MTL - I Made Beast-taming Widespread Across The Globe-Chapter 229 Captured alive?

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I spread the imperial beast to the whole world Chapter 229 I caught it alive?

Although Mark's previous grenades didn't do much damage to those supernatural beings, their effect was still reflected.

Not to mention that it injured several people, it also made the situation on the field extremely chaotic.

This also allowed Weizhou and the others to take this opportunity to make a move.

Therefore, when Mark rode the war-fighting lizard there and staged the scene of "one chasing the other fleeing" with the transformed magic-striped cow, they had already resolved the battle in Weizhou.

Well, he directly smashed the two unlucky guys to death with a bigfoot rhino.

And it happened to be two of the earth-type supernatural beings among those supernatural beings.

This is Weizhou's whim operation.

Since the beast master is summoned by the beast master card, it always comes out from the position of the card.

Then if you throw the Beast Familiar Card on the enemy's face, wouldn't it be...

Facts have proved that Weizhou's idea is very correct.

In the smoke and dust produced by the grenade explosion, the two unlucky guys actually noticed Weizhou's "attack" at first.

They even dodged the card astutely.

And then... there is no more.

Although it is true that they are supernatural beings.

But for the most mage, it is impossible to survive being stepped on by a rhinoceros with big feet like a tank.

Looking at Mark who was kicked out like a bereaved dog, Wei Zhou patted the back of the big-footed rhinoceros.

"Go and help!"

"Uh huh"

After nodding, the bigfoot rhinoceros began to exert strength gradually, and its pace gradually became faster.

Ten seconds after it was activated, the bigfoot rhinoceros rushed directly to the magic-weave cow chasing Mark and the others with the sound of whining wind and the roar of bigfoot hitting the ground.


A cow's cry mixed with a little pain sounded.

It was going to knock away the guy blocking the way, but when it hit it, it felt as if it hit an extremely thick alloy wall.

The magic-weave cow felt his head was buzzing.

Then he looked at the big-footed rhino that was motionless in front of him.

At this moment, the big-footed rhino was facing it sideways, and the four big feet seemed to be integrated with the ground, firmly glued to the ground.

Rao even bumping into the top of the building can make the building tremble three times, but now bumping into the big-footed rhino is like a massage.

On the other hand, the big-footed rhino stepped on its forelegs, and two cracks appeared.

After cracking all the way to the feet of the magic-weave ox, it was about to give the big-footed rhino another kick, when it suddenly found that it seemed to be a bit shorter.


After barking, the magic-weave cow lifted its leg, but found that it couldn't lift it up.

I can only look down at the limbs that stepped into the crack, and roar wildly there.

Mark turned his head to look at the magic-weave cow that sank into the ground, and grabbed the cowardly lizard who wanted to continue running forward.

"Okay, okay, don't run away!"

"Look at you, then look at others, aren't you ashamed?"

Hearing Mark's scolding, the cowardly lizard slowed down, and then turned its head to watch it carry Mark on its back dissatisfied.


"I know you have different breeds, but can't you learn from others?"


"Okay, okay, hurry over."

Listening to Mark's urging, the cowardly lizard flicked its tail and hit Mark on the back with a "snap".


"You bastard, Laozi still has wounds on his back!"


After a man and a lizard bickered there for a while, they walked up to the still struggling magic-weave bull.

At this moment, Weizhou and the others also came over.

Seeing the **** wound on Mark's shoulder, Wang Bo, who followed Wei Zhou, couldn't help asking:

"Um... is your shoulder okay?"

Hearing Wang Bo's words, Mark waved his hand suddenly, as if he just remembered that his shoulder was injured.

"It's okay."

As he said that, he casually pulled out the shrapnel stuck on his shoulder with his hands.


A blood arrow shot out from Mark's shoulder.

Seeing this scene made Wang Bo and Wu San'er's scalps tingle.

"Fuck, is this brother really painless?"

"It's hard to say, but I feel it really doesn't hurt."

Listening to the thoughts of the two, Weizhou explained:

"This is Mark's ability, which is quite special."

While Weizhou was talking, Wang Bo and the others saw that the wound on Mark's body was gradually healing, and the blood stopped flowing.

