He reported the news to Pei Yi, who was groaning for a long time and said that this battle might have unexpected variables.

After that, Chen Li also made a special investigation, but unfortunately, the confidentiality in Pidongying was strict, and he could not detect valid information for a while.

"How to fight hard, my emperor, haven't you chosen the direction?"

Chen Li sighed, a bitterness rose from her brow.

Bringing North Shuo soldiers and horses south, I'm afraid that His Majesty the Emperor of Beijing will be very angry.

The general trend of the world is so changed, and they are gradually fading. Like a dilapidated ship, in such a violent stormy environment, where will it go next?