MTL - I [Imperial] Am Not This Kind of Man-Chapter 25 Nanxianghou

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The horse team was blocked because of the unexpected figure. The former man held the horse and yelled, "Who!"

Qin Nuo was paralyzed on the ground like a dead fish, and he had no energy to answer this question.

The questioning man choked, and the boy who stopped the road fell to the ground, and seemed to be seriously injured. He turned to look at his companions. This was a team of more than a hundred people, all sturdy young men, wearing soft silver armor and riding high horses.

The team separated, and a young man in the middle stepped forward immediately, looking at Qin Nuo who fell to the ground, and frowned, and said, "Go and see what happened."

The leading man immediately dismounted and came to Qin Nuo.

Feeling that his body was turned over, Qin Nuo took a long breath and reluctantly said, "Quickly save people! Across the river ... in the woods ... there are assassins ..." The lungs seemed to be filled with water, Every word spoke was painful.

The man who supported Qin Nuo looked up and looked at the leader: "Houye, it seems that this little boy encountered a murderer." The young man is handsome and well-dressed, and must be the son of a rich man. Did he encounter a robber?

The leader of the team immediately ordered: "He Cheng, you take twenty people to the grove to see. If there is a robber, it will be destroyed on the spot."

Qin Nuo was finally relieved, then tilted his head and passed out.

I don't know how long, in the confusion, it seems that there is a vague feeling that someone put the water sac in front of himself, and the sweet juice touched the dry lips.

"My son, you're so embarrassed, don't be scared!" There was a mournful sorrow in his ears, like Li Wan's voice.

Qin Nuo reluctantly opened his mouth, and the clear water entered the body along his throat, and his exhausted strength was gradually awakened.

Li Wan was helping Qin Nuo to cry, and suddenly felt that the water sac in his hand moved, and looked down, and it turned out that his own grandfather woke up and suddenly overjoyed.

After taking a few sips of water, Qin Nuo felt much more comfortable, and his mind was awake.

Looking up around him, he was still on the official road by the river, and he was held under a big tree, with several layers of raincoats under him. It seems that it was all the rain gear taken by Li Wan. This kid was really lucky. Just now he ordered himself to rush back to Zhuangzi to get rain gear for everyone, but escaped the killing. It was just that the dozens of guards who followed them poorly would never use these things again.

By the way, there is Fang Yuan!

Qin Nuo pushed away Li Wan's support and wanted to stand up.

Li Wan carefully supported him, "Master, you ..."

"I'm fine." Qin Nuo waved. Just now he was exhausted and comatose, and he could recover as soon as he breathed out.

Gaze swept across the official road, dozens of young and strong men were on the side of the road, and there were three people in the center surrounded by the crowd. Qin Nuo's eyes immediately fell on the man in the blue dress. He was standing against the tree, half of his body All were stained red by blood. His face was pale because of the injury, but there was no loss of calmness and calmness. He was taking medicine for his arm, biting a corner of his lips with a bandage, and the dripping rain fell on his cheek, stained with red blood, and lowered down his jaw.

Fang Yuan pulled the bandage hand in hand, and the right direction was wrong, which was difficult. Suddenly a hand came over.

"I'm coming," Qin Nuowen whispered, taking a bandage and helping him bandage.

Fang Yuan's body was stiff: "How can the laborer take action?"

"You just saved my life." Qin Nuo sighed and moved quickly.

The wound on the shoulder was tumbling with flesh and blood, shocking. The white gold sore powder was sprinkled on it, but it was quickly stained with blood and disappeared. Qin Nuo was terrified.

Seeming to be aware of his confusion, Fang Yuan comforted: "It was all flesh wounds, no muscles and bones were damaged, not serious."

This is not serious! Qin Nuo's heart was guilty, and Fang Yuan was bandaged with hands and feet.

A long laugh came from the side, interrupting the conversation between the master and servant.

"Ha, this brother is really good. Today Pei Tuo can be seen." A young man in white and silver armor stepped forward and looked at Fang Yuan with a burning gaze.

Fang Yuan bowed his head and said, "The son-in-law is polite, but only a rough man. It was only after the son-in-law rescued him that he was spared, and then he was given a wounding medicine, and I am grateful.

"No need to say more, if it weren't for you, my brother wouldn't have survived." His eyes fell on another seriously injured person under the tree next to him.

From the plain clothes, Qin Nuo recognized that it was the driver who had just driven for himself. At this time, he took off his bucket to show his appearance. Unexpectedly young, with a deep-eyed eyebrow, extremely handsome and extraordinary, looking to this side, the clear eyes had a faint layer of blue-gray.

Is it someone of extraterritorial origin? Such a coachman ... Ha, Qin Nuo laughed with a mockery, and the driver clearly knew the cavalry of a silver general in front of him.

I really blocked the most suitable candidate just now.

Xiaohouye Pei Tuo touched his chin. He was carrying someone today. He wanted to go to Nanying to check on the progress of the newly customized 8000-handled long knife. He did not expect to encounter the young boy for help halfway. Send someone to look over and find that Lan Er and Fang Yuan are fighting hard.

He scratched his head slightly distressed, and wondered about this magical operation. "Blue ear, aren't you ... why drive for this little boy?"

The driver with a blue ear grinned and revealed Bai Shengsheng's teeth: "It was the owner's order that the little boy helped the Zhao family workshop, and the car broke down. So I took a trip and I did not expect to encounter a group of crazy dogs. Come and bite people. I didn't notice it for a while, it was almost miserable! Thanks to Xiao Houye's help. "

The boy in white and silver armor still felt a little confused, but didn't ask any more. Instead, he set his eyes on Fang Yuan.

"This brother's martial arts are really good. Our Perak camp is recruiting experts recently. It is the glory of martial arts in our generation to serve the country ..."

Is this digging in front of the host? Would you like something to do? Qin Nuo's heart burst into flames.

Fang Yuan sneered, "Thank you Hou Ye for your concern, and you have dysentery, and you don't have a career."

Yinjia asked, "Is your injury serious? Any dysentery?"

Qin Nuo couldn't hold back anymore, and said coldly, "My subordinates don't bother with the Nanxiang Hou." From the conversation just now, he has recognized the identity of the boy in front of him.

Hou Peituo of Nanxiang is the nephew of general Pei Yan. It was also the young boy in the purple suit who followed Pei's entrance to the palace last time when he was posing as Lvhe. No wonder the young man has become familiar from now on.

I remember also teasing myself two words, hum, a frivolous young man in the eyes!

Pei Tuo then bet on Qin Nuo, and looked at it twice, unable to help but said, "Speaking, the son seems to be familiar, have we met somewhere?"

Of course I've seen it, but I was still wearing women's clothing at that time. Qin Nuo snorted, "Under Qin Nuo. Maybe I have met in the palace sometime." Qin Nuo said casually.

In fact, from the time he promised the man in white to change the carriage, he didn't want to hide his identity. With the power of the general, he has leaked the silver leopard order, and sooner or later he will find his identity. Back at the county king's palace, those who were Cao Qi could not chase after themselves. So facing Pei Tuo, he readily acknowledged his identity.

Qin Weiguo's surname, originally looking at the young man with handsome appearance and noble clothes, should be of extraordinary origin, but he did not expect it to be the royal family. After thinking about it for a long time, Pei Tuo responded, "It turned out to be His Royal Highness the King of Jun!" He was quite surprised that the young man in front of him didn't look like the royal prince.

Although he understood that the king of the royal family was opposite, Pei Tuo did not show much respect.

Qin Nuo doesn't care about these. He is a idle county king. He would not respect these generals who came to power. There was dissatisfaction with Li Wanxin next to her, which was too rude! But it is not easy to say anything about the fact that his own grandfather had just been saved by this person.

Although the opposite was a life-saving benefactor, Qin Nuo was not grateful at all, only full of anger.

At this moment, no matter how stupid he is, he also understands one thing. Why did an idle grandfather who didn't ask the world know how to be assassinated? These people are afraid that they came to the white man in Zhao's workshop. General Pei's confidants are indeed worthy of assassination. As for who the killer is? Ha, most of them were sent by the Huo family. Even if it wasn't the Huo family, there was countless revenge among General Pei, who knows which house or house? This group of things that have no eyes can't pick themselves up with long eyes!

Li Wan will be grateful to Pei Tuo for his unknown insider.

Pei Tuo saw Qin Nuo's complexion and guessed the reason. He just took someone to the rescue just now, when he saw the familiar carriage, when he saw the bloodstains and the guard's corpse, when he saw the personal guard Lan Er and another guard being surrounded by assassins, he was almost scared alive. He died, rushed up with excitement, chopped melon and chopped vegetables, and found out that the person in the carriage was not the one he was thinking about.

To Qin Nuo's cold face, Pei Tuo didn't want to say more, just smiled: "Wang Ye is inconvenienced by horses and horses, so I'd better send someone to Nanying to pick up the carriage."

"No need. This place is not far from my Zhuangzi. I have sent someone to pick up the carriage. Presumably I will be back soon. Pei Houye is busy with military affairs, so he doesn't have to worry about it."

"It's okay. I still have something to do next, and I will stay there soon." Saved effort, Pei Tuo was very happy, but still left a team of ten men to **** Qin Nuo back.

As the horse ran on the road leading to Nanying, Pei Tuo and his party were flying fast.

A rider approached the lord, and whispered, "The King of Jun Jun seemed to be dissatisfied with Hou Ye."

"Don't bother, um, how many times was my uncle born and killed for their Qin family's Jiangshan, and now he is horrified and turned into a thorn in his eyes, assassin keeps on. Every day he has a clan, but he blocked a stab, and this is his face. It ’s not enough to swallow elephants! Huh, sooner or later, these corpses vegetarian meals will look good! "

While talking, Pei Tuo Junxiu's face flashed a bit of coldness.

It was just the little king ’s guard who heard Lan Er said that martial arts was still above him, and dozens of assassins lying on the ground were mostly beheaded by this person. The martial arts were so high that it was simply unfathomable.

Is such a talent buried under such a stupid prince?