Wang Bo:? ? ?

"Fuck, what kind of power is this? I want it too!"

Wu San'er on the side was also drooling with envy.

As the team's meat shield mage, Wu San'er is often injured, so she is quite envious of Mark's ability.

Hearing this, Wei Zhou, who was chatting with Mark, glanced at them, rubbed his big nose, and then said:

"Then you think too much."

"This ability needs to face danger anytime and anywhere, otherwise it will be uncomfortable."

This matter was known to Wei Zhou during a drink before the Beast Tavern was renamed.

Mark provoked others crazily in the tavern, and then he didn't fight back when he was cleaned up.

At first, Weizhou couldn't stand it anymore, so he went directly to help.

But Mark didn't appreciate it at all.

Later, he learned about Mark's ability from Marvin.

It can indeed heal itself.

But it needs to be "masochistic" after a while.

Moreover, the interval between the next "masochism" will be determined according to the degree of "masochism".

If it is lighter, you have to go to the next time soon.

If it is heavy, such as a broken arm or leg, you can rest for a long time.

Of course, in contrast, every time after being abused, Mark's abilities will increase accordingly.

Both the level and the ability will increase.

However, Mark, who is now at the fifth level, cannot be reborn with a broken limb for the time being.

And if you die while you're "masochistic", then you really have nothing left.

"Is this your beast?"

Seeing the big rhinoceros, Wei Zhou walked around the rhinoceros in amazement after getting off the back of the fearful lizard.

"Well, bigfoot rhino, not as good as your timid lizard."

Listening to Weizhou's words, Mark was not humble at all.

"Haha, that's not bad."

"Yes, pony"


The timid lizard raised its head and responded.

Seeing that despondent look, Weizhou can imagine how Mark gets along with his beast master.

"How did you come up with this idea?"

Mark shrugged and explained the speculation between him and Marvin.

Hearing the analysis of the two, Weizhou nodded.

"Indeed, if you think about it this way, this person did have a premeditated plan."

"I also wondered if there would be any problems, but..."

Mark smiled.

"Hahaha, I know, people give too much."

"Human nature!"

"At first, I was moved too. If Ma Wen hadn't persuaded me, maybe I would have come here with you."

After the two chatted briefly, looking at the still struggling magic-weave cow, they suddenly felt a little bit troubled.

"What's the matter with this thing?"

"Get it back"

"Get it back alive?"

Mark glanced at Weizhou in surprise.

"Well, this person is clearly organized and planned."

"Get it back and let's study it, maybe we can dig out this person."

"Besides, doesn't Boss Marvin still have that person's name? I'll see if I can look it up."

Weizhou is not the kind of nice guy who just forgets what he has suffered.

No matter who they are this time, he must at least find out their identities.

Otherwise, you will have to be timid to accept tasks in the future.

In the end, the five of them made up their minds, looked at the trapped magic-weave cow, and chose to use the medicine.

As the "medical soldier" in the team, Wang Bo always carries some bottles and cans with him.

Either various wound medicines, or poisons and the like.

Of course, as mercenaries, most of them are the latter.

After consuming ten people's anesthetics that can numb fourth-level supernatural beings, the magic-striped cow that was stuck in the ground fell to the ground in a daze.

"Fuck, it's really exhausting to fiddle with this thing!"

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, give me a hand quickly, or other strange beasts will come over in a while."

After struggling to get the magic-weave cow out of the ruins, a few people pieced together a cart in the space bracelet and came out.

Then, after tying the magic-weave cattle to the cart with a rope, they drove towards Jiangzhou City.

"By the way, Wang Bo, how long will your anesthetic last?"

"Don't worry, I won't wake up before dark."

"Then you catch it when you wake up?"

"Climb for me!"

Fortunately, Wu San'er's crow's mouth did not come true.

When everyone in Weizhou came back safely, when they saw the city wall of Jiangzhou City, the magic pattern cattle were still lying quietly on the cart.

However, when entering the city, I encountered a little trouble.

They were stopped by legionnaires at the door.

"Is this magic-weave cow alive?"


"That won't work, you won't be allowed in."

"Why? Isn't there always a strange beast that can be caught alive in the city?"

Wang Bo looked at the soldiers who stopped them with displeasure.

The soldier still shook his head firmly.

"That's different."

"Those strange beasts are mostly of the second and third ranks."

"Your magic-weave cows are already at the fifth level."

"What if I wake up?"


The soldiers guarding the gate stopped Weizhou and the others with a single sentence.

Previously, they only wanted to get this thing back first.

But he forgot to think about what to do after the magic-weave cow woke up.

After all, their so-called residence is nothing more than a small three-story building.

It's a bit cramped for them to live in, let alone such a big magic-weave cow.

Looking at the embarrassed Weizhou, the legionnaires did not make things difficult for them.

"You kill it now, or... lock it out of the city?"

Regarding the soldier's proposal, Weizhou and the others simply ignored it.

After finally catching a live magic-weave cow, how could he kill himself?

As for the outside...

If they didn't send someone to watch, they might even get rid of the ox belt cart tomorrow.

"Then what... can we discuss it later?"

The soldier shrugged nonchalantly.

"Okay, just don't get in the way."

The crowd pulled the magic pattern ox cart to the edge of the city gate and put it there.

This scene attracted the eyes of many mercenaries who entered the city gate, and they surrounded Weizhou in amazement.

"Fuck, this is... the magic-weave cow?! It's alive?"

"No way... how come the horns of the magic-weave cow grow in the middle?"

"But the lines on the body are the same!"

"That is, except for the horns, they also look the same."

"Hey, can this be captured alive? When did Weizhou and the others become so awesome?"

"It's probably the beast master. When I bought the beast master yesterday, I heard them say that the quality of their beast masters is not low."

"Hey, why is mine a white green carp?"

"Sorry, mine is just blue."


As more and more people watched there, many mercenaries who were familiar with Weizhou and the others appeared in the crowd.

"Old Wei, touch this thing for me?"

"That's right, during the beast tide, this dog bumped into the building opposite me, almost knocking me down."

"Won't you suddenly wake up?"

Regarding the requests made by these old acquaintances, before Weizhou had time to speak, Wang Bo patted his chest and said:

"Don't worry, you'll be fine!"

"We pulled back from more than ten kilometers away and didn't wake up!"

As soon as Wang Bo finished speaking, those mercenaries rushed forward and began to lay hands on the magic-weave cow.


Although it is a bit wretched to say, it is indeed the case.

"Hey, you said this thing... has a whip?"

Among the crowd, UU reading www.uukanshu. A mercenary was searching for something near the **** of the magic pattern, and then he turned his head and asked his companion next to him with an expression that "men can understand".

Hearing this, another mercenary also showed a wretched expression on his face.

"Hey hey hey"

"Then let me see!"

As he said that, the mercenary pulled away the tail of the magic-weave ox, and then looked behind.

Unfortunately, there is nothing there.

"Damn, it's actually a cow!"

Saying that, the mercenary put his tail down casually.

And at the moment when the mercenary put down the tail of the magic-weave ox, the magic-weave ox on the cart suddenly opened the corners of its blood-red eyes.


The few mercenaries in front of the bull's head were taken aback by the magic-weave bull that suddenly opened its eyes.

Immediately exclaimed:

"Made, run! This thing is awake!"


"Fuck, that **** Wang Bo, you want to kill people, don't you?!"

Hearing the commotion of the mercenaries, Wang Bo just wanted to say that his anesthetic was good enough, when he saw that the steel rope tied to the magic-weave cow was broken.


After cursing angrily, Wang Bo hurriedly summoned vines, trying to entangle the magic-weave cow.

At the same time, he began to greet Wei Zhou and Wu San'er.

"Wu San'er, trap it!"

"Old Wei, quickly get your big rhino out!"

Wang Bo's vines were easily freed by the magic-weave bull.

Fortunately, Wu San'er's earth attribute ability has made a contribution at this time.

Directly use the earth wall to wrap the magic pattern cow with three layers inside and three layers outside.


"This time there should be no..."

Before Wang Bo could breathe a sigh of relief, he found dense cracks suddenly appearing on the earthen wall